Convert some more code to Kotlin

Basically done with converting Command2
Also moved the Minecraft part of the param converter to Command2MC, although the user object getter should be made more generic
This commit is contained in:
Norbi Peti 2023-02-21 00:41:23 +01:00
parent 0bf1f9789b
commit a5099a65d1
10 changed files with 132 additions and 124 deletions

View file

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
@ -226,11 +225,6 @@

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public class MainPlugin extends ButtonPlugin {
registerCommand(new ComponentCommand());
registerCommand(new ChromaCommand());
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(new PlayerListener(), this);
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(getCommand2MC(), this);
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(Companion.getCommand2MC(), this);
ChromaGamerBase.addConverter(commandSender -> Optional.ofNullable(commandSender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender || commandSender instanceof BlockCommandSender
? TBMCPlayer.getPlayer(new UUID(0, 0), TBMCPlayer.class) : null)); //Console & cmdblocks
ChromaGamerBase.addConverter(sender -> Optional.ofNullable(sender instanceof Player
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ public class MainPlugin extends ButtonPlugin {
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§bBLUE§f", Color.Blue, "blue"));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§5PURPLE§f", Color.DarkPurple, "purple"));
Supplier<Iterable<String>> playerSupplier = () -> Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().stream().map(HumanEntity::getName)::iterator;
getCommand2MC().addParamConverter(OfflinePlayer.class, Bukkit::getOfflinePlayer, "Player not found!", playerSupplier);
getCommand2MC().addParamConverter(Player.class, Bukkit::getPlayer, "Online player not found!", playerSupplier);
Companion.getCommand2MC().addParamConverter(OfflinePlayer.class, Bukkit::getOfflinePlayer, "Player not found!", playerSupplier);
Companion.getCommand2MC().addParamConverter(Player.class, Bukkit::getPlayer, "Online player not found!", playerSupplier);
if (writePluginList.get()) {
try {
Files.write(new File("plugins", "plugins.txt").toPath(), -> (CharSequence) p.getDataFolder().getName())::iterator);

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.updateConfig
import lombok.AccessLevel
import lombok.Getter
@ -22,8 +20,7 @@ import java.util.function.Function
@HasConfig(global = true)
abstract class ButtonPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
private val iConfig = IHaveConfig { saveConfig() }
protected val iConfig = IHaveConfig { saveConfig() }
private var yaml: CommentedConfiguration? = null
@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ abstract class ButtonPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
if (ConfigData.saveNow(config))"Saved configuration changes.")
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while disabling plugin $name!", e, this)
@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ abstract class ButtonPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
override fun getConfig(): FileConfiguration {
if (yaml == null) justReload()
return if (yaml == null) YamlConfiguration() else yaml //Return a temporary instance
return yaml ?: YamlConfiguration() //Return a temporary instance
override fun saveConfig() {
@ -140,16 +137,15 @@ abstract class ButtonPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
fun registerCommand(command: ICommand2MC) {
@Target(AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.CLASS)
annotation class ConfigOpts(val disableConfigGen: Boolean = false)
companion object {
@Getter //Needs to be static as we don't know the plugin when a command is handled
private val command2MC = Command2MC()
//Needs to be static as we don't know the plugin when a command is handled
val command2MC = Command2MC()
fun configGenAllowed(obj: Any): Boolean {
return !Optional.ofNullable(obj.javaClass.getAnnotation(
.map(Function<ConfigOpts, Boolean> { obj: ConfigOpts -> obj.disableConfigGen() }).orElse(false)

