1.14 support, better error handling #108

NorbiPeti merged 22 commits from dev into master 2019-10-30 18:43:31 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit acd45ce4ae - Show all commits

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@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ public class DiscordPlugin extends ButtonPlugin {
private void handleReady(List<GuildCreateEvent> event) {
try {
if(!SafeMode) {
getLogger().info("Ready again, already enabled."); //TODO: It should probably handle disconnections
mainServer = mainServer().get().orElse(null); //Shouldn't change afterwards
getCommand2MC().registerCommand(new DiscordMCCommand()); //Register so that the reset command works
if (mainServer == null) {
@ -264,8 +268,8 @@ public class DiscordPlugin extends ButtonPlugin {
try {
SafeMode = true; // Stop interacting with Discord
timings.printElapsed("Updating presence...");
dc.updatePresence(Presence.idle(Activity.playing("Chromacraft"))).block(); //No longer using the same account for testing
//timings.printElapsed("Updating presence...");
//dc.updatePresence(Presence.idle(Activity.playing("logging out"))).block(); //No longer using the same account for testing
timings.printElapsed("Logging out...");
//Configs are emptied so channels and servers are fetched again