package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import alisolarflare.components.BaseCommand; public abstract class Insurance { public static enum InsuranceType{ Nugget, Ingot, Block }; public static ItemStack getInsurance(InsuranceType insuranceType){ ItemStack insuranceItem; List lore; switch(insuranceType){ case Nugget: insuranceItem = new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_NUGGET); lore = Arrays.asList( "This insurance nugget will protect ", "one inventory slot from death! Be careful", "though, insurance is removed whenever ", "you die, with each itemslot costing", "one nugget." ); break; case Ingot: insuranceItem = new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_INGOT); lore = Arrays.asList( "This insurance ingot will protect ", "nine inventory slots from death! Be ", "careful though, insurance is removed ", "whenever you die, with each inventory ", "row costing one ingot." ); break; case Block: insuranceItem = new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_BLOCK); lore = Arrays.asList( "This insurance block will give your ", "inventory full protection against death! ", "Be careful though, this block will split ", "into ingots, and you'll lose 3 upon ", "death." ); break; default: lore = Arrays.asList( "The InsuranceType " + insuranceType.toString() + " ", "is not handled by the Insurance Class in: ", Insurance.class.getPackage().getName() + ".", "Contact a developer with a screenshot of this message" ); insuranceItem = BaseCommand.CreateDebugPotato(lore); } insuranceItem.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10); ItemMeta meta = insuranceItem.getItemMeta(); meta.setLore(lore); meta.setDisplayName("Insurance " + insuranceType.toString()); insuranceItem.setItemMeta(meta); return insuranceItem; } public static ItemStack getInsurance(InsuranceType insuranceType, int amount){ ItemStack insurance = Insurance.getInsurance(insuranceType); insurance.setAmount(amount); return insurance; } public static boolean isInsuranceType(String string){ for (InsuranceType insuranceType : Insurance.InsuranceType.values()){ if (string.equalsIgnoreCase(insuranceType.toString())){ return true; } } return false; } }