Compare commits


No commits in common. "feature-command.nodes" and "master" have entirely different histories.

117 changed files with 5282 additions and 5838 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -225,4 +225,3 @@ dependency-reduced-pom.xml

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@ -35,11 +35,11 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
lombok.var.flagUsage = ALLOW

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@ -27,42 +27,10 @@
@ -73,9 +41,7 @@
@ -138,8 +104,8 @@
@ -170,9 +136,9 @@
@ -226,40 +192,13 @@
<!-- -->
@ -277,8 +216,7 @@
<!-- github server corresponds to entry in ~/.m2/settings.xml -->

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package buttondevteam.core;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
public class ChromaCommand extends ICommand2MC {
public ChromaCommand() {
getManager().addParamConverter(ButtonPlugin.class, name ->
(ButtonPlugin) Optional.ofNullable(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(name))
.filter(plugin -> plugin instanceof ButtonPlugin).orElse(null),
"No Chroma plugin found by that name.", () ->
.filter(plugin -> plugin instanceof ButtonPlugin).map(Plugin::getName)::iterator);
public void reload(CommandSender sender, @Command2.OptionalArg ButtonPlugin plugin) {
if (plugin == null)
plugin = MainPlugin.Instance;
if (plugin.tryReloadConfig())
sender.sendMessage("§b" + plugin.getName() + " config reloaded.");
sender.sendMessage("§cFailed to reload config. Check console.");
public void def(CommandSender sender) {

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin.Companion.command2MC
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import java.util.*
class ChromaCommand : ICommand2MC() {
init {
manager.addParamConverter(, { name ->
?.let { if (it is ButtonPlugin) it else null }
"No Chroma plugin found by that name."
) {
Iterable {
.filter { it is ButtonPlugin }.map { }.iterator()
fun reload(sender: CommandSender, @OptionalArg plugin: ButtonPlugin?) {
val pl = plugin ?: this.plugin
if (pl.tryReloadConfig())
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.AQUA}${} config reloaded.")
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Failed to reload config. Check console.")
override fun def(sender: Command2MCSender): Boolean {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.GOLD}---- Commands ----")
return true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
package buttondevteam.core;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
@CommandClass(modOnly = true, helpText = {
"Component command",
"Can be used to enable/disable/list components"
public class ComponentCommand extends ICommand2MC {
public ComponentCommand() {
getManager().addParamConverter(Plugin.class, arg -> Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(arg), "Plugin not found!",
() ->;
@Subcommand(helpText = {
"Enable component",
"Temporarily or permanently enables a component."
public boolean enable(CommandSender sender, Plugin plugin, String component, @Command2.OptionalArg boolean permanent) {
if (plugin instanceof ButtonPlugin) {
if (!((ButtonPlugin) plugin).justReload()) {
sender.sendMessage("§cCouldn't reload config, check console.");
return true;
} else
plugin.reloadConfig(); //Reload config so the new config values are read - All changes are saved to disk on disable
return enable_disable(sender, plugin, component, true, permanent);
@Subcommand(helpText = {
"Disable component",
"Temporarily or permanently disables a component."
public boolean disable(CommandSender sender, Plugin plugin, String component, @Command2.OptionalArg boolean permanent) {
return enable_disable(sender, plugin, component, false, permanent);
@Subcommand(helpText = {
"List components",
"Lists all of the registered Chroma components"
public boolean list(CommandSender sender, @Command2.OptionalArg String plugin) {
sender.sendMessage("§6List of components:");
Component.getComponents().values().stream().filter(c -> plugin == null || c.getPlugin().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(plugin)) //If plugin is null, don't check
.map(c -> c.getPlugin().getName() + " - " + c.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + (c.isEnabled() ? "en" : "dis") + "abled").forEach(sender::sendMessage);
return true;
@CustomTabCompleteMethod(param = "component", subcommand = {"enable", "disable"})
public Iterable<String> componentTabcomplete(Plugin plugin) {
return getPluginComponents(plugin).map(c -> c.getClass().getSimpleName())::iterator;
@CustomTabCompleteMethod(param = "plugin", subcommand = {"list", "enable", "disable"}, ignoreTypeCompletion = true)
public Iterable<String> pluginTabcomplete() {
return Component.getComponents().values().stream().map(Component::getPlugin)
private boolean enable_disable(CommandSender sender, Plugin plugin, String component, boolean enable, boolean permanent) {
try {
val oc = getComponentOrError(plugin, component, sender);
if (!oc.isPresent())
return true;
Component.setComponentEnabled(oc.get(), enable);
if (permanent)
sender.sendMessage(oc.get().getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + (enable ? "en" : "dis") + "abled " + (permanent ? "permanently" : "temporarily") + ".");
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Couldn't " + (enable ? "en" : "dis") + "able component " + component + "!", e, (JavaPlugin) plugin);
return true;
private Stream<Component<? extends JavaPlugin>> getPluginComponents(Plugin plugin) {
return Component.getComponents().values().stream()
.filter(c -> plugin.getName().equals(c.getPlugin().getName()));
private Optional<Component<?>> getComponentOrError(Plugin plugin, String arg, CommandSender sender) {
val oc = getPluginComponents(plugin).filter(c -> c.getClass().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase(arg)).findAny();
if (!oc.isPresent())
sender.sendMessage("§cComponent not found!"); //^ Much simpler to solve in the new command system
return oc;

View file

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.components
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.setComponentEnabled
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
import java.util.*
@CommandClass(modOnly = true, helpText = ["Component command", "Can be used to enable/disable/list components"])
class ComponentCommand : ICommand2MC() {
init {
manager.addParamConverter(, { arg -> Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(arg) },
"Plugin not found!"
) { Bukkit.getPluginManager() { obj -> } }
@Subcommand(helpText = ["Enable component", "Temporarily or permanently enables a component."])
fun enable(sender: CommandSender, plugin: Plugin, component: String, @OptionalArg permanent: Boolean): Boolean {
if (plugin is ButtonPlugin) {
if (!plugin.tryReloadConfig()) {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Couldn't reload config, check console.")
return true
} else plugin.reloadConfig() //Reload config so the new config values are read - All changes are saved to disk on disable
return enable_disable(sender, plugin, component, true, permanent)
@Subcommand(helpText = ["Disable component", "Temporarily or permanently disables a component."])
fun disable(sender: CommandSender, plugin: Plugin, component: String, @OptionalArg permanent: Boolean): Boolean {
return enable_disable(sender, plugin, component, false, permanent)
@Subcommand(helpText = ["List components", "Lists all of the registered Chroma components"])
fun list(sender: CommandSender, @OptionalArg plugin: String?): Boolean {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.GOLD}List of components:")
//If plugin is null, don't check for it { c -> plugin == null ||, ignoreCase = true) }
.map { c -> "${} - ${c.javaClass.simpleName} - ${if (c.isEnabled) "en" else "dis"}abled" }
.forEach { message -> sender.sendMessage(message) }
return true
@CustomTabCompleteMethod(param = "component", subcommand = ["enable", "disable"])
fun componentTabcomplete(plugin: Plugin): Iterable<String> {
return Iterable { getPluginComponents(plugin).map { c -> c.javaClass.simpleName }.iterator() }
@CustomTabCompleteMethod(param = "plugin", subcommand = ["list", "enable", "disable"], ignoreTypeCompletion = true)
fun pluginTabcomplete(): Iterable<String> {
return Iterable { { it.plugin }.distinct().map { }.iterator() }
private fun enable_disable(
sender: CommandSender,
plugin: Plugin,
component: String,
enable: Boolean,
permanent: Boolean
): Boolean {
try {
val oc = getComponentOrError(plugin, component, sender)
if (!oc.isPresent) return true
setComponentEnabled(oc.get(), enable)
if (permanent) oc.get().shouldBeEnabled = enable
sender.sendMessage("${oc.get().javaClass.simpleName} ${if (enable) "en" else "dis"}abled ${if (permanent) "permanently" else "temporarily"}.")
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Couldn't " + (if (enable) "en" else "dis") + "able component " + component + "!",
plugin as JavaPlugin
return true
private fun getPluginComponents(plugin: Plugin): Stream<Component<out JavaPlugin>> {
return { c -> == }
private fun getComponentOrError(plugin: Plugin, arg: String, sender: CommandSender): Optional<Component<*>> {
// TODO: Extend param converter to support accessing previous params
val oc = getPluginComponents(plugin).filter { it.javaClass.simpleName.equals(arg, ignoreCase = true) }.findAny()
if (!oc.isPresent) sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Component not found!")
return oc

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package buttondevteam.core;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import lombok.val;
public final class ComponentManager {
private ComponentManager() {}
private static boolean componentsEnabled = false;
* This flag is used to enable components registered after the others were enabled.
* @return Whether already registered components have been enabled
public static boolean areComponentsEnabled() { return componentsEnabled; }
* Enables components based on a configuration - any component registered afterwards will be also enabled
public static void enableComponents() {
//Component.getComponents().values().stream().filter(c->cs.getConfigurationSection(c.getClass().getSimpleName()).getBoolean("enabled")).forEach(c-> {
Component.getComponents().values().stream().filter(c -> c.shouldBeEnabled.get()).forEach(c -> {
try {
Component.setComponentEnabled(c, true);
} catch (Exception | NoClassDefFoundError e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to enable one of the components: " + c.getClass().getSimpleName(), e, c);
componentsEnabled = true;
* Unregister all components of a plugin that are enabled - called on {@link ButtonPlugin} disable
public static <T extends ButtonPlugin> void unregComponents(T plugin) {
while (!plugin.getComponentStack().empty()) //Unregister in reverse order
Component.unregisterComponent(plugin, (Component<T>) plugin.getComponentStack().pop()); //Components are pushed on register
//componentsEnabled = false; - continue enabling new components after a plugin gets disabled
* Will also return false if the component is not registered.
* @param cl The component class
* @return Whether the component is registered and enabled
public static boolean isEnabled(Class<? extends Component> cl) {
val c = Component.getComponents().get(cl);
return c != null && c.isEnabled();
* Will also return null if the component is not registered.
* @param cl The component class
* @return The component if it's registered and enabled
public static <T extends Component> T getIfEnabled(Class<T> cl) {
val c = Component.getComponents().get(cl);
return c != null && c.isEnabled() ? (T) c : null;

View file

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.components
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.setComponentEnabled
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.unregisterComponent
object ComponentManager {
private var componentsEnabled = false
* This flag is used to enable components registered after the others were enabled.
* @return Whether already registered components have been enabled
fun areComponentsEnabled(): Boolean {
return componentsEnabled
* Enables components based on a configuration - any component registered afterwards will be also enabled
fun enableComponents() { { c: Component<out JavaPlugin> -> c.shouldBeEnabled }
.forEach { c ->
try {
setComponentEnabled(c, true)
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to enable one of the components: " + c.javaClass.simpleName, e, c)
} catch (e: NoClassDefFoundError) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to enable one of the components: " + c.javaClass.simpleName, e, c)
componentsEnabled = true
* Unregister all components of a plugin that are enabled - called on [ButtonPlugin] disable
fun <T : ButtonPlugin> unregComponents(plugin: T) {
while (!plugin.componentStack.empty()) //Unregister in reverse order
unregisterComponent(plugin, plugin.componentStack.pop() as Component<T>) //Components are pushed on register
* Will also return false if the component is not registered.
* @param cl The component class
* @return Whether the component is registered and enabled
fun isEnabled(cl: Class<out Component<*>?>?): Boolean {
val c = components[cl]
return c != null && c.isEnabled
* Will also return null if the component is not registered.
* @param cl The component class
* @return The component if it's registered and enabled
fun <T : Component<*>> getIfEnabled(cl: Class<T>): T? {
val c = components[cl]
return if (c != null && c.isEnabled) c as T else null
* It will return null if the component is not registered. Use this method if you don't want to check if the component is enabled.
fun <T : Component<*>> get(cl: Class<T>): T? {
return components[cl] as T?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
package buttondevteam.core;
import buttondevteam.core.component.members.MemberComponent;
import buttondevteam.core.component.randomtp.RandomTPComponent;
import buttondevteam.core.component.restart.RestartComponent;
import buttondevteam.core.component.spawn.SpawnComponent;
import buttondevteam.core.component.towny.TownyComponent;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayerBase;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.BlockCommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class MainPlugin extends ButtonPlugin {
public static MainPlugin Instance;
public static Permission permission;
public static Essentials ess;
private Logger logger;
private Economy economy;
* Whether the Core's chat handler should be enabled.
* Other chat plugins handling messages from other platforms should set this to false.
private boolean chatHandlerEnabled = true;
* Sets whether the plugin should write a list of installed plugins in a txt file.
* It can be useful if some other software needs to know the plugins.
private final ConfigData<Boolean> writePluginList = getIConfig().getData("writePluginList", false);
* The chat format to use for messages from other platforms if Chroma-Chat is not installed.
ConfigData<String> chatFormat = getIConfig().getData("chatFormat", "[{origin}|" +
"{channel}] <{name}> {message}");
* Print some debug information.
public final ConfigData<Boolean> test = getIConfig().getData("test", false);
* If a Chroma command clashes with another plugin's command, this setting determines whether the Chroma command should be executed or the other plugin's.
public final ConfigData<Boolean> prioritizeCustomCommands = getIConfig().getData("prioritizeCustomCommands", false);
public void pluginEnable() {
Instance = this;
PluginDescriptionFile pdf = getDescription();
logger = getLogger();
if (!setupPermissions())
throw new NullPointerException("No permission plugin found!");
if (!setupEconomy()) //Though Essentials always provides economy, but we don't require Essentials
getLogger().warning("No economy plugin found! Components using economy will not be registered.");
Component.registerComponent(this, new RestartComponent());
Component.registerComponent(this, new ChannelComponent());
Component.registerComponent(this, new RandomTPComponent());
Component.registerComponent(this, new MemberComponent());
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Multiverse-Core"))
Component.registerComponent(this, new SpawnComponent());
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Towny")) //It fails to load the component class otherwise
Component.registerComponent(this, new TownyComponent());
/*if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Votifier") && economy != null)
Component.registerComponent(this, new VotifierComponent(economy));*/
registerCommand(new ComponentCommand());
registerCommand(new ChromaCommand());
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(new PlayerListener(), this);
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(getCommand2MC(), this);
ChromaGamerBase.addConverter(commandSender -> Optional.ofNullable(commandSender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender || commandSender instanceof BlockCommandSender
? TBMCPlayer.getPlayer(new UUID(0, 0), TBMCPlayer.class) : null)); //Console & cmdblocks
ChromaGamerBase.addConverter(sender -> Optional.ofNullable(sender instanceof Player
? TBMCPlayer.getPlayer(((Player) sender).getUniqueId(), TBMCPlayer.class) : null)); //Players, has higher priority
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterUserClass(TBMCPlayerBase.class, TBMCPlayer::new);
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(Channel.GlobalChat = new Channel("§fg§f", Color.White, "g", null)); //The /ooc ID has moved to the config
Channel.AdminChat = new Channel("§cADMIN§f", Color.Red, "a", Channel.inGroupFilter(null)));
Channel.ModChat = new Channel("§9MOD§f", Color.Blue, "mod", Channel.inGroupFilter("mod")));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new Channel("§6DEV§f", Color.Gold, "dev", Channel.inGroupFilter("developer")));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§cRED§f", Color.DarkRed, "red"));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§6ORANGE§f", Color.Gold, "orange"));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§eYELLOW§f", Color.Yellow, "yellow"));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§aGREEN§f", Color.Green, "green"));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§bBLUE§f", Color.Blue, "blue"));
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(new ChatRoom("§5PURPLE§f", Color.DarkPurple, "purple"));
Supplier<Iterable<String>> playerSupplier = () -> Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().stream().map(HumanEntity::getName)::iterator;
getCommand2MC().addParamConverter(OfflinePlayer.class, Bukkit::getOfflinePlayer, "Player not found!", playerSupplier);
getCommand2MC().addParamConverter(Player.class, Bukkit::getPlayer, "Online player not found!", playerSupplier);
if (writePluginList.get()) {
try {
Files.write(new File("plugins", "plugins.txt").toPath(), -> (CharSequence) p.getDataFolder().getName())::iterator);
} catch (IOException e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to write plugin list!", e, this);
if (getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Essentials"))
ess = Essentials.getPlugin(Essentials.class); + " has been Enabled (V." + pdf.getVersion() + ") Test: " + test.get() + ".");
public void pluginDisable() {"Saving player data...");
ChromaGamerBase.saveUsers();"Player data saved.");
private boolean setupPermissions() {
permission = setupProvider(Permission.class);
return (permission != null);
private boolean setupEconomy() {
economy = setupProvider(Economy.class);
return (economy != null);
private <T> T setupProvider(Class<T> cl) {
RegisteredServiceProvider<T> provider = getServer().getServicesManager()
if (provider != null)
return provider.getProvider();
return null;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
if (command.getName().equals("dontrunthiscmd")) return true; //Used in chat preprocess for console
sender.sendMessage("§cThis command isn't available."); //In theory, unregistered commands use this method
return true;

View file

@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core
import buttondevteam.core.component.members.MemberComponent
import buttondevteam.core.component.randomtp.RandomTPComponent
import buttondevteam.core.component.restart.RestartComponent
import buttondevteam.core.component.spawn.SpawnComponent
import buttondevteam.core.component.towny.TownyComponent
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.Companion.registerComponent
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayerBase
import buttondevteam.lib.test.TestPermissions
import com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
import org.bukkit.command.BlockCommandSender
import org.bukkit.command.Command
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Supplier
class MainPlugin : ButtonPlugin {
private var economy: Economy? = null
* Whether the Core's chat handler should be enabled.
* Other chat plugins handling messages from other platforms should set this to false.
var isChatHandlerEnabled = true
* The chat format to use for messages from other platforms if Chroma-Chat is not installed.
var chatFormat = iConfig.getData("chatFormat", "[{origin}|{channel}] <{name}> {message}")
* Print some debug information.
val test = iConfig.getData("test", false)
* If a Chroma command clashes with another plugin's command, this setting determines whether the Chroma command should be executed or the other plugin's.
val prioritizeCustomCommands = iConfig.getData("prioritizeCustomCommands", false)
* The permission group to use for players who are not in the server.
*/ // TODO: Combine the channel access test with command permissions (with a generic implementation)
val externalPlayerPermissionGroup get() = iConfig.getData("externalPlayerPermissionGroup", "default")
constructor() : super()
constructor(loader: JavaPluginLoader, description: PluginDescriptionFile, dataFolder: File, file: File, @Suppress("PLATFORM_CLASS_MAPPED_TO_KOTLIN") test: java.lang.Boolean) : super(loader, description, dataFolder, file) {
ChromaUtils.isTest = test.booleanValue()
public override fun pluginEnable() {
instance = this
val pdf = description
if (!setupEconomy() && !ChromaUtils.isTest) //Though Essentials always provides economy, but we don't require Essentials
logger.warning("No economy plugin found! Components using economy will not be registered.")
ConfigData.saveNow(config) // Run pending save tasks
registerComponent(this, RestartComponent())
registerComponent(this, ChannelComponent())
registerComponent(this, RandomTPComponent())
registerComponent(this, MemberComponent())
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Multiverse-Core"))
registerComponent(this, SpawnComponent())
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Towny")) //It fails to load the component class otherwise
registerComponent(this, TownyComponent())
/*if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Votifier") && economy != null)
Component.registerComponent(this, new VotifierComponent(economy));*/
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(PlayerListener(this), this)
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(command2MC, this)
//Console & cmdblocks
ChromaGamerBase.addConverter { commandSender: CommandSender ->
if (commandSender is ConsoleCommandSender || commandSender is BlockCommandSender)
else null
//Players, has higher priority
ChromaGamerBase.addConverter { sender: CommandSender ->
if (sender is Player) TBMCPlayerBase.getPlayer(sender.uniqueId, else null
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterUserClass( { TBMCPlayer() }
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(Channel("${ChatColor.WHITE}g${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.WHITE, "g", null)
.also { Channel.globalChat = it }) //The /ooc ID has moved to the config
.also { Channel.adminChat = it })
.also { Channel.modChat = it })
) // TODO: Make groups configurable
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(ChatRoom("${ChatColor.RED}RED${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.DARK_RED, "red"))
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(ChatRoom("${ChatColor.GOLD}ORANGE${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.GOLD, "orange"))
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(ChatRoom("${ChatColor.YELLOW}YELLOW${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.YELLOW, "yellow"))
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(ChatRoom("${ChatColor.GREEN}GREEN${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.GREEN, "green"))
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(ChatRoom("${ChatColor.AQUA}BLUE${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.BLUE, "blue"))
TBMCChatAPI.registerChatChannel(ChatRoom("${ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE}PURPLE${ChatColor.WHITE}", ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE, "purple"))
val playerSupplier = Supplier { Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().map { obj -> }.asIterable() }
{ name -> Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name) },
"Player not found!",
{ name -> Bukkit.getPlayer(name) },
"Online player not found!",
if (server.pluginManager.isPluginEnabled("Essentials")) ess = getPlugin( + " has been Enabled (V." + pdf.version + ") Test: " + test.get() + ".")
public override fun pluginDisable() {"Saving player data...")
ChromaGamerBase.saveUsers()"Player data saved.")
private fun setupPermissions(test: Boolean) {
permission = setupProvider(
?: if (test) TestPermissions()
else throw NullPointerException("No permission plugin found!")
private fun setupEconomy(): Boolean {
economy = setupProvider(
return economy != null
private fun <T> setupProvider(cl: Class<T>): T? {
val provider = server.servicesManager
return provider?.provider
override fun onCommand(sender: CommandSender, command: Command, label: String, args: Array<String>): Boolean {
if ( == "dontrunthiscmd") return true //Used in chat preprocess for console
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}This command isn't available.") //In theory, unregistered commands use this method
return true
companion object {
lateinit var instance: MainPlugin
private set
lateinit var permission: Permission
var ess: Essentials? = null
val isInitialized get() = ::instance.isInitialized

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package buttondevteam.core;
import buttondevteam.lib.*;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayerBase;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void OnPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
var p = event.getPlayer();
TBMCPlayer player = TBMCPlayerBase.getPlayer(p.getUniqueId(), TBMCPlayer.class);
String pname = player.PlayerName.get();
if (pname.length() == 0) {
MainPlugin.Instance.getLogger().info("Player name saved: " + player.PlayerName.get());
} else if (!p.getName().equals(pname)) {
MainPlugin.Instance.getLogger().info(pname + " renamed to " + p.getName());
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void OnPlayerLeave(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
TBMCPlayerBase.getPlayer(event.getPlayer().getUniqueId(), TBMCPlayer.class).uncache();
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onSystemChat(TBMCSystemChatEvent event) {
if (event.isHandled())
return; // Only handle here if ButtonChat couldn't - ButtonChat doesn't even handle this
if ("Minecraft"::equalsIgnoreCase))
.forEach(p -> p.sendMessage(event.getChannel().DisplayName.get().substring(0, 2) + event.getMessage()));
public void onPlayerChatPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
handlePreprocess(event.getPlayer(), event.getMessage(), event);
public void onSystemChatPreprocess(ServerCommandEvent event) {
handlePreprocess(event.getSender(), "/" + event.getCommand(), event);
if (event.isCancelled()) event.setCommand("dontrunthiscmd"); //Bugfix
private void handlePreprocess(CommandSender sender, String message, Cancellable event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
val cg = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender);
if (cg == null) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get user from sender for " + sender.getName() + "!");
val ev = new TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent(sender,, message, sender);
if (ev.isCancelled())
event.setCancelled(true); //Cancel the original event
public void onTBMCPreprocess(TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
try {
event.setCancelled(ButtonPlugin.getCommand2MC().handleCommand(new Command2MCSender(event.getSender(), event.getChannel(), event.getPermCheck()), event.getMessage()));
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Command processing failed for sender '" + event.getSender() + "' and message '" + event.getMessage() + "'", e, MainPlugin.Instance);
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) //The one in the chat plugin is set to highest
public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled())
return; //The chat plugin should cancel it after this handler
val cp = TBMCPlayer.getPlayer(event.getPlayer().getUniqueId(), TBMCPlayer.class);
TBMCChatAPI.SendChatMessage(ChatMessage.builder(event.getPlayer(), cp, event.getMessage()).build());
//Not cancelling the original event here, it's cancelled in the chat plugin
//This way other plugins can deal with the MC formatting if the chat plugin isn't present, but other platforms still get the message
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) //The one in the chat plugin is set to highest
public void onPlayerChat(TBMCChatEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled())
if (!MainPlugin.Instance.isChatHandlerEnabled()) return;
if (event.getOrigin().equals("Minecraft")) return; //Let other plugins handle MC messages
var channel = event.getChannel();
String msg = MainPlugin.Instance.chatFormat.get()
.replace("{channel}", channel.DisplayName.get())
.replace("{origin}", event.getOrigin().substring(0, 1))
.replace("{name}", ChromaUtils.getDisplayName(event.getSender()))
.replace("{message}", String.format("§%x%s", channel.Color.get().ordinal(), event.getMessage()));
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers())
if (event.shouldSendTo(player))