View file

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ package
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.*
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.ArgumentBuilder
@ -15,8 +14,6 @@ import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.LiteralCommandNode
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.javatuples.Pair
import org.javatuples.Triplet
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Predicate
@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
</T> */
open fun <T> addParamConverter(cl: Class<T>, converter: Function<String, T>, errormsg: String,
allSupplier: Supplier<Iterable<String>>) {
paramConverters[cl] = ParamConverter<T>(converter, errormsg, allSupplier)
paramConverters[cl] = ParamConverter(converter, errormsg, allSupplier)
open fun handleCommand(sender: TP, commandline: String): Boolean {
@ -112,22 +109,10 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
//TODO: Add to the help
private fun processSenderType(sender: TP, sd: SubcommandData<TC, TP>, params: ArrayList<Any>): Boolean {
val sendertype = sd.senderType
val cg: ChromaGamerBase
if (sendertype.isAssignableFrom(sender.javaClass)) params.add(sender) //The command either expects a CommandSender or it is a Player, or some other expected type
else if (sender is Command2MCSender // TODO: This is Minecraft only
&& sendertype.isAssignableFrom((sender as Command2MCSender).sender.javaClass))
params.add((sender as Command2MCSender).sender)
else if (( && sender is Command2MCSender)
&& ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender((sender as Command2MCSender).sender).also { cg = it } != null && cg.javaClass == sendertype) //The command expects a user of our system
params.add(cg) else {
val type = sendertype.simpleName.fold("") { s, ch -> s + if (ch.isUpperCase()) " " + ch.lowercase() else ch }
sender.sendMessage("§cYou need to be a $type to use this command.")
sender.sendMessage(sd.getHelpText(sender)) //Send what the command is about, could be useful for commands like /member where some subcommands aren't player-only
return true
return false
open fun convertSenderType(sender: TP, senderType: Class<*>): Any? {
//The command either expects a CommandSender or it is a Player, or some other expected type
if (senderType.isAssignableFrom(sender.javaClass)) return sender
return null
@ -146,17 +131,18 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
protected fun registerCommandSuper(command: TC): LiteralCommandNode<TP> {
var mainCommandNode: LiteralCommandNode<TP>? = null
for (meth in command.javaClass.getMethods()) {
val ann = meth.getAnnotation<Subcommand>( ?: continue
for (meth in command.javaClass.methods) {
val ann = meth.getAnnotation( ?: continue
val methodPath = CommandUtils.getCommandPath(, ' ')
val result = registerNodeFromPath(command!!.commandPath + methodPath)
result.value0.addChild(getExecutableNode(meth, command, ann, result.value2, CommandArgumentHelpManager(command)))
if (mainCommandNode == null) mainCommandNode = result.value1 else if (result.value1!!.name != {
val (lastNode, mainNode, remainingPath) = registerNodeFromPath(command.commandPath + methodPath)
lastNode.addChild(getExecutableNode(meth, command, ann, remainingPath, CommandArgumentHelpManager(command)))
if (mainCommandNode == null) mainCommandNode = mainNode
else if (mainNode!!.name != {
MainPlugin.Instance.logger.warning("Multiple commands are defined in the same class! This is not supported. Class: " + command.javaClass.simpleName)
if (mainCommandNode == null) {
throw RuntimeException("There are no subcommands defined in the command class " + command.javaClass.getSimpleName() + "!")
throw RuntimeException("There are no subcommands defined in the command class " + command.javaClass.simpleName + "!")
return mainCommandNode
@ -170,18 +156,18 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @return The executable node
private fun getExecutableNode(method: Method, command: TC, ann: Subcommand, path: String, argHelpManager: CommandArgumentHelpManager<TC, TP>): LiteralCommandNode<TP> {
val paramsAndSenderType = getCommandParametersAndSender(method, argHelpManager) // Param order is important
val params = paramsAndSenderType.value0
val (params, _) = getCommandParametersAndSender(method, argHelpManager) // Param order is important
val paramMap = HashMap<String, CommandArgument?>()
for (param in params) {
paramMap[param!!.name] = param
paramMap[] = param
val node = CoreCommandBuilder.literal<TP, TC>(path, params[0]!!.type, paramMap, params, command)
.helps(command!!.getHelpText(method, ann)).permits { sender: TP -> hasPermission(sender, command, method) }
val node = CoreCommandBuilder.literal<TP, TC>(path, params[0].type, paramMap, params, command)
.helps(command.getHelpText(method, ann)).permits { sender: TP -> hasPermission(sender, command, method) }
.executes { context: CommandContext<TP> -> executeCommand(context) }
