/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ function BarProp(){}; BarProp.prototype = new Array(); /** * Object Window() * @super Global * @constructor * @since Common Usage, no standard */ function Window(){}; Window.prototype = new Global(); Window.prototype.self = new Window(); Window.prototype.window = new Window(); Window.prototype.frames = new Array(); /** * Property closed * @type Boolean * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.closed = new Boolean(); /** * Property defaultStatus * @type String * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.defaultStatus = ""; /** * Property document * @type Document * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.document= new HTMLDocument(); /** * Property history * @type History * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.history= new History(); /** * Property location * @type Location * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.location=new Location(); /** * Property name * @type String * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.name = ""; /** * Property navigator * @type Navigator * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.navigator = new Navigator(); /** * Property opener * @type Window * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.opener = new Window(); /** * Property outerWidth * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.outerWidth = 0; /** * Property outerHeight * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.outerHeight = 0; /** * Property pageXOffset * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.pageXOffset = 0; /** * Property pageYOffset * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.pageYOffset = 0; /** * Property parent * @type Window * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.parent = new Window(); /** * Property screen * @type Screen * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.screen = new Screen(); /** * Property status * @type String * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.status = ""; /** * Property top * @type Window * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.top = new Window(); /* * These properties may need to be moved into a browswer specific library. */ /** * Property innerWidth * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.innerWidth = 0; /** * Property innerHeight * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.innerHeight = 0; /** * Property screenX * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.screenX = 0; /** * Property screenY * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.screenY = 0; /** * Property screenLeft * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.screenLeft = 0; /** * Property screenTop * @type Number * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.screenTop = 0; //Window.prototype.event = new Event(); Window.prototype.length = 0; Window.prototype.scrollbars= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.scrollX=0; Window.prototype.scrollY=0; Window.prototype.content= new Window(); Window.prototype.menubar= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.toolbar= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.locationbar= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.personalbar= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.statusbar= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.directories= new BarProp(); Window.prototype.scrollMaxX=0; Window.prototype.scrollMaxY=0; Window.prototype.fullScreen=""; Window.prototype.frameElement=""; Window.prototype.sessionStorage=""; /* End properites */ /** * function alert() * @param {String} arg * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.alert = function(arg){}; /** * function blur() * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.blur = function(){}; /** * function clearInterval(arg) * @param arg * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.clearInterval = function(arg){}; /** * function clearTimeout(arg) * @param arg * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.clearTimeout = function(arg){}; /** * function close() * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.close = function(){}; /** * function confirm() * @param {String} arg * @memberOf Window * @returns {Boolean} */ Window.prototype.confirm = function(arg){return false;}; /** * function focus() * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.focus = function(){}; /** * function getComputedStyle(arg1, arg2) * @param {Element} arg1 * @param {String} arg2 * @memberOf Window * @returns {Object} */ Window.prototype.getComputedStyle = function(arg1,arg2){return new Object();}; /** * function moveTo(arg1, arg2) * @param {Number} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.moveTo = function(arg1,arg2){}; /** * function moveBy(arg1, arg2) * @param {Number} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.moveBy = function(arg1,arg2){}; /** * function open(optionalArg1, optionalArg2, optionalArg3, optionalArg4) * @param {String} optionalArg1 * @param {String} optionalArg2 * @param {String} optionalArg3 * @param {Boolean} optionalArg4 * @memberOf Window * @returns {Window} */ Window.prototype.open = function(optionalArg1, optionalArg2, optionalArg3, optionalArg4){return new Window();}; /** * function print() * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.print = function(){}; /** * function prompt(arg1, arg2) * @param {String} arg1 * @param {String} arg2 * @memberOf Window * @returns {String} */ Window.prototype.prompt = function(){return "";}; /** * function resizeTo(arg1, arg2) * @param {Number} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.resizeTo=function(arg1,arg2){}; /** * function