View file

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCChatEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayerBase
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayerBase.Companion.asTBMC
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
class PlayerListener(val plugin: MainPlugin) : Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
fun onPlayerJoin(event: PlayerJoinEvent) {
val p = event.player
val player = TBMCPlayerBase.getPlayer(p.uniqueId,
val pname = player.playerName
if (pname.isEmpty()) {
player.playerName ="Player name saved: " + player.playerName)
} else if ( != pname) { + " renamed to " +
player.playerName =
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
fun onPlayerLeave(event: PlayerQuitEvent) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
fun onSystemChat(event: TBMCSystemChatEvent) {
if (event.isHandled) return
if (event.exceptions.any { "Minecraft".equals(it, ignoreCase = true) }) return
Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().stream().filter { event.shouldSendTo(it.asTBMC()) }
.forEach { it.sendMessage(, 2) + event.message) }
// TODO: Replace the substring call with a proper color code getter.
fun onPlayerChatPreprocess(event: PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) {
handlePreprocess(event.player, event.message, event)
fun onSystemChatPreprocess(event: ServerCommandEvent) {
handlePreprocess(event.sender, "/" + event.command, event)
if (event.isCancelled) event.command = "dontrunthiscmd" //Bugfix
private fun handlePreprocess(sender: CommandSender, message: String, event: Cancellable) {
if (event.isCancelled) return
val cg = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender)
val ev = TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent(cg,, message, cg)
if (ev.isCancelled) event.isCancelled = true //Cancel the original event
fun onTBMCPreprocess(event: TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent) {
if (event.isCancelled) return
try {
val sender = Command2MCSender(event.sender,, event.permCheck)
event.isCancelled = ButtonPlugin.command2MC.handleCommand(sender, event.message)
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Command processing failed for sender '${event.sender}' and message '${event.message}'",
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) //The one in the chat plugin is set to highest
fun onPlayerChat(event: AsyncPlayerChatEvent) {
if (event.isCancelled) return //The chat plugin should cancel it after this handler
val cp = TBMCPlayerBase.getPlayer(event.player.uniqueId,
TBMCChatAPI.sendChatMessage(ChatMessage.builder(cp, event.message).build())
//Not cancelling the original event here, it's cancelled in the chat plugin
//This way other plugins can deal with the MC formatting if the chat plugin isn't present, but other platforms still get the message
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) //The one in the chat plugin is set to highest
fun onPlayerChat(event: TBMCChatEvent) {
if (event.isCancelled) return
if (!plugin.isChatHandlerEnabled) return
if (event.origin == "Minecraft") return //Let other plugins handle MC messages
val channel =
val msg = plugin.chatFormat.get()
.replace("{channel}", channel.displayName.get())
.replace("{origin}", event.origin.substring(0, 1))
.replace("{message}", String.format("§%x%s", channel.color.get().ordinal, event.message))
for (player in Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) if (event.shouldSendTo(player.asTBMC())) player.sendMessage(msg)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package buttondevteam.core;
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class TestPrepare {
public static void PrepareServer() {
ChromaUtils.setTest(); //Needs to be in a separate class because of the potential lack of Mockito
Bukkit.setServer(Mockito.mock(Server.class, new Answer<Object>() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
if (returns(invocation, String.class))
return "test";
if (returns(invocation, Logger.class))
return Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
if (returns(invocation, PluginManager.class))
return Mockito.mock(PluginManager.class);
if (returns(invocation, Collection.class))
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
if (returns(invocation, BukkitScheduler.class))
return Mockito.mock(BukkitScheduler.class);
return null;
boolean returns(InvocationOnMock invocation, Class<?> cl) {
return cl.isAssignableFrom(invocation.getMethod().getReturnType());
Component.registerComponent(Mockito.mock(JavaPlugin.class), new ChannelComponent());
TBMCChatAPI.RegisterChatChannel(Channel.GlobalChat = new Channel("§fg§f", Color.White, "g", null));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.IHaveConfig;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Represents a chat channel. May only be instantiated after the channel component is registered.
public class Channel {
* Specifies a score that means it's OK to send - but it does not define any groups, only send or not send. See {@link #GROUP_EVERYONE}
public static final int SCORE_SEND_OK = 0;
* Specifies a score that means the user doesn't have permission to see or send the message. Any negative value has the same effect.
public static final int SCORE_SEND_NOPE = -1;
* Send the message to everyone <i>who has access to the channel</i> - this does not necessarily mean all players
public static final String GROUP_EVERYONE = "everyone";
private static ChannelComponent component;
private String defDisplayName;
private Color defColor;
private IHaveConfig config;
public final ConfigData<Boolean> Enabled;
* Must start with a color code
public final ConfigData<String> DisplayName;
public final ConfigData<Color> Color;
public final String ID;
public ConfigData<String[]> IDs;
* Filters both the sender and the targets
private final Function<CommandSender, RecipientTestResult> filteranderrormsg;
private static final List<Channel> channels = new ArrayList<>();
* Creates a channel.
* @param displayname The name that should appear at the start of the message. <b>A chat color is expected at the beginning (§9).</b>
* @param color The default color of the messages sent in the channel
* @param command The command to be used for the channel <i>without /</i>. For example "mod". It's also used for scoreboard objective names.
* @param filteranderrormsg Checks all senders against the criteria provided here and sends the message if the index matches the sender's - if no score at all, displays the error.<br>
* May be null to send to everyone.
public Channel(String displayname, Color color, String command,
Function<CommandSender, RecipientTestResult> filteranderrormsg) {
defDisplayName = displayname;
defColor = color;
ID = command;
this.filteranderrormsg = filteranderrormsg;
Enabled = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".enabled", true);
DisplayName = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".displayName", defDisplayName);
Color = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".color", defColor, c -> c), Enum::toString);
//noinspection unchecked
IDs = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".IDs", new String[0], l -> ((List<String>) l).toArray(new String[0]), Lists::newArrayList);
* Must be only called from a subclass - otherwise it'll throw an exception.
* @see Channel#Channel(String, Color, String, Function)
protected <T extends Channel> Channel(String displayname, Color color, String command,
BiFunction<T, CommandSender, RecipientTestResult> filteranderrormsg) {
defDisplayName = displayname;
defColor = color;
ID = command;
this.filteranderrormsg = s -> filteranderrormsg.apply((T) this, s);
Enabled = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".enabled", true);
DisplayName = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".displayName", defDisplayName);
Color = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".color", defColor, c -> c), Enum::toString);
//noinspection unchecked
IDs = component.getConfig().getData(ID + ".IDs", new String[0], l -> ((List<String>) l).toArray(new String[0]), Lists::newArrayList);
private static void init() {
if (component == null)
component = (ChannelComponent) Component.getComponents().get(ChannelComponent.class);
if (component == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to create a channel before the component is registered!");
public boolean isGlobal() {
return filteranderrormsg == null;
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
* @param sender The user we're sending to
* @param score The (source) score to compare with the user's
public boolean shouldSendTo(CommandSender sender, int score) {
return score == getMCScore(sender); //If there's any error, the score won't be equal
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
public int getMCScore(CommandSender sender) {
return getRTR(sender).score; //No need to check if there was an error
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically<br>
* <p>
* Null means don't send
public String getGroupID(CommandSender sender) {
return getRTR(sender).groupID; //No need to check if there was an error
public RecipientTestResult getRTR(CommandSender sender) {
if (filteranderrormsg == null)
return new RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE);
return filteranderrormsg.apply(sender);
* Get a stream of the enabled channels
* @return Only the enabled channels
public static Stream<Channel> getChannels() {
return -> ch.Enabled.get());
* Return all channels whether they're enabled or not
* @return A list of all channels
public static List<Channel> getChannelList() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(channels);
* Convenience method for the function parameter of {@link #Channel(String, Color, String, Function)}. It checks if the sender is OP or optionally has the specified group. The error message is
* generated automatically.
* @param permgroup The group that can access the channel or <b>null</b> to only allow OPs.
* @return If has access
public static Function<CommandSender, RecipientTestResult> inGroupFilter(String permgroup) {
return noScoreResult(
s -> s.isOp() || (permgroup != null && (s instanceof Player && MainPlugin.permission != null && MainPlugin.permission.playerInGroup((Player) s, permgroup))),
"You need to be a(n) " + (permgroup != null ? permgroup : "OP") + " to use this channel.");
public static Function<CommandSender, RecipientTestResult> noScoreResult(Predicate<CommandSender> filter,
String errormsg) {
return s -> filter.test(s) ? new RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE) : new RecipientTestResult(errormsg);
public static <T extends Channel> BiFunction<T, CommandSender, RecipientTestResult> noScoreResult(
BiPredicate<T, CommandSender> filter, String errormsg) {
return (this_, s) -> filter.test(this_, s) ? new RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE) : new RecipientTestResult(errormsg);
public static Channel GlobalChat;
public static Channel AdminChat;
public static Channel ModChat;
public static void RegisterChannel(Channel channel) {
if (!channel.isGlobal() && !ComponentManager.isEnabled(ChannelComponent.class))
return; //Allow registering the global chat (and I guess other chats like the RP chat)
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(MainPlugin.Instance, () -> Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new ChatChannelRegisterEvent(channel))); // Wait for server start
public static class RecipientTestResult {
public final String errormessage;
public final int score; // Anything below 0 is "never send"
public final String groupID;
public static final RecipientTestResult ALL = new RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE);
* Creates a result that indicates an <b>error</b>
* @param errormessage The error message to show the sender if they don't meet the criteria.
public RecipientTestResult(String errormessage) {
this.errormessage = errormessage;
this.score = SCORE_SEND_NOPE;
this.groupID = null;
* Creates a result that indicates a <b>success</b>
* @param score The score that identifies the target group. <b>Must be non-negative.</b> For example, the index of the town or nation to send to.
* @param groupID The ID of the target group.
public RecipientTestResult(int score, String groupID) {
if (score < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Score must be non-negative!");
this.score = score;
this.groupID = groupID;
this.errormessage = null;

View file

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager.get
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.IHaveConfig
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Predicate
* Represents a chat channel. May only be instantiated after the channel component is registered.
open class Channel
* Creates a channel.
* @param filterAndErrorMSG Checks all senders against the criteria provided here and sends the message if the index matches the sender's - if no score at all, displays the error.
* May be null to send to everyone.
* The name that should appear at the start of the message. **A chat color is expected at the beginning (§9).**
private val defDisplayName: String,
* The default color of the messages sent in the channel
private val defColor: ChatColor,
* The channel identifier. It's the same as the command to be used for the channel *without / *. For example "mod".
* It's also used for scoreboard objective names.
val identifier: String,
* A function that determines who has permission to see the channel.
* If the sender doesn't have access, they cannot send the message.
* Only those with access can see the messages.
* If null, everyone has access.
private val filterAndErrorMSG: Function<ChromaGamerBase, RecipientTestResult>?
) {
private val config: IHaveConfig? = null // TODO: Use this
val isEnabled = component.config.getData("${this.identifier}.enabled", true)
* Must start with a color code
val displayName = component.config.getData("${this.identifier}.displayName", this.defDisplayName)
val color = component.config.getData(
this.defColor, { c -> ChatColor.getByChar(c as Char) ?: this.defColor }, ChatColor::getChar
val extraIdentifiers = component.config.getListData("${this.identifier}.IDs", listOf<String>())
val isGlobal: Boolean
get() = filterAndErrorMSG == null
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
* @param sender The user we're sending to
* @param score The (source) score to compare with the user's
fun shouldSendTo(sender: ChromaGamerBase, score: Int): Boolean {
return score == getMCScore(sender) //If there's any error, the score won't be equal
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
fun getMCScore(sender: ChromaGamerBase): Int {
return getRTR(sender).score //No need to check if there was an error
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
* Null means don't send
fun getGroupID(sender: ChromaGamerBase): String? {
return getRTR(sender).groupID //No need to check if there was an error
fun getRTR(sender: ChromaGamerBase): RecipientTestResult {
return filterAndErrorMSG?.apply(sender) ?: RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE)
class RecipientTestResult {
val errormessage: String?
val score // Anything below 0 is "never send"
: Int
val groupID: String?
* Creates a result that indicates an **error**
* @param errormessage The error message to show the sender if they don't meet the criteria.
constructor(errormessage: String?) {
this.errormessage = errormessage
groupID = null
* Creates a result that indicates a **success**
* @param score The score that identifies the target group. **Must be non-negative.** For example, the index of the town or nation to send to.
* @param groupID The ID of the target group.
constructor(score: Int, groupID: String?) {
require(score >= 0) { "Score must be non-negative!" }
this.score = score
this.groupID = groupID
errormessage = null
companion object {
val ALL = RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE)
companion object {
* Specifies a score that means it's OK to send - but it does not define any groups, only send or not send. See [.GROUP_EVERYONE]
const val SCORE_SEND_OK = 0
* Specifies a score that means the user doesn't have permission to see or send the message. Any negative value has the same effect.
const val SCORE_SEND_NOPE = -1
* Send the message to everyone *who has access to the channel* - this does not necessarily mean all players
const val GROUP_EVERYONE = "everyone"
private val component: ChannelComponent by lazy {
?: throw RuntimeException("Attempting to create a channel before the component is registered!")
private val channels: MutableList<Channel> = ArrayList()
* Get a stream of the enabled channels
* @return Only the enabled channels
fun getChannels(): Stream<Channel> {
return { ch: Channel -> ch.isEnabled.get() }
val channelList: List<Channel>
* Return all channels whether they're enabled or not
* @return A list of all channels
get() = Collections.unmodifiableList(channels)
* Convenience method for the function parameter of [.Channel]. It checks if the sender is OP or optionally has the specified group. The error message is
* generated automatically.
* @param permgroup The group that can access the channel or **null** to only allow OPs.
* @return If has access
fun inGroupFilter(permgroup: String?): Function<ChromaGamerBase, RecipientTestResult> {
return Function { it.checkChannelInGroup(permgroup) }
fun noScoreResult(
filter: Predicate<ChromaGamerBase>,
errormsg: String?
): Function<ChromaGamerBase, RecipientTestResult> {
return Function { noScoreResult(filter, errormsg, it) }
fun noScoreResult(
filter: Predicate<ChromaGamerBase>,
errormsg: String?,
user: ChromaGamerBase
): RecipientTestResult {
return if (filter.test(user)) RecipientTestResult(SCORE_SEND_OK, GROUP_EVERYONE)
else RecipientTestResult(errormsg)
lateinit var globalChat: Channel
lateinit var adminChat: Channel
lateinit var modChat: Channel
fun registerChannel(channel: Channel) {
if (!channel.isGlobal && !component.isEnabled) return //Allow registering the global chat (and I guess other chats like the RP chat)
Runnable {
}) // Wait for server start

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
* Manages chat channels. If disabled, only global channels will be registered.
public class ChannelComponent extends Component<JavaPlugin> {
static TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget roomJoinLeave;
protected void register(JavaPlugin plugin) {
roomJoinLeave = TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.add("roomJoinLeave"); //Even if it's disabled, global channels continue to work
protected void unregister(JavaPlugin plugin) {
roomJoinLeave = null;
protected void enable() {
protected void disable() {
void registerChannelCommand(Channel channel) {
if (!ChromaUtils.isTest())
registerCommand(new ChannelCommand(channel));
private static class ChannelCommand extends ICommand2MC {
private final Channel channel;
public String getCommandPath() {
return channel.ID;
public String[] getCommandPaths() {
return channel.IDs.get();
public void def(Command2MCSender senderMC, @Command2.OptionalArg @Command2.TextArg String message) {
var sender = senderMC.getSender();
var user = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender);
if (user == null) {
sender.sendMessage("§cYou can't use channels from this platform.");
if (message == null) {
Channel oldch =;
if (oldch instanceof ChatRoom)
((ChatRoom) oldch).leaveRoom(sender);
if (oldch.equals(channel));
else {;
if (channel instanceof ChatRoom)
((ChatRoom) channel).joinRoom(sender);
sender.sendMessage("§6You are now talking in: §b" +;
} else
TBMCChatAPI.SendChatMessage(ChatMessage.builder(sender, user, message).fromCommand(true)
.permCheck(senderMC.getPermCheck()).build(), channel);

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
* Manages chat channels. If disabled, only global channels will be registered.
class ChannelComponent : Component<JavaPlugin>() {
override fun register(plugin: JavaPlugin) {
roomJoinLeave = BroadcastTarget.add("roomJoinLeave") //Even if it's disabled, global channels continue to work
override fun unregister(plugin: JavaPlugin) {
roomJoinLeave = null
override fun enable() {}
override fun disable() {}
fun registerChannelCommand(channel: Channel) {
if (!ChromaUtils.isTest) registerCommand(ChannelCommand(channel))
private class ChannelCommand(private val channel: Channel) : ICommand2MC() {
override val commandPath: String
get() = channel.identifier
override val commandPaths: Array<String>
get() = channel.extraIdentifiers.get().toTypedArray()
fun def(senderMC: Command2MCSender, @OptionalArg @TextArg message: String?) {
val user = senderMC.sender
if (message == null) {
val oldch =
if (oldch is ChatRoom) oldch.leaveRoom(user)
if (oldch == channel) else {
if (channel is ChatRoom) channel.joinRoom(user)
user.sendMessage("${ChatColor.GOLD}You are now talking in: ${ChatColor.AQUA}" +
} else TBMCChatAPI.sendChatMessage(
ChatMessage.builder(user, message).fromCommand(true)
.permCheck(senderMC.permCheck).build(), channel
companion object {
var roomJoinLeave: BroadcastTarget? = null

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ChatRoom extends Channel {
private final List<CommandSender> usersInRoom = new ArrayList<>();
public ChatRoom(String displayname, Color color, String command) {
<ChatRoom>super(displayname, color, command, noScoreResult((this_, s) -> this_.usersInRoom.contains(s),
"Not implemented yet. Please report it to the devs along with which platform you're trying to talk from."));
public void joinRoom(CommandSender sender) {
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(this, RecipientTestResult.ALL, sender.getName() + " joined the room", TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.ALL); //Always show message in the same kind of channel
public void leaveRoom(CommandSender sender) {
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(this, RecipientTestResult.ALL, sender.getName() + " left the room", ChannelComponent.roomJoinLeave);

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
class ChatRoom(displayname: String, color: ChatColor, command: String) : Channel(
displayname, color, command, null // TODO: Custom filter for rooms using abstract method
) {
private val usersInRoom: MutableList<ChromaGamerBase> = ArrayList()
private fun isInRoom(sender: ChromaGamerBase): Boolean {
return usersInRoom.contains(sender)
fun joinRoom(sender: ChromaGamerBase) {
RecipientTestResult.ALL, + " joined the room",
) //Always show message in the same kind of channel
fun leaveRoom(sender: ChromaGamerBase) {
RecipientTestResult.ALL, + " left the room",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.members;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@CommandClass(path = "member", helpText = { //
"Member command", //
"Add or remove server members.", //
public class MemberCommand extends ICommand2MC {
private final MemberComponent component;
public MemberCommand(MemberComponent component) {
this.component = component;
@Command2.Subcommand(permGroup = Command2.Subcommand.MOD_GROUP)
public boolean add(CommandSender sender, OfflinePlayer player) {
return addRemove(sender, player, true);
@Command2.Subcommand(permGroup = Command2.Subcommand.MOD_GROUP)
public boolean remove(CommandSender sender, OfflinePlayer player) {
return addRemove(sender, player, false);
public boolean addRemove(CommandSender sender, OfflinePlayer op, boolean add) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(MainPlugin.Instance, () -> {
if (!op.hasPlayedBefore()) {
sender.sendMessage("§cCannot find player or haven't played before.");
if (add ? MainPlugin.permission.playerAddGroup(null, op, component.memberGroup.get())
: MainPlugin.permission.playerRemoveGroup(null, op, component.memberGroup.get()))
sender.sendMessage("§b" + op.getName() + " " + (add ? "added" : "removed") + " as a member!");
sender.sendMessage("§cFailed to " + (add ? "add" : "remove") + " " + op.getName() + " as a member!");
return true;
public void def(Player player) {
String msg;
if (!component.checkNotMember(player))
msg = "You are a member.";
else {
double pt = component.getPlayTime(player);
long rt = component.getRegTime(player);
if (pt == -1 || rt == -1) {
Boolean result = component.addPlayerAsMember(player);
if (result == null)
msg = "Can't assign member group because groups are not supported by the permissions plugin.";
else if (result)
msg = "You meet all the requirements.";
msg = "You should be a member but failed to add you to the group.";
} else
msg = String.format("You need to play for %.2f hours total or play for %d more days to become a member.",
pt, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(rt));

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.members
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
path = "member", helpText = [ //
"Member command", //
"Add or remove server members."]
class MemberCommand() : ICommand2MC() {
@MCCommandSettings(permGroup = MCCommandSettings.MOD_GROUP)
fun add(sender: CommandSender, player: OfflinePlayer): Boolean {
return addRemove(sender, player, true)
@MCCommandSettings(permGroup = MCCommandSettings.MOD_GROUP)
fun remove(sender: CommandSender, player: OfflinePlayer): Boolean {
return addRemove(sender, player, false)
private fun addRemove(sender: CommandSender, op: OfflinePlayer, add: Boolean): Boolean {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(MainPlugin.instance, Runnable {
val component = component as MemberComponent
if (!op.hasPlayedBefore()) {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Cannot find player or haven't played before.")
if (if (add) MainPlugin.permission.playerAddGroup(null, op, component.memberGroup.get())
else MainPlugin.permission.playerRemoveGroup(null, op, component.memberGroup.get())
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.AQUA}${} ${if (add) "added" else "removed"} as a member!")
else sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Failed to ${if (add) "add" else "remove"} ${} as a member!")
return true
fun def(player: Player) {
val component = component as MemberComponent
val msg = if (!component.checkNotMember(player)) "You are a member." else {
val pt = component.getPlayTime(player)
val rt = component.getRegTime(player)
if (pt == -1.0 || rt == -1L) {
val result = component.addPlayerAsMember(player)
if (result == null) "Can't assign member group because groups are not supported by the permissions plugin."
else if (result) "You meet all the requirements."
else "You should be a member but failed to add you to the group."
} else String.format(
"You need to play for %.2f hours total or play for %d more days to become a member.",
pt, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(rt)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.members;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ComponentMetadata;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData;
import org.bukkit.Statistic;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Date;
import static buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin.permission;
* Allows giving a 'member' group over some time elapsed OR played.
@ComponentMetadata(enabledByDefault = false)
public class MemberComponent extends Component<MainPlugin> implements Listener {
* The permission group to give to the player
final ConfigData<String> memberGroup = getConfig().getData("memberGroup", "member");
* The amount of hours needed to play before promotion
private final ConfigData<Integer> playedHours = getConfig().getData("playedHours", 12);
* The amount of days passed since first login
private final ConfigData<Integer> registeredForDays = getConfig().getData("registeredForDays", 7);
private AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Statistic, Integer> playtime;
protected void enable() {
registerCommand(new MemberCommand(this));
try {
playtime = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Statistic.valueOf("PLAY_ONE_MINUTE"), 60); //1.14
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
playtime = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Statistic.valueOf("PLAY_ONE_TICK"), 20 * 3600); //1.12
protected void disable() {
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
if (checkNotMember(event.getPlayer()) && (checkRegTime(event.getPlayer()) || checkPlayTime(event.getPlayer()))) {
public Boolean addPlayerAsMember(Player player) {
try {
if (permission.playerAddGroup(null, player, memberGroup.get())) {
player.sendMessage("§bYou are a member now!");
log("Added " + player.getName() + " as a member.");
return true;
} else {
logWarn("Failed to assign the member role! Please make sure the member group exists or disable the component if it's unused.");
return false;
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
logWarn("Failed to assign the member role! Groups are not supported by the permissions implementation.");
return null;
public boolean checkNotMember(Player player) {
return permission != null && !permission.playerInGroup(player, memberGroup.get());
public boolean checkRegTime(Player player) {
return getRegTime(player) == -1;
public boolean checkPlayTime(Player player) {
return getPlayTime(player) > playtime.getValue() * playedHours.get();
* Returns milliseconds
public long getRegTime(Player player) {
Instant date = new Date(player.getFirstPlayed()).toInstant().plus(registeredForDays.get(), ChronoUnit.DAYS);
if (date.isAfter(
return date.toEpochMilli() -;
return -1;
public int getPlayTimeTotal(Player player) {
return player.getStatistic(playtime.getKey());
* Returns hours
public double getPlayTime(Player player) {
double pt = playedHours.get() - (double) getPlayTimeTotal(player) / playtime.getValue();
if (pt < 0) return -1;
return pt;

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.members
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ComponentMetadata
import org.bukkit.Statistic
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.util.*
* Allows giving a 'member' group over some time elapsed OR played.
@ComponentMetadata(enabledByDefault = false)
class MemberComponent : Component<MainPlugin>(), Listener {
* The permission group to give to the player
val memberGroup get() = config.getData("memberGroup", "member")
* The amount of hours needed to play before promotion
private val playedHours get() = config.getData("playedHours", 12)
* The amount of days passed since first login
private val registeredForDays get() = config.getData("registeredForDays", 7)
private var playtime: Pair<Statistic, Int>? = null
override fun enable() {
playtime = try {
Pair(Statistic.valueOf("PLAY_ONE_MINUTE"), 60) //1.14
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
Pair(Statistic.valueOf("PLAY_ONE_TICK"), 20 * 3600) //1.12
override fun disable() {}
fun onPlayerJoin(event: PlayerJoinEvent) {
if (checkNotMember(event.player) && (checkRegTime(event.player) || checkPlayTime(event.player))) {
fun addPlayerAsMember(player: Player): Boolean? {
return try {
if (MainPlugin.permission.playerAddGroup(null, player, memberGroup.get())) {
player.sendMessage("\${ChatColor.AQUA}You are a member now!")
log("Added " + + " as a member.")
} else {
logWarn("Failed to assign the member role! Please make sure the member group exists or disable the component if it's unused.")
} catch (e: UnsupportedOperationException) {
logWarn("Failed to assign the member role! Groups are not supported by the permissions implementation.")
fun checkNotMember(player: Player?): Boolean {
return !MainPlugin.permission.playerInGroup(player, memberGroup.get())
fun checkRegTime(player: Player): Boolean {
return getRegTime(player) == -1L
fun checkPlayTime(player: Player): Boolean {
return getPlayTime(player) > playtime!!.second * playedHours.get()
* Returns milliseconds
fun getRegTime(player: Player): Long {
val date = Date(player.firstPlayed).toInstant().plus(registeredForDays.get().toLong(), ChronoUnit.DAYS)
return if (date.isAfter( date.toEpochMilli() - else -1
fun getPlayTimeTotal(player: Player): Int {
return player.getStatistic(playtime!!.first)
* Returns hours
fun getPlayTime(player: Player): Double {
val pt = playedHours.get() - getPlayTimeTotal(player).toDouble() / playtime!!.second
return if (pt < 0) (-1).toDouble() else pt

View file

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
// @formatter:off
@SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal")@CommandClass(helpText = {
"Random Teleport",
"§6---- Random Teleport ----",
"Teleport player to random location within world border. Every five players teleport to the same general area, and then a new general area is randomly selected for the next five players."
public class RandomTP extends ICommand2MC
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ public class RandomTP extends ICommand2MC
&& !newLocation())
//if unable to find new location, message player and return false
player.sendMessage("§ccould not find a location in 10,000 attempts");
player.sendMessage("§c could not find a location in 10,000 attempts");
player.sendMessage("§c (sorry bud... I did try!)");
return false;
@ -188,12 +190,24 @@ public class RandomTP extends ICommand2MC
eastGroundMaterial != Material.AIR &&
westGroundMaterial != Material.AIR &&
centerGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_WATER &&
northGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_WATER &&
southGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_WATER &&
eastGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_WATER &&
westGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_WATER &&
centerGroundMaterial != Material.WATER &&
northGroundMaterial != Material.WATER &&
southGroundMaterial != Material.WATER &&
eastGroundMaterial != Material.WATER &&
westGroundMaterial != Material.WATER &&
centerGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_LAVA &&
northGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_LAVA &&
southGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_LAVA &&
eastGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_LAVA &&
westGroundMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_LAVA &&
centerGroundMaterial != Material.LAVA &&
northGroundMaterial != Material.LAVA &&
southGroundMaterial != Material.LAVA &&

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.restart;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@CommandClass(path = "primerestart", modOnly = true, helpText = {
"§6---- Prime restart ----", //
"Restarts the server as soon as nobody is online.", //
"To be loud, type something after, like /primerestart lol (it doesn't matter what you write)", //
"To be silent, don't type anything" //
public class PrimeRestartCommand extends ICommand2MC {
private final RestartComponent component;
public void def(CommandSender sender, @Command2.TextArg @Command2.OptionalArg String somethingrandom) {
loud = somethingrandom != null;
if (Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size() > 0) {
sender.sendMessage("§bPlayers online, restart delayed.");
if (loud)
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(Channel.GlobalChat, Channel.RecipientTestResult.ALL, ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The server will restart as soon as nobody is online.", component.getRestartBroadcast());
plsrestart = true;
} else {
sender.sendMessage("§bNobody is online. Restarting now.");
if (loud)
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(Channel.GlobalChat, Channel.RecipientTestResult.ALL, "§cNobody is online. Restarting server.", component.getRestartBroadcast());
private static boolean plsrestart = false;
private static boolean loud = false;

