Refactor DC->MC into more methods, remove channel handling

The permCheck won't be used for chat commands, needs fixing
This commit is contained in:
Norbi Peti 2020-03-11 12:35:23 +01:00
parent 037ec3b9dd
commit 45a1ba4fe1

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@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
package buttondevteam.discordplugin.mcchat;
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.DPUtils;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.DiscordPlugin;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.DiscordSender;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.DiscordSenderBase;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.*;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.listeners.CommandListener;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.listeners.CommonListeners;
import buttondevteam.discordplugin.playerfaker.VanillaCommandListener;
@ -33,8 +28,6 @@ import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.awt.*;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@ -308,105 +301,9 @@ public class MCChatListener implements Listener {
val sendChannel = event.getMessage().getChannel().block();
boolean isPrivate = sendChannel instanceof PrivateChannel;
if (dmessage.startsWith("/")) { // Ingame command
if (!isPrivate)
final String cmd = dmessage.substring(1);
final String cmdlowercased = cmd.toLowerCase();
if (dsender instanceof DiscordSender && module.whitelistedCommands().get().stream()
.noneMatch(s -> cmdlowercased.equals(s) || cmdlowercased.startsWith(s + " "))) {
// Command not whitelisted
dsender.sendMessage("Sorry, you can only access these commands:\n"
+ module.whitelistedCommands().get().stream().map(uc -> "/" + uc)
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
+ (user.getConnectedID(TBMCPlayer.class) == null
? "\nTo access your commands, first please connect your accounts, using /connect in "
+ DPUtils.botmention()
+ "\nThen y"
: "\nY")
+ "ou can access all of your regular commands (even offline) in private chat: DM me `mcchat`!");
val ev = new TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent(dsender, dmessage);
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(DiscordPlugin.plugin, () ->
if (ev.isCancelled())
int spi = cmdlowercased.indexOf(' ');
final String topcmd = spi == -1 ? cmdlowercased : cmdlowercased.substring(0, spi);
Optional<Channel> ch = Channel.getChannels()
.filter(c -> c.ID.equalsIgnoreCase(topcmd)
|| (c.IDs().get().length > 0
&& -> id.equalsIgnoreCase(topcmd)))).findAny();
if (!ch.isPresent()) //TODO: What if talking in the public chat while we have it on a different one
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(DiscordPlugin.plugin, //Commands need to be run sync
() -> { //TODO: Better handling...
val channel =;
val chtmp = channel.get();
if (clmd != null) {
channel.set(clmd.mcchannel); //Hack to send command in the channel
} //TODO: Permcheck isn't implemented for commands
try {
String mcpackage = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName();
if (mcpackage.contains("1_12"))
VanillaCommandListener.runBukkitOrVanillaCommand(dsender, cmd);
else if (mcpackage.contains("1_14") || mcpackage.contains("1_15"))
VanillaCommandListener14.runBukkitOrVanillaCommand(dsender, cmd);
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(dsender, cmd);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("A class is not found when trying to run command " + cmd + "!", e);
Bukkit.getLogger().info(dsender.getName() + " issued command from Discord: /" + cmd);
if (clmd != null)
else {
Channel chc = ch.get();
if (!chc.isGlobal() && !isPrivate)
"You can only talk in a public chat here. DM `mcchat` to enable private chat to talk in the other channels.");
else {
if (spi == -1) // Switch channels
val channel = dsender.getChromaUser().channel();
val oldch = channel.get();
if (oldch instanceof ChatRoom)
((ChatRoom) oldch).leaveRoom(dsender);
if (!oldch.ID.equals(chc.ID)) {
if (chc instanceof ChatRoom)
((ChatRoom) chc).joinRoom(dsender);
} else
dsender.sendMessage("You're now talking in: "
+ DPUtils.sanitizeString(channel.get().DisplayName().get()));
} else { // Send single message
final String msg = cmd.substring(spi + 1);
val cmb = ChatMessage.builder(dsender, user, getChatMessage.apply(msg)).fromCommand(true);
if (clmd == null)
TBMCChatAPI.SendChatMessage(, chc);
TBMCChatAPI.SendChatMessage(cmb.permCheck(clmd.dcp).build(), chc);
react = true;
if (handleIngameCommand(event, dmessage, dsender, user, clmd, isPrivate)) return;