var parent: ArgumentBuilder<TP, *> = node
for (param in params) { // Register parameters in the right order
parent.then(CoreArgumentBuilder.argument(param!!.name, getArgumentType(param), param.optional).also { parent = it })
val argType = getArgumentType(param)
parent.then(CoreArgumentBuilder.argument<TP, _>(, argType, param.optional).also { parent = it })
@ -193,7 +179,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @return The last no-op node that can be used to register the executable node,
* the main command node and the last part of the command path (that isn't registered yet)
private fun registerNodeFromPath(path: String): Triplet<CommandNode<TP>, LiteralCommandNode<TP>?, String> {
private fun registerNodeFromPath(path: String): Triple<CommandNode<TP>, LiteralCommandNode<TP>?, String> {
val split = path.split(" ".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray()
var parent: CommandNode<TP> = dispatcher.root
var mainCommand: LiteralCommandNode<TP>? = null
@ -203,7 +189,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
if (child == null) parent.addChild(CoreCommandBuilder.literalNoOp<TP, TC>(part).executes { context: CommandContext<TP> -> executeHelpText(context) }.build().also { parent = it }) else parent = child
if (i == 0) mainCommand = parent as LiteralCommandNode<TP> // Has to be a literal, if not, well, error
return Triplet(parent, mainCommand, split[split.size - 1])
return Triple(parent, mainCommand, split[split.size - 1])
@ -214,21 +200,20 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @return Parameter data objects and the sender type
* @throws RuntimeException If there is no sender parameter declared in the method
private fun getCommandParametersAndSender(method: Method, argHelpManager: CommandArgumentHelpManager<TC, TP>): Pair<Array<CommandArgument?>, Class<*>> {
private fun getCommandParametersAndSender(method: Method, argHelpManager: CommandArgumentHelpManager<TC, TP>): Pair<List<CommandArgument>, Class<*>> {
val parameters = method.parameters
if (parameters.size == 0) throw RuntimeException("No sender parameter for method '$method'")
val ret = arrayOfNulls<CommandArgument>(parameters.size)
if (parameters.isEmpty()) throw RuntimeException("No sender parameter for method '$method'")
val usage = argHelpManager.getParameterHelpForMethod(method)
val paramNames = usage?.split(" ".toRegex())?.dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }?.toTypedArray()
for (i in 1 until parameters.size) {
val numAnn = parameters[i].getAnnotation(
ret[i - 1] = CommandArgument(paramNames?.get(i) ?: "param$i", parameters[i].type,
parameters[i].isVarArgs || parameters[i].isAnnotationPresent(,
if (numAnn == null) null else Pair(numAnn.lowerLimit(), numAnn.upperLimit()),
paramNames?.get(i) ?: "param$i") // TODO: Description (JavaDoc?)
return Pair(ret, parameters[0].type)
val paramNames = usage?.split(" ")
return Pair( ?: (1 until parameters.size).map { i -> "param$i" })
.map { (param, name) ->
val numAnn = param.getAnnotation(
CommandArgument(name, param.type,
param.isVarArgs || param.isAnnotationPresent(,
if (numAnn == null) Pair(Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE) else Pair(numAnn.lowerLimit, numAnn.upperLimit),
}, parameters[0].type)
@ -238,13 +223,24 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @param arg Our representation of the command argument
* @return The Brigadier representation of the command argument
private fun getArgumentType(arg: CommandArgument?): ArgumentType<*> {
private fun getArgumentType(arg: CommandArgument?): ArgumentType<out Any> {
val ptype = arg!!.type
val lowerLimit: Number = arg.limits.value0
val upperLimit: Number = arg.limits.value1
return if (arg.greedy) StringArgumentType.greedyString() else if (ptype == StringArgumentType.word() else if (ptype == Int::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == || ptype == Byte::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == || ptype == Short::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == IntegerArgumentType.integer(lowerLimit.toInt(), upperLimit.toInt()) else if (ptype == Long::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == LongArgumentType.longArg(lowerLimit.toLong(), upperLimit.toLong()) else if (ptype == Float::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == FloatArgumentType.floatArg(lowerLimit.toFloat(), upperLimit.toFloat()) else if (ptype == Double::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == DoubleArgumentType.doubleArg(lowerLimit.toDouble(), upperLimit.toDouble()) else if (ptype == Char::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == StringArgumentType.word() else if (ptype == Boolean::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == BoolArgumentType.bool() else {
val (lowerLimit, upperLimit) = arg.limits
return if (arg.greedy) StringArgumentType.greedyString()
else if (ptype == StringArgumentType.word()