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.restart
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
path = "primerestart", modOnly = true, helpText = ["Prime restart", //
"Restarts the server as soon as nobody is online.", //
"To be loud, type something after, like /primerestart lol (it doesn't matter what you write)", //
"To be silent, don't type anything" //
class PrimeRestartCommand : ICommand2MC() {
fun def(sender: CommandSender, @TextArg @OptionalArg somethingrandom: String?) {
val isLoud = somethingrandom != null
val component = component as RestartComponent
component.isLoud = isLoud
if (Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().isNotEmpty()) {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.AQUA}Players online, restart delayed.")
if (isLoud) SendSystemMessage(
"${ChatColor.DARK_RED}The server will restart as soon as nobody is online.",
component.isPlsrestart = true
} else {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.AQUA}Nobody is online. Restarting now.")
if (isLoud) SendSystemMessage(
"${ChatColor.RED}Nobody is online. Restarting server.",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.restart;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ComponentMetadata;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
* Provides commands such as /schrestart (restart after a countdown) and /primerestart (restart when nobody is online).
* Also can automatically restart at a given time.
@ComponentMetadata(enabledByDefault = false)
public class RestartComponent extends Component<MainPlugin> implements Listener {
public void enable() {
var scheduledRestartCommand = new ScheduledRestartCommand(this);
registerCommand(new PrimeRestartCommand(this));
restartBroadcast = TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.add("restartCountdown");
int restartAt = this.restartAt.get();
if (restartAt < 0) return;
int restart = syncStart(restartAt);
log("Scheduled restart " + (restart / 3600. / 20.) + " hours from now");
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(getPlugin(), () -> scheduledRestartCommand.def(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), 0), restart);
public void disable() {
* Specifies the hour of day when the server should be restarted. Set to -1 to disable.
private final ConfigData<Integer> restartAt = getConfig().getData("restartAt", 12);
private long lasttime = 0;
private TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget restartBroadcast;
private int syncStart(int hour) {
var now ="", ZoneOffset.UTC));
int secs = now.getHour() * 3600 + now.getMinute() * 60 + now.getSecond();
int diff = secs - hour * 3600;
if (diff < 0) {
diff += 24 * 3600;
int count = diff / (24 * 3600);
int intervalPart = diff - count * 24 * 3600;
int remaining = 24 * 3600 - intervalPart;
return remaining * 20;
public void onPlayerLeave(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
if (PrimeRestartCommand.isPlsrestart()
&& !event.getQuitMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("Server closed")
&& !event.getQuitMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("Server is restarting")) {
if (Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size() <= 1) {
if (PrimeRestartCommand.isLoud())
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(Channel.GlobalChat, Channel.RecipientTestResult.ALL, "§cNobody is online anymore. Restarting.", restartBroadcast);
} else if (!(event.getPlayer() instanceof IFakePlayer) && System.nanoTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000000000L - lasttime > 0) { //10 minutes passed since last reminder
lasttime = System.nanoTime();
if (PrimeRestartCommand.isLoud())
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(Channel.GlobalChat, Channel.RecipientTestResult.ALL, ChatColor.DARK_RED + "The server will restart as soon as nobody is online.", restartBroadcast);

View file

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.restart
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.Companion.add
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget.Companion.remove
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ComponentMetadata
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
import java.time.ZoneId
import java.time.ZoneOffset
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
* Provides commands such as /schrestart (restart after a countdown) and /primerestart (restart when nobody is online).
* Also can automatically restart at a given time.
@ComponentMetadata(enabledByDefault = false)
class RestartComponent : Component<MainPlugin>(), Listener {
public override fun enable() {
val scheduledRestartCommand = ScheduledRestartCommand()
restartBroadcast = add("restartCountdown")
val restartAt = restartAt.get()
if (restartAt < 0) return
val restart = syncStart(restartAt)
log("Scheduled restart " + restart / 3600.0 / 20.0 + " hours from now")
Runnable { scheduledRestartCommand.def(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), 0) },
public override fun disable() {
* Specifies the hour of day when the server should be restarted. Set to -1 to disable.
private val restartAt get() = config.getData("restartAt", 12)
private var lasttime: Long = 0
var isPlsrestart = false
var isLoud = false
lateinit var restartBroadcast: BroadcastTarget
private fun syncStart(hour: Int): Int {
val now ="", ZoneOffset.UTC))
val secs = now.hour * 3600 + now.minute * 60 + now.second
var diff = secs - hour * 3600
if (diff < 0) {
diff += 24 * 3600
val count = diff / (24 * 3600)
val intervalPart = diff - count * 24 * 3600
val remaining = 24 * 3600 - intervalPart
return remaining * 20
fun onPlayerLeave(event: PlayerQuitEvent) {
if (isPlsrestart
&& !event.quitMessage.equals("Server closed", ignoreCase = true)
&& !event.quitMessage.equals("Server is restarting", ignoreCase = true)
) {
if (Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size <= 1) {
if (isLoud) TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(
"${ChatColor.RED}Nobody is online anymore. Restarting.",
} else if (event.player !is IFakePlayer && System.nanoTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000000000L - lasttime > 0) { //10 minutes passed since last reminder
lasttime = System.nanoTime()
if (isLoud) TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(
ChatColor.DARK_RED.toString() + "The server will restart as soon as nobody is online.",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.restart;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.ScheduledServerRestartEvent;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarFlag;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;
import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
@CommandClass(modOnly = true, path = "schrestart", helpText = {
"Scheduled restart", //
"This command restarts the server 1 minute after it's executed, warning players every 10 seconds.", //
"You can optionally set the amount of seconds to wait before the restart." //
public class ScheduledRestartCommand extends ICommand2MC {
private int restartCounter;
private BukkitTask restarttask;
private volatile BossBar restartbar;
private final RestartComponent component;
public boolean def(CommandSender sender, @Command2.OptionalArg int seconds) {
if (seconds == 0) seconds = 60;
if (seconds < 10) {
sender.sendMessage("§cError: Seconds must be at least 10.");
return false;
final int restarttime = restartCounter = seconds * 20;
restartbar = Bukkit.createBossBar("Server restart in " + seconds + "s", BarColor.RED, BarStyle.SOLID,
Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(p -> restartbar.addPlayer(p));
sender.sendMessage("Scheduled restart in " + seconds);
ScheduledServerRestartEvent e = new ScheduledServerRestartEvent(restarttime, this);
restarttask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(MainPlugin.Instance, () -> {
if (restartCounter < 0) {
restartbar.getPlayers().forEach(p -> restartbar.removePlayer(p));
if (restartCounter % 200 == 0 && Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size() > 0)
TBMCChatAPI.SendSystemMessage(Channel.GlobalChat, Channel.RecipientTestResult.ALL, "§c-- The server is restarting in " + restartCounter / 20 + " seconds!", component.getRestartBroadcast());
restartbar.setProgress(restartCounter / (double) restarttime);
restartbar.setTitle(String.format("Server restart in %.2f", restartCounter / 20f));
}, 1, 1);
return true;

View file

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.restart
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.ScheduledServerRestartEvent
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor
import org.bukkit.boss.BarFlag
import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle
import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
import java.util.function.Consumer
modOnly = true, path = "schrestart", helpText = ["Scheduled restart", //
"This command restarts the server 1 minute after it's executed, warning players every 10 seconds.", //
"You can optionally set the amount of seconds to wait before the restart." //
class ScheduledRestartCommand : ICommand2MC() {
public var restartCounter = 0
private lateinit var restartTask: BukkitTask
private lateinit var restartBar: BossBar
private var restartInitialTicks by Delegates.notNull<Int>()
fun def(sender: CommandSender, @OptionalArg seconds: Int): Boolean {
return restart(sender, if (seconds == 0) 60 else seconds)
private fun restart(sender: CommandSender, seconds: Int): Boolean {
if (seconds < 10) {
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Error: Seconds must be at least 10.")
return false
restartCounter = seconds * 20
restartInitialTicks = restartCounter
restartBar =
Bukkit.createBossBar("Server restart in " + seconds + "s", BarColor.RED, BarStyle.SOLID, BarFlag.DARKEN_SKY)
restartBar.progress = 1.0
Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().forEach { p -> restartBar.addPlayer(p) }
sender.sendMessage("Scheduled restart in $seconds")
val e = ScheduledServerRestartEvent(restartInitialTicks, this)
restartTask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(MainPlugin.instance, ::updateRestartTimer, 1, 1)
return true
private fun updateRestartTimer() {
if (restartCounter < 0) {
restartBar.players.forEach(Consumer { p -> restartBar.removePlayer(p) })
if (restartCounter % 200 == 0 && Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().isNotEmpty()) SendSystemMessage(
"${ChatColor.RED}-- The server is restarting in " + restartCounter / 20 + " seconds!",
(component as RestartComponent).restartBroadcast
restartBar.progress = restartCounter / restartInitialTicks.toDouble()
restartBar.setTitle(String.format("Server restart in %.2f", restartCounter / 20f))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.spawn;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ComponentMetadata;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Trade;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCore;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent;
import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageListener;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* Provides a /spawn command that works with BungeeCord. Make sure to set up on each server.
@ComponentMetadata(enabledByDefault = false)
public class SpawnComponent extends Component<MainPlugin> implements PluginMessageListener {
protected void enable() {
registerCommand(new SpawnCommand());
if (targetServer.get().length() == 0) {
spawnloc = MultiverseCore.getPlugin(MultiverseCore.class).getMVWorldManager().getFirstSpawnWorld()
Bukkit.getServer().getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(getPlugin(), "BungeeCord");
Bukkit.getServer().getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(getPlugin(), "BungeeCord", this);
protected void disable() {
Bukkit.getServer().getMessenger().unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(getPlugin(), "BungeeCord");
Bukkit.getServer().getMessenger().unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(getPlugin(), "BungeeCord");
public void onPluginMessageReceived(String channel, Player player, byte[] message) {
if (!channel.equals("BungeeCord")) {
if (targetServer.get().length() != 0)
ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(message);
String subchannel = in.readUTF();
if ("ChromaCore-Spawn".equals(subchannel)) {
// Use the code sample in the 'Response' sections below to read
// the data.
short len = in.readShort();
byte[] msgbytes = new byte[len];
try {
DataInputStream msgin = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(msgbytes));
String somedata = msgin.readUTF(); // Read the data in the same way you wrote it
if (!"SendToSpawn".equals(somedata)) {
System.out.println("somedata: " + somedata);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else
System.out.println("Subchannel: " + subchannel);
* The BungeeCord server that has the spawn. Set to empty if this server is the target.
private final ConfigData<String> targetServer = getConfig().getData("targetServer", "");
private Location spawnloc;
@CommandClass(helpText = {
"Teleport to spawn."
public class SpawnCommand extends ICommand2MC {
public void def(Player player) {
if (targetServer.get().length() == 0) {
player.sendMessage("§bTeleporting to spawn...");
try {
if (MainPlugin.ess != null)
.teleport(spawnloc, new Trade(BigDecimal.ZERO, MainPlugin.ess), PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.COMMAND);
} catch (Exception e) {
player.sendMessage("§cFailed to teleport: " + e);
ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
player.sendPluginMessage(getPlugin(), "BungeeCord", out.toByteArray());
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(getPlugin(), () -> { //Delay it a bit
ByteArrayDataOutput outt = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
outt.writeUTF("ForwardToPlayer"); // So BungeeCord knows to forward it
outt.writeUTF("ChromaCore-Spawn"); // The channel name to check if this your data
ByteArrayOutputStream msgbytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream msgout = new DataOutputStream(msgbytes);
try {
msgout.writeUTF("SendToSpawn"); // You can do anything you want with msgout
} catch (IOException exception) {
player.sendPluginMessage(getPlugin(), "BungeeCord", outt.toByteArray());

View file

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.spawn
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ComponentMetadata
import com.earth2me.essentials.Trade
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCore
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.Location
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageListener
import java.math.BigDecimal
* Provides a /spawn command that works with BungeeCord. Make sure to set up on each server.
* Requires Multiverse-Core.
@ComponentMetadata(enabledByDefault = false)
class SpawnComponent : Component<MainPlugin>(), PluginMessageListener {
override fun enable() {
if (targetServer.get().isEmpty()) {
spawnloc = MultiverseCore.getPlugin(
Bukkit.getServer().messenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(plugin, "BungeeCord")
Bukkit.getServer().messenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(plugin, "BungeeCord", this)
override fun disable() {
Bukkit.getServer().messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(plugin, "BungeeCord")
Bukkit.getServer().messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(plugin, "BungeeCord")
override fun onPluginMessageReceived(channel: String, player: Player, message: ByteArray) {
if (channel != "BungeeCord") {
if (targetServer.get().isNotEmpty()) return
val `in` = ByteStreams.newDataInput(message)
val subchannel = `in`.readUTF()
if ("ChromaCore-Spawn" == subchannel) {
// Use the code sample in the 'Response' sections below to read
// the data.
val len = `in`.readShort()
val msgbytes = ByteArray(len.toInt())
try {
val msgin = DataInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream(msgbytes))
val somedata = msgin.readUTF() // Read the data in the same way you wrote it
if ("SendToSpawn" != somedata) {
println("somedata: $somedata")
} catch (e: IOException) {
} else println("Subchannel: $subchannel")
* The BungeeCord server that has the spawn. Set to empty if this server is the target.
private val targetServer get() = config.getData("targetServer", "")
private var spawnloc: Location? = null
@CommandClass(helpText = ["Spawn", "Teleport to spawn."])
inner class SpawnCommand : ICommand2MC() {
fun def(player: Player) {
if (targetServer.get().isEmpty()) {
player.sendMessage("\${ChatColor.AQUA}Teleporting to spawn...")
try {
if (MainPlugin.ess != null) MainPlugin.ess!!.getUser(player).teleport
.teleport(spawnloc, Trade(BigDecimal.ZERO, MainPlugin.ess), PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.COMMAND) else player.teleport(spawnloc!!)
} catch (e: Exception) {
player.sendMessage("\${ChatColor.RED}Failed to teleport: $e")
val out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput()
player.sendPluginMessage(plugin, "BungeeCord", out.toByteArray())
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, Runnable {
//Delay it a bit
val outt = ByteStreams.newDataOutput()
outt.writeUTF("ForwardToPlayer") // So BungeeCord knows to forward it
outt.writeUTF("ChromaCore-Spawn") // The channel name to check if this your data
val msgbytes = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val msgout = DataOutputStream(msgbytes)
try {
msgout.writeUTF("SendToSpawn") // You can do anything you want with msgout
} catch (exception: IOException) {
player.sendPluginMessage(plugin, "BungeeCord", outt.toByteArray())

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.towny;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayer;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownySettings;
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownyUniverse;
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Resident;
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.TownyObject;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Map;
@CommandClass(path = "chroma remresidents", modOnly = true, helpText = {
"Removes invalid Towny residents from their towns (usually after a rename that didn't get caught by the plugin)",
"If the delete eco account setting is off, then it will completely delete the resident",
"(The economy account could still be used by the player)"
public class RemoveResidentsCommand extends ICommand2MC {
public void def(CommandSender sender, @Command2.OptionalArg @CustomTabComplete("remove") String remove) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(getPlugin(), () -> {
var ds = TownyUniverse.getInstance().getDataSource();
var res = ds.getResidents().stream()
.flatMap(r -> {
var st = Stream.of(r) //
return (MainPlugin.ess == null
.filter(p -> !p.hasPlayedBefore())
.map(p -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(r, p));
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue));
if (MainPlugin.ess == null)
sender.sendMessage("§cEssentials not found, players who haven't joined after changing their names are also listed here.");
sender.sendMessage("Residents to remove:");
res.values().forEach(op -> sender.sendMessage(op.getName()));
if (TownySettings.isDeleteEcoAccount())
sender.sendMessage("§bWill only remove from town, as delete eco account setting is on");
sender.sendMessage("§eWill completely delete the resident, delete eco account setting is off");
if (remove != null && remove.equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) {
sender.sendMessage("Removing residents..."); //Removes from town and deletes town if needed - doesn't delete the resident if the setting is on
//If it did, that could mean the player's economy is deleted too, unless this setting is false
res.keySet().forEach(TownySettings.isDeleteEcoAccount() ? ds::removeResident : ds::removeResidentList);

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.core.component.towny
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownySettings
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownyUniverse
import com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.`object`.Resident
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Consumer
path = "chroma remresidents",
modOnly = true,
helpText = ["Removes invalid Towny residents from their towns (usually after a rename that didn't get caught by the plugin)", "If the delete eco account setting is off, then it will completely delete the resident", "(The economy account could still be used by the player)"]
class RemoveResidentsCommand : ICommand2MC() {
fun def(sender: CommandSender, @OptionalArg @CustomTabComplete("remove") remove: String?) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, Runnable {
val ds = TownyUniverse.getInstance().dataSource
val res: Map<Resident, OfflinePlayer> = ds.residents
.mapNotNull { r ->
val player = MainPlugin.ess?.getOfflineUser( ?: Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(
if (player.hasPlayedBefore()) null else r to player
}.associate { it }
if (MainPlugin.ess == null)
sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}Essentials not found, players who haven't joined after changing their names are also listed here.")
sender.sendMessage("Residents to remove:")
res.values.forEach { op: OfflinePlayer -> sender.sendMessage(!!) }
if (TownySettings.isDeleteEcoAccount()) sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.AQUA}Will only remove from town, as delete eco account setting is on") else sender.sendMessage(
"${ChatColor.YELLOW}Will completely delete the resident, delete eco account setting is off"
if (remove != null && remove.equals("remove", ignoreCase = true)) {
sender.sendMessage("Removing residents...") //Removes from town and deletes town if needed - doesn't delete the resident if the setting is on
//If it did, that could mean the player's economy is deleted too, unless this setting is false
res.keys.forEach(if (TownySettings.isDeleteEcoAccount())
Consumer { resident -> ds.removeResident(resident) }
Consumer { resident -> ds.removeResidentList(resident) })

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public final class ChromaUtils {
private ChromaUtils() {}
public static String getDisplayName(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof IHaveFancyName)
return ((IHaveFancyName) sender).getFancyName();
if (sender instanceof Player)
return ((Player) sender).getDisplayName();
return sender.getName();
public static String getFullDisplayName(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof IHaveFancyName)
return ((IHaveFancyName) sender).getFancyFullName();
return getDisplayName(sender);
public interface IHaveFancyName {
* May not be null.
* @return The name to be displayed in most places.
String getFancyName();
* May return null.
* @return The full name that can be used to uniquely identify the user.
String getFancyFullName();
public static Number convertNumber(Number number, Class<? extends Number> targetcl) {
if (targetcl == long.class || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(targetcl))
return number.longValue();
else if (targetcl == int.class || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(targetcl))
return number.intValue(); //Needed because the parser can get longs
else if (targetcl == short.class || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(targetcl))
return number.shortValue();
else if (targetcl == byte.class || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(targetcl))
return number.byteValue();
else if (targetcl == float.class || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(targetcl))
return number.floatValue();
else if (targetcl == double.class || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(targetcl))
return number.doubleValue();
return number;
* Calls the event always asynchronously. The return value is always false if async.
* @param event The event to call
* @return The event cancelled state or false if async.
public static <T extends Event & Cancellable> boolean callEventAsync(T event) {
Supplier<Boolean> task = () -> {
return event.isCancelled();
return doItAsync(task, false);
* Does something always asynchronously. It will execute in the same thread if it's not the server thread.
* @param what What to do
* @param def Default if async
* @return The value supplied by the action or def if async.
public static <T> T doItAsync(Supplier<T> what, T def) {
if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread())
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(MainPlugin.Instance, what::get);
return what.get();
return def;
private static boolean test = false;
* Returns true while unit testing.
public static boolean isTest() { return test; }
* Call when unit testing.
public static void setTest() { test = true; }

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.test.TestException
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
import org.bukkit.event.Event
import java.util.function.Supplier
object ChromaUtils {
@Deprecated("Use", ReplaceWith("ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender).name"))
fun getDisplayName(sender: CommandSender): String {
return when (sender) {
is IHaveFancyName -> sender.fancyName
is Player -> sender.displayName
else ->
fun getFullDisplayName(sender: CommandSender): String {
return when (sender) {
is IHaveFancyName -> sender.fancyFullName
else -> getDisplayName(sender)
fun convertNumber(number: Number, targetcl: Class<out Number>): Number {
return when {
targetcl == Long::class.javaPrimitiveType || Long::class.javaObjectType.isAssignableFrom(targetcl) -> number.toLong()
targetcl == Int::class.javaPrimitiveType || Int::class.javaObjectType.isAssignableFrom(targetcl) -> number.toInt() //Needed because the parser can get longs
targetcl == Short::class.javaPrimitiveType || Short::class.javaObjectType.isAssignableFrom(targetcl) -> number.toShort()
targetcl == Byte::class.javaPrimitiveType || Byte::class.javaObjectType.isAssignableFrom(targetcl) -> number.toByte()
targetcl == Float::class.javaPrimitiveType || Float::class.javaObjectType.isAssignableFrom(targetcl) -> number.toFloat()
targetcl == Double::class.javaPrimitiveType || Double::class.javaObjectType.isAssignableFrom(targetcl) -> number.toDouble()
else -> number
* Calls the event always asynchronously. The return value is always false if async.
* @param event The event to call
* @return The event cancelled state or false if async.
fun <T> callEventAsync(event: T): Boolean where T : Event, T : Cancellable {
val task = Supplier {
return doItAsync(task, false)
* Does something always asynchronously. It will execute in the same thread if it's not the server thread.
* @param what What to do
* @param def Default if async
* @return The value supplied by the action or def if async.
fun <T> doItAsync(what: Supplier<T>, def: T): T {
return if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(MainPlugin.instance, Runnable { what.get() })
} else what.get()
* Log a warning message if the plugin is initialized. If not, just print a regular message.
fun logWarn(message: String) {
if (MainPlugin.isInitialized) {
} else {
* Throws the exception directly during testing but only reports it when running on the server.
* This way exceptions get reported properly when running, but they can be checked during testing.
* Useful in code blocks scheduled using the Bukkit API.
fun throwWhenTested(exception: Throwable, message: String) {
if (isTest) {
// Propagate exception back to the tests
throw TestException(message, exception)
} else {
// Otherwise we don't run the code directly, so we need to handle this here
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(message, exception, MainPlugin.instance)
* Returns true while unit testing.
var isTest = false
interface IHaveFancyName {
* May not be null.
* @return The name to be displayed in most places.
val fancyName: String
* May return null.
* @return The full name that can be used to uniquely identify the user.
val fancyFullName: String

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import buttondevteam.core.component.restart.ScheduledRestartCommand;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
public class ScheduledServerRestartEvent extends Event {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final int restartTicks;
private final ScheduledRestartCommand command;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.core.component.restart.ScheduledRestartCommand
import org.bukkit.event.Event
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
class ScheduledServerRestartEvent(val restartTicks: Int, val command: ScheduledRestartCommand) : Event() {
override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList {
return handlerList
companion object {
val handlerList = HandlerList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.experimental.Delegate;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Make sure to only send the message to users where {@link #shouldSendTo(CommandSender)} returns true.
* @author NorbiPeti
public class TBMCChatEvent extends TBMCChatEventBase {
public TBMCChatEvent(Channel channel, ChatMessage cm, Channel.RecipientTestResult rtr) {
super(channel, cm.getMessage(), rtr.score, rtr.groupID); = cm;
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
@Delegate //<-- Backwards compatibility
private ChatMessage cm;
private boolean isIgnoreSenderPermissions() {
return cm.getPermCheck() != cm.getSender();
* This will allow the sender of the message if {@link #isIgnoreSenderPermissions()} is true.
public boolean shouldSendTo(CommandSender sender) {
if (isIgnoreSenderPermissions() && sender.equals(
return true; //Allow sending the message no matter what
return super.shouldSendTo(sender);
* This will allow the sender of the message if {@link #isIgnoreSenderPermissions()} is true.
public int getMCScore(CommandSender sender) {
if (isIgnoreSenderPermissions() && sender.equals(
return getScore(); //Send in the correct group no matter what
return super.getMCScore(sender);
* This will allow the sender of the message if {@link #isIgnoreSenderPermissions()} is true.
public String getGroupID(CommandSender sender) {
if (isIgnoreSenderPermissions() && sender.equals(
return getGroupID(); //Send in the correct group no matter what
return super.getGroupID(sender);
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
* Make sure to only send the message to users where [.shouldSendTo] returns true.
* @author NorbiPeti
class TBMCChatEvent(
channel: Channel,
val chatMessage: ChatMessage,
rtr: RecipientTestResult
) : TBMCChatEventBase(channel, chatMessage.message, rtr.score, rtr.groupID!!) {
private val isIgnoreSenderPermissions: Boolean get() = chatMessage.permCheck !== chatMessage.user
* This will allow the sender of the message if [.isIgnoreSenderPermissions] is true.
override fun shouldSendTo(sender: ChromaGamerBase): Boolean {
return if (isIgnoreSenderPermissions && sender == chatMessage.user) true else super.shouldSendTo(sender) //Allow sending the message no matter what
* This will allow the sender of the message if [.isIgnoreSenderPermissions] is true.
override fun getMCScore(sender: ChromaGamerBase): Int {
return if (isIgnoreSenderPermissions && sender == chatMessage.user) score else super.getMCScore(sender) //Send in the correct group no matter what
* This will allow the sender of the message if [.isIgnoreSenderPermissions] is true.
override fun getGroupID(sender: ChromaGamerBase): String? {
return if (isIgnoreSenderPermissions && sender == chatMessage.user) groupID else super.getGroupID(sender) //Send in the correct group no matter what
override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList {
return handlerList
/** @see ChatMessage.user */
val user: ChromaGamerBase get() = chatMessage.user
/** @see ChatMessage.origin */
val origin: String get() = chatMessage.origin
/** @see ChatMessage.isFromCommand */
val isFromCommand get() = chatMessage.isFromCommand
companion object {
val handlerList = HandlerList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public abstract class TBMCChatEventBase extends Event implements Cancellable {
private final Channel channel;
private @NonNull String message;
private @Setter boolean cancelled;
* The sender's score.
private final int score;
* The sender's group ID.
private final String groupID;
@java.beans.ConstructorProperties({"channel", "message", "score", "groupID"})
public TBMCChatEventBase(Channel channel, String message, int score, String groupID) {
super(true); = channel;
this.message = message;
this.score = score;
this.groupID = groupID;
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
public boolean shouldSendTo(CommandSender sender) {
return channel.shouldSendTo(sender, score);
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
public int getMCScore(CommandSender sender) {
return channel.getMCScore(sender);
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically<br>
* Null means don't send
public String getGroupID(CommandSender sender) {
return channel.getGroupID(sender);

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
import org.bukkit.event.Event
abstract class TBMCChatEventBase(
val channel: Channel,
open val message: String,
* The sender's score.
val score: Int,
* The sender's group ID.
val groupID: String,
) : Event(true), Cancellable {
var isCancelled: Boolean = false
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
open fun shouldSendTo(sender: ChromaGamerBase): Boolean {
return channel.shouldSendTo(sender, score)
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
open fun getMCScore(sender: ChromaGamerBase): Int {
return channel.getMCScore(sender)
* Note: Errors are sent to the sender automatically
* Null means don't send
open fun getGroupID(sender: ChromaGamerBase): String? {
return channel.getGroupID(sender)
override fun isCancelled(): Boolean = isCancelled
override fun setCancelled(cancel: Boolean) = run { isCancelled = cancel }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
* Can be used to change messages before it's sent.
* <b>Only called before sending messages with SendChatMessage.</b>
* @author NorbiPeti
public class TBMCChatPreprocessEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Channel channel;
private final CommandSender sender;
private String message;
private boolean cancelled;
public TBMCChatPreprocessEvent(CommandSender sender, Channel channel, String message) {
this.sender = sender; = channel;
this.message = message;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
import org.bukkit.event.Event
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
* Can be used to change messages before it's sent.
* **Only called before sending messages with SendChatMessage.**
* @author NorbiPeti
class TBMCChatPreprocessEvent(val sender: Command2Sender, val channel: Channel, var message: String) : Event(true),
Cancellable {
private var cancelled = false
override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList {
return handlerList
override fun isCancelled() = cancelled
override fun setCancelled(cancelled: Boolean) = run { this.cancelled = cancelled }
companion object {
val handlerList = HandlerList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
* Can be used to change or handle commands before they're sent.
* <b>Called on using player, console and Discord commands.</b>
* @author NorbiPeti
public class TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final CommandSender sender;
private final Channel channel;
private final String message;
private final CommandSender permCheck;
private boolean cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
import org.bukkit.event.Event
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
* Can be used to change or handle commands before they're sent.
* **Called on using player, console and Discord commands.**
* @author NorbiPeti
class TBMCCommandPreprocessEvent(
val sender: ChromaGamerBase,
val channel: Channel,
val message: String,
val permCheck: ChromaGamerBase
) : Event(), Cancellable {
private var cancelled = false
override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList {
return handlerList
override fun isCancelled() = cancelled
override fun setCancelled(cancelled: Boolean) = run { this.cancelled = cancelled }
companion object {
val handlerList = HandlerList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import buttondevteam.lib.potato.DebugPotato;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class TBMCCoreAPI {
static final List<String> coders = new ArrayList<String>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4462159250738367334L;
public static String DownloadString(String urlstr) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL(urlstr);
URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "TBMCPlugins");
InputStream in = con.getInputStream();
String encoding = con.getContentEncoding();
encoding = encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding;
Scanner s = new Scanner(in).useDelimiter("\\A");
String body = s.hasNext() ? : "";
return body;
private static final HashMap<String, Throwable> exceptionsToSend = new HashMap<>();
private static final List<String> debugMessagesToSend = new ArrayList<>();
* Send exception to the {@link TBMCExceptionEvent}.
* @param sourcemsg A message that is shown at the top of the exception (before the exception's message)
* @param e The exception to send
public static void SendException(String sourcemsg, Throwable e, Component<?> component) {
SendException(sourcemsg, e, false, component::logWarn);
* Send exception to the {@link TBMCExceptionEvent}.
* @param sourcemsg A message that is shown at the top of the exception (before the exception's message)
* @param e The exception to send
public static void SendException(String sourcemsg, Throwable e, JavaPlugin plugin) {
SendException(sourcemsg, e, false, plugin.getLogger()::warning);
public static void SendException(String sourcemsg, Throwable e, boolean debugPotato, Consumer<String> logWarn) {
try {
TBMCExceptionEvent event = new TBMCExceptionEvent(sourcemsg, e);
synchronized (exceptionsToSend) {
if (!event.isHandled())
exceptionsToSend.put(sourcemsg, e);
if (debugPotato) {
List<Player> devsOnline = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (coders.contains(player.getName())) {
if (!devsOnline.isEmpty()) {
DebugPotato potato = new DebugPotato()
.setMessage(new String[]{ //
"§b§o" + e.getClass().getSimpleName(), //
"§c§o" + sourcemsg, //
"§a§oFind a dev to fix this issue"})
.setType(e instanceof IOException ? "Throwable Potato"
: e instanceof ClassCastException ? "Squished Potato"
: e instanceof NullPointerException ? "Plain Potato"
: e instanceof StackOverflowError ? "Chips" : "Error Potato");
for (Player dev : devsOnline) {
} catch (Exception ee) {
System.err.println("Failed to send exception!");
public static void sendDebugMessage(String debugMessage) {
TBMCDebugMessageEvent event = new TBMCDebugMessageEvent(debugMessage);
synchronized (debugMessagesToSend) {
if (!event.isSent())
private static EventExceptionCoreHandler eventExceptionCoreHandler;
* Registers Bukkit events, handling the exceptions occurring in those events
* @param listener The class that handles the events
* @param plugin The plugin which the listener belongs to
public static void RegisterEventsForExceptions(Listener listener, Plugin plugin) {
if (eventExceptionCoreHandler == null) eventExceptionCoreHandler = new EventExceptionCoreHandler();
EventExceptionHandler.registerEvents(listener, plugin, eventExceptionCoreHandler);
public static <T extends ChromaGamerBase> void RegisterUserClass(Class<T> userclass, Supplier<T> constructor) {
ChromaGamerBase.RegisterPluginUserClass(userclass, constructor);
* Send exceptions that haven't been sent (their events didn't get handled). This method is used by the DiscordPlugin's ready event
public static void SendUnsentExceptions() {
synchronized (exceptionsToSend) {
if (exceptionsToSend.size() > 20) {
exceptionsToSend.clear(); // Don't call more and more events if all the handler plugins are unloaded
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Unhandled exception list is over 20! Clearing!");
for (Iterator<Entry<String, Throwable>> iterator = exceptionsToSend.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<String, Throwable> entry =;
TBMCExceptionEvent event = new TBMCExceptionEvent(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (event.isHandled())
public static void SendUnsentDebugMessages() {
synchronized (debugMessagesToSend) {
if (debugMessagesToSend.size() > 20) {
debugMessagesToSend.clear(); // Don't call more and more DebugMessages if all the handler plugins are unloaded
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Unhandled Debug Message list is over 20! Clearing!");
for (Iterator<String> iterator = debugMessagesToSend.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
String message =;
TBMCDebugMessageEvent event = new TBMCDebugMessageEvent(message);
if (event.isSent())
public static boolean IsTestServer() {
if (MainPlugin.Instance == null) return true;
return MainPlugin.Instance.test.get();

View file

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase.Companion.registerPluginUserClass
import buttondevteam.lib.potato.DebugPotato
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Consumer
import java.util.function.Supplier
object TBMCCoreAPI {
val coders: List<String> = listOf("Alisolarflare", "NorbiPeti", "iie", "thewindmillman", "mayskam1995")
fun DownloadString(urlstr: String?): String {
val url = URL(urlstr)
val con = url.openConnection()
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "TBMCPlugins")
val `in` = con.getInputStream()
var encoding = con.contentEncoding
encoding = encoding ?: "UTF-8"
val s = Scanner(`in`).useDelimiter("\\A")
val body = if (s.hasNext()) else ""
return body
private val exceptionsToSend = HashMap<String, Throwable>()
private val debugMessagesToSend: MutableList<String> = ArrayList()
* Send exception to the [TBMCExceptionEvent].
* @param sourcemsg A message that is shown at the top of the exception (before the exception's message)
* @param e The exception to send
fun SendException(sourcemsg: String, e: Throwable, component: Component<*>) {
SendException(sourcemsg, e, false) { message: String? -> component.logWarn(message!!) }
* Send exception to the [TBMCExceptionEvent].
* @param sourcemsg A message that is shown at the top of the exception (before the exception's message)
* @param e The exception to send
fun SendException(sourcemsg: String, e: Throwable, plugin: JavaPlugin) {
SendException(sourcemsg, e, false) { msg: String? -> plugin.logger.warning(msg) }
fun SendException(sourcemsg: String, e: Throwable, debugPotato: Boolean, logWarn: Consumer<String?>) {
try {
val event = TBMCExceptionEvent(sourcemsg, e)
synchronized(exceptionsToSend) { if (!event.isHandled) exceptionsToSend[sourcemsg] = e }
if (debugPotato) {
val devsOnline: MutableList<Player> = ArrayList()
for (player in Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (coders.contains( {
if (devsOnline.isNotEmpty()) {
val potato = DebugPotato()
arrayOf( //
"${ChatColor.AQUA}${ChatColor.ITALIC}" + e.javaClass.simpleName, //
"${ChatColor.RED}${ChatColor.ITALIC}$sourcemsg", //
"${ChatColor.GREEN}${ChatColor.ITALIC}Find a dev to fix this issue"
when (e) {
is IOException -> "Throwable Potato"
is ClassCastException -> "Squished Potato"
is NullPointerException -> "Plain Potato"
is StackOverflowError -> "Chips"
else -> "Error Potato"
for (dev in devsOnline) {
} catch (ee: Exception) {
System.err.println("Failed to send exception!")
fun sendDebugMessage(debugMessage: String) {
val event = TBMCDebugMessageEvent(debugMessage)
synchronized(debugMessagesToSend) { if (!event.isSent) debugMessagesToSend.add(debugMessage) }
private var eventExceptionCoreHandler: EventExceptionCoreHandler? = null
* Registers Bukkit events, handling the exceptions occurring in those events
* @param listener The class that handles the events
* @param plugin The plugin which the listener belongs to
fun RegisterEventsForExceptions(listener: Listener, plugin: Plugin) {
if (eventExceptionCoreHandler == null) eventExceptionCoreHandler = EventExceptionCoreHandler()
EventExceptionHandler.registerEvents(listener, plugin, eventExceptionCoreHandler)
fun <T : ChromaGamerBase> RegisterUserClass(userclass: Class<T>, constructor: Supplier<T>) {
registerPluginUserClass(userclass, constructor)
* Send exceptions that haven't been sent (their events didn't get handled). This method is used by the DiscordPlugin's ready event
fun SendUnsentExceptions() {
synchronized(exceptionsToSend) {
if (exceptionsToSend.size > 20) {
exceptionsToSend.clear() // Don't call more and more events if all the handler plugins are unloaded
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Unhandled exception list is over 20! Clearing!")
val iterator: MutableIterator<Map.Entry<String, Throwable>> = exceptionsToSend.entries.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val (key, value) =
val event = TBMCExceptionEvent(key, value)
if (event.isHandled) iterator.remove()
fun SendUnsentDebugMessages() {
synchronized(debugMessagesToSend) {
if (debugMessagesToSend.size > 20) {
debugMessagesToSend.clear() // Don't call more and more DebugMessages if all the handler plugins are unloaded
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Unhandled Debug Message list is over 20! Clearing!")
val iterator = debugMessagesToSend.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val message =
val event = TBMCDebugMessageEvent(message)
if (event.isSent) iterator.remove()
* Returns true if the server is a test/dev/staging server
fun IsTestServer(): Boolean {
return MainPlugin.instance.test.get()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
* <p>
* This event gets called (ideally) each time an exception occurs in a TBMC plugin. To call it, use {@link TBMCCoreAPI#SendException(String, Throwable)}.
* </p>
* @author Norbi
public class TBMCExceptionEvent extends Event {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final String sourceMessage;
private final Throwable exception;
private boolean handled;
@java.beans.ConstructorProperties({"sourceMessage", "exception"})
public TBMCExceptionEvent(String sourceMessage, Throwable exception) {
this.sourceMessage = sourceMessage;
this.exception = exception;
public void setHandled() {
handled = true;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.event.Event
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
* This event gets called (ideally) each time an exception occurs in a TBMC plugin. To call it, use [TBMCCoreAPI.SendException].
* @author Norbi
class TBMCExceptionEvent(val sourceMessage: String, val exception: Throwable) : Event(!Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
var isHandled = false
override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList {
return handlerList
companion object {
val handlerList = HandlerList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package buttondevteam.lib;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
* Make sure to only send the message to users who {@link #shouldSendTo(CommandSender)} returns true.
* @author NorbiPeti
public class TBMCSystemChatEvent extends TBMCChatEventBase {
private final String[] exceptions;
private final BroadcastTarget target;
private boolean handled;
public void setHandled() {
handled = true;
public TBMCSystemChatEvent(Channel channel, String message, int score, String groupid, String[] exceptions, BroadcastTarget target) { // TODO: Rich message
super(channel, message, score, groupid);
this.exceptions = exceptions; = target;
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
@RequiredArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public static class BroadcastTarget {
private final @Getter String name;
private static final HashSet<BroadcastTarget> targets = new HashSet<>();
public static final BroadcastTarget ALL = new BroadcastTarget("ALL");
public static BroadcastTarget add(String name) {
val bt = new BroadcastTarget(Objects.requireNonNull(name));
return bt;
public static void remove(BroadcastTarget target) {
public static BroadcastTarget get(String name) {
return ->;
public static Stream<BroadcastTarget> stream() {

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
import java.util.*
* Make sure to only send the message to users who [.shouldSendTo] returns true.
* @author NorbiPeti
*/ // TODO: Rich message
class TBMCSystemChatEvent(
channel: Channel,
message: String,
score: Int,
groupid: String,
val exceptions: Array<out String>,
val target: BroadcastTarget
) : TBMCChatEventBase(channel, message, score, groupid) {
var isHandled = false
override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList {
return handlerList
class BroadcastTarget private constructor(val name: String) {
companion object {
private val targets = HashSet<BroadcastTarget?>()
val ALL = BroadcastTarget("ALL")
fun add(name: String): BroadcastTarget {
val bt = BroadcastTarget(Objects.requireNonNull(name))
return bt
fun remove(target: BroadcastTarget?) {
operator fun get(name: String?): BroadcastTarget? {
return { bt: BroadcastTarget? -> bt!!.name.equals(name, ignoreCase = true) }
fun stream(): Stream<BroadcastTarget?> {
companion object {
val handlerList = HandlerList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import buttondevteam.buttonproc.HasConfig;
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Stack;
@HasConfig(global = true)
public abstract class ButtonPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
@Getter //Needs to be static as we don't know the plugin when a command is handled
private static final Command2MC command2MC = new Command2MC();
private final IHaveConfig iConfig = new IHaveConfig(this::saveConfig);
private CommentedConfiguration yaml;
private IHaveConfig data; //TODO
* Used to unregister components in the right order - and to reload configs
private final Stack<Component<?>> componentStack = new Stack<>();
protected abstract void pluginEnable();
* Called after the components are unregistered
protected abstract void pluginDisable();
* Called before the components are unregistered
protected void pluginPreDisable() {
public final void onEnable() {
if (!loadConfig()) {
getLogger().warning("Please fix the issues and restart the server to load the plugin.");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while enabling plugin " + getName() + "!", e, this);
if (configGenAllowed(this)) //If it's not disabled (by default it's not)
IHaveConfig.pregenConfig(this, null);
private boolean loadConfig() {
var config = getConfig();
if (config == null)
return false;
var section = config.getConfigurationSection("global");
if (section == null) section = config.createSection("global");
return true;
public final void onDisable() {
try {
if (ConfigData.saveNow(getConfig()))
getLogger().info("Saved configuration changes.");
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while disabling plugin " + getName() + "!", e, this);
public void reloadConfig() {
public boolean tryReloadConfig() {
if (!justReload()) return false;
componentStack.forEach(c -> Component.updateConfig(this, c));
return true;
public boolean justReload() {
if (yaml != null && ConfigData.saveNow(getConfig())) {
getLogger().warning("Saved pending configuration changes to the file, didn't reload. Apply your changes again.");
return false;
var file = new File(getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
var yaml = new CommentedConfiguration(file);
if (file.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) {
getLogger().warning("Failed to load config! Check for syntax errors.");
return false;
this.yaml = yaml;
var res = getTextResource("configHelp.yml");
if (res == null)
return true;
var yc = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(res);
for (var kv : yc.getValues(true).entrySet())
if (kv.getValue() instanceof String)
yaml.addComment(kv.getKey().replace(".generalDescriptionInsteadOfAConfig", ""), kv.getValue()).split("\n"))
.map(str -> "# " + str.trim()).toArray(String[]::new));
return true;
public FileConfiguration getConfig() {
if (yaml == null)
if (yaml == null) return new YamlConfiguration(); //Return a temporary instance
return yaml;
public void saveConfig() {
try {
if (yaml != null);
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to save config", e, this);
* Registers command and sets its plugin.
* @param command The command to register
protected void registerCommand(ICommand2MC command) {
public @interface ConfigOpts {
boolean disableConfigGen() default false;
public static boolean configGenAllowed(Object obj) {
return !Optional.ofNullable(obj.getClass().getAnnotation(ConfigOpts.class))

View file

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture
import buttondevteam.buttonproc.HasConfig
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Consumer
@HasConfig(global = true)
abstract class ButtonPlugin : JavaPlugin {
protected val iConfig = IHaveConfig(::saveConfig, section)
private var yaml: YamlConfiguration? = null
* May change if the config is reloaded
private val section get() = config.getConfigurationSection("global") ?: config.createSection("global")
protected val data //TODO
: IHaveConfig? = null
* Used to unregister components in the right order - and to reload configs
val componentStack = Stack<Component<*>>()
// Support testing with the protected constructor (MockBukkit)
constructor() : super()
protected constructor(loader: JavaPluginLoader, description: PluginDescriptionFile, dataFolder: File, file: File) : super(loader, description, dataFolder, file)
protected abstract fun pluginEnable()
* Called after the components are unregistered
protected abstract fun pluginDisable()
* Called before the components are unregistered
protected open fun pluginPreDisable() {}
override fun onEnable() {
if (!isConfigLoaded) {
logger.warning("Please fix the issues and restart the server to load the plugin.")
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while enabling plugin $name!", e, this)
if (configGenAllowed(this)) //If it's not disabled (by default it's not)
IHaveConfig.pregenConfig(this, null)
override fun onDisable() {
try {
if (!isConfigLoaded) return
if (ConfigData.saveNow(config))"Saved configuration changes.")
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while disabling plugin $name!", e, this)
override fun reloadConfig() {
fun tryReloadConfig(): Boolean {
if (!saveAndReloadYaml()) return false
componentStack.forEach(Consumer { c -> c.updateConfig() })
return true
* Returns whether the config was loaded successfully. Otherwise, an empty config is used.
private fun saveAndReloadYaml(): Boolean {
if (isConfigLoaded && ConfigData.saveNow(config)) {
logger.warning("Saved pending configuration changes to the file, didn't reload. Apply your changes again.")
return false
val file = File(dataFolder, "config.yml")
val yaml = YamlConfiguration()
if (file.exists()) {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
logger.warning("Failed to load config! Check for syntax errors.")
return false
} catch (e: InvalidConfigurationException) {
logger.warning("Failed to load config! Check for syntax errors.")
return false
this.yaml = yaml
val res = getTextResource("configHelp.yml") ?: return true
val yc = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(res)
for ((key, value) in yc.getValues(true))
if (value is String) yaml.setComments(
key.replace(".generalDescriptionInsteadOfAConfig", ""),
value.split("\n").map { str -> "# " + str.trim { it <= ' ' } }
return true
override fun getConfig(): FileConfiguration {
if (!isConfigLoaded) saveAndReloadYaml()
return yaml ?: YamlConfiguration() //Return a temporary instance
override fun saveConfig() {
if (isConfigLoaded) super.saveConfig()
val isConfigLoaded get() = yaml != null
* Registers command and sets its plugin.
* @param command The command to register
fun registerCommand(command: ICommand2MC) {
@Target(AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.CLASS)
annotation class ConfigOpts(val disableConfigGen: Boolean = false)
companion object {
//Needs to be static as we don't know the plugin when a command is handled
val command2MC = Command2MC()
fun configGenAllowed(obj: Any): Boolean {
return !Optional.ofNullable(obj.javaClass.getAnnotation(
.map { it.disableConfigGen }.orElse(false)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConstructor;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlRepresenter;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.HashMap;
* A copy of Towny's CommentedConfiguration:
* Modified to remove dependency on the FileMgmt class
* @author dumptruckman &amp; Articdive
public class CommentedConfiguration extends YamlConfiguration {
private HashMap<String, String> comments;
private File file;
private final DumperOptions yamlOptions = new DumperOptions();
private final Representer yamlRepresenter = new YamlRepresenter();
private final Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new YamlConstructor(), yamlRepresenter, yamlOptions);
public CommentedConfiguration(File file) {
comments = new HashMap<>();
this.file = file;
public boolean load() {
boolean loaded = true;
try {
} catch (InvalidConfigurationException | IOException e) {
loaded = false;
return loaded;
public void save() throws IOException {
boolean saved = true;
// Save the config just like normal
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
saved = false;
// if there's comments to add and it saved fine, we need to add comments
if (!comments.isEmpty() && saved) {
// String array of each line in the config file
String[] yamlContents = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath()).toArray(new String[0]);
// This will hold the newly formatted line
StringBuilder newContents = new StringBuilder();
// This holds the current path the lines are at in the config
String currentPath = "";
// This flags if the line is a node or unknown text.
boolean node;
// The depth of the path. (number of words separated by periods - 1)
int depth = 0;
// Loop through the config lines
for (String line : yamlContents) {
// If the line is a node (and not something like a list value)
if (line.contains(": ") || (line.length() > 1 && line.charAt(line.length() - 1) == ':')) {
// This is a node so flag it as one
node = true;
// Grab the index of the end of the node name
int index;
index = line.indexOf(": ");
if (index < 0) {
index = line.length() - 1;
// If currentPath is empty, store the node name as the currentPath. (this is only on the first iteration, i think)
if (currentPath.isEmpty()) {
currentPath = line.substring(0, index);
} else {
// Calculate the whitespace preceding the node name
int whiteSpace = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < line.length(); n++) {
if (line.charAt(n) == ' ') {
} else {
// Find out if the current depth (whitespace * 2) is greater/lesser/equal to the previous depth
if (whiteSpace / 2 > depth) {
// Path is deeper. Add a . and the node name
currentPath += "." + line.substring(whiteSpace, index);
} else if (whiteSpace / 2 < depth) {
// Path is shallower, calculate current depth from whitespace (whitespace / 2) and subtract that many levels from the currentPath
int newDepth = whiteSpace / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < depth - newDepth; i++) {
currentPath = currentPath.replace(currentPath.substring(currentPath.lastIndexOf(".")), "");
// Grab the index of the final period
int lastIndex = currentPath.lastIndexOf(".");
if (lastIndex < 0) {
// if there isn't a final period, set the current path to nothing because we're at root
currentPath = "";
} else {
// If there is a final period, replace everything after it with nothing
currentPath = currentPath.replace(currentPath.substring(currentPath.lastIndexOf(".")), "");
currentPath += ".";
// Add the new node name to the path
currentPath += line.substring(whiteSpace, index);
// Reset the depth
depth = newDepth;
} else {
// Path is same depth, replace the last path node name to the current node name
int lastIndex = currentPath.lastIndexOf(".");
if (lastIndex < 0) {
// if there isn't a final period, set the current path to nothing because we're at root
currentPath = "";
} else {
// If there is a final period, replace everything after it with nothing
currentPath = currentPath.replace(currentPath.substring(currentPath.lastIndexOf(".")), "");
currentPath += ".";
//currentPath = currentPath.replace(currentPath.substring(currentPath.lastIndexOf(".")), "");
currentPath += line.substring(whiteSpace, index);
} else {
node = false;
if (node) {
// If there's a comment for the current path, retrieve it and flag that path as already commented
String comment = comments.get(currentPath);
if (comment != null) {
// Add the comment to the beginning of the current line
line = comment + System.getProperty("line.separator") + line + System.getProperty("line.separator");
} else {
// Add a new line as it is a node, but has no comment
line += System.getProperty("line.separator");
// Add the (modified) line to the total config String
if (!node) {
} else {
* Due to a Bukkit Bug with the Configuration
* we just need to remove any extra comments at the start of a file.
while (newContents.toString().startsWith(" " + System.getProperty("line.separator"))) {
newContents = new StringBuilder(newContents.toString().replaceFirst(" " + System.getProperty("line.separator"), ""));
Files.write(file.toPath(), newContents.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
* Adds a comment just before the specified path. The comment can be
* multiple lines. An empty string will indicate a blank line.
* @param path Configuration path to add comment.
* @param commentLines Comments to add. One String per line.
public void addComment(String path, String... commentLines) {
StringBuilder commentstring = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder leadingSpaces = new StringBuilder();
for (int n = 0; n < path.length(); n++) {
if (path.charAt(n) == '.') {
leadingSpaces.append(" ");
for (String line : commentLines) {
if (!line.isEmpty()) {
line = leadingSpaces + line;
} else {
line = " ";
if (commentstring.length() > 0) {
comments.put(path, commentstring.toString());
public String saveToString() {
String dump = yaml.dump(getValues(false));
if (dump.equals(BLANK_CONFIG)) {
dump = "";
return dump;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import buttondevteam.buttonproc.HasConfig;
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.exceptions.UnregisteredComponentException;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Configuration is based on class name
@HasConfig(global = false) //Used for obtaining javadoc
public abstract class Component<TP extends JavaPlugin> {
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static HashMap<Class<? extends Component>, Component<? extends JavaPlugin>> components = new HashMap<>();
private boolean enabled = false;
private TP plugin;
private @Getter final IHaveConfig config = new IHaveConfig(null);
private @Getter IHaveConfig data; //TODO
public final ConfigData<Boolean> shouldBeEnabled = config.getData("enabled",
* Registers a component checking it's dependencies and calling {@link #register(JavaPlugin)}.<br>
* Make sure to register the dependencies first.<br>
* The component will be enabled automatically, regardless of when it was registered.<br>
* <b>If not using {@link ButtonPlugin}, call {@link ComponentManager#unregComponents(ButtonPlugin)} on plugin disable.</b>
* @param component The component to register
* @return Whether the component is registered successfully (it may have failed to enable)
public static <T extends JavaPlugin> boolean registerComponent(T plugin, Component<T> component) {
return registerUnregisterComponent(plugin, component, true);
* Unregisters a component by calling {@link #unregister(JavaPlugin)}.<br>
* Make sure to unregister the dependencies last.<br>
* <b>Components will be unregistered in opposite order of registering by default by {@link ButtonPlugin} or {@link ComponentManager#unregComponents(ButtonPlugin)}.</b>
* @param component The component to unregister
* @return Whether the component is unregistered successfully (it also got disabled)
public static <T extends JavaPlugin> boolean unregisterComponent(T plugin, Component<T> component) {
return registerUnregisterComponent(plugin, component, false);
public static <T extends JavaPlugin> boolean registerUnregisterComponent(T plugin, Component<T> component, boolean register) {
try {
val metaAnn = component.getClass().getAnnotation(ComponentMetadata.class);
if (metaAnn != null) {
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class<? extends Component>[] dependencies = metaAnn.depends();
for (val dep : dependencies) { //TODO: Support dependencies at enable/disable as well
if (!components.containsKey(dep)) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Failed to " + (register ? "" : "un") + "register component " + component.getClassName() + " as a required dependency is missing/disabled: " + dep.getSimpleName());
return false;
if (register) {
if (components.containsKey(component.getClass())) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to register component " + component.getClassName(), new IllegalArgumentException("The component is already registered!"), plugin);
return false;
component.plugin = plugin;
updateConfig(plugin, component);
components.put(component.getClass(), component);
if (plugin instanceof ButtonPlugin)
((ButtonPlugin) plugin).getComponentStack().push(component);
if (ComponentManager.areComponentsEnabled() && component.shouldBeEnabled.get()) {
try { //Enable components registered after the previous ones getting enabled
setComponentEnabled(component, true);
return true;
} catch (Exception | NoClassDefFoundError e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to enable component " + component.getClassName() + "!", e, component);
return true;
} else {
if (!components.containsKey(component.getClass()))
return true; //Already unregistered
if (component.enabled) {
try {
setComponentEnabled(component, false);
} catch (Exception | NoClassDefFoundError e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to disable component " + component.getClassName() + "!", e, component);
return false; //If failed to disable, won't unregister either
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to " + (register ? "" : "un") + "register component " + component.getClassName() + "!", e, plugin);
return false;
* Enables or disables the given component. If the component fails to enable, it will be disabled.
* @param component The component to register
* @param enabled Whether it's enabled or not
public static void setComponentEnabled(Component<?> component, boolean enabled) throws UnregisteredComponentException {
if (!components.containsKey(component.getClass()))
throw new UnregisteredComponentException(component);
if (component.enabled == enabled) return; //Don't do anything
if (component.enabled = enabled) {
try {
updateConfig(component.getPlugin(), component);
if (ButtonPlugin.configGenAllowed(component)) {
IHaveConfig.pregenConfig(component, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
try { //Automatically disable components that fail to enable properly
setComponentEnabled(component, false);
throw e;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Throwable t = ex;
for (var th = t; th != null; th = th.getCause())
t = th; //Set if not null
if (t != e)
throw ex;
} else {
public static void updateConfig(JavaPlugin plugin, Component<?> component) {
if (plugin.getConfig() != null) { //Production
var compconf = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("components");
if (compconf == null) compconf = plugin.getConfig().createSection("components");
var configSect = compconf.getConfigurationSection(component.getClassName());
if (configSect == null)
configSect = compconf.createSection(component.getClassName());
} //Testing: it's already set
* Returns the currently registered components<br>
* @return The currently registered components
public static Map<Class<? extends Component>, Component<? extends JavaPlugin>> getComponents() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(components);
public void log(String message) {
plugin.getLogger().info("[" + getClassName() + "] " + message);
public void logWarn(String message) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("[" + getClassName() + "] " + message);
* Registers the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class.
* This gets fired when the plugin is enabled. Use {@link #enable()} to register commands and such.
* @param plugin Plugin object
protected void register(JavaPlugin plugin) {
* Unregisters the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class.
* This gets fired when the plugin is disabled.
* Do any cleanups needed within this method.
* @param plugin Plugin object
protected void unregister(JavaPlugin plugin) {
* Enables the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class. Call
* registerCommand() and registerListener() within this method.<br>
* To access the plugin, use {@link #getPlugin()}.
protected abstract void enable();
* Disables the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class. Do
* any cleanups needed within this method.
* To access the plugin, use {@link #getPlugin()}.
protected abstract void disable();
* Registers a command to the component. Make sure to use {@link} and {@link}.
* You don't need to register the command in plugin.yml.
* @param command Custom coded command class
protected final void registerCommand(ICommand2MC command) {
if (plugin instanceof ButtonPlugin)
command.registerToPlugin((ButtonPlugin) plugin);
* Registers a Listener to this component
* @param listener The event listener to register
* @return The provided listener
protected final Listener registerListener(Listener listener) {
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(listener, plugin);
return listener;
* Returns a map of configs that are under the given key.
* @param key The key to use
* @param defaultProvider A mapping between config paths and config generators
* @return A map containing configs
protected Map<String, IHaveConfig> getConfigMap(String key, Map<String, Consumer<IHaveConfig>> defaultProvider) {
val c = getConfig().getConfig();
var cs = c.getConfigurationSection(key);
if (cs == null) cs = c.createSection(key);
val res = cs.getValues(false).entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue() instanceof ConfigurationSection)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, kv -> {
var conf = new IHaveConfig(getPlugin()::saveConfig);
conf.reset((ConfigurationSection) kv.getValue());
return conf;
if (res.size() == 0) {
for (val entry : defaultProvider.entrySet()) {
val conf = new IHaveConfig(getPlugin()::saveConfig);
res.put(entry.getKey(), conf);
return res;
private String getClassName() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();

View file

@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture
import buttondevteam.buttonproc.HasConfig
import buttondevteam.core.ComponentManager
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.exceptions.UnregisteredComponentException
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Consumer
* Configuration is based on class name
@HasConfig(global = false) //Used for obtaining javadoc
abstract class Component<TP : JavaPlugin> {
var isEnabled = false
val config: IHaveConfig = IHaveConfig({ logWarn("Attempted to save config with null section!") }, null)
lateinit var plugin: TP
private set
private val data //TODO
: IHaveConfig? = null
var shouldBeEnabled by config.getData("enabled", javaClass.getAnnotation( ?: true)
fun log(message: String) {"[$className] $message")
fun logWarn(message: String) {
plugin.logger.warning("[$className] $message")
* Registers the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class.
* This gets fired when the plugin is enabled. Use [.enable] to register commands and such.
* @param plugin Plugin object
protected open fun register(plugin: JavaPlugin) {}
* Unregisters the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class.
* This gets fired when the plugin is disabled.
* Do any cleanups needed within this method.
* @param plugin Plugin object
protected open fun unregister(plugin: JavaPlugin) {}
* Enables the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class. Call
* registerCommand() and registerListener() within this method.
* To access the plugin, use [.getPlugin].
protected abstract fun enable()
* Disables the module, when called by the JavaPlugin class. Do
* any cleanups needed within this method.
* To access the plugin, use [.getPlugin].
protected abstract fun disable()
* Registers a command to the component. Make sure to use [] and [].
* You don't need to register the command in plugin.yml.
* @param command Custom coded command class
fun registerCommand(command: ICommand2MC) {
if (plugin is ButtonPlugin) command.registerToPlugin(plugin as ButtonPlugin) // TODO: Require ButtonPlugin
* Registers a Listener to this component
* @param listener The event listener to register
* @return The provided listener
protected fun registerListener(listener: Listener): Listener {
TBMCCoreAPI.RegisterEventsForExceptions(listener, plugin)
return listener
* Returns a map of configs that are under the given key.
* @param key The key to use
* @param defaultProvider A mapping between config paths and config generators
* @return A map containing configs
fun getConfigMap(key: String, defaultProvider: Map<String, Consumer<IHaveConfig>>): Map<String, IHaveConfig> {
val c: ConfigurationSection? = config.config
if (c == null) {
logWarn("Config section is null when getting config map")
return defaultProvider.mapValues { kv -> IHaveConfig(plugin::saveConfig, null).also { kv.value.accept(it) } }
val cs = c.getConfigurationSection(key) ?: c.createSection(key)
val res = cs.getValues(false)
.filter { (_, value) -> value is ConfigurationSection }
{ it.key },
{ (_, value) -> IHaveConfig(plugin::saveConfig, value as ConfigurationSection) }
if (res.isEmpty()) {
defaultProvider.mapValuesTo(res) { kv -> IHaveConfig(plugin::saveConfig, cs.createSection(kv.key)).also { kv.value.accept(it) } }
return res
private val className: String get() = javaClass.simpleName
internal fun updateConfig() {
this.config.reload(getConfigSection(), plugin::saveConfig)
private fun getConfigSection(): ConfigurationSection {
var compconf = plugin.config.getConfigurationSection("components")
if (compconf == null) compconf = plugin.config.createSection("components")
var configSect = compconf.getConfigurationSection(className)
if (configSect == null) configSect = compconf.createSection(className)
return configSect
// TODO: Support tests (provide Bukkit configuration for tests)
companion object {
private val _components = HashMap<Class<out Component<*>>, Component<out JavaPlugin>>()
* Returns the currently registered components
* @return The currently registered components
val components: Map<Class<out Component<*>>, Component<out JavaPlugin>>
get() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(_components)
* Registers a component checking it's dependencies and calling [.register].
* Make sure to register the dependencies first.
* The component will be enabled automatically, regardless of when it was registered.
* **If not using [ButtonPlugin], call [ComponentManager.unregComponents] on plugin disable.**
* @param component The component to register
* @return Whether the component is registered successfully (it may have failed to enable)
fun <T : JavaPlugin> registerComponent(plugin: T, component: Component<T>): Boolean {
return registerUnregisterComponent(plugin, component, true)
* Unregisters a component by calling [.unregister].
* Make sure to unregister the dependencies last.
* **Components will be unregistered in opposite order of registering by default by [ButtonPlugin] or [ComponentManager.unregComponents].**
* @param component The component to unregister
* @return Whether the component is unregistered successfully (it also got disabled)
fun <T : JavaPlugin> unregisterComponent(plugin: T, component: Component<T>): Boolean {
return registerUnregisterComponent(plugin, component, false)
private fun <T : JavaPlugin> registerUnregisterComponent(
plugin: T,
component: Component<T>,
register: Boolean
): Boolean {
return try {
val metaAnn = component.javaClass.getAnnotation(
if (metaAnn != null) {
val dependencies = metaAnn.depends
for (dep in dependencies) { //TODO: Support dependencies at enable/disable as well
if (!components.containsKey( {
plugin.logger.warning("Failed to ${if (register) "" else "un"}register component ${component.className} as a required dependency is missing/disabled: ${dep.simpleName}")
return false
if (register) {
if (components.containsKey(component.javaClass)) {
"Failed to register component " + component.className,
IllegalArgumentException("The component is already registered!"),
return false
component.plugin = plugin
_components[component.javaClass] = component
if (plugin is ButtonPlugin) plugin.componentStack.push(component)
if (ComponentManager.areComponentsEnabled() && component.shouldBeEnabled) {
return try { //Enable components registered after the previous ones getting enabled
setComponentEnabled(component, true)
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Failed to enable component " + component.className + "!",
} catch (e: NoClassDefFoundError) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to enable component " + component.className + "!", e, component)
} else {
if (!components.containsKey(component.javaClass)) return true //Already unregistered
if (component.isEnabled) {
try {
setComponentEnabled(component, false)
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to disable component ${component.className}!", e, component)
return false //If failed to disable, won't unregister either
} catch (e: NoClassDefFoundError) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to disable component ${component.className}!", e, component)
return false
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to ${if (register) "" else "un"}register component ${component.className}!", e, plugin)
* Enables or disables the given component. If the component fails to enable, it will be disabled.
* @param component The component to register
* @param enabled Whether it's enabled or not
fun setComponentEnabled(component: Component<*>, enabled: Boolean) {
if (!components.containsKey(component.javaClass)) throw UnregisteredComponentException(component)
if (component.isEnabled == enabled) return //Don't do anything
if (enabled.also { component.isEnabled = it }) {
try {
if (ButtonPlugin.configGenAllowed(component)) {
IHaveConfig.pregenConfig(component, null)
} catch (e: Exception) {
try { //Automatically disable components that fail to enable properly
setComponentEnabled(component, false)
throw e
} catch (ex: Exception) {
var t: Throwable = ex
var th: Throwable? = t
while (th != null) {
t = th //Set if not null
th = th.cause
if (t !== e) t.initCause(e)
throw ex
} else {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils;
import lombok.*;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Use the getter/setter constructor if {@link T} isn't a primitive type or String.<br>
* Use {@link Component#getConfig()} or {@link ButtonPlugin#getIConfig()} then {@link IHaveConfig#getData(String, Object)} to get an instance.
public class ConfigData<T> {
private static final HashMap<Configuration, SaveTask> saveTasks = new HashMap<>();
* May be null for testing
private IHaveConfig config;
private String path;
protected final T def;
private final Object primitiveDef;
* The parameter is of a primitive type as returned by {@link YamlConfiguration#get(String)}
private final Function<Object, T> getter;
* The result should be a primitive type or string that can be retrieved correctly later
private final Function<T, Object> setter;
* The config value should not change outside this instance
private T value;
ConfigData(IHaveConfig config, String path, T def, Object primitiveDef, Function<Object, T> getter, Function<T, Object> setter) {
if (def == null) {
if (primitiveDef == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either def or primitiveDef must be set.");
if (getter == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A getter and setter must be present when using primitiveDef.");
def = getter.apply(primitiveDef);
} else if (primitiveDef == null)
if (setter == null)
primitiveDef = def;
primitiveDef = setter.apply(def);
if ((getter == null) != (setter == null))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both setters and getters must be present (or none if def is primitive).");
this.config = config;
this.path = path;
this.def = def;
this.primitiveDef = primitiveDef;
this.getter = getter;
this.setter = setter;
get(); //Generate config automatically
public String toString() {
return "ConfigData{" + "path='" + path + '\'' + ", value=" + value + '}';
void reset() {
value = null;
public T get() {
if (value != null) return value; //Speed things up
var config = this.config.getConfig();
Object val;
if (config == null || !config.isSet(path)) { //Call set() if config == null
val = primitiveDef;
if ((def == null || this instanceof ReadOnlyConfigData) && config != null) //In Discord's case def may be null
setInternal(primitiveDef); //If read-only then we still need to save the default value so it can be set
set(def); //Save default value - def is always set
} else
val = config.get(path); //config==null: testing
if (val == null) //If it's set to null explicitly
val = primitiveDef;
BiFunction<Object, Object, Object> convert = (_val, _def) -> {
if (_def instanceof Number) //If we expect a number
if (_val instanceof Number)
_val = ChromaUtils.convertNumber((Number) _val,
(Class<? extends Number>) _def.getClass());
_val = _def; //If we didn't get a number, return default (which is a number)
else if (_val instanceof List && _def != null && _def.getClass().isArray())
_val = ((List<T>) _val).toArray((T[]) Array.newInstance(_def.getClass().getComponentType(), 0));
return _val;
if (getter != null) {
val = convert.apply(val, primitiveDef);
T hmm = getter.apply(val);
if (hmm == null) hmm = def; //Set if the getter returned null
return hmm;
val = convert.apply(val, def);
return value = (T) val; //Always cache, if not cached yet
public void set(T value) {
if (this instanceof ReadOnlyConfigData)
return; //Safety for Discord channel/role data
Object val;
if (setter != null && value != null)
val = setter.apply(value);
else val = value;
if (config.getConfig() != null)
this.value = value;
private void setInternal(Object val) {
config.getConfig().set(path, val);
static void signalChange(IHaveConfig config) {
var cc = config.getConfig();
var sa = config.getSaveAction();
if (!saveTasks.containsKey(cc.getRoot())) {
synchronized (saveTasks) {
saveTasks.put(cc.getRoot(), new SaveTask(Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(MainPlugin.Instance, () -> {
synchronized (saveTasks) {
}, 100), sa));
private static class SaveTask {
BukkitTask task;
Runnable saveAction;
public static boolean saveNow(Configuration config) {
synchronized (saveTasks) {
SaveTask st = saveTasks.get(config);
if (st != null) {
return true;
return false;
public static <T> ConfigData.ConfigDataBuilder<T> builder(IHaveConfig config, String path) {
return new ConfigDataBuilder<T>(config, path);
@RequiredArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PACKAGE)
public static class ConfigDataBuilder<T> {
private final IHaveConfig config;
private final String path;
private T def;
private Object primitiveDef;
private Function<Object, T> getter;
private Function<T, Object> setter;
* The default value to use, as used in code. If not a primitive type, use the {@link #getter(Function)} and {@link #setter(Function)} methods.
* <br/>
* To set the value as it is stored, use {@link #primitiveDef(Object)}.
* @param def The default value
* @return This builder
public ConfigDataBuilder<T> def(T def) {
this.def = def;
return this;
* The default value to use, as stored in yaml. Must be a primitive type. Make sure to use the {@link #getter(Function)} and {@link #setter(Function)} methods.
* <br/>
* To set the value as used in the code, use {@link #def(Object)}.
* @param primitiveDef The default value
* @return This builder
public ConfigDataBuilder<T> primitiveDef(Object primitiveDef) {
this.primitiveDef = primitiveDef;
return this;
* A function to use to obtain the runtime object from the yaml representation (usually string).
* The {@link #setter(Function)} must also be set.
* @param getter A function that receives the primitive type and returns the runtime type
* @return This builder
public ConfigDataBuilder<T> getter(Function<Object, T> getter) {
this.getter = getter;
return this;
* A function to use to obtain the yaml representation (usually string) from the runtime object.
* The {@link #getter(Function)} must also be set.
* @param setter A function that receives the runtime type and returns the primitive type
* @return This builder
public ConfigDataBuilder<T> setter(Function<T, Object> setter) {
this.setter = setter;
return this;
* Builds a modifiable config representation. Use if you want to change the value <i>in code</i>.
* @return A ConfigData instance.
public ConfigData<T> build() {
ConfigData<T> config = new ConfigData<>(this.config, path, def, primitiveDef, getter, setter);
return config;
* Builds a read-only config representation. Use if you only want the value to be changed <i>in the config</i>.
* @return A ReadOnlyConfigData instance.
public ReadOnlyConfigData<T> buildReadOnly() {
ReadOnlyConfigData<T> config = new ReadOnlyConfigData<>(this.config, path, def, primitiveDef, getter, setter);
return config;
public String toString() {return "ConfigData.ConfigDataBuilder(config=" + this.config + ", path=" + this.path + ", def=" + this.def + ", primitiveDef=" + this.primitiveDef + ", getter=" + this.getter + ", setter=" + this.setter + ")";}

View file

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.IConfigData
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
import java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance
import java.util.function.Function
* Use the getter/setter constructor if [T] isn't a primitive type or String.
* Use [Component.config] or [ButtonPlugin.iConfig] then [IHaveConfig.getData] to get an instance.
* **Note:** The instance can become outdated if the config is reloaded.
* @param config The config object to use for the whole file
* @param path The path to the config value
* @param primitiveDef The default value, as stored in the config. Non-nullable as it needs to be saved to the config
* @param getter Function to convert primtive types to [T]. The parameter is of a primitive type as returned by [Configuration.get]
* @param setter Function to convert [T] to a primitive type. The result should be a primitive type or string that can be retrieved correctly later
* @param readOnly If true, changing the value will have no effect
* @param T The type of the config value. May be nullable if the getter cannot always return a value
class ConfigData<T : Any?> internal constructor(
val config: IHaveConfig,
override val path: String,
private val primitiveDef: Any,
private val getter: Function<Any, T>,
private val setter: Function<T, Any>,
private val readOnly: Boolean
) : IConfigData<T> {
* The config value should not change outside this instance
private var value: T? = null
init {
get(true) //Generate config automatically
override fun toString(): String {
return "ConfigData{path='$path', value=$value}"
override fun get(): T {
return get(false)
private fun get(initialGet: Boolean): T {
val cachedValue = value
if (cachedValue != null) return cachedValue //Speed things up
val config = config.config
val freshValue = config?.get(path) ?: primitiveDef.also { setInternal(it, initialGet) }
return getter.apply(convertPrimitiveType(freshValue)).also { value = it }
override fun reload() {
value = null
* Converts a value to [T] from the representation returned by [Configuration.get].
private fun convertPrimitiveType(value: Any): Any {
return if (primitiveDef is Number) //If we expect a number
if (value is Number) ChromaUtils.convertNumber(value, primitiveDef.javaClass)
else primitiveDef //If we didn't get a number, return default (which is a number)
else if (value is List<*> && primitiveDef.javaClass.isArray) // If we got a list and we expected an array
value.toArray { newInstance(primitiveDef.javaClass.componentType, it) as Array<T> }
else value
override fun set(value: T) {
if (readOnly) return //Safety for Discord channel/role data
val `val` = setter.apply(value)
this.value = value
private fun setInternal(`val`: Any?, initialSet: Boolean = false) { // TODO: Remove initialSet when #109 is done
val config = config.config
if (config != null) {
config.set(path, `val`)
} else if (!initialSet) {
ChromaUtils.logWarn("Attempted to get/set config value with no config! Path: $path, value: $`val`")
* @param task The running task, if it was scheduled
private class SaveTask(val task: BukkitTask?, val saveAction: Runnable)
companion object {
private val saveTasks = HashMap<Configuration, SaveTask>()
* Signals that the config has changed and should be saved
fun signalChange(config: IHaveConfig) {
val cc = config.config
val sa = config.saveAction
val root = cc?.root
if (root == null) {
ChromaUtils.logWarn("Attempted to save config with no root! Name: ${cc?.name ?: "NONEXISTENT CONFIG"}")
if (!MainPlugin.isInitialized) {
// If the plugin isn't initialized, we can't schedule a task - do it when the plugin is enabled
synchronized(saveTasks) {
saveTasks.put(root, SaveTask(null, sa))
} else if (!saveTasks.containsKey(cc.root)) {
synchronized(saveTasks) {
SaveTask(Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(MainPlugin.instance, Runnable {
synchronized(saveTasks) {
}, 100), sa)
* Saves the config immediately, if it's scheduled to be saved. Used to save configs when the plugin is disabled or reloaded.
* Also performs cleanup of the save task, so it must be called when the ConfigData is invalidated (which is the above two cases).
fun saveNow(config: Configuration): Boolean {
synchronized(saveTasks) {
val st = saveTasks[config]
if (st != null) {
return true
return false

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@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* A config system
public final class IHaveConfig {
private final HashMap<String, ConfigData<?>> datamap = new HashMap<>();
* Returns the Bukkit ConfigurationSection. Use {@link #signalChange()} after changing it.
private ConfigurationSection config;
private Runnable saveAction;
* May be used in testing.
* @param saveAction What to do to save the config to disk. Don't use get methods until it's non-null.
public IHaveConfig(Runnable saveAction) {
this.saveAction = saveAction;
* Gets a config object for the given path. The def or primitiveDef must be set. If a getter is present, a setter must be present as well.
* @param path The dot-separated path relative to this config instance
* @param <T> The runtime type of the config value
* @return A ConfigData builder to set how to obtain the value
public <T> ConfigData.ConfigDataBuilder<T> getConfig(String path) {
return ConfigData.builder(this, path);
void onConfigBuild(ConfigData<?> config) {
datamap.put(config.getPath(), config);
* This method overload should only be used with primitives or String.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param def The value to use by default
* @param <T> The type of this variable (only use primitives or String)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ConfigData<T> getData(String path, T def) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null) datamap.put(path, data = new ConfigData<>(this, path, def, def, null, null));
return (ConfigData<T>) data;
* This method overload may be used with any class.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param def The value to use by default
* @param getter A function that converts a primitive representation to the correct value
* @param setter A function that converts a value to a primitive representation
* @param <T> The type of this variable (can be any class)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ConfigData<T> getData(String path, T def, Function<Object, T> getter, Function<T, Object> setter) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null)
datamap.put(path, data = new ConfigData<>(this, path, def, setter.apply(def), getter, setter));
return (ConfigData<T>) data;
* This method overload may be used with any class. The given default value will be run through the getter.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param primitiveDef The <b>primitive</b> value to use by default
* @param getter A function that converts a primitive representation to the correct value
* @param setter A function that converts a value to a primitive representation
* @param <T> The type of this variable (can be any class)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ConfigData<T> getDataPrimDef(String path, Object primitiveDef, Function<Object, T> getter, Function<T, Object> setter) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null)
datamap.put(path, data = new ConfigData<>(this, path, getter.apply(primitiveDef), primitiveDef, getter, setter));
return (ConfigData<T>) data;
* This method overload may be used with any class. The given default value will be run through the getter.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param primitiveDef The <b>primitive</b> value to use by default
* @param getter A function that converts a primitive representation to the correct value
* @param setter A function that converts a value to a primitive representation
* @param <T> The type of this variable (can be any class)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ReadOnlyConfigData<T> getReadOnlyDataPrimDef(String path, Object primitiveDef, Function<Object, T> getter, Function<T, Object> setter) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null)
datamap.put(path, data = new ReadOnlyConfigData<>(this, path, getter.apply(primitiveDef), primitiveDef, getter, setter));
return (ReadOnlyConfigData<T>) data;
* This method overload should only be used with primitves or String.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param def The value to use by default
* @param <T> The type of this variable (only use primitives or String)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ConfigData<T> getData(String path, Supplier<T> def) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null) {
val defval = def.get();
datamap.put(path, data = new ConfigData<>(this, path, defval, defval, null, null));
return (ConfigData<T>) data;
* This method overload may be used with any class.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param def The value to use by default
* @param getter A function that converts a primitive representation to the correct value
* @param setter A function that converts a value to a primitive representation
* @param <T> The type of this variable (can be any class)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ConfigData<T> getData(String path, Supplier<T> def, Function<Object, T> getter, Function<T, Object> setter) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null) {
val defval = def.get();
datamap.put(path, data = new ConfigData<>(this, path, defval, setter.apply(defval), getter, setter));
return (ConfigData<T>) data;
* This method overload should only be used with primitves or String.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param <T> The type of this variable (only use primitives or String)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
public <T> ListConfigData<T> getListData(String path) {
ConfigData<?> data = datamap.get(path);
if (data == null)
datamap.put(path, data = new ListConfigData<>(this, path, new ListConfigData.List<T>()));
return (ListConfigData<T>) data;
* Schedules a save operation. Use after changing the ConfigurationSection directly.
public void signalChange() {
* Clears all caches and loads everything from yaml.
public void reset(ConfigurationSection config) {
this.config = config;
datamap.forEach((path, data) -> data.reset());
* Generates the config YAML.
* @param obj The object which has config methods
* @param configMap The result from {@link Component#getConfigMap(String, Map)}. May be null.
public static void pregenConfig(Object obj, @Nullable Map<String, IHaveConfig> configMap) {
val ms = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
for (val m : ms) {
if (!m.getReturnType().getName().equals(ConfigData.class.getName())) continue;
final String mName;
var name = m.getName();
var ind = name.lastIndexOf('$');
if (ind == -1) mName = name;
else mName = name.substring(ind + 1);
try {
List<ConfigData<?>> configList;
if (m.getParameterCount() == 0) {
configList = Collections.singletonList((ConfigData<?>) m.invoke(obj));
} else if (m.getParameterCount() == 1 && m.getParameterTypes()[0] == IHaveConfig.class) {
if (configMap == null) continue; //Hope it will get called with the param later
configList = configMap.entrySet().stream().map(kv ->
try {
return (ConfigData<?>) m.invoke(obj, kv.getValue());
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
String msg = "Failed to pregenerate " + mName + " for " + obj + " using config " + kv.getKey() + "!";
if (obj instanceof Component<?>)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, (Component<?>) obj);
else if (obj instanceof JavaPlugin)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, (JavaPlugin) obj);
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, false, Bukkit.getLogger()::warning);
return null;
} else {
if (TBMCCoreAPI.IsTestServer())
MainPlugin.Instance.getLogger().warning("Method " + mName + " returns a config but its parameters are unknown: " + Arrays.toString(m.getParameterTypes()));
for (val c : configList) {
if (c.getPath().length() == 0)
else if (!c.getPath().equals(mName))
MainPlugin.Instance.getLogger().warning("Config name does not match: " + c.getPath() + " instead of " + mName);
c.get(); //Saves the default value if needed - also checks validity
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to pregenerate " + mName + " for " + obj + "!";
if (obj instanceof Component<?>)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, (Component<?>) obj);
else if (obj instanceof JavaPlugin)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, (JavaPlugin) obj);
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, false, Bukkit.getLogger()::warning);

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@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.ConfigDataDelegate
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.IConfigData
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.ListConfigDataDelegate
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.delegate
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
import java.util.function.Function
* A config system
* May be used in testing.
class IHaveConfig(
* The way the underlying configuration gets saved to disk
saveAction: Runnable,
config: ConfigurationSection?
) {
* The way the underlying configuration gets saved to disk
var saveAction = saveAction
private set
* Returns the Bukkit ConfigurationSection. Use [.signalChange] after changing it.
var config = config
private set
private val datamap = HashMap<String, IConfigData<*>>()
* You may use this method with any data type, but always provide getters and setters that convert to primitive types
* if you're not using primitive types directly.
* These primitive types are strings, numbers, characters, booleans and lists of these things.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param def The value to use by default
* @param getter A function that converts a primitive representation to the correct value
* @param setter A function that converts a value to a primitive representation
* @param readOnly If true, changing the value will have no effect
* @param <T> The type of this variable (can be any class)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
</T> */
fun <T> getData(
path: String,
def: T,
getter: Function<Any, T>? = null,
setter: Function<T, Any>? = null,
readOnly: Boolean = false
): ConfigDataDelegate<T> {
val safeSetter = setter ?: Function { it ?: throw RuntimeException("No setter specified for nullable config data $path!") }
return getData(path, getter ?: Function { it as T }, safeSetter, safeSetter.apply(def), readOnly)
* You may use this method with any data type and provide a primitive default value.
* These primitive types are strings, numbers, characters, booleans and lists of these things.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param primitiveDef The **primitive** value to use by default
* @param getter A function that converts a primitive representation to the correct value
* @param setter A function that converts a value to a primitive representation
* @param <T> The type of this variable (can be any class)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
</T> */
fun <T> getData(
path: String,
getter: Function<Any, T>,
setter: Function<T, Any>,
primitiveDef: Any,
readOnly: Boolean = false
): ConfigDataDelegate<T> {
val data =
datamap[path] ?: ConfigData(this, path, primitiveDef, getter, setter, readOnly).also { datamap[path] = it }
return (data as ConfigData<T>).delegate()
* This method overload should only be used with primitves or String.
* @param path The path in config to use
* @param <T> The type of this variable (only use primitives or String)
* @return The data object that can be used to get or set the value
</T> */
fun <T> getListData(
path: String,
def: List<T>,
elementGetter: Function<Any?, T>? = null,
elementSetter: Function<T, Any?>? = null,
readOnly: Boolean = false
): ListConfigDataDelegate<T> {
var data = datamap[path]
if (data == null) datamap[path] = ListConfigData(
elementGetter ?: Function { it as T },
elementSetter ?: Function { it },
).also { data = it }
return (data as ListConfigData<T>).delegate()
* Schedules a save operation. Use after changing the ConfigurationSection directly.
fun signalChange() {
fun reload(section: ConfigurationSection, saveAction: Runnable = this.saveAction) {
config = section
this.saveAction = saveAction
datamap.forEach { it.value.reload() }
companion object {
* Generates the config YAML.
* @param obj The object which has config methods
* @param configMap The result from [Component.getConfigMap]. May be null.
fun pregenConfig(obj: Any, configMap: Map<String, IHaveConfig?>?) {
// TODO: The configs are generated by ConfigData on creation

