Some additions and fixes...

- Made the bot only react when msg starts with the ping unless we're in
- Now removing color codes from AFK messages
- Removed /t as an unconnnected cmd as it doesn't work properly
- Added /yeehaw to the unconnected cmds
- Allowing bot commands in mc chat
This commit is contained in:
Norbi Peti 2016-12-21 22:37:01 +01:00
parent 4570b964b3
commit 2bcb47b7b5
4 changed files with 43 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ public class DiscordPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements IListener<ReadyEvent> {
dc.changeStatus("on TBMC"));
} else {
botchannel = devServer.getChannelByID("239519012529111040"); // bot-room
annchannel = devServer.getChannelByID("239519012529111040"); // bot-room
genchannel = devServer.getChannelByID("239519012529111040"); // bot-room
botroomchannel = devServer.getChannelByID("239519012529111040");// bot-room
issuechannel = devServer.getChannelByID("239519012529111040"); // bot-room
annchannel = botchannel; // bot-room
genchannel = botchannel; // bot-room
botroomchannel = botchannel;// bot-room
issuechannel = botchannel; // bot-room
chatchannel = devServer.getChannelByID("248185455508455424"); // minecraft_chat_test

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class CommandListener {
final IChannel channel = event.getMessage().getChannel();
if (!channel.getID().equals(DiscordPlugin.botchannel.getID()) && !channel.isPrivate())
runCommand(event.getMessage(), true);
}, new IListener<MessageReceivedEvent>() {
@ -28,25 +28,38 @@ public class CommandListener {
if (event.getMessage().getAuthor().isBot())
runCommand(event.getMessage(), false);
} };
private static void runCommand(IMessage message) {
* Runs a ChromaBot command.
* @param message
* The Discord message
* @param mentionedonly
* Only run the command if ChromaBot is mentioned at the start of the message
* @return Whether it ran the command (always true if mentionedonly is false)
public static boolean runCommand(IMessage message, boolean mentionedonly) {
String cmdwithargs = message.getContent();
final StringBuilder cmdwithargs = new StringBuilder(message.getContent());
final String mention = DiscordPlugin.dc.getOurUser().mention(false);
final String mentionNick = DiscordPlugin.dc.getOurUser().mention(true);
cmdwithargs = checkanddeletemention(cmdwithargs, mention, message);
cmdwithargs = checkanddeletemention(cmdwithargs, mentionNick, message);
boolean gotmention = checkanddeletemention(cmdwithargs, mention, message);
gotmention = checkanddeletemention(cmdwithargs, mentionNick, message);
for (String mentionRole : (Iterable<String>) message.getRoleMentions().stream().map(r -> r.mention())::iterator)
cmdwithargs = checkanddeletemention(cmdwithargs, mentionRole, message);
int index = cmdwithargs.indexOf(' ');
gotmention = checkanddeletemention(cmdwithargs, mentionRole, message);
if (mentionedonly && !gotmention) {
return false;
int index = cmdwithargs.indexOf(" ");
String cmd;
String args;
if (index == -1) {
cmd = cmdwithargs;
cmd = cmdwithargs.toString();
args = "";
} else {
cmd = cmdwithargs.substring(0, index);
@ -54,17 +67,20 @@ public class CommandListener {
DiscordCommandBase.runCommand(cmd, args, message);
return true;
private static String checkanddeletemention(String cmdwithargs, String mention, IMessage message) {
private static boolean checkanddeletemention(StringBuilder cmdwithargs, String mention, IMessage message) {
if (message.getContent().startsWith(mention)) // TODO: Resolve mentions: Compound arguments, either a mention or text
if (cmdwithargs.length() > mention.length() + 1)
cmdwithargs = cmdwithargs.substring(
cmdwithargs = cmdwithargs.delete(0,
cmdwithargs.charAt(mention.length()) == ' ' ? mention.length() + 1 : mention.length());
cmdwithargs = "help";
cmdwithargs.replace(0, cmdwithargs.length(), "help");
return false;
if (cmdwithargs.length() == 0)
cmdwithargs = "help";
return cmdwithargs;
cmdwithargs.replace(0, cmdwithargs.length(), "help");
return true;

View file

@ -35,14 +35,13 @@ public class MCChatListener implements Listener, IListener<MessageReceivedEvent>
if (e.getChannel().equals(Channel.GlobalChat))
"<" + (e.getSender() instanceof Player
? DiscordPlugin.sanitizeString(((Player) e.getSender()).getDisplayName())
: DiscordPlugin.sanitizeString(e.getSender().getName())) + "> "
+ DiscordPlugin.sanitizeString(e.getMessage()));
DiscordPlugin.sanitizeString("<" + (e.getSender() instanceof Player //
? ((Player) e.getSender()).getDisplayName() //
: e.getSender().getName()) + "> " + e.getMessage()));
private static final String[] UnconnectedCmds = new String[] { "list", "u", "shrug", "tableflip", "unflip", "mwiki",
"t" };
"yeehaw" };
public static final HashMap<String, DiscordSender> UnconnectedSenders = new HashMap<>();
public static final HashMap<String, DiscordPlayerSender> ConnectedSenders = new HashMap<>();
@ -55,6 +54,8 @@ public class MCChatListener implements Listener, IListener<MessageReceivedEvent>
if (!event.getMessage().getChannel().getID().equals(DiscordPlugin.chatchannel.getID())
/* && !(event.getMessage().getChannel().isPrivate() && privatechat) */)
if (CommandListener.runCommand(event.getMessage(), true))
String dmessage = event.getMessage().getContent();
try {
Optional<? extends Player> player = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().stream().filter(p -> { // TODO: Support offline players
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ public class MCChatListener implements Listener, IListener<MessageReceivedEvent>
"Sorry, you need to be online on the server and have your accounts connected, you can only access these commands:\n"
+ -> "/" + uc)
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
+ "\nTo connect your accounts, use @ChromaBot connect in "
+ "\nTo connect your accounts, use @ChromaBot connect here or in "
+ DiscordPlugin.botchannel.mention());

View file

@ -56,14 +56,10 @@ public class MCListener implements Listener {
DiscordPlugin.sendMessageToChannel(DiscordPlugin.chatchannel, e.getDeathMessage());
public void onPlayerYEEHAW(TBMCYEEHAWEvent e) {
DiscordPlugin.sendMessageToChannel(DiscordPlugin.chatchannel, e.getSender() + " YEEHAWs");
}*/ // It's broadcasted now
public void onPlayerAFK(AfkStatusChangeEvent e) {
e.getAffected().getBase().getDisplayName() + " is " + (e.getValue() ? "now" : "no longer") + " AFK.");
DiscordPlugin.sanitizeString(e.getAffected().getBase().getDisplayName()) + " is "
+ (e.getValue() ? "now" : "no longer") + " AFK.");