Norbi Peti 0d59dff86e
Reverted back to Scala 2.13
- The IntelliJ plugin still isn't working properly after 2 years so it's really annoying to dev using Scala 3
- (Probably) fixed DPUtils.reply not sending a message if a Mono.empty() was passed as a channel
- Moved the Discord user property from LastMessageData to CustomLMD as we don't need the user anymore to check permissions (we don't need to create a fake sender)
- ...even if we do, it should store the sender itself maybe

- Spent hours reverting and debugging Scala 2 issues because apaprently that's also very buggy
- Implemented Player interface directly in some senders because it was required for... reasons
- Moved the commenter to a separate class after a looot of debugging (API was provided)
2023-06-30 02:29:01 +02:00

97 lines
4.8 KiB

import java.util.regex.Pattern
import sbt.*
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration
import scala.util.Using
object Commenter {
def saveConfigComments(sv: Seq[File]): Seq[File] = {
val cdataRegex = Pattern.compile("(?:def|val|var) (\\w+)(?::[^=]+)? = (?:getI?Config|DPUtils.\\w+Data)") //Hack: DPUtils
val clRegex = Pattern.compile("class (\\w+).* extends ((?:\\w|\\d)+)")
val objRegex = Pattern.compile("object (\\w+)")
val subRegex = Pattern.compile("def `?(\\w+)`?")
val subParamRegex = Pattern.compile("((?:\\w|\\d)+): ((?:\\w|\\d)+)")
val configConfig = new YamlConfiguration()
val commandConfig = new YamlConfiguration()
def getConfigComments(line: String, clKey: String, comment: String, justCommented: Boolean): (String, String, Boolean) = {
val clMatcher = clRegex.matcher(line)
if (clKey == null && clMatcher.find()) { //First occurrence
(if ("Component"))
"components." +
else "global", comment, justCommented)
} else if (line.contains("/**")) {
(clKey, "", false)
} else if (line.contains("*/") && comment != null)
(clKey, comment, true)
else if (comment != null) {
if (justCommented) {
if (clKey != null) {
val matcher = cdataRegex.matcher(line)
if (matcher.find())
configConfig.set(s"$clKey.${}", comment.trim)
else {
val matcher = objRegex.matcher(line)
if (matcher.find()) {
val clName =
val compKey = if (clName.contains("Module")) s"component.$clName"
else if (clName.contains("Plugin")) "global"
else null
if (compKey != null)
configConfig.set(s"$compKey.generalDescriptionInsteadOfAConfig", comment.trim)
(clKey, null, false)
else (clKey, comment + line.replaceFirst("^\\s*\\*\\s+", "") + "\n", justCommented)
else (clKey, comment, justCommented)
for (file <- sv) {
Using(Source.fromFile(file)) { src =>
var clKey: String = null
var comment: String = null
var justCommented: Boolean = false
var subCommand = false
var pkg: String = null
var clName: String = null
for (line <- src.getLines) {
val (clk, c, jc) = getConfigComments(line, clKey, comment, justCommented)
clKey = clk; comment = c; justCommented = jc
val objMatcher = objRegex.matcher(line)
val clMatcher = clRegex.matcher(line)
if (pkg == null && line.startsWith("package "))
pkg = line.substring("package ".length)
else if (clName == null && objMatcher.find())
clName =
else if (clName == null && clMatcher.find())
clName =
val subMatcher = subRegex.matcher(line)
val subParamMatcher = subParamRegex.matcher(line)
val sub = line.contains("@Subcommand") || line.contains("@Command2.Subcommand")
if (sub) subCommand = true
else if (line.contains("}")) subCommand = false
if (subCommand && subMatcher.find()) {
/*val groups = (2 to subMatcher.groupCount()).map(
val pairs = for (i <- groups.indices by 2) yield (groups(i), groups(i + 1))*/
val mname =
val params = Iterator.continually(()).takeWhile(_ => subParamMatcher.find())
.map(_ =>
val section = commandConfig.createSection(s"$pkg.$clName.$mname")
section.set("method", s"$mname()")
section.set("params", params.mkString(" "))
subCommand = false
}.recover[Unit]({ case t => t.printStackTrace() })
Seq(file("target/configHelp.yml"), file("target/commands.yml"))