import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration import java.util.regex.Pattern import import scala.util.Using name := "Chroma-Discord" version := "1.1" scalaVersion := "2.13.5" resolvers += "spigot-repo" at "" resolvers += "" at "" resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.spigotmc" % "spigot-api" % "1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT" % Provided, "org.spigotmc" % "spigot" % "1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT" % Provided, "org.spigotmc." % "spigot" % "1.14.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT" % Provided, "com.destroystokyo.paper" % "paper" % "1.16.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT" % Provided, "com.discord4j" % "discord4j-core" % "3.1.4", "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-jdk14" % "1.7.21", "com.vdurmont" % "emoji-java" % "4.0.0", "org.mockito" % "mockito-core" % "3.5.13", "io.projectreactor" %% "reactor-scala-extensions" % "0.7.0", "com.github.TBMCPlugins.ChromaCore" % "Chroma-Core" % "v1.0.0" % Provided, "net.ess3" % "EssentialsX" % "2.17.1" % Provided, "com.github.lucko.LuckPerms" % "bukkit" % "master-SNAPSHOT" % Provided, ) assemblyJarName in assembly := "Chroma-Discord.jar" assemblyShadeRules in assembly := Seq( "io.netty", "com.fasterxml", "org.mockito", "org.slf4j" ).map { p => ShadeRule.rename(s"$p.**" -> "btndvtm.dp.@0").inAll } assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := { case PathList("META-INF", "") => MergeStrategy.concat // case "module-info.class" => MergeStrategy.discard case x => (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value(x) } val saveConfigComments = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("saveConfigComments") saveConfigComments := { val sv = (Compile / sources).value val cdataRegex = Pattern.compile("(?:def|val|var) (\\w+)(?::[^=]+)? = (?:(?:get(?:I)?Config)|(?:DPUtils.\\w+Data))") //Hack: DPUtils val clRegex = Pattern.compile("class (\\w+).* extends ((?:\\w|\\d)+)") val objRegex = Pattern.compile("object (\\w+)") val subRegex = Pattern.compile("def `?(\\w+)`?") val subParamRegex = Pattern.compile("((?:\\w|\\d)+): ((?:\\w|\\d)+)") val configConfig = new YamlConfiguration() val commandConfig = new YamlConfiguration() def getConfigComments(line: String, clKey: String, comment: String, justCommented: Boolean): (String, String, Boolean) = { val clMatcher = clRegex.matcher(line) if (clKey == null && clMatcher.find()) { //First occurrence (if ("Component")) "components." + else "global", comment, justCommented) } else if (line.contains("/**")) { (clKey, "", false) } else if (line.contains("*/") && comment != null) (clKey, comment, true) else if (comment != null) { if (justCommented) { if (clKey != null) { val matcher = cdataRegex.matcher(line) if (matcher.find()) configConfig.set(s"$clKey.${}", comment.trim) } else { val matcher = objRegex.matcher(line) if (matcher.find()) { val clName = val compKey = if (clName.contains("Module")) s"component.$clName" else if (clName.contains("Plugin")) "global" else null if (compKey != null) configConfig.set(s"${compKey}.generalDescriptionInsteadOfAConfig", comment.trim) } } (clKey, null, false) } else (clKey, comment + line.replaceFirst("^\\s*\\*\\s+", "") + "\n", justCommented) } else (clKey, comment, justCommented) } for (file <- sv) { Using(Source.fromFile(file)) { src => var clKey: String = null var comment: String = null var justCommented: Boolean = false var subCommand = false var pkg: String = null var clName: String = null for (line <- src.getLines) { val (clk, c, jc) = getConfigComments(line, clKey, comment, justCommented) clKey = clk; comment = c; justCommented = jc val objMatcher = objRegex.matcher(line) val clMatcher = clRegex.matcher(line) if (pkg == null && line.startsWith("package ")) pkg = line.substring("package ".length) else if (clName == null && objMatcher.find()) clName = else if (clName == null && clMatcher.find()) clName = val subMatcher = subRegex.matcher(line) val subParamMatcher = subParamRegex.matcher(line) val sub = line.contains("@Subcommand") || line.contains("@Command2.Subcommand") if (subCommand || sub) //This line or the previous one had the annotation if (subMatcher.find()) { /*val groups = (2 to subMatcher.groupCount()).map( val pairs = for (i <- groups.indices by 2) yield (groups(i), groups(i + 1))*/ val mname = val params = Iterator.continually(()).takeWhile(_ => subParamMatcher.find()) .map(_ => val section = commandConfig.createSection(s"$pkg.$clName.$mname") section.set("method", s"$mname()") section.set("params", params.mkString(" ")) } subCommand = sub }"target/configHelp.yml")"target/commands.yml") }.recover[Unit]({ case t => t.printStackTrace() }) } Seq(file("target/configHelp.yml"), file("target/commands.yml")) } resourceGenerators in Compile += saveConfigComments