} else {// Not a command
if (dmessage.length() == 0 && event.getMessage().getAttachments().size() == 0
&& !isPrivate && event.getMessage().getType() == Message.Type.CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE) {
val rtr = clmd != null ? clmd.mcchannel.getRTR(clmd.dcp)
: dsender.getChromaUser().channel().get().getRTR(dsender);
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(clmd != null ? clmd.mcchannel : dsender.getChromaUser().channel().get(), rtr,
(dsender instanceof Player ? ((Player) dsender).getDisplayName()
: dsender.getName()) + " pinned a message on Discord.", TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.ALL);
} else {
val cmb = ChatMessage.builder(dsender, user, getChatMessage.apply(dmessage)).fromCommand(false);
if (clmd != null)
TBMCChatAPI.SendChatMessage(cmb.permCheck(clmd.dcp).build(), clmd.mcchannel);
react = true;
react = handleIngameMessage(event, dmessage, dsender, user, getChatMessage, clmd, isPrivate);
if (react) {
try {
@ -425,6 +322,76 @@ public class MCChatListener implements Listener {
private boolean handleIngameMessage(MessageCreateEvent event, String dmessage, DiscordSenderBase dsender, DiscordPlayer user, Function<String, String> getChatMessage, MCChatCustom.CustomLMD clmd, boolean isPrivate) {
boolean react = false;
if (dmessage.length() == 0 && event.getMessage().getAttachments().size() == 0
&& !isPrivate && event.getMessage().getType() == Message.Type.CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE) {
val rtr = clmd != null ? clmd.mcchannel.getRTR(clmd.dcp)
: dsender.getChromaUser().channel().get().getRTR(dsender);
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(clmd != null ? clmd.mcchannel : dsender.getChromaUser().channel().get(), rtr,
(dsender instanceof Player ? ((Player) dsender).getDisplayName()
: dsender.getName()) + " pinned a message on Discord.", TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.ALL);
} else {
val cmb = ChatMessage.builder(dsender, user, getChatMessage.apply(dmessage)).fromCommand(false);
if (clmd != null)
TBMCChatAPI.SendChatMessage(cmb.permCheck(clmd.dcp).build(), clmd.mcchannel);
react = true;
return react;
private boolean handleIngameCommand(MessageCreateEvent event, String dmessage, DiscordSenderBase dsender, DiscordPlayer user, MCChatCustom.CustomLMD clmd, boolean isPrivate) {
if (!isPrivate)
final String cmd = dmessage.substring(1);
final String cmdlowercased = cmd.toLowerCase();
if (dsender instanceof DiscordSender && module.whitelistedCommands().get().stream()
.noneMatch(s -> cmdlowercased.equals(s) || cmdlowercased.startsWith(s + " "))) {
// Command not whitelisted
dsender.sendMessage("Sorry, you can only access these commands from here:\n"
+ module.whitelistedCommands().get().stream().map(uc -> "/" + uc)
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
+ (user.getConnectedID(TBMCPlayer.class) == null
? "\nTo access your commands, first please connect your accounts, using /connect in "
+ DPUtils.botmention()
+ "\nThen y"
: "\nY")
+ "ou can access all of your regular commands (even offline) in private chat: DM me `mcchat`!");
return true;
val ev = new TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent(dsender, dmessage);
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(DiscordPlugin.plugin, () -> Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(ev));
if (ev.isCancelled())
return true;
int spi = cmdlowercased.indexOf(' ');
final String topcmd = spi == -1 ? cmdlowercased : cmdlowercased.substring(0, spi);
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(DiscordPlugin.plugin, //Commands need to be run sync
() -> {
val channel =;
val chtmp = channel.get();
if (clmd != null) {
channel.set(clmd.mcchannel); //Hack to send command in the channel
} //TODO: Permcheck isn't implemented for commands
try {
String mcpackage = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName();
if (mcpackage.contains("1_12"))
VanillaCommandListener.runBukkitOrVanillaCommand(dsender, cmd);
else if (mcpackage.contains("1_14") || mcpackage.contains("1_15"))
VanillaCommandListener14.runBukkitOrVanillaCommand(dsender, cmd);
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(dsender, cmd);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("A class is not found when trying to run command " + cmd + "!", e);
Bukkit.getLogger().info(dsender.getName() + " issued command from Discord: /" + cmd);
if (clmd != null)
return false;
private interface InterruptibleConsumer<T> {
void accept(T value) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException;