Improve and extend command tests

- Added param converter tests
- Refactored test functions to have more descriptive names and have documentation and to make their behaviour more predictable (at a glance)
- Implement separation of user error in the command system and make tests for it more specific
- Improve handling of testing messages received from commands (like the help text)
This commit is contained in:
Norbi Peti 2024-03-04 02:20:35 +01:00
parent 2787c280f5
commit 702655cf9f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DBA4C4549A927E56
11 changed files with 131 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.test.TestException
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ object ChromaUtils {
fun throwWhenTested(exception: Throwable, message: String) {
if (isTest) {
// Propagate exception back to the tests
throw Exception(message, exception)
throw TestException(message, exception)
} else {
// Otherwise we don't run the code directly, so we need to handle this here
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(message, exception, MainPlugin.instance)

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@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender>(
* @param sender The sender who sent the command
* @param commandline The command line, including the leading command char
* @return Whether the main command exists
open fun handleCommand(sender: TP, commandline: String): Boolean {
val results = dispatcher.parse(commandline.removePrefix("/"), sender)
@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender>(
val sender = context.source
if (!sd.hasPermission(sender)) {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}You don't have permission to use this command")
CommandUtils.reportUserError(sender, "${ChatColor.RED}You don't have permission to use this command")
return 1
@ -357,7 +359,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender>(
if (convertedSender == null) {
//TODO: Should have a prettier display of Command2 classes here
val type = sd.senderType.simpleName.fold("") { s, ch -> s + if (ch.isUpperCase()) " " + ch.lowercase() else ch }.trim()
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}You need to be a $type to use this command.")
CommandUtils.reportUserError(sender, "${ChatColor.RED}You need to be a $type to use this command.")
executeHelpText(context) //Send what the command is about, could be useful for commands like /member where some subcommands aren't player-only
return 0
@ -384,7 +386,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender>(
?: error("No suitable converter found for ${argument.type} ${}")
val result = converter.converter.apply(userArgument)
if (result == null) {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Error: ${converter.errormsg}")
CommandUtils.reportUserError(sender, "${ChatColor.RED}Error: ${converter.errormsg}")
return null

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@ -137,14 +137,11 @@ class Command2MC : Command2<ICommand2MC, Command2MCSender>('/', true), Listener
fun unregisterCommands(plugin: ButtonPlugin) {
unregisterCommandIf({ node -> Optional.ofNullable( { obj -> obj.plugin }.map { obj -> plugin == obj }.orElse(false) }, true)
unregisterCommandIf({ node -> == plugin }, true)
fun unregisterCommands(component: Component<*>) {
unregisterCommandIf({ node ->
Optional.ofNullable( { obj: ICommand2MC -> obj.plugin }
.map { comp: ButtonPlugin -> component.javaClass.simpleName == comp.javaClass.simpleName }.orElse(false)
}, true)
unregisterCommandIf({ node -> == component }, true)
override fun handleCommand(sender: Command2MCSender, commandline: String): Boolean {

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.test.TestCommandFailedException
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.ArgumentBuilder
@ -20,6 +22,14 @@ object CommandUtils {
* Sends the given message (with no additional formatting) to the given sender or throws a special exception during testing.
fun reportUserError(sender: Command2Sender, message: String) {
if (ChromaUtils.isTest) throw TestCommandFailedException(message)
else sender.sendMessage(message)
* Performs the given action on the given node and all of its nodes recursively and creates new nodes.

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.test
* Indicates that the command execution failed for some reason. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean the test failed.
class TestCommandFailedException(message: String) : Exception(message)

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.test
* An exception that occurs just because we're running tests. It's used to test for various error cases.
class TestException(message: String, cause: Throwable) : Exception(message, cause)

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@ -122,6 +122,16 @@ abstract class Command2MCCommands {
object TestEmptyCommand : ICommand2MC()
object TestParamConverterCommand : ICommand2MC(), ITestCommand2MC {
override var testCommandReceived: String? = null
fun def(sender: Command2MCSender, something: TestConvertedParameter) {
testCommandReceived = something.value
interface ITestCommand2MC {
var testCommandReceived: String?

