Add command/option for events to be displayed in custom chats #75

opened 2018-08-02 16:34:14 +00:00 by NorbiPeti · 0 comments
NorbiPeti commented 2018-08-02 16:34:14 +00:00 (Migrated from

For example:

@ChromaBot#6338 channelcon (add) tc joinleave to create a connection to TC with join and leave events

@ChromaBot#6338 channelcon show joinleave to make it show in an already connected chat

Also, add for other player events.

For example: `@ChromaBot#6338 channelcon (add) tc joinleave` to create a connection to TC with join and leave events `@ChromaBot#6338 channelcon show joinleave` to make it show in an already connected chat Also, add for other player events.
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