Bugs were fixed, some of them anyways

This commit is contained in:
Norbi Peti 2017-11-27 23:32:01 +01:00
parent f671b6e9d6
commit 91e44c20c2

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import buttondevteam.chat.ChatProcessing;
import buttondevteam.chat.commands.ucmds.admin.DebugCommand;
@ -72,15 +73,11 @@ public final class ChatFormatter {
? s1.End == s2.End ? Integer.compare(s2.Formatters.get(0).priority.GetValue(),
s1.Formatters.get(0).priority.GetValue()) : Integer.compare(s2.End, s1.End)
: Integer.compare(s1.Start, s2.Start));
header("Adding remove chars (RC)");
* 0: Start - 1: End
val remchars = new ArrayList<int[]>();
sections.stream().flatMap(fs -> fs.Formatters.stream().mapToInt(cf -> cf.removeCharCount)
.mapToObj(rcc -> new int[] { fs.Start + rcc, fs.End - rcc })).forEach(rc -> remchars.add(rc));
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Added remchars:");
header("Range section conversion");
ArrayList<FormattedSection> combined = new ArrayList<>();
@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ public final class ChatFormatter {
* if (nextSection.containsKey(section.Formatters.get(0)) ? section.RemCharFromStart <= takenEnd - takenStart : section.RemCharFromStart > takenEnd - takenStart) {
if (0 < takenEnd - takenStart) {
if (section.Formatters.get(0).removeCharCount < takenEnd - takenStart) {
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Lose: " + section);
sendMessageWithPointer(str, section.Start, section.End);
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("And win: " + takenFormatter);
@ -123,11 +120,11 @@ public final class ChatFormatter {
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("And lose: " + takenFormatter);
takenStart = section.Start;
takenEnd = section.Start;
takenEnd = section.Start + section.Formatters.get(0).removeCharCount;
takenFormatter = section.Formatters.get(0);
if (nextSection.containsKey(section.Formatters.get(0))) {
FormattedSection s = nextSection.remove(section.Formatters.get(0));
s.End = section.Start - 1;
s.End = section.Start; // section: the ending marker section - s: the to-be full section
// s.IsRange = false; // IsRange means it's a 1 long section indicating a start or an end
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Finished section: " + s);
@ -146,6 +143,25 @@ public final class ChatFormatter {
escaped = false; // Reset escaping if applied, like if we're at the '*' in '\*'
for (val sec : nextSection.values()) {
sec.End = str.length() - 1;
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Finished unfinished section: " + sec);
sendMessageWithPointer(str, sec.Start, sec.End);
header("Adding remove chars (RC)"); // Important to add after the range section conversion
.flatMap(fs -> fs.Formatters.stream().filter(cf -> cf.removeCharCount > 0)
.mapToInt(cf -> cf.removeCharCount).mapToObj(rcc -> new int[] { fs.Start, fs.Start + rcc }))
.forEach(rc -> remchars.add(rc));
.flatMap(fs -> fs.Formatters.stream().filter(cf -> cf.removeCharCount > 0)
.mapToInt(cf -> cf.removeCharCount).mapToObj(rcc -> new int[] { fs.End, fs.End - rcc }))
.forEach(rc -> remchars.add(rc));
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Added remchars:");
.SendDebugMessage(remchars.stream().map(rc -> Arrays.toString(rc)).collect(Collectors.joining("; ")));
header("Section combining");
sections = combined;
@ -252,7 +268,7 @@ public final class ChatFormatter {
FormattedSection section = sections.get(i);
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Applying section: " + section);
String originaltext;
int start = section.Start, end = section.End + 1;
int start = section.Start, end = section.End;
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Start: " + start + " - End: " + end);
sendMessageWithPointer(str, start, end);
val rcs = remchars.stream().filter(rc -> rc[0] <= start && start <= rc[1]).findAny();
@ -262,7 +278,12 @@ public final class ChatFormatter {
s = rcs.get()[1];
if (rce.isPresent())
e = rce.get()[0];
originaltext = str.substring(s, e);
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("After RC - Start: " + s + " - End: " + e);
if (e - s < 1) {
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Skipping section because of remchars (length would be " + (e - s) + ")");
originaltext = str.substring(s, e + 1);
DebugCommand.SendDebugMessage("Section text: " + originaltext);
Color color = null;
boolean bold = false, italic = false, underlined = false, strikethrough = false, obfuscated = false;