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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import lombok.val;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
public class ListConfigData<T> extends ConfigData<ListConfigData.List<T>> {
ListConfigData(IHaveConfig config, String path, List<T> def) {
super(config, path, def, new ArrayList<>(def), list -> {
var l = new List<>((ArrayList<T>) list);
l.listConfig = def.listConfig;
return l;
}, ArrayList::new);
def.listConfig = this; //Can't make the List class non-static or pass this in the super() constructor
public static class List<T> extends ArrayList<T> {
private ListConfigData<T> listConfig;
public List(@NotNull Collection<? extends T> c) {
public List() {
private void update() {
listConfig.set(this); //Update the config model and start save task if needed
public T set(int index, T element) {
T ret = super.set(index, element);
return ret;
public boolean add(T t) {
val ret = super.add(t);
return ret;
public void add(int index, T element) {
super.add(index, element);
public T remove(int index) {
T ret = super.remove(index);
return ret;
public boolean remove(Object o) {
val ret = super.remove(o);
return ret;
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> c) {
val ret = super.addAll(c);
return ret;
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends T> c) {
val ret = super.addAll(index, c);
return ret;
protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
super.removeRange(fromIndex, toIndex);
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
val ret = super.removeAll(c);
return ret;
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
val ret = super.retainAll(c);
return ret;
public boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super T> filter) {
val ret = super.removeIf(filter);
return ret;
public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator<T> operator) {
public void sort(Comparator<? super T> c) {

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.ConfigList
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.IConfigData
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config.IListConfigData
import java.util.function.Function
class ListConfigData<T> internal constructor(
config: IHaveConfig,
path: String,
primitiveDef: ArrayList<*>,
internal val elementGetter: Function<Any?, T>,
internal val elementSetter: Function<T, Any?>,
readOnly: Boolean
) : IConfigData<ConfigList<T>>, IListConfigData<T> {
val listConfig: ConfigData<ConfigList<T>> =
ConfigData(config, path, primitiveDef, { ConfigList((it as ArrayList<*>).toMutableList(), this) }, { it }, readOnly)
override val path get() = listConfig.path
override fun get() = listConfig.get()
override fun set(value: ConfigList<T>) = listConfig.set(value)
override fun reload() = listConfig.reload()

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class ReadOnlyConfigData<T> extends ConfigData<T> {
ReadOnlyConfigData(IHaveConfig config, String path, T def, Object primitiveDef, Function<Object, T> getter, Function<T, Object> setter) {
super(config, path, def, primitiveDef, getter, setter);
ReadOnlyConfigData(IHaveConfig config, String path, T def, Object primitiveDef) {
super(config, path, def, primitiveDef, null, null);

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
open class ConfigDataDelegate<T>(private val data: IConfigData<T>) : IConfigData<T> by data {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = data.get()
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) = data.set(value)
class ListConfigDataDelegate<T>(data: IListConfigData<T>) : ConfigDataDelegate<ConfigList<T>>(data), IListConfigData<T>
fun <T> IConfigData<T>.delegate() = ConfigDataDelegate(this)
fun <T> IListConfigData<T>.delegate() = ListConfigDataDelegate(this)

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@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ListConfigData
import java.util.function.Predicate
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator
class ConfigList<T>(
backingList: MutableList<Any?>,
private val parentConfig: ListConfigData<T>
) : MutableList<T> {
private val primitiveList = backingList
override val size: Int get() = primitiveList.size
private fun update() {
val config = parentConfig.listConfig.config
ConfigData.signalChange(config) //Update the config model and start save task if needed
override fun set(index: Int, element: T): T {
val ret = primitiveList.set(index, parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
return parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(ret)
override fun add(element: T): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.add(parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
return ret
override fun add(index: Int, element: T) {
primitiveList.add(index, parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
override fun removeAt(index: Int): T {
val ret = primitiveList.removeAt(index)
return parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(ret)
override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): MutableList<T> =
ConfigList(primitiveList.subList(fromIndex, toIndex), parentConfig)
override fun remove(element: T): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.remove(parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
return ret
override fun addAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.addAll( { parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(it) })
return ret
override fun addAll(index: Int, elements: Collection<T>): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.addAll(index, { parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(it) })
return ret
override fun removeAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.removeAll( { parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(it) })
return ret
override fun retainAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.retainAll( { parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(it) })
return ret
override fun removeIf(filter: Predicate<in T>): Boolean {
val ret = primitiveList.removeIf { filter.test(parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(it)) }
return ret
override fun replaceAll(operator: UnaryOperator<T>) {
primitiveList.replaceAll { parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(operator.apply(parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(it))) }
override fun sort(c: Comparator<in T>) {
primitiveList.sortWith { o1, o2 ->, parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(o2)) }
override fun clear() {
override fun get(index: Int): T = parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(primitiveList[index])
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = primitiveList.isEmpty()
override fun lastIndexOf(element: T): Int = primitiveList.lastIndexOf(parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
override fun indexOf(element: T): Int = primitiveList.indexOf(parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean =
primitiveList.containsAll( { parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(it) })
override fun contains(element: T): Boolean = primitiveList.contains(parentConfig.elementSetter.apply(element))
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<T> {
return object : MutableIterator<T> {
private val iterator = primitiveList.iterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): T = parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(
override fun remove() {
override fun listIterator(): MutableListIterator<T> {
return listIterator(0)
override fun listIterator(index: Int): MutableListIterator<T> {
return object : MutableListIterator<T> {
private val iterator = primitiveList.listIterator(index)
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): T = parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(
override fun remove() {
override fun hasPrevious(): Boolean = iterator.hasPrevious()
override fun nextIndex(): Int = iterator.nextIndex()
override fun previous(): T = parentConfig.elementGetter.apply(iterator.previous())
override fun previousIndex(): Int = iterator.previousIndex()
override fun add(element: T) {
override fun set(element: T) {

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.architecture.config
interface IConfigData<T> {
* Gets the value from the config using the getter specified for the config. If the config is not set, the default value is returned.
fun get(): T
* Sets the value in the config using the setter specified for the config. If the config is read-only, this does nothing.
fun set(value: T)
* Reload the config from the file.
fun reload()
* The path to the config value.
val path: String
interface IListConfigData<T> : IConfigData<ConfigList<T>>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class ChatMessage {
* The sender which sends the message.
private final CommandSender sender;
* The Chroma user which sends the message.
private final ChromaGamerBase user;
* The message to send as the user.
private String message;
* Indicates whether the message comes from running a command (like /tableflip). Implemented to be used from Discord.
private boolean fromCommand;
* The sender which we should check for permissions. Same as {@link #sender} by default.
private CommandSender permCheck;
* The origin of the message, "Minecraft" or "Discord" for example. May be displayed to the user.<br>
* <b>This is the user class capitalized folder name.</b>
private final String origin;
* The sender which we should check for permissions. Same as {@link #sender} by default.
* @return The perm check or the sender
public CommandSender getPermCheck() {
return permCheck == null ? sender : permCheck;
private static ChatMessageBuilder builder() {
return new ChatMessageBuilder();
public static ChatMessageBuilder builder(CommandSender sender, ChromaGamerBase user, String message) {
return builder().sender(sender).user(user).message(message).origin(user.getFolder().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + user.getFolder().substring(1));

View file

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import java.util.*
class ChatMessage internal constructor(
* The Chroma user who sent the message.
val user: ChromaGamerBase,
* The message to send as the user.
var message: String,
* Indicates whether the message comes from running a command (like /tableflip). Implemented to be used from Discord.
val isFromCommand: Boolean,
* The sender which we should check for permissions. Same as [.sender] by default.
val permCheck: ChromaGamerBase,
* The origin of the message, "Minecraft" or "Discord" for example. May be displayed to the user.
* **This is the user class capitalized folder name by default.**
val origin: String
) {
class ChatMessageBuilder internal constructor(
private var user: ChromaGamerBase,
private var message: String,
private var origin: String
) {
private var fromCommand = false
private var permCheck: ChromaGamerBase? = null
fun fromCommand(fromCommand: Boolean): ChatMessageBuilder {
this.fromCommand = fromCommand
return this
fun permCheck(permCheck: ChromaGamerBase): ChatMessageBuilder {
this.permCheck = permCheck
return this
fun origin(origin: String): ChatMessageBuilder {
this.origin = origin
return this
fun build(): ChatMessage {
return ChatMessage(user, message, fromCommand, permCheck ?: user, origin)
override fun toString(): String {
return "ChatMessage.ChatMessageBuilder(user=$user, message=$message, fromCommand=$fromCommand, permCheck=$permCheck, origin=$origin)"
companion object {
fun builder(user: ChromaGamerBase, message: String): ChatMessageBuilder {
return ChatMessageBuilder(
user, message,
user.folder.replaceFirstChar { if (it.isLowerCase()) it.titlecase(Locale.getDefault()) else it.toString() }

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
public enum Color implements TellrawSerializableEnum {
Black("black", 0, 0, 0),
DarkBlue("dark_blue", 0, 0, 170),
DarkGreen("dark_green", 0, 170, 0),
DarkAqua("dark_aqua", 0, 170, 170),
DarkRed("dark_red", 170, 0, 0),
DarkPurple("dark_purple", 0, 170, 0),
Gold("gold", 255, 170,0),
Gray("gray", 170, 170, 170),
DarkGray("dark_gray", 85, 85, 85),
Blue("blue", 85, 85, 255),
Green("green", 85, 255, 85),
Aqua("aqua", 85, 255, 255),
Red("red", 255, 85,85),
LightPurple("light_purple", 255, 85, 255),
Yellow("yellow", 255, 255, 85),
White("white", 255, 255, 255);
private final String name;
private final int red;
private final int green;
private final int blue;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* The method name is the subcommand, use underlines (_) to add further subcommands.
* The args may be null if the conversion failed and it's optional.
public abstract class Command2<TC extends ICommand2<TP>, TP extends Command2Sender> {
protected Command2() {
commandHelp.add("§6---- Commands ----");
* Parameters annotated with this receive all of the remaining arguments
public @interface TextArg {
* Methods annotated with this will be recognised as subcommands
public @interface Subcommand {
* Allowed for OPs only by default
String MOD_GROUP = "mod";
* Help text to show players. A usage message will be also shown below it.
String[] helpText() default {};
* The main permission which allows using this command (individual access can be still revoked with "chroma.command.X").
* Used to be "tbmc.admin". The {@link #MOD_GROUP} is provided to use with this.
String permGroup() default "";
String[] aliases() default {};
public @interface OptionalArg {
protected static class SubcommandData<T extends ICommand2<?>> {
public final Method method;
public final T command;
public final String[] parameters;
public String[] helpText;
/*protected static class SubcommandHelpData<T extends ICommand2> extends SubcommandData<T> {
private final TreeSet<String> ht = new TreeSet<>();
private BukkitTask task;
public SubcommandHelpData(Method method, T command, String[] helpText) {
super(method, command, helpText);
public void addSubcommand(String command) {
if (task == null)
task = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(MainPlugin.Instance, () -> {
helpText = new String[ht.size() + 1]; //This will only run after the server is started List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(size());
helpText[0] = "§6---- Subcommands ----"; //TODO: There may be more to the help text
int i = 1;
for (Iterator<String> iterator = ht.iterator();
iterator.hasNext() && i < helpText.length; i++) {
String e =;
helpText[i] = e;
task = null; //Run again, if needed
protected static class ParamConverter<T> {
public final Function<String, T> converter;
public final String errormsg;
public final Supplier<Iterable<String>> allSupplier;
protected final HashMap<String, SubcommandData<TC>> subcommands = new HashMap<>();
protected final HashMap<Class<?>, ParamConverter<?>> paramConverters = new HashMap<>();
private final ArrayList<String> commandHelp = new ArrayList<>(); //Mainly needed by Discord
private char commandChar;
* Adds a param converter that obtains a specific object from a string parameter.
* The converter may return null.
* @param <T> The type of the result
* @param cl The class of the result object
* @param converter The converter to use
* @param allSupplier The supplier of all possible values (ideally)
public <T> void addParamConverter(Class<T> cl, Function<String, T> converter, String errormsg,
Supplier<Iterable<String>> allSupplier) {
paramConverters.put(cl, new ParamConverter<>(converter, errormsg, allSupplier));
public boolean handleCommand(TP sender, String commandline) {
for (int i = commandline.length(); i != -1; i = commandline.lastIndexOf(' ', i - 1)) {
String subcommand = commandline.substring(0, i).toLowerCase();
SubcommandData<TC> sd = subcommands.get(subcommand);
if (sd == null) continue;
boolean sync = Bukkit.isPrimaryThread();
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(MainPlugin.Instance, () -> {
try {
handleCommandAsync(sender, commandline, sd, subcommand, sync);
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Command execution failed for sender " + sender.getName() + "(" + sender.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ") and message " + commandline, e, MainPlugin.Instance);
return true; //We found a method
return false;
//Needed because permission checking may load the (perhaps offline) sender's file which is disallowed on the main thread
* Handles a command asynchronously
* @param sender The command sender
* @param commandline The command line the sender sent
* @param sd The subcommand data
* @param subcommand The subcommand text
* @param sync Whether the command was originally sync
* @throws Exception If something's not right
private void handleCommandAsync(TP sender, String commandline, SubcommandData<TC> sd, String subcommand, boolean sync) throws Exception {
if (sd.method == null || sd.command == null) { //Main command not registered, but we have subcommands
if (!hasPermission(sender, sd.command, sd.method)) {
sender.sendMessage("§cYou don't have permission to use this command");
val params = new ArrayList<Object>(sd.method.getParameterCount());
int j = subcommand.length(), pj;
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = sd.method.getParameterTypes();
if (parameterTypes.length == 0)
throw new Exception("No sender parameter for method '" + sd.method + "'");
val sendertype = parameterTypes[0];
final ChromaGamerBase cg;
if (sendertype.isAssignableFrom(sender.getClass()))
params.add(sender); //The command either expects a CommandSender or it is a Player, or some other expected type
else if (sender instanceof Command2MCSender
&& sendertype.isAssignableFrom(((Command2MCSender) sender).getSender().getClass()))
params.add(((Command2MCSender) sender).getSender());
else if (ChromaGamerBase.class.isAssignableFrom(sendertype)
&& sender instanceof Command2MCSender
&& (cg = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(((Command2MCSender) sender).getSender())) != null
&& cg.getClass() == sendertype) //The command expects a user of our system
else {
sender.sendMessage("§cYou need to be a " + sendertype.getSimpleName() + " to use this command.");
sender.sendMessage(sd.helpText); //Send what the command is about, could be useful for commands like /member where some subcommands aren't player-only
val paramArr = sd.method.getParameters();
for (int i1 = 1; i1 < parameterTypes.length; i1++) {
Class<?> cl = parameterTypes[i1];
pj = j + 1; //Start index
if (pj == commandline.length() + 1) { //No param given
if (paramArr[i1].isAnnotationPresent(OptionalArg.class)) {
if (cl.isPrimitive())
else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)
|| Number.class.isAssignableFrom(cl))
continue; //Fill the remaining params with nulls
} else {
sender.sendMessage(sd.helpText); //Required param missing
if (paramArr[i1].isVarArgs()) {
params.add(commandline.substring(j + 1).split(" +"));
j = commandline.indexOf(' ', j + 1); //End index
if (j == -1 || paramArr[i1].isAnnotationPresent(TextArg.class)) //Last parameter
j = commandline.length();
String param = commandline.substring(pj, j);
if (cl == String.class) {
} else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(cl) || cl.isPrimitive()) {
try {
if (cl == boolean.class) {
if (cl == char.class) {
if (param.length() != 1) {
sender.sendMessage("§c'" + param + "' is not a character.");
//noinspection unchecked
Number n = ChromaUtils.convertNumber(NumberFormat.getInstance().parse(param), (Class<? extends Number>) cl);
} catch (ParseException e) {
sender.sendMessage("§c'" + param + "' is not a number.");
val conv = paramConverters.get(cl);
if (conv == null)
throw new Exception("No suitable converter found for parameter type '" + cl.getCanonicalName() + "' for command '" + sd.method + "'");
val cparam = conv.converter.apply(param);
if (cparam == null) {
sender.sendMessage(conv.errormsg); //Param conversion failed - ex. plugin not found
Runnable lol = () -> {
try {
sd.method.setAccessible(true); //It may be part of a private class
val ret = sd.method.invoke(sd.command, params.toArray()); //I FORGOT TO TURN IT INTO AN ARRAY (for a long time)
if (ret instanceof Boolean) {
if (!(boolean) ret) //Show usage
} else if (ret != null)
throw new Exception("Wrong return type! Must return a boolean or void. Return value: " + ret);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("An error occurred in a command handler for " + subcommand + "!", e.getCause(), MainPlugin.Instance);
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Command handling failed for sender " + sender + " and subcommand " + subcommand, e, MainPlugin.Instance);
if (sync)
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(MainPlugin.Instance, lol);
} //TODO: Add to the help
public abstract void registerCommand(TC command);
protected List<SubcommandData<TC>> registerCommand(TC command, char commandChar) {
return registerCommand(command, command.getCommandPath(), commandChar);
protected List<SubcommandData<TC>> registerCommand(TC command, String path, @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") char commandChar) {
this.commandChar = commandChar;
int x = path.indexOf(' ');
val mainPath = commandChar + path.substring(0, x == -1 ? path.length() : x);
//var scmdmap = subcommandStrings.computeIfAbsent(mainPath, k -> new HashSet<>()); //Used to display subcommands
val scmdHelpList = new ArrayList<String>();
Method mainMethod = null;
boolean nosubs = true;
boolean isSubcommand = x != -1;
try { //Register the default handler first so it can be reliably overwritten
mainMethod = command.getClass().getMethod("def", Command2Sender.class);
val cc = command.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandClass.class);
var ht = cc == null || isSubcommand ? new String[0] : cc.helpText(); //If it's not the main command, don't add it
if (ht.length > 0)
ht[0] = "§6---- " + ht[0] + " ----";
if (!isSubcommand)
if (!commandHelp.contains(mainPath))
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Could not register default handler for command /" + path, e, MainPlugin.Instance);
var addedSubcommands = new ArrayList<SubcommandData<TC>>();
for (val method : command.getClass().getMethods()) {
val ann = method.getAnnotation(Subcommand.class);
if (ann == null) continue; //Don't call the method on non-subcommands because they're not in the yaml
var ht = command.getHelpText(method, ann);
if (ht != null) { //The method is a subcommand
val subcommand = commandChar + path + //Add command path (class name by default)
getCommandPath(method.getName(), ' '); //Add method name, unless it's 'def'
var params = new String[method.getParameterCount() - 1];
ht = getParameterHelp(method, ht, subcommand, params);
var sd = new SubcommandData<>(method, command, params, ht);
registerCommand(path, method.getName(), ann, sd);
for (String p : command.getCommandPaths())
registerCommand(p, method.getName(), ann, sd);
nosubs = false;
if (nosubs && scmdHelpList.size() > 0)
scmdHelpList.remove(scmdHelpList.size() - 1); //Remove Subcommands header
if (mainMethod != null && !subcommands.containsKey(commandChar + path)) { //Command specified by the class
var sd = new SubcommandData<>(mainMethod, command, null, scmdHelpList.toArray(new String[0]));
subcommands.put(commandChar + path, sd);
if (isSubcommand) { //The class itself is a subcommand
val scmd = subcommands.computeIfAbsent(mainPath, p -> new SubcommandData<>(null, null, new String[0], new String[]{"§6---- Subcommands ----"}));
val scmdHelp = Arrays.copyOf(scmd.helpText, scmd.helpText.length + scmdHelpList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < scmdHelpList.size(); i++)
scmdHelp[scmd.helpText.length + i] = scmdHelpList.get(i);
scmd.helpText = scmdHelp;
return addedSubcommands;
private String[] getParameterHelp(Method method, String[] ht, String subcommand, String[] parameters) {
val str = method.getDeclaringClass().getResourceAsStream("/commands.yml");
if (str == null)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while getting command data!", new Exception("Resource not found!"), MainPlugin.Instance);
else {
if (ht.length > 0)
ht[0] = "§6---- " + ht[0] + " ----";
YamlConfiguration yc = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new InputStreamReader(str)); //Generated by ButtonProcessor
val ccs = yc.getConfigurationSection(method.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName().replace('$', '.'));
if (ccs != null) {
val cs = ccs.getConfigurationSection(method.getName());
if (cs != null) {
val mname = cs.getString("method");
val params = cs.getString("params");
//val goodname = method.getName() + "(" + -> cl.getTypeName()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + ")";
int i = mname.indexOf('('); //Check only the name - the whole method is still stored for backwards compatibility and in case it may be useful
if (i != -1 && method.getName().equals(mname.substring(0, i)) && params != null) {
String[] both = Arrays.copyOf(ht, ht.length + 1);
both[ht.length] = "§6Usage:§r " + subcommand + " " + params;
ht = both;
var paramArray = params.split(" ");
for (int j = 0; j < paramArray.length && j < parameters.length; j++)
parameters[j] = paramArray[j];
} else
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while getting command data for " + method + "!", new Exception("Method '" + method + "' != " + mname + " or params is " + params), MainPlugin.Instance);
} else
MainPlugin.Instance.getLogger().warning("Failed to get command data for " + method + " (cs is null)! Make sure to use 'clean install' when building the project.");
} else
MainPlugin.Instance.getLogger().warning("Failed to get command data for " + method + " (ccs is null)! Make sure to use 'clean install' when building the project.");
return ht;
private void registerCommand(String path, String methodName, Subcommand ann, SubcommandData<TC> sd) {
val subcommand = commandChar + path + getCommandPath(methodName, ' ');
subcommands.put(subcommand, sd);
for (String alias : ann.aliases())
subcommands.put(commandChar + path + alias, sd);
public abstract boolean hasPermission(TP sender, TC command, Method subcommand);
public String[] getCommandsText() {
return commandHelp.toArray(new String[0]);
public String[] getHelpText(String path) {
val scmd = subcommands.get(path);
if (scmd == null) return null;
return scmd.helpText;
/*public Set<String> getAllSubcommands() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(subcommands.keySet());
* Unregisters all of the subcommands in the given command.
* @param command The command object
public void unregisterCommand(ICommand2<TP> command) {
var path = command.getCommandPath();
for (val method : command.getClass().getMethods()) {
val ann = method.getAnnotation(Subcommand.class);
if (ann == null) continue;
unregisterCommand(path, method.getName(), ann);
for (String p : command.getCommandPaths())
unregisterCommand(p, method.getName(), ann);
private void unregisterCommand(String path, String methodName, Subcommand ann) {
val subcommand = commandChar + path + getCommandPath(methodName, ' ');
for (String alias : ann.aliases())
subcommands.remove(commandChar + path + alias);
* It will start with the given replace char.
* @param methodName The method's name, method.getName()
* @param replaceChar The character to use between subcommands
* @return The command path starting with the replace char.
public String getCommandPath(String methodName, char replaceChar) {
return methodName.equals("def") ? "" : replaceChar + methodName.replace('_', replaceChar).toLowerCase();

