Pin messages are broadcasted to each chat channel #74

opened 2018-07-30 11:59:53 +00:00 by NorbiPeti · 0 comments
NorbiPeti commented 2018-07-30 11:59:53 +00:00 (Migrated from

Description: Pinning a message in a chat channel broadcasts it to each connected channel, regardless of MC channel or group.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Pin a message in a chat channel

Result: The pin message is broascasted across all connected chats.

Expected Result: The message is either only broadcasted to the correct MC channel and group or not broadcasted to Discord at all.

**Description:** Pinning a message in a chat channel broadcasts it to each connected channel, regardless of MC channel or group. **Steps to Reproduce:** 1. Pin a message in a chat channel **Result:** The pin message is broascasted across all connected chats. **Expected Result:** The message is either only broadcasted to the correct MC channel and group or not broadcasted to Discord at all.
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