else if (ptype == Int::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype ==
|| ptype == Byte::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype ==
|| ptype == Short::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype ==
IntegerArgumentType.integer(lowerLimit.toInt(), upperLimit.toInt())
else if (ptype == Long::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype ==
LongArgumentType.longArg(lowerLimit.toLong(), upperLimit.toLong())
else if (ptype == Float::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype ==
FloatArgumentType.floatArg(lowerLimit.toFloat(), upperLimit.toFloat())
else if (ptype == Double::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype ==
DoubleArgumentType.doubleArg(lowerLimit, upperLimit)
else if (ptype == Char::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == StringArgumentType.word()
else if (ptype == Boolean::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == BoolArgumentType.bool()
else StringArgumentType.word()
@ -277,6 +273,11 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
val type = sendertype.simpleName.fold("") { s, ch -> s + if (ch.isUpperCase()) " " + ch.lowercase() else ch }
sender.sendMessage("§cYou need to be a $type to use this command.")
sender.sendMessage(sd.getHelpText(sender)) //Send what the command is about, could be useful for commands like /member where some subcommands aren't player-only
if (processSenderType(sender, sd, params, parameterTypes)) return; // Checks if the sender is the wrong type
val args = parsed.getContext().getArguments();
for (var arg : sd.arguments.entrySet()) {*/
@ -325,16 +326,15 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
abstract fun hasPermission(sender: TP, command: TC, subcommand: Method?): Boolean
val commandsText: Array<String>
get() = commandHelp.toTypedArray()
val commandsText: Array<String> get() = commandHelp.toTypedArray()
* Get all registered command nodes. This returns all registered Chroma commands with all the information about them.
* @return A set of command node objects containing the commands
val commandNodes: Set<CoreCommandNode<TP, TC?>?>
get() = { node: CommandNode<TP>? -> node as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC?>? }.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet())
val commandNodes: Set<CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>>
get() = { node: CommandNode<TP> -> node.core<TP, TC>() }.collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet())
* Get a node that belongs to the given command.
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @return A command node
fun getCommandNode(command: String?): CoreCommandNode<TP, TC> {
return dispatcher.root.getChild(command) as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>
return dispatcher.root.getChild(command).core()
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @param command The command class (object) to unregister
fun unregisterCommand(command: ICommand2<TP>) {
dispatcher.root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP> -> (node as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>).data.command === command }
dispatcher.root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP> -> node.core<TP, TC>().data.command === command }
@ -360,14 +360,14 @@ abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender> {
* @param condition The condition for removing a given command
fun unregisterCommandIf(condition: Predicate<CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>?>, nested: Boolean) {
dispatcher.root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP>? -> condition.test(node as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>?) }
if (nested) for (child in dispatcher.root.children) unregisterCommandIf(condition, child as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>)
fun unregisterCommandIf(condition: Predicate<CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>>, nested: Boolean) {
dispatcher.root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP> -> condition.test(node.core()) }
if (nested) for (child in dispatcher.root.children) unregisterCommandIf(condition, child.core())
private fun unregisterCommandIf(condition: Predicate<CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>?>, root: CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>) {
private fun unregisterCommandIf(condition: Predicate<CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>>, root: CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>) {
// Can't use getCoreChildren() here because the collection needs to be modifiable
root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP>? -> condition.test(node as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>?) }
root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP> -> condition.test(node.core()) }
for (child in root.coreChildren) unregisterCommandIf(condition, child)