View file

@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.*
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.ArgumentBuilder
import com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.LiteralCommandNode
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Predicate
import java.util.function.Supplier
* The method name is the subcommand, use underlines (_) to add further subcommands.
* The args may be null if the conversion failed and it's optional.
abstract class Command2<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender>(
* The first character in the command line that shows that it's a command.
private val commandChar: Char,
* Whether the command's actual code has to be run on the primary thread.
private val runOnPrimaryThread: Boolean
) {
* Parameters annotated with this receive all the remaining arguments
annotation class TextArg
* Methods annotated with this will be recognised as subcommands
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER)
annotation class Subcommand(
* Help text to show players. A usage message will be also shown below it.
val helpText: Array<String> = [],
* Aliases for the subcommand that can be used to invoke it in addition to the method name.
val aliases: Array<String> = [] // TODO
) {
annotation class OptionalArg
protected class ParamConverter<T>(
val converter: Function<String, T?>,
val errormsg: String,
val allSupplier: Supplier<Iterable<String>>
protected val paramConverters = HashMap<Class<*>, ParamConverter<*>>()
private val dispatcher = CommandDispatcher<TP>()
* Adds a param converter that obtains a specific object from a string parameter.
* The converter may return null to signal an error.
* @param <T> The type of the result
* @param cl The class of the result object
* @param converter The converter to use
* @param allSupplier The supplier of all possible values (ideally)
</T> */
open fun <T> addParamConverter(
cl: Class<T>,
converter: Function<String, T?>,
errormsg: String,
allSupplier: Supplier<Iterable<String>>
) {
paramConverters[cl] = ParamConverter(converter, errormsg, allSupplier)
* Handle the given command line as sent by the sender.
* @param sender The sender who sent the command
* @param commandline The command line, including the leading command char
* @return Whether the main command exists
open fun handleCommand(sender: TP, commandline: String): Boolean {
val results = dispatcher.parse(commandline.removePrefix("/"), sender)
if (results.reader.canRead()) {
return if (results.context.nodes.isNotEmpty()) {
for ((node, ex) in results.exceptions) {
} else {
false // Unknown command
val executeCommand: () -> Unit = {
try {
} catch (e: CommandSyntaxException) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
ChromaUtils.throwWhenTested(e, "Command execution failed for sender ${}(${sender.javaClass.canonicalName}) and message $commandline")
if (ChromaUtils.isTest) {
} else {
//Needed because permission checking may load the (perhaps offline) sender's file which is disallowed on the main thread
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(MainPlugin.instance, executeCommand)
return true //We found a method
//TODO: Add to the help
open fun convertSenderType(sender: TP, senderType: Class<*>): Any? {
//The command either expects a CommandSender or it is a Player, or some other expected type
if (senderType.isAssignableFrom(sender.javaClass)) return sender
return null
* Register a command in the command system. The way this command gets registered may change depending on the implementation.
* Always invoke [.registerCommandSuper] when implementing this method.
* @param command The command to register
abstract fun registerCommand(command: TC)
* Registers a command in the Command2 system, so it can be looked up and executed.
* @param command The command to register
* @return The Brigadier command node if you need it for something (like tab completion)
protected fun registerCommandSuper(command: TC): List<CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC>> {
val registeredNodes = mutableListOf<CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC>>()
for (meth in command.javaClass.methods) {
val ann = meth.getAnnotation( ?: continue
val fullPath = command.commandPath + CommandUtils.getCommandPath(, ' ')
assert(fullPath.isNotBlank()) { "No path found for command class ${} and method ${}" }
val (lastNode, remainingPath) = registerNodeFromPath(fullPath)
val execNode = getExecutableNode(meth, command, ann, remainingPath, CommandArgumentHelpManager(command), fullPath)
if (registeredNodes.isEmpty()) {
throw RuntimeException("There are no subcommands defined in the command class ${command.javaClass.simpleName}!")
return registeredNodes.toList()
* Returns the node that can actually execute the given subcommand.
* @param method The subcommand method
* @param command The command object
* @param ann The subcommand annotation
* @param remainingPath The command path
* @param argHelpManager The object that gets the usage text from code
* @param fullPath The full command path as registered
* @return The executable node
private fun getExecutableNode(
method: Method, command: TC, ann: Subcommand, remainingPath: String,
argHelpManager: CommandArgumentHelpManager<TC, TP>, fullPath: String
): CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC> {
val (params, senderType) = getCommandParametersAndSender(method, argHelpManager) // Param order is important
val paramMap = HashMap<String, CommandArgument>()
for (param in params) {
paramMap[] = param
val helpText = command.getHelpText(method, ann)
val node = CoreCommandBuilder.literal(
remainingPath, senderType, paramMap, params, command,
{ helpText }, // TODO: Help text getter support
{ sender: TP, data: SubcommandData<TC, TP> -> hasPermission(sender, data) },
method.annotations.filterNot { it is Subcommand }.toTypedArray(),
fun getArgNodes(parent: ArgumentBuilder<TP, *>, params: MutableList<CommandArgument>): Boolean {
val param = params.removeFirst()
val argType = getArgumentType(param)
val arg = CoreArgumentBuilder.argument<TP, _>(, argType, param.optional)
if (params.isEmpty()) {
arg.executes { context: CommandContext<TP> -> executeCommand(context) }
} else {
if (params.isNotEmpty()) {
if (getArgNodes(arg, params)) {
arg.executes { context: CommandContext<TP> -> executeCommand(context) }
return param.optional
if (params.isEmpty() || getArgNodes(node, params.toMutableList())) {
return ?: error("Command node should be executable but isn't: $fullPath")
* Registers all necessary no-op nodes for the given path.
* @param path The full command path
* @return The last no-op node that can be used to register the executable node,
* the main command node and the last part of the command path (that isn't registered yet)
private fun registerNodeFromPath(path: String): Pair<CommandNode<TP>, String> {
val split = path.split(" ")
var parent: CommandNode<TP> = dispatcher.root
split.dropLast(1).forEach { part ->
val child = parent.getChild(part)
if (child == null) parent.addChild(CoreCommandBuilder.literalNoOp<TP, TC>(part) { emptyArray() }
.executes(::executeHelpText).build().also { parent = it })
else parent = child
return Pair(parent, split.last())
fun getCommandList(sender: TP): Array<String> {
return commandNodes.filter { }
.map { commandChar + }.sorted().toTypedArray()
* Get parameter data for the given subcommand. Attempts to read it from the commands file, if it fails, it will return generic info.
* The first parameter is always the sender both in the methods themselves and in the returned array.
* @param method The method the subcommand is created from
* @return Parameter data objects and the sender type
* @throws RuntimeException If there is no sender parameter declared in the method
private fun getCommandParametersAndSender(
method: Method,
argHelpManager: CommandArgumentHelpManager<TC, TP>
): Pair<List<CommandArgument>, Class<*>> {
val parameters = method.parameters
if (parameters.isEmpty()) throw RuntimeException("No sender parameter for method '$method'")
val usage = argHelpManager.getParameterHelpForMethod(method)?.ifEmpty { null }
val paramNames = usage?.split(" ")
return Pair(
parameters.drop(1).zip(paramNames ?: (1 until parameters.size).map { i -> "param$i" })
.map { (param, name) ->
val numAnn = param.getAnnotation(
name, param.type,
param.isVarArgs || param.isAnnotationPresent(,
if (numAnn == null) Pair(Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE) else Pair(
name, param.annotations.filterNot { it is OptionalArg || it is NumberArg || it is TextArg }.toTypedArray()
}, parameters[0].type
* Converts the Chroma representation of the argument declaration into Brigadier format.
* It does part of the command argument type processing.
* @param arg Our representation of the command argument
* @return The Brigadier representation of the command argument
private fun getArgumentType(arg: CommandArgument?): ArgumentType<out Any> {
val ptype = arg!!.type
val (lowerLimit, upperLimit) = arg.limits
return if (arg.greedy) StringArgumentType.greedyString()
else if (ptype == StringArgumentType.word()
else if (ptype == Int::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Int::class.javaObjectType
|| ptype == Byte::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Byte::class.javaObjectType
|| ptype == Short::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Short::class.javaObjectType
IntegerArgumentType.integer(lowerLimit.toInt(), upperLimit.toInt())
else if (ptype == Long::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Long::class.javaObjectType)
LongArgumentType.longArg(lowerLimit.toLong(), upperLimit.toLong())
else if (ptype == Float::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Float::class.javaObjectType)
FloatArgumentType.floatArg(lowerLimit.toFloat(), upperLimit.toFloat())
else if (ptype == Double::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Double::class.javaObjectType)
DoubleArgumentType.doubleArg(lowerLimit, upperLimit)
else if (ptype == Char::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Char::class.javaObjectType)
else if (ptype == Boolean::class.javaPrimitiveType || ptype == Boolean::class.javaObjectType)
else StringArgumentType.word()
* Displays the help text based on the executed command. Each command node might have a help text stored.
* The help text is displayed either because of incorrect usage or it's explicitly requested.
* @param context The command context
* @return Vanilla command success level (0)
private fun executeHelpText(context: CommandContext<TP>): Int { // TODO: Add usage string automatically (and dynamically?)
val node = context.nodes.lastOrNull()?.node ?: error("No nodes found when executing help text for ${context.input}!")
val helpText = node.subcommandDataNoOp()?.getHelpText(context.source) ?: error("No subcommand data found when executing help text for ${context.input}")
if (node.isCommand()) {
val subs = getSubcommands(node.coreCommandNoOp()!!)
.filter { }
.map { commandChar + }.sorted()
val messages = if (subs.isNotEmpty()) {
helpText + "${ChatColor.GOLD}---- Subcommands ----" + subs
} else {
return 0
* Executes the command itself by calling the subcommand method associated with the input command node.
* @param context The command context
* @return Vanilla command success level (0)
protected open fun executeCommand(context: CommandContext<TP>): Int {
val sd = context.nodes.lastOrNull()?.node?.subcommandData<_, TC>() ?: error("Could not find suitable command node for command ${context.input}")
val sender = context.source
if (!sd.hasPermission(sender)) {
CommandUtils.reportUserError(sender, "${ChatColor.RED}You don't have permission to use this command")
return 1
val convertedSender = convertSenderType(sender, sd.senderType)
if (convertedSender == null) {
//TODO: Should have a prettier display of Command2 classes here
val type = sd.senderType.simpleName.fold("") { s, ch -> s + if (ch.isUpperCase()) " " + ch.lowercase() else ch }.trim()
CommandUtils.reportUserError(sender, "${ChatColor.RED}You need to be a $type to use this command.")
executeHelpText(context) //Send what the command is about, could be useful for commands like /member where some subcommands aren't player-only
return 0
val params = executeGetArguments(sd, context, sender) ?: return executeHelpText(context)
// TODO: Varargs support? (colors?)
// TODO: Character handling (strlen)
executeInvokeCommand(sd, sender, convertedSender, params, context)
return 0
private fun executeGetArguments(sd: SubcommandData<TC, TP>, context: CommandContext<TP>, sender: TP): MutableList<Any?>? {
val params = mutableListOf<Any?>()
for (argument in sd.argumentsInOrder) {
try {
if (argument.type.isEasilyRepresentable()) {
val userArgument = context.getArgument(, argument.type)
} else {
val userArgument = context.getArgument(,
val converter = paramConverters[argument.type]
?: error("No suitable converter found for ${argument.type} ${}")
val result = converter.converter.apply(userArgument)
if (result == null) {
CommandUtils.reportUserError(sender, "${ChatColor.RED}Error: ${converter.errormsg}")
return null
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
if (ChromaUtils.isTest && e.message?.contains("No such argument '${}' exists on this command") != true) {
println("For command ${sd.fullPath}:")
if (argument.optional) {
} else {
return null
return params
* Invokes the command method with the given sender and parameters.
private fun executeInvokeCommand(sd: SubcommandData<TC, TP>, sender: TP, actualSender: Any, params: List<Any?>, context: CommandContext<TP>) {
val invokeCommand = {
try {
val ret = sd.executeCommand(actualSender, *params.toTypedArray())
if (ret is Boolean) {
if (!ret) //Show usage
} else if (ret != null)
throw Exception("Wrong return type! Must return a boolean or void. Return value: $ret")
} catch (e: InvocationTargetException) {
ChromaUtils.throwWhenTested(e.cause ?: e, "An error occurred in a command handler for ${sd.fullPath}!")
} catch (e: Exception) {
ChromaUtils.throwWhenTested(e, "Command handling failed for sender $sender and subcommand ${sd.fullPath}")
if (runOnPrimaryThread && !ChromaUtils.isTest)
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(MainPlugin.instance, invokeCommand)
abstract fun hasPermission(sender: TP, data: SubcommandData<TC, TP>): Boolean
* Get all registered command nodes. This returns all registered Chroma commands with all the information about them.
* @return A set of command node objects containing the commands
val commandNodes: Set<CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC>>
get() = getSubcommands(true, dispatcher.root).toSet()
* Get a node that belongs to the given command.
* @param command The exact name of the command
* @return A command node
fun getCommandNode(command: String): CoreCommandNode<TP, NoOpSubcommandData>? { // TODO: What should this return? No-op? Executable? What's the use case?
return dispatcher.root.getChild(command)?.coreCommand()
* Unregister all subcommands that were registered with the given command class.
* @param command The command class (object) to unregister
fun unregisterCommand(command: ICommand2<TP>) {
dispatcher.root.children.removeIf { node: CommandNode<TP> -> node.coreExecutable<TP, TC>()?.data?.command === command }
* Unregisters all commands that match the given predicate.
* @param condition The condition for removing a given command
fun unregisterCommandIf(condition: Predicate<CoreCommandNode<TP, SubcommandData<TC, TP>>>, nested: Boolean) {
unregisterCommandIf(condition, dispatcher.root, nested)
private fun unregisterCommandIf(
condition: Predicate<CoreCommandNode<TP, SubcommandData<TC, TP>>>,
root: CommandNode<TP>,
nested: Boolean
) {
// Can't use getCoreChildren() here because the collection needs to be modifiable
if (nested) for (child in root.children)
child.coreCommand<_, NoOpSubcommandData>()?.let { unregisterCommandIf(condition, it, true) }
root.children.removeIf { node ->
node.coreExecutable<TP, TC>()
?.let { condition.test(it) }
?: node.children.isEmpty()
* Get all subcommands of the specified command. Only returns executable nodes.
* @param mainCommand The command to get the subcommands of
* @param deep Whether to get all subcommands recursively or only the direct children
fun getSubcommands(
mainCommand: LiteralCommandNode<TP>,
deep: Boolean = true
): List<CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC>> {
return mainCommand.coreCommand<_, NoOpSubcommandData>()?.let { getSubcommands(deep, it) } ?: emptyList()
private fun getSubcommands(
deep: Boolean = true,
root: CommandNode<TP>
): List<CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC>> {
return root.children.mapNotNull { it.coreExecutable<TP, TC>() } +
if (deep) root.children.flatMap { child -> child.coreCommand<_, NoOpSubcommandData>()?.let { getSubcommands(deep, it) } ?: emptyList() } else emptyList()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase;
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.*;
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.LiteralArgumentBuilder;
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.RequiredArgumentBuilder;
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode;
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.LiteralCommandNode;
import lombok.val;
import me.lucko.commodore.Commodore;
import me.lucko.commodore.CommodoreProvider;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault;
import org.javatuples.Triplet;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
public class Command2MC extends Command2<ICommand2MC, Command2MCSender> implements Listener {
* Don't use directly, use the method in Component and ButtonPlugin to automatically unregister the command when needed.
* @param command The command to register
public void registerCommand(ICommand2MC command) {
/*String mainpath;
var plugin = command.getPlugin();
String cpath = command.getCommandPath();
int i = cpath.indexOf(' ');
mainpath = cpath.substring(0, i == -1 ? cpath.length() : i);
var subcmds = super.registerCommand(command, '/');
var bcmd = registerOfficially(command, subcmds);
if (bcmd != null)
for (String alias : bcmd.getAliases())
super.registerCommand(command, command.getCommandPath().replaceFirst("^" + bcmd.getName(), Matcher.quoteReplacement(alias)), '/');
var perm = "chroma.command." + command.getCommandPath().replace(' ', '.');
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission(perm) == null) //Check needed for plugin reset
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission(perm,
PermissionDefault.TRUE)); //Allow commands by default, it will check mod-only
for (val method : command.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (!method.isAnnotationPresent(Subcommand.class)) continue;
var path = getCommandPath(method.getName(), '.');
if (path.length() > 0) {
var subperm = perm + path;
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission(subperm) == null) //Check needed for plugin reset
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission(subperm,
PermissionDefault.TRUE)); //Allow commands by default, it will check mod-only
String pg = permGroup(command, method);
if (pg.length() == 0) continue;
String permGroup = "chroma." + pg;
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission(permGroup) == null) //It may occur multiple times
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(new Permission(permGroup,
PermissionDefault.OP)); //Do not allow any commands that belong to a group
public boolean hasPermission(Command2MCSender sender, ICommand2MC command, Method method) {
return hasPermission(sender.getSender(), command, method);
public boolean hasPermission(CommandSender sender, ICommand2MC command, Method method) {
if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) return true; //Always allow the console
if (command == null) return true; //Allow viewing the command - it doesn't do anything anyway
String pg;
boolean p = true;
var cmdperm = "chroma.command." + command.getCommandPath().replace(' ', '.');
var path = getCommandPath(method.getName(), '.');
String[] perms = {
path.length() > 0 ? cmdperm + path : null,
(pg = permGroup(command, method)).length() > 0 ? "chroma." + pg : null
for (String perm : perms) {
if (perm != null) {
if (p) { //Use OfflinePlayer to avoid fetching player data
if (sender instanceof OfflinePlayer)
p = MainPlugin.permission.playerHas(sender instanceof Player ? ((Player) sender).getLocation().getWorld().getName() : null, (OfflinePlayer) sender, perm);
p = false; //Use sender's method
if (!p) p = sender.hasPermission(perm);
} else break; //If any of the permissions aren't granted then don't allow
return p;
* Returns the first group found in the hierarchy starting from the command method <b>or</b> the mod group if <i>any</i></i> of the superclasses are mod only.
* @param method The subcommand to check
* @return The permission group for the subcommand or empty string
private String permGroup(ICommand2MC command, Method method) {
if (method != null) {
val sc = method.getAnnotation(Subcommand.class);
if (sc != null && sc.permGroup().length() > 0) {
return sc.permGroup();
if (getAnnForValue(command.getClass(), CommandClass.class, CommandClass::modOnly, false))
return Subcommand.MOD_GROUP;
return getAnnForValue(command.getClass(), CommandClass.class, CommandClass::permGroup, "");
* Loops until it finds a value that is <b>not</b> the same as def
* @param sourceCl The class which has the annotation
* @param annCl The annotation to get
* @param annMethod The annotation method to check
* @param def The value to ignore when looking for the result
* @param <T> The annotation type
* @param <V> The type of the value
* @return The value returned by the first superclass or def
private <T extends Annotation, V> V getAnnForValue(Class<?> sourceCl, Class<T> annCl, Function<T, V> annMethod, V def) {
for (Class<?> cl = sourceCl; cl != null; cl = cl.getSuperclass()) {
val cc = cl.getAnnotation(annCl);
V r;
if (cc != null && (r = annMethod.apply(cc)) != def) return r;
return def;
* Automatically colors the message red.
* {@see super#addParamConverter}
public <T> void addParamConverter(Class<T> cl, Function<String, T> converter, String errormsg, Supplier<Iterable<String>> allSupplier) {
super.addParamConverter(cl, converter, "§c" + errormsg, allSupplier);
public void unregisterCommands(ButtonPlugin plugin) {
/*var cmds = subcommands.values().stream().map(sd -> sd.command).filter(cmd -> plugin.equals(cmd.getPlugin())).toArray(ICommand2MC[]::new);
for (var cmd : cmds)
subcommands.values().removeIf(sd -> Optional.ofNullable(sd.command).map(ICommand2MC::getPlugin).map(plugin::equals).orElse(false));
public void unregisterCommands(Component<?> component) {
/*var cmds = subcommands.values().stream().map(sd -> sd.command).filter(cmd -> component.equals(cmd.getComponent())).toArray(ICommand2MC[]::new);
for (var cmd : cmds)
subcommands.values().removeIf(sd -> Optional.ofNullable(sd.command).map(ICommand2MC::getComponent)
.map(comp -> component.getClass().getSimpleName().equals(comp.getClass().getSimpleName())).orElse(false));
public void onTabComplete(TabCompleteEvent event) {
try {
event.getCompletions().clear(); //Remove player names
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
//System.out.println("Tabcomplete: " + event.getBuffer());
//System.out.println("First completion: " + event.getCompletions().stream().findFirst().orElse("no completions"));
//System.out.println("Listeners: " + Arrays.toString(event.getHandlers().getRegisteredListeners()));
public boolean handleCommand(Command2MCSender sender, String commandline) {
return handleCommand(sender, commandline, true);
private boolean handleCommand(Command2MCSender sender, String commandline, boolean checkPlugin) {
int i = commandline.indexOf(' ');
String mainpath = commandline.substring(1, i == -1 ? commandline.length() : i); //Without the slash
PluginCommand pcmd;
if (!checkPlugin
|| MainPlugin.Instance.prioritizeCustomCommands.get()
|| (pcmd = Bukkit.getPluginCommand(mainpath)) == null //Our commands aren't PluginCommands
|| pcmd.getPlugin() instanceof ButtonPlugin) //Unless it's specified in the plugin.yml
return super.handleCommand(sender, commandline);
return false;
private boolean shouldRegisterOfficially = true;
private Command registerOfficially(ICommand2MC command, List<SubcommandData<ICommand2MC>> subcmds) {
if (!shouldRegisterOfficially || command.getPlugin() == null) return null;
try {
var cmdmap = (SimpleCommandMap) Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getMethod("getCommandMap").invoke(Bukkit.getServer());
var path = command.getCommandPath();
int x = path.indexOf(' ');
var mainPath = path.substring(0, x == -1 ? path.length() : x);
Command bukkitCommand;
{ //Commands conflicting with Essentials have to be registered in plugin.yml
var oldcmd = cmdmap.getCommand(command.getPlugin().getName() + ":" + mainPath); //The label with the fallback prefix is always registered
if (oldcmd == null) {
bukkitCommand = new BukkitCommand(mainPath);
cmdmap.register(command.getPlugin().getName(), bukkitCommand);
} else {
bukkitCommand = oldcmd;
if (bukkitCommand instanceof PluginCommand)
((PluginCommand) bukkitCommand).setExecutor(this::executeCommand);
bukkitCommand = oldcmd == null ? new BukkitCommand(mainPath) : oldcmd;
if (CommodoreProvider.isSupported())
TabcompleteHelper.registerTabcomplete(command, subcmds, bukkitCommand);
return bukkitCommand;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (command.getComponent() == null)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to register command in command map!", e, command.getPlugin());
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to register command in command map!", e, command.getComponent());
shouldRegisterOfficially = false;
return null;
private boolean executeCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
var user = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender);
if (user == null) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to run Bukkit command for user!", new Throwable("No Chroma user found"), MainPlugin.Instance);
sender.sendMessage("§cAn internal error occurred.");
return true;
handleCommand(new Command2MCSender(sender,, sender),
("/" + command.getName() + " " + String.join(" ", args)).trim(), false); ///trim(): remove space if there are no args
return true;
private static class BukkitCommand extends Command {
protected BukkitCommand(String name) {
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
return ButtonPlugin.getCommand2MC().executeCommand(sender, this, commandLabel, args);
public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, String alias, String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, String alias, String[] args, Location location) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return Collections.emptyList();
private static class TabcompleteHelper {
private static Commodore commodore;
private static LiteralCommandNode<Object> appendSubcommand(String path, CommandNode<Object> parent,
SubcommandData<ICommand2MC> subcommand) {
LiteralCommandNode<Object> scmd;
if ((scmd = (LiteralCommandNode<Object>) parent.getChild(path)) != null)
return scmd;
var scmdBuilder = LiteralArgumentBuilder.literal(path);
if (subcommand != null)
scmdBuilder.requires(o -> {
var sender = commodore.getBukkitSender(o);
return ButtonPlugin.getCommand2MC().hasPermission(sender, subcommand.command, subcommand.method);
scmd =;
return scmd;
private static void registerTabcomplete(ICommand2MC command2MC, List<SubcommandData<ICommand2MC>> subcmds, Command bukkitCommand) {
if (commodore == null) {
commodore = CommodoreProvider.getCommodore(MainPlugin.Instance); //Register all to the Core, it's easier
StringArgumentType.word()).suggests((context, builder) -> builder.suggest("untest").buildFuture()).build()));
String[] path = command2MC.getCommandPath().split(" ");
var shouldRegister = new AtomicBoolean(true);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") var maincmd = commodore.getRegisteredNodes().stream()
.filter(node -> node.getLiteral().equalsIgnoreCase(path[0]))
.filter(node -> { shouldRegister.set(false); return true; })
.map(node -> (LiteralCommandNode<Object>) node).findAny()
.orElseGet(() -> LiteralArgumentBuilder.literal(path[0]).build()); //Commodore 1.8 removes previous nodes
var cmd = maincmd;
for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) {
var scmd = -> sd.method.getName().equals("def")).findAny().orElse(null);
cmd = appendSubcommand(path[i], cmd, scmd); //Add each part of the path as a child of the previous one
final var customTCmethods = //val doesn't recognize the type arguments
.flatMap(method -> Stream.of(Optional.ofNullable(method.getAnnotation(CustomTabCompleteMethod.class)))
.filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get) // Java 9 has .stream()
.flatMap(ctcm -> {
var paths = Optional.of(ctcm.subcommand()).filter(s -> s.length > 0)
.orElseGet(() -> new String[]{
ButtonPlugin.getCommand2MC().getCommandPath(method.getName(), ' ').trim()
return -> new Triplet<>(name, ctcm, method));
for (SubcommandData<ICommand2MC> subcmd : subcmds) {
String subpathAsOne = ButtonPlugin.getCommand2MC().getCommandPath(subcmd.method.getName(), ' ').trim();
String[] subpath = subpathAsOne.split(" ");
CommandNode<Object> scmd = cmd;
if (subpath[0].length() > 0) { //If the method is def, it will contain one empty string
for (String s : subpath) {
scmd = appendSubcommand(s, scmd, subcmd); //Add method name part of the path (could_be_multiple())
Parameter[] parameters = subcmd.method.getParameters();
for (int i = 1; i < parameters.length; i++) { //Skip sender
Parameter parameter = parameters[i];
ArgumentType<?> type;
final Class<?> ptype = parameter.getType();
final boolean customParamType;
boolean customParamTypeTemp = false;
if (ptype == String.class)
if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(TextArg.class))
type = StringArgumentType.greedyString();
type = StringArgumentType.word();
else if (ptype == int.class || ptype == Integer.class
|| ptype == byte.class || ptype == Byte.class
|| ptype == short.class || ptype == Short.class)
type = IntegerArgumentType.integer(); //TODO: Min, max
else if (ptype == long.class || ptype == Long.class)
type = LongArgumentType.longArg();
else if (ptype == float.class || ptype == Float.class)
type = FloatArgumentType.floatArg();
else if (ptype == double.class || ptype == Double.class)
type = DoubleArgumentType.doubleArg();
else if (ptype == char.class || ptype == Character.class)
type = StringArgumentType.word();
else if (ptype == boolean.class || ptype == Boolean.class)
type = BoolArgumentType.bool();
else if (parameter.isVarArgs())
type = StringArgumentType.greedyString();
else {
type = StringArgumentType.word();
customParamTypeTemp = true;
customParamType = customParamTypeTemp;
val param = subcmd.parameters[i - 1];
val customTC = Optional.ofNullable(parameter.getAnnotation(CustomTabComplete.class))
var customTCmethod = -> subpathAsOne.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getValue0()))
.filter(t -> param.replaceAll("[\\[\\]<>]", "").equalsIgnoreCase(t.getValue1().param()))
var argb = RequiredArgumentBuilder.argument(param, type)
.suggests((context, builder) -> {
if (parameter.isVarArgs()) { //Do it before the builder is used
int nextTokenStart = context.getInput().lastIndexOf(' ') + 1;
builder = builder.createOffset(nextTokenStart);
if (customTC.isPresent())
for (val ctc : customTC.get())
boolean ignoreCustomParamType = false;
if (customTCmethod.isPresent()) {
var tr = customTCmethod.get();
if (tr.getValue1().ignoreTypeCompletion())
ignoreCustomParamType = true;
final var method = tr.getValue2();
val params = method.getParameters();
val args = new Object[params.length];
for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < args.length && k < subcmd.parameters.length; j++) {
val paramObj = params[j];
if (CommandSender.class.isAssignableFrom(paramObj.getType())) {
args[j] = commodore.getBukkitSender(context.getSource());
val paramValueString = context.getArgument(subcmd.parameters[k], String.class);
if (paramObj.getType() == String.class) {
args[j] = paramValueString;
val converter = getParamConverter(params[j].getType(), command2MC);
if (converter == null)
val paramValue = converter.converter.apply(paramValueString);
if (paramValue == null) //For example, the player provided an invalid plugin name
args[j] = paramValue;
k++; //Only increment if not CommandSender
if (args.length == 0 || args[args.length - 1] != null) { //Arguments filled entirely
try {
val suggestions = method.invoke(command2MC, args);
if (suggestions instanceof Iterable) {
//noinspection unchecked
for (Object suggestion : (Iterable<Object>) suggestions)
if (suggestion instanceof String)
builder.suggest((String) suggestion);
throw new ClassCastException("Bad return type! It should return an Iterable<String> or a String[].");
} else if (suggestions instanceof String[])
for (String suggestion : (String[]) suggestions)
throw new ClassCastException("Bad return type! It should return a String[] or an Iterable<String>.");
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to run tabcomplete method " + method.getName() + " for command " + command2MC.getClass().getSimpleName();
if (command2MC.getComponent() == null)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, command2MC.getPlugin());
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, e, command2MC.getComponent());
if (!ignoreCustomParamType && customParamType) {
val converter = getParamConverter(ptype, command2MC);
if (converter != null) {
var suggestions = converter.allSupplier.get();
for (String suggestion : suggestions)
if (ptype == boolean.class || ptype == Boolean.class)
final String loweredInput = builder.getRemaining().toLowerCase();
return builder.suggest(param).buildFuture().whenComplete((s, e) -> //The list is automatically ordered
s.getList().add(s.getList().remove(0))) //So we need to put the <param> at the end after that
.whenComplete((ss, e) -> ss.getList().removeIf(s -> {
String text = s.getText();
return !text.startsWith("<") && !text.startsWith("[") && !text.toLowerCase().startsWith(loweredInput);
var arg =;
scmd = arg;
if (shouldRegister.get()) {
String pluginName = command2MC.getPlugin().getName().toLowerCase();
var prefixedcmd = LiteralArgumentBuilder.literal(pluginName + ":" + path[0])
for (String alias : bukkitCommand.getAliases()) {
commodore.register(LiteralArgumentBuilder.literal(pluginName + ":" + alias).redirect(maincmd).build());
private static ParamConverter<?> getParamConverter(Class<?> cl, ICommand2MC command2MC) {
val converter = ButtonPlugin.getCommand2MC().paramConverters.get(cl);
if (converter == null) {
String msg = "Could not find a suitable converter for type " + cl.getSimpleName();
Exception exception = new NullPointerException("converter is null");
if (command2MC.getComponent() == null)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, exception, command2MC.getPlugin());
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, exception, command2MC.getComponent());
return null;
return converter;