resizeBy(arg1, arg2) * @param {Number} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.resizeBy=function(arg1,arg2){}; /** * function scrollTo(arg1, arg2) * @param {Number} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.scrollTo=function(arg1,arg2){}; /** * function scrollBy(arg1, arg2) * @param {Number} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.scrollBy=function(arg1,arg2){}; /** * function setInterval(arg1, arg2) * @param {Object} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window * @returns {Number} */ Window.prototype.setInterval=function(arg1, arg2){return 0;}; /** * function setTimeout(arg1, arg2) * @param {Object} arg1 * @param {Number} arg2 * @memberOf Window * @returns {Number} */ Window.prototype.setTimeout=function(arg1, arg2){ return 0;}; /** * function atob(arg) * @param {String} arg * @memberOf Window * @returns {String} */ Window.prototype.atob=function(arg){return "";}; /** * function btoa(arg) * @param {String} arg * @memberOf Window * @returns {String} */ Window.prototype.btoa=function(arg){return "";}; /** * function setResizable(arg) * @param {Boolean} arg * @memberOf Window */ Window.prototype.setResizable=function(arg){}; Window.prototype.captureEvents=function(arg1){}; Window.prototype.releaseEvents=function(arg1){}; Window.prototype.routeEvent=function(arg1){}; Window.prototype.enableExternalCapture=function(){}; Window.prototype.disableExternalCapture=function(){}; Window.prototype.find=function(){}; Window.prototype.back=function(){}; Window.prototype.forward=function(){}; Window.prototype.home=function(){}; Window.prototype.stop=function(){}; Window.prototype.scroll=function(arg1,arg2){}; /* * These functions may need to be moved into a browser specific library. */ Window.prototype.dispatchEvent=function(arg1){}; Window.prototype.removeEventListener=function(arg1,arg2,arg3){}; /* End functions */ /** * Object History() * @super Object * @constructor * @since Common Usage, no standard */ function History(){}; History.prototype=new Object(); History.prototype.history = new History(); /** * Property length * @type Number * @memberOf History */ History.prototype.length = 0; /** * function back() * @memberOf History */ History.prototype.back = function(){}; /** * function forward() * @memberOf History */ History.prototype.forward = function(){}; /** * function back() * @param arg * @memberOf History */ History.prototype.go = function(arg){}; /** * Object Location() * @super Object * @constructor * @since Common Usage, no standard */ function Location(){}; Location.prototype = new Object(); Location.prototype.location = new Location(); /** * Property hash * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.hash = ""; /** * Property host * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.host = ""; /** * Property hostname * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.hostname = ""; /** * Property href * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.href = ""; /** * Property pathname * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.pathname = ""; /** * Property port * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.port = ""; /** * Property protocol * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.protocol = ""; /** * Property search * @type String * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.search = ""; /** * function assign(arg) * @param {String} arg * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.assign = function(arg){}; /** * function reload(optionalArg) * @param {Boolean} optionalArg * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.reload = function(optionalArg){}; /** * function replace(arg) * @param {String} arg * @memberOf Location */ Location.prototype.replace = function(arg){}; /** * Object Navigator() * @super Object * @constructor * @since Common Usage, no standard */ function Navigator(){}; Navigator.prototype = new Object(); Navigator.prototype.navigator = new Navigator(); /** * Property appCodeName * @type String * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.appCodeName = ""; /** * Property appName * @type String * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.appName = ""; /** * Property appVersion * @type String * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.appVersion = ""; /** * Property cookieEnabled * @type Boolean * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.cookieEnabled = new Boolean(); /** * Property mimeTypes * @type Array * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.mimeTypes = new Array(); /** * Property platform * @type String * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.platform = ""; /** * Property plugins * @type Array * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.plugins = new Array(); /** * Property userAgent * @type String * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.userAgent = ""; /** * function javaEnabled() * @returns {Boolean} * @memberOf Navigator */ Navigator.prototype.javaEnabled = function(){return false;}; /** * Object Screen() * @super Object * @constructor * @since Common Usage, no standard */ function Screen(){}; Screen.prototype = new Object(); Screen.prototype.screen = new Screen(); /** * Property availHeight * @type Number * @memberOf Screen */ Navigator.prototype.availHeight = 0; /** * Property availWidth * @type Number * @memberOf Screen */ Navigator.prototype.availWidth = 0; /** * Property colorDepth * @type Number * @memberOf Screen */ Navigator.prototype.colorDepth = 0; /** * Property height * @type Number * @memberOf Screen */ Navigator.prototype.height = 0; /** * Property width * @type Number * @memberOf Screen */ Navigator.prototype.width = 0;