main: alisolarflare.AliPresents name: AliPresents version: 2.0.1 commands: flairme: description: Activates the Flair Me Command. Ask Ali, she was tired when writing this description gpower: description: Testing command for ghostie powers powerup: description: Official g-power command that activates the ghostie powerups powerdown: description: Offical g-power command that deactivates the ghostie powerups pressalilink: description: Presses an Ali Link pressalilink frequency setalilink: description: Creates an Ali Link setalilink frequency cbgm0: description: Creative Boundaries Gamemode 0, allows players to return to survival cbgm1: description: Creative Boundaries Gamemode 1, allows players to access creative within their towns. Creative is removed outside of towns, so be careful setdickmode: description: Should players automatically return to creative when outside town borders? Dickmode says yes. joinminigame: description: Join a Button Minigame leaveminigame: description: Leave a button minigame listfighters: description: List all fighters currently in a button minigame setcolourspawn: description: sets the spawn points for each colour in a button minigame setmatchstate: description: sets the current state of the ultrahardcore game. addtouhc: description: Adds a player to the UltraHardcore match joinuhc: description: This command allows you to join an UltraHardcore match configurematch: description: Configures an UltraHardcore match schedulematch: description: Schedules an UltraHardcore match startmatch: description: Starts an UltraHardcore match