Obtain config comments from sources

This commit is contained in:
Norbi Peti 2021-04-06 00:35:59 +02:00
parent 470212411d
commit d80703ac68
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DBA4C4549A927E56
2 changed files with 44 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import scala.io.Source
import scala.util.Using
@ -42,14 +43,51 @@ assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
case x => (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value(x)
val teszt = TaskKey[Unit]("teszt")
teszt := {
val getConfigComments = TaskKey[Unit]("getConfigComments")
getConfigComments := {
val sv = (Compile / sources).value
//val cdataRegex = Pattern.compile("(?:def|val|var) \\w*ConfigData\\w*(?:\\[\\w+])? (\\w+)")
val cdataRegex = Pattern.compile("(?:def|val|var) (\\w+)(?::[^=]+)? = get(?:I)?Config")
val clRegex = Pattern.compile("class (\\w+) extends (\\w+)")
for (file <- sv) {
Using(Source.fromFile(file)) { src =>
var pkg: String = null
var cl: String = null
var comment: String = null
var justCommented: Boolean = false
var isComponent: Boolean = false
for (line <- src.getLines) {
if (line.contains("class"))
println(line + "")
val clMatcher = clRegex.matcher(line)
if (line.startsWith("package")) {
pkg = line.substring("package ".length)
//println("Found package: " + pkg)
} else if (line.contains("class") && pkg != null && cl == null && clMatcher.find()) { //First occurrence
//cl = line.substring(line.indexOf("class") + "class ".length)
cl = clMatcher.group(1)
isComponent = clMatcher.group(2).contains("Component")
//println("Found class: " + cl)
} else if (line.contains("/**") && cl != null) {
comment = ""
justCommented = false
//println("Found comment start")
} else if (line.contains("*/") && comment != null) {
justCommented = true
//println("Found comment end")
} else if (comment != null) {
if (justCommented) {
//println("Just commented")
//println(s"line: $line")
val matcher = cdataRegex.matcher(line)
if (matcher.find())
println(s"$pkg.$cl.${matcher.group(1)} comment:\n" + comment)
justCommented = false
comment = null
else {
comment += line.replaceFirst("^\\s*\\*\\s+", "")
//println("Adding to comment")
}.recover[Unit]({ case t => t.printStackTrace() })

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
lazy val commenter = RootProject(file("../commenter"))
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).dependsOn(commenter)
//lazy val commenter = RootProject(file("../commenter"))
//lazy val root = (project in file(".")).dependsOn(commenter)