View file

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault
import org.javatuples.Triplet
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter
import java.util.*
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ import java.util.function.BiConsumer
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Supplier
class Command2MC : Command2<ICommand2MC?, Command2MCSender?>('/', true), Listener {
class Command2MC : Command2<ICommand2MC, Command2MCSender>('/', true), Listener {
* Don't use directly, use the method in Component and ButtonPlugin to automatically unregister the command when needed.
@ -149,8 +148,25 @@ class Command2MC : Command2<ICommand2MC?, Command2MCSender?>('/', true), Listene
super.addParamConverter(cl, converter, "§c$errormsg", allSupplier)
override fun convertSenderType(sender: Command2MCSender, senderType: Class<*>): Any? {
val original = super.convertSenderType(sender, senderType)
if (original != null) {
return original
// Check Bukkit sender type
if (senderType.isAssignableFrom(sender.sender.javaClass))
return sender.sender
//The command expects a user of our system
if ( {
val cg = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender.sender)
if (cg?.javaClass == senderType)
return cg
return null
fun unregisterCommands(plugin: ButtonPlugin) {
unregisterCommandIf({ node: CoreCommandNode<Command2MCSender?, ICommand2MC?> -> Optional.ofNullable( { obj: ICommand2MC -> obj.plugin }.map { obj: ButtonPlugin? -> plugin.equals(obj) }.orElse(false) }, true)
unregisterCommandIf({ node -> Optional.ofNullable( { obj -> obj.plugin }.map { obj -> plugin == obj }.orElse(false) }, true)
fun unregisterCommands(component: Component<*>) {

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.javatuples.Pair;
* A command argument's information to be used to construct the command.
public class CommandArgument {
public final String name;
public final Class<?> type;
public final boolean greedy;
public final Pair<Double, Double> limits;
public final boolean optional;
public final String description;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* A command argument's information to be used to construct the command.
class CommandArgument(
val name: String,
val type: Class<*>,
val greedy: Boolean,
val limits: Pair<Double, Double>,
val optional: Boolean,
val description: String

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import lombok.experimental.UtilityClass;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class CommandUtils {
* Returns the path of the given subcommand excluding the class' path. It will start with the given replace char.
* @param methodName The method's name, method.getName()
* @param replaceChar The character to use between subcommands
* @return The command path starting with the replacement char.
public static String getCommandPath(String methodName, char replaceChar) {
return methodName.equals("def") ? "" : replaceChar + methodName.replace('_', replaceChar).toLowerCase();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode
import java.util.*
object CommandUtils {
* Returns the path of the given subcommand excluding the class' path. It will start with the given replace char.
* @param methodName The method's name, method.getName()
* @param replaceChar The character to use between subcommands
* @return The command path starting with the replacement char.
fun getCommandPath(methodName: String, replaceChar: Char): String {
return if (methodName == "def") "" else replaceChar.toString() + methodName.replace('_', replaceChar).lowercase(Locale.getDefault())
fun <TP : Command2Sender, TC : ICommand2<*>> CommandNode<TP>.core(): CoreCommandNode<TP, TC> {
return this as CoreCommandNode<TP, TC>

View file

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public abstract class ChromaGamerBase {
* @param sender The sender to use
* @return A user as returned by a converter or null if none can supply it
public static ChromaGamerBase getFromSender(CommandSender sender) {
public static ChromaGamerBase getFromSender(CommandSender sender) { // TODO: Use Command2Sender
for (val converter : senderConverters) {
val ocg = converter.apply(sender);
if (ocg.isPresent())