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@ -57,11 +57,21 @@ class Command2MCTest {
fun testHasPermission() {
fun testAddParamConverter() {
ButtonPlugin.command2MC.addParamConverter(, {
if (it == "test") null
else TestConvertedParameter(it)
}, "Failed to convert test param!") { arrayOf("test1", "test2").asIterable() }
val sender = createSender()
sender.assertCommand("/testparamconverter hmm", TestParamConverterCommand, "hmm")
sender.assertCommandUserError("/testparamconverter test", "§cError: §cFailed to convert test param!")
@ -74,10 +84,9 @@ class Command2MCTest {
fun testHandleCommand() {
val user = ChromaGamerBase.getUser(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
user.playerName = "TestPlayer"
val sender = TestCommand2MCSender(user)
sender.runFailingCommand("/erroringtest") // Tests completely missing the sender parameter
val sender = createSender()
sender.assertFailingCommand("/erroringtest") // Tests completely missing the sender parameter
@ -101,15 +110,21 @@ class Command2MCTest {
private fun createSender(): TestCommand2MCSender {
val user = ChromaGamerBase.getUser(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
user.playerName = "TestPlayer"
return TestCommand2MCSender(user)
* Tests parameter conversion, help text and errors.
private fun testTestCommand(sender: TestCommand2MCSender) {
sender.runCommand("/test hmm", TestCommand, "hmm")
sender.runCommand("/test plugin Chroma-Core", TestCommand, "Chroma-Core")
sender.runCrashingCommand("/test playerfail TestPlayer") { it.cause?.message == "No suitable converter found for class buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer param1" }
assertEquals("§cError: §cNo Chroma plugin found by that name.", sender.runCommandWithReceive("/test plugin asd"))
sender.runCrashingCommand("/test errortest") { it.cause?.cause?.message === "Hmm" }
sender.assertCommand("/test hmm", TestCommand, "hmm")
sender.assertCommand("/test plugin Chroma-Core", TestCommand, "Chroma-Core")
sender.assertCrashingCommand("/test playerfail TestPlayer") { it.cause?.message == "No suitable converter found for class buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer param1" }
sender.assertCommandUserError("/test plugin asd", "§cError: §cNo Chroma plugin found by that name.")
sender.assertCrashingCommand("/test errortest") { it.cause?.cause?.message === "Hmm" }
"Test command\n" +
"Used for testing\n" +
@ -124,29 +139,29 @@ class Command2MCTest {
* Tests having no arguments for the command and different sender types.
private fun testNoArgTestCommand(sender: TestCommand2MCSender) {
sender.runCommand("/noargtest", NoArgTestCommand, "TestPlayer")
sender.runCrashingCommand("/noargtest failing") { it.cause?.cause is IllegalStateException }
sender.runCommand("/noargtest sendertest", NoArgTestCommand, "TestPlayer")
sender.assertCommand("/noargtest", NoArgTestCommand, "TestPlayer")
sender.assertCommandReceiveMessage("/noargtest failing", "") // Help text
sender.assertCommand("/noargtest sendertest", NoArgTestCommand, "TestPlayer")
* Tests parameter type conversion with multiple (optional) parameters.
private fun testMultiArgTestCommand(sender: TestCommand2MCSender) {
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest test hmm mhm", MultiArgTestCommand, "hmmmhm")
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest test2 true 19", MultiArgTestCommand, "true 19")
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest testoptional", MultiArgTestCommand, "false")
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest testoptional true", MultiArgTestCommand, "true")
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest testoptionalmulti true teszt", MultiArgTestCommand, "true teszt")
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest testoptionalmulti true", MultiArgTestCommand, "true null")
sender.runCommand("/multiargtest testoptionalmulti", MultiArgTestCommand, "false null")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest test hmm mhm", MultiArgTestCommand, "hmmmhm")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest test2 true 19", MultiArgTestCommand, "true 19")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest testoptional", MultiArgTestCommand, "false")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest testoptional true", MultiArgTestCommand, "true")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest testoptionalmulti true teszt", MultiArgTestCommand, "true teszt")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest testoptionalmulti true", MultiArgTestCommand, "true null")
sender.assertCommand("/multiargtest testoptionalmulti", MultiArgTestCommand, "false null")
* Tests more type of parameters and wrong param type.
private fun testTestParamsCommand(sender: TestCommand2MCSender) {
sender.runCommand("/testparams 12 34 56 78", TestParamsCommand, "12 34 56.0 78.0 Player0")
sender.assertCommand("/testparams 12 34 56 78", TestParamsCommand, "12 34 56.0 78.0 Player0")
assertEquals("§cExpected integer at position 11: ...estparams <--[HERE]", sender.runCommandWithReceive("/testparams asd 34 56 78"))
// TODO: Change test when usage help is added
@ -155,8 +170,8 @@ class Command2MCTest {
* Tests a command that has no default handler.
private fun testSomeCommand(sender: TestCommand2MCSender) {
sender.runCommand("/some test cmd", TestNoMainCommand1, "TestPlayer")
sender.runCommand("/some another cmd", TestNoMainCommand2, "TestPlayer")
sender.assertCommand("/some test cmd", TestNoMainCommand1, "TestPlayer")
sender.assertCommand("/some another cmd", TestNoMainCommand2, "TestPlayer")
"§6---- Subcommands ----\n" +
"/some another cmd\n" +

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer
import buttondevteam.lib.test.TestCommandFailedException
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFails
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ class TestCommand2MCSender(user: TBMCPlayer) : Command2MCSender(user,
if (allowMessageReceive) {
messageReceived += message + "\n"
} else {
error("Received unexpected message during test: $message")
@ -26,25 +27,62 @@ class TestCommand2MCSender(user: TBMCPlayer) : Command2MCSender(user,
private fun withMessageReceive(action: () -> Unit): String {
messageReceived = ""
allowMessageReceive = true
val result = kotlin.runCatching { action() }
allowMessageReceive = false
return messageReceived.trim()
fun runCommand(command: String, obj: Command2MCCommands.ITestCommand2MC, expected: String) {
assert(ButtonPlugin.command2MC.handleCommand(this, command)) { "Could not find command $command" }
private fun runCommand(command: String): Boolean {
return ButtonPlugin.command2MC.handleCommand(this, command)
private fun assertCommand(command: String) {
assert(runCommand(command)) { "Could not find command $command" }
* Asserts that the command could be found and the command sets the appropriate property to the expected value.
fun assertCommand(command: String, obj: Command2MCCommands.ITestCommand2MC, expected: String) {
assertEquals(expected, obj.testCommandReceived)
* Runs the command and returns any value sent to the sender.
@Deprecated("This isn't an assertion function, use the assertion ones instead.")
fun runCommandWithReceive(command: String): String {
return withMessageReceive { ButtonPlugin.command2MC.handleCommand(this, command) }
return withMessageReceive { runCommand(command) }
fun runFailingCommand(command: String) {
assert(!ButtonPlugin.command2MC.handleCommand(this, command)) { "Could execute command $command that shouldn't work" }
* Tests for when the command either runs successfully and sends back some text or displays help text.
fun assertCommandReceiveMessage(command: String, expectedMessage: String) {
assertEquals(expectedMessage, withMessageReceive { assertCommand(command) })
fun runCrashingCommand(command: String, errorCheck: (Throwable) -> Boolean) {
assert(errorCheck(assertFails { ButtonPlugin.command2MC.handleCommand(this, command) })) { "Command exception failed test!" }
* Tests for when the command cannot be executed at all.
fun assertFailingCommand(command: String) {
assert(!runCommand(command)) { "Could execute command $command that shouldn't work" }
* Tests for when the command execution encounters an exception. This includes test exceptions as well.
fun assertCrashingCommand(command: String, errorCheck: (Throwable) -> Boolean) {
val ex = assertFails { runCommand(command) }
assert(errorCheck(ex)) { "Command exception failed test! Exception: ${ex.stackTraceToString()}" }
* Tests for expected user errors. Anything that results in the command system (and not the command itself) sending anything to the user.
fun assertCommandUserError(command: String, message: String) {
assertCrashingCommand(command) { ex -> ex.cause?.let { it is TestCommandFailedException && it.message == message } ?: false }

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
class TestConvertedParameter(val value: String)

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
class TestConvertedUser(val name: String)