View file

@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import buttondevteam.lib.player.TBMCPlayerBase
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.StringArgumentType
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.LiteralArgumentBuilder.literal
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.RequiredArgumentBuilder
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.RequiredArgumentBuilder.argument
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.LiteralCommandNode
import me.lucko.commodore.Commodore
import me.lucko.commodore.CommodoreProvider
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import org.bukkit.Location
import org.bukkit.command.*
import org.bukkit.event.Listener
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Supplier
class Command2MC : Command2<ICommand2MC, Command2MCSender>('/', true), Listener {
* Don't use directly, use the method in Component and ButtonPlugin to automatically unregister the command when needed.
* @param command The command to register
override fun registerCommand(command: ICommand2MC) {
val nodes = super.registerCommandSuper(command)
val permPrefix = "chroma.command."
//Allow commands by default, it will check mod-only
for (node in nodes) {
val bcmd = registerOfficially(command, node)
// TODO: Support aliases
val subperm = permPrefix +' ', '.')
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission(subperm) == null) //Check needed for plugin reset
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(Permission(subperm, PermissionDefault.TRUE))
val pg = permGroup(
if (pg.isEmpty()) continue
val permGroup = "chroma.$pg"
//Do not allow any commands that belong to a group by default
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPermission(permGroup) == null) //It may occur multiple times
Bukkit.getPluginManager().addPermission(Permission(permGroup, PermissionDefault.OP))
override fun hasPermission(sender: Command2MCSender, data: SubcommandData<ICommand2MC, Command2MCSender>): Boolean {
val defWorld = if (ChromaUtils.isTest) "TestWorld" else Bukkit.getWorlds().first().name
val check = if (sender.permCheck !is TBMCPlayerBase) ({
else if (sender.permCheck.isConsole) ({ true }) //Always allow the console
else ({ perm: String ->
sender.permCheck.player?.location?.world?.name ?: defWorld,
var p = true
val cmdperm = "chroma.command.${data.fullPath.replace(' ', '.')}"
// TODO: Register a permission for the main command as well - the previous implementation relied on the way the commands were defined
val perms = arrayOf(
permGroup(data).let { if (it.isEmpty()) null else "chroma.$it" }
for (perm in perms) {
if (perm != null) {
if (p) { //Use OfflinePlayer to avoid fetching player data
p = check(perm)
} else break //If any of the permissions aren't granted then don't allow
return p
* Returns the first group found in the hierarchy starting from the command method **or** the mod group if *any* of the superclasses are mod only.
* @param data The data of the subcommand to check
* @return The permission group for the subcommand or empty string
private fun permGroup(data: SubcommandData<ICommand2MC, Command2MCSender>): String {
val group = data.annotations.filterIsInstance<MCCommandSettings>().map {
if (it.permGroup.isEmpty() && it.modOnly) MCCommandSettings.MOD_GROUP else "" // TODO: This doesn't seem to return the perm groups themselves
return group ?: ""
* Automatically colors the message red.
* {@see super#addParamConverter}
override fun <T> addParamConverter(
cl: Class<T>,
converter: Function<String, T?>,
errormsg: String,
allSupplier: Supplier<Iterable<String>>
) {
super.addParamConverter(cl, converter, "${ChatColor.RED}$errormsg", allSupplier)
override fun convertSenderType(sender: Command2MCSender, senderType: Class<*>): Any? {
val original = super.convertSenderType(sender, senderType)
if (original != null) {
return original
val cg = sender.sender
if (senderType.isAssignableFrom(cg.javaClass))
return cg
// Check Bukkit sender type
if (cg is TBMCPlayerBase) {
if (senderType.isAssignableFrom(cg.offlinePlayer.javaClass)) return cg.offlinePlayer
if (cg.player?.javaClass?.let { senderType.isAssignableFrom(it) } == true) return cg.player
//The command expects a user of our system
if ( {
return sender.sender.getAs(senderType as Class<out ChromaGamerBase>)
return null
fun unregisterCommands(plugin: ButtonPlugin) {
unregisterCommandIf({ node -> == plugin }, true)
fun unregisterCommands(component: Component<*>) {
unregisterCommandIf({ node -> == component }, true)
override fun handleCommand(sender: Command2MCSender, commandline: String): Boolean {
return handleCommand(sender, commandline, true)
private fun handleCommand(sender: Command2MCSender, commandline: String, checkPlugin: Boolean): Boolean {
val i = commandline.indexOf(' ')
val mainpath = commandline.substring(1, if (i == -1) commandline.length else i) //Without the slash
//Our commands aren't PluginCommands, unless it's specified in the plugin.yml
// So we need to handle the command if it's not a plugin command or if it's a plugin command, but for a ButtonPlugin
return if (!checkPlugin || MainPlugin.instance.prioritizeCustomCommands.get()
|| Bukkit.getPluginCommand(mainpath)?.let { it.plugin is ButtonPlugin } != false
super.handleCommand(sender, commandline) else false
private var shouldRegisterOfficially = true
private fun registerOfficially(command: ICommand2MC, node: CoreCommandNode<Command2MCSender, *>): Command? {
return if (!shouldRegisterOfficially) null else try {
val cmdmap =
Bukkit.getServer().javaClass.getMethod("getCommandMap").invoke(Bukkit.getServer()) as SimpleCommandMap
val path = command.commandPath
val x = path.indexOf(' ')
val mainPath = path.substring(0, if (x == -1) path.length else x)
val bukkitCommand: Command
//Commands conflicting with Essentials have to be registered in plugin.yml
//The label with the fallback prefix is always registered
val oldcmd = cmdmap.getCommand("${}:$mainPath")
if (oldcmd == null) {
bukkitCommand = BukkitCommand(mainPath)
cmdmap.register(, bukkitCommand)
} else {
bukkitCommand = oldcmd
if (bukkitCommand is PluginCommand) bukkitCommand.setExecutor(this::executeCommand)
TabcompleteHelper.registerTabcomplete(command, node, bukkitCommand)
} catch (e: Exception) {
val component = command.component
if (component == null)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to register command in command map!", e, command.plugin)
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Failed to register command in command map!", e, component)
shouldRegisterOfficially = false
private fun executeCommand(sender: CommandSender, command: Command, label: String, args: Array<String>): Boolean {
val user = ChromaGamerBase.getFromSender(sender) // TODO: Senders should only be used for TBMCPlayerBase classes.
///trim(): remove space if there are no args
Command2MCSender(user as TBMCPlayerBase,, user),
("/${} ${args.joinToString(" ")}").trim { it <= ' ' }, false
return true
private class BukkitCommand(name: String) : Command(name) {
override fun execute(sender: CommandSender, commandLabel: String, args: Array<String>): Boolean {
return ButtonPlugin.command2MC.executeCommand(sender, this, commandLabel, args)
override fun tabComplete(sender: CommandSender, alias: String, args: Array<String>): List<String> {
return emptyList()
override fun tabComplete(sender: CommandSender, alias: String, args: Array<out String>?, location: Location?): MutableList<String> {
return mutableListOf()
private object TabcompleteHelper {
private val commodore: Commodore by lazy {
val commodore = CommodoreProvider.getCommodore(MainPlugin.instance) //Register all to the Core, it's easier
literal<Any?>("un") // TODO: This is a test
.redirect(argument<Any?, String>("unsomething", StringArgumentType.word())
.suggests { _, builder -> builder.suggest("untest").buildFuture() }.build()
fun registerTabcomplete(command2MC: ICommand2MC, commandNode: CoreCommandNode<Command2MCSender, *>, bukkitCommand: Command) {
if (!CommodoreProvider.isSupported()) {
if (ChromaUtils.isTest) {
} else {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Commodore is not supported! Please use 1.14 or higher. Server version: ${Bukkit.getVersion()}")
// TODO: Allow extending annotation processing for methods and parameters
val customTabCompleteMethods = command2MC.javaClass.declaredMethods
.flatMap { method ->
method.getAnnotation( { ctcmAnn ->
(ctcmAnn.subcommand.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
?: arrayOf(CommandUtils.getCommandPath(, ' ').trim { it <= ' ' }))
.map { name -> Triple(name, ctcmAnn, method) }
} ?: emptyList()
val mcNode = CommandUtils.mapSubcommands(commandNode) { node ->
val builder = node.createBuilder()
val argNode = node.coreArgument() ?: return@mapSubcommands builder
val subpath = "" // TODO: This needs the same processing as the command path to have the same flexibility
val argData = argNode.commandData.arguments[] ?: return@mapSubcommands builder
val customTCTexts = argData.annotations.filterIsInstance<CustomTabComplete>().flatMap { it.value.asList() }
val customTCmethod = customTabCompleteMethods.firstOrNull { (name, ann, _) ->
name == subpath &&"[\\[\\]<>]".toRegex(), "") == ann.param
(builder as RequiredArgumentBuilder<Command2MCSender, *>).suggests { context, b ->
val sbuilder = if (argData.greedy) { //Do it before the builder is used
val nextTokenStart = context.input.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1
} else b
// Suggest custom tab complete texts
for (ctc in customTCTexts) {
val ignoreCustomParamType = false // TODO: This should be set by the @CustomTabCompleteMethod annotation
// TODO: Custom tab complete method handling
if (!ignoreCustomParamType) {
val converter = getParamConverter(argData.type, command2MC)
if (converter != null) {
val suggestions = converter.allSupplier.get()
for (suggestion in suggestions) sbuilder.suggest(suggestion)
if (argData.type === Boolean::class.javaPrimitiveType || argData.type === Boolean::class.javaObjectType)
val loweredInput = sbuilder.remaining.lowercase(Locale.getDefault())
// The list is automatically ordered, so we need to put the <param> at the end after that
// We're also removing all suggestions that don't start with the input
sbuilder.suggest( { ss, _ ->
}.whenComplete { ss, _ ->
ss.list.removeIf { s ->
s.text.lowercase().let { !it.startsWith("<") && !it.startsWith("[") && !it.startsWith(loweredInput) }
commodore.register(mcNode as LiteralCommandNode<*>)
for (alias in bukkitCommand.aliases) {
companion object {
private fun getParamConverter(cl: Class<*>, command2MC: ICommand2MC): ParamConverter<*>? {
val converter = ButtonPlugin.command2MC.paramConverters[cl]
if (converter == null) {
val msg = "Could not find a suitable converter for type " + cl.simpleName
val exception: Exception = NullPointerException("converter is null")
val component = command2MC.component
if (component == null) TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, exception, command2MC.plugin)
else TBMCCoreAPI.SendException(msg, exception, component)
return null
return converter

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class Command2MCSender implements Command2Sender {
private @Getter final CommandSender sender;
private @Getter final Channel channel;
private @Getter final CommandSender permCheck;
public void sendMessage(String message) {
public void sendMessage(String[] message) {
public String getName() {
return sender.getName();

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
open class Command2MCSender(val sender: ChromaGamerBase, val channel: Channel, val permCheck: ChromaGamerBase) : Command2Sender {
// TODO: Remove this class and only use the user classes.
// TODO: The command context should be stored separately.
override fun sendMessage(message: String) {
override fun sendMessage(message: Array<String>) {
override fun getName(): String {

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.ArgumentType
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.ArgumentBuilder
import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.SuggestionProvider
class CoreArgumentBuilder<S : Command2Sender, T>(
private val name: String,
private val type: ArgumentType<T>,
private val optional: Boolean
) : ArgumentBuilder<S, CoreArgumentBuilder<S, T>>() {
private var suggestionsProvider: SuggestionProvider<S>? = null
fun suggests(provider: SuggestionProvider<S>): CoreArgumentBuilder<S, T> {
suggestionsProvider = provider
return this
override fun getThis(): CoreArgumentBuilder<S, T> {
return this
override fun build(): CoreArgumentCommandNode<S, T> {
val result = CoreArgumentCommandNode(
for (node in arguments) {
return result
override fun then(argument: ArgumentBuilder<S, *>?): CoreArgumentBuilder<S, T> {
return super.then(argument)
companion object {
fun <S : Command2Sender, T> argument(name: String, type: ArgumentType<T>, optional: Boolean): CoreArgumentBuilder<S, T> {
return CoreArgumentBuilder(name, type, optional)

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
import com.mojang.brigadier.Command
import com.mojang.brigadier.RedirectModifier
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.ArgumentType
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.RequiredArgumentBuilder
import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.SuggestionProvider
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.ArgumentCommandNode
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode
import java.util.function.Predicate
class CoreArgumentCommandNode<S : Command2Sender, T>(
name: String?, type: ArgumentType<T>?, command: Command<S>?, requirement: Predicate<S>?, redirect: CommandNode<S>?, modifier: RedirectModifier<S>?, forks: Boolean, customSuggestions: SuggestionProvider<S>?,
val optional: Boolean
) :
ArgumentCommandNode<S, T>(name, type, command, requirement, redirect, modifier, forks, customSuggestions) {
private var _commandData: SubcommandData<*, S>? = null
var commandData: SubcommandData<*, S>
get() {
return _commandData
?: throw UninitializedPropertyAccessException("Command data has not been initialized")
internal set(value) {
_commandData = value
children.forEach { it.coreArgument()?.commandData = value }
override fun getUsageText(): String {
return if (optional) "[$name]" else "<$name>"
override fun createBuilder(): RequiredArgumentBuilder<S, T> {
return super.createBuilder()

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.ArgumentBuilder
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.LiteralArgumentBuilder
import java.lang.reflect.Method
class CoreCommandBuilder<S : Command2Sender, TC : ICommand2<S>, TSD : NoOpSubcommandData> private constructor(
literal: String,
val data: TSD
) : LiteralArgumentBuilder<S>(literal) {
override fun getThis(): CoreCommandBuilder<S, TC, TSD> {
return this
override fun build(): CoreCommandNode<S, TSD> {
val result = CoreCommandNode<_, _>(
for (node in arguments) {
return result
override fun then(argument: ArgumentBuilder<S, *>): LiteralArgumentBuilder<S> {
if (data is SubcommandData<*, *>) {
arguments.forEach { it.coreArgument()?.commandData = data as SubcommandData<*, S> }
return this
companion object {
* Start building an executable command node.
* @param name The subcommand name as written by the user
* @param senderType The expected command sender type based on the subcommand method
* @param arguments A map of the command arguments with their names as keys
* @param argumentsInOrder A list of the command arguments in the order they are expected
* @param command The command object that has this subcommand
* @param helpTextGetter Custom help text that can depend on the context. The function receives the sender as the command itself receives it.
* @param hasPermission A function that determines whether the user has permission to run this subcommand
* @param annotations All annotations implemented by the method that executes the command
* @param fullPath The full command path of this subcommand.
fun <S : Command2Sender, TC : ICommand2<S>> literal(
name: String,
senderType: Class<*>,
arguments: Map<String, CommandArgument>,
argumentsInOrder: List<CommandArgument>,
command: TC,
helpTextGetter: (Any) -> Array<String>,
hasPermission: (S, SubcommandData<TC, S>) -> Boolean,
annotations: Array<Annotation>,
fullPath: String,
method: Method
): CoreCommandBuilder<S, TC, SubcommandData<TC, S>> {
return CoreCommandBuilder(
SubcommandData(senderType, arguments, argumentsInOrder, command, helpTextGetter, hasPermission, annotations, fullPath, method)
* Start building a no-op command node.
* @param name The subcommand name as written by the user
* @param helpTextGetter Custom help text that can depend on the context. The function receives the sender as the command itself receives it.
fun <S : Command2Sender, TC : ICommand2<S>> literalNoOp(
name: String,
helpTextGetter: (Any) -> Array<String>,
): CoreCommandBuilder<S, TC, NoOpSubcommandData> {
return CoreCommandBuilder(name, NoOpSubcommandData(helpTextGetter))

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import com.mojang.brigadier.Command
import com.mojang.brigadier.RedirectModifier
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.LiteralCommandNode
import java.util.function.Predicate
class CoreCommandNode<T : Command2Sender, TSD : NoOpSubcommandData>(
literal: String,
command: Command<T>,
requirement: Predicate<T>,
redirect: CommandNode<T>?,
modifier: RedirectModifier<T>?,
forks: Boolean,
val data: TSD
) : LiteralCommandNode<T>(literal, command, requirement, redirect, modifier, forks)
typealias CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC> = CoreCommandNode<TP, SubcommandData<TC, TP>>
typealias CoreNoOpNode<TP> = CoreCommandNode<TP, NoOpSubcommandData>

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.val;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.function.Function;
public abstract class ICommand2<TP extends Command2Sender> {
* Default handler for commands, can be used to copy the args too.
* @param sender The sender which ran the command
* @return The success of the command
public boolean def(TP sender) {
return false;
* Convenience method. Return with this.
* @param sender The sender of the command
* @param message The message to send to the sender
* @return Always true so that the usage isn't shown
protected boolean respond(TP sender, String message) {
return true;
* Return null to not add any help text, return an empty array to only print subcommands.<br>
* By default, returns null if the Subcommand annotation is not present and returns an empty array if no help text can be found.
* @param method The method of the subcommand
* @return The help text, empty array or null
public String[] getHelpText(Method method, Command2.Subcommand ann) {
val cc = getClass().getAnnotation(CommandClass.class);
return ann.helpText().length != 0 || cc == null ? ann.helpText() : cc.helpText(); //If cc is null then it's empty array
private final String path;
private final Command2<?, TP> manager; //TIL that if I use a raw type on a variable then none of the type args will work (including what's defined on a method, not on the type)
public <T extends ICommand2<TP>> ICommand2(Command2<T, TP> manager) {
path = getcmdpath();
this.manager = manager;
* The command's path, or name if top-level command.<br>
* For example:<br>
* "u admin updateplugin" or "u" for the top level one<br>
* <u>The path must be lowercase!</u><br>
* @return The command path, <i>which is the command class name by default</i> (removing any "command" from it) - Change via the {@link CommandClass} annotation
public String getCommandPath() {
return path;
private static final String[] EMPTY_PATHS = new String[0];
* All of the command's paths it will be invoked on. Does not include aliases or the default path.
* Must be lowercase and must include the full path.
* @return The full command paths that this command should be registered under in addition to the default one.
public String[] getCommandPaths() {
private String getcmdpath() {
if (!getClass().isAnnotationPresent(CommandClass.class))
throw new RuntimeException(
"No @CommandClass annotation on command class " + getClass().getSimpleName() + "!");
Function<Class<?>, String> getFromClass = cl -> cl.getSimpleName().toLowerCase().replace("commandbase", "") // <-- ...
.replace("command", "");
String path = getClass().getAnnotation(CommandClass.class).path(),
prevpath = path = path.length() == 0 ? getFromClass.apply(getClass()) : path;
for (Class<?> cl = getClass().getSuperclass(); cl != null
&& !cl.getPackage().getName().equals(ICommand2MC.class.getPackage().getName()); cl = cl
.getSuperclass()) { //
String newpath;
if (!cl.isAnnotationPresent(CommandClass.class)
|| (newpath = cl.getAnnotation(CommandClass.class).path()).length() == 0
|| newpath.equals(prevpath)) {
if ((Modifier.isAbstract(cl.getModifiers()) && !cl.isAnnotationPresent(CommandClass.class))
|| cl.getAnnotation(CommandClass.class).excludeFromPath()) // <--
newpath = getFromClass.apply(cl);
path = (prevpath = newpath) + " " + path;
return path;

View file

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
* This class is used as a base class for all the specific command implementations.
* It primarily holds information about the command itself and how it should be run, ideally in a programmer-friendly way.
* Any inferred and processed information about this command will be stored in the command manager (Command2*).
* @param TP The sender's type
</TP> */
abstract class ICommand2<TP : Command2Sender>(val manager: Command2<*, TP>) {
* Default handler for commands, can be used to copy the args too.
* @param sender The sender which ran the command
* @return The success of the command
open fun def(sender: TP): Boolean {
return false
* Convenience method. Return with this.
* @param sender The sender of the command
* @param message The message to send to the sender
* @return Always true so that the usage isn't shown
protected fun respond(sender: TP, message: String): Boolean {
return true
* Return null to not add any help text, return an empty array to only print subcommands.
* By default, returns null if the Subcommand annotation is not present and returns an empty array if no help text can be found.
* @param method The method of the subcommand
* @return The help text, empty array or null
open fun getHelpText(method: Method, ann: Subcommand): Array<String> {
val cc = javaClass.getAnnotation(
return if (ann.helpText.isNotEmpty() || cc == null) ann.helpText else cc.helpText //If cc is null then it's empty array
* The command's path, or name if top-level command.
* For example:
* "u admin updateplugin" or "u" for the top level one
* __The path must be lowercase!__
* @return The command path, *which is the command class name by default* (removing any "command" from it) - Change via the [CommandClass] annotation
open val commandPath: String = getcmdpath()
open val commandPaths: Array<String>
* All of the command's paths it will be invoked on. Does not include aliases or the default path.
* Must be lowercase and must include the full path.
* @return The full command paths that this command should be registered under in addition to the default one.
get() = EMPTY_PATHS // TODO: Deal with this (used for channel IDs)
private fun getcmdpath(): String {
if (!javaClass.isAnnotationPresent(
throw RuntimeException("No @CommandClass annotation on command class ${javaClass.simpleName}!")
val classList = mutableListOf<Class<*>>(javaClass)
while (true) {
val superClass = classList.last().superclass
if (superClass != null && superClass.getPackage().name != {
} else {
return classList.reversed().associateWith { it.getAnnotation( }
.mapNotNull {
if (it.value?.path.isNullOrEmpty())
if (it.value?.excludeFromPath ?: Modifier.isAbstract(it.key.modifiers))
}.joinToString(" ")
companion object {
private val EMPTY_PATHS = emptyArray<String>()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component;
import lombok.Getter;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public abstract class ICommand2MC extends ICommand2<Command2MCSender> {
private ButtonPlugin plugin;
private Component<?> component;
public ICommand2MC() {
* Called from {@link buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component#registerCommand(ICommand2MC)} and {@link ButtonPlugin#registerCommand(ICommand2MC)}
public void registerToPlugin(ButtonPlugin plugin) {
if (this.plugin == null)
this.plugin = plugin;
throw new IllegalStateException("The command is already assigned to a plugin!");
* Called from {@link buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component#registerCommand(ICommand2MC)}
public void registerToComponent(Component<?> component) {
if (this.component == null)
this.component = component;
throw new IllegalStateException("The command is already assigned to a component!");
public <TX extends ICommand2<Command2MCSender>> void onRegister(Command2<TX, Command2MCSender> manager) {
onRegister((Command2MC) manager); //If ICommand2 is inherited with the same type arg, this would fail but I don't want to add another type param to ICommand2
} //For example: class IOffender extends ICommand2<Command2MCSender>*/

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@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ButtonPlugin.Companion.command2MC
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component
abstract class ICommand2MC : ICommand2<Command2MCSender>(command2MC) {
private var _plugin: ButtonPlugin? = null
var plugin: ButtonPlugin
get() = _plugin ?: error("The command is not registered to a Button plugin!")
private set(value) {
if (_plugin != null) error("The command is already assigned to a Button plugin!")
_plugin = value
private var _component: Component<*>? = null
var component: Component<*>?
get() = _component
private set(value) {
if (_component != null) error("The command is already assigned to a component!")
_component = value
* Called from [buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.registerCommand] and [ButtonPlugin.registerCommand]
fun registerToPlugin(plugin: ButtonPlugin) {
this.plugin = plugin
* Called from [buttondevteam.lib.architecture.Component.registerCommand]
fun registerToComponent(component: Component<*>) {
this.component = component

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
public enum Priority {
Low(0), Normal(1), High(2);
private final int val;
Priority(int v) {
val = v;
public int GetValue() {
return val;

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCChatEvent;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCChatPreprocessEvent;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class TBMCChatAPI {
* Sends a chat message to Minecraft. Make sure that the channel is registered with {@link #RegisterChatChannel(Channel)}.<br>
* This will also send the error message to the sender, if they can't send the message.
* @param cm The message to send
* @return The event cancelled state
public static boolean SendChatMessage(ChatMessage cm) {
return SendChatMessage(cm, cm.getUser().channel.get());
* Sends a chat message to Minecraft. Make sure that the channel is registered with {@link #RegisterChatChannel(Channel)}.<br>
* This will also send the error message to the sender, if they can't send the message.
* @param cm The message to send
* @param channel The MC channel to send in
* @return The event cancelled state
public static boolean SendChatMessage(ChatMessage cm, Channel channel) {
if (!Channel.getChannelList().contains(channel))
throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + channel.DisplayName.get() + " not registered!");
if (!channel.Enabled.get()) {
cm.getSender().sendMessage("§cThe channel '" + channel.DisplayName.get() + "' is disabled!");
return true; //Cancel sending if channel is disabled
Supplier<Boolean> task = () -> {
val permcheck = cm.getPermCheck();
RecipientTestResult rtr = getScoreOrSendError(channel, permcheck);
int score = rtr.score;
if (score == Channel.SCORE_SEND_NOPE || rtr.groupID == null)
return true;
TBMCChatPreprocessEvent eventPre = new TBMCChatPreprocessEvent(cm.getSender(), channel, cm.getMessage());
if (eventPre.isCancelled())
return true;
TBMCChatEvent event;
event = new TBMCChatEvent(channel, cm, rtr);
return event.isCancelled();
return ChromaUtils.doItAsync(task, false); //Not cancelled if async
* Sends a regular message to Minecraft. Make sure that the channel is registered with {@link #RegisterChatChannel(Channel)}.
* @param channel The channel to send to
* @param rtr The score&group to use to find the group - use {@link RecipientTestResult#ALL} if the channel doesn't have scores
* @param message The message to send
* @param exceptions Platforms where this message shouldn't be sent (same as {@link ChatMessage#getOrigin()}
* @return The event cancelled state
public static boolean SendSystemMessage(Channel channel, RecipientTestResult rtr, String message, TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget target, String... exceptions) {
if (!Channel.getChannelList().contains(channel))
throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + channel.DisplayName.get() + " not registered!");
if (!channel.Enabled.get())
return true; //Cancel sending
if (!Arrays.asList(exceptions).contains("Minecraft"))
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("[" + channel.DisplayName.get() + "] " + message);
TBMCSystemChatEvent event = new TBMCSystemChatEvent(channel, message, rtr.score, rtr.groupID, exceptions, target);
return ChromaUtils.callEventAsync(event);
private static RecipientTestResult getScoreOrSendError(Channel channel, CommandSender sender) {
RecipientTestResult result = channel.getRTR(sender);
if (result.errormessage != null)
sender.sendMessage("§c" + result.errormessage);
return result;
* Register a chat channel. See {@link Channel#Channel(String, Color, String, java.util.function.Function)} for details.
* @param channel A new {@link Channel} to register
public static void RegisterChatChannel(Channel channel) {

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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils.callEventAsync
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils.doItAsync
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCChatEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCChatPreprocessEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCSystemChatEvent.BroadcastTarget
import buttondevteam.lib.player.ChromaGamerBase
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.ChatColor
import java.util.function.Supplier
object TBMCChatAPI {
* Sends a chat message to Minecraft. Make sure that the channel is registered with [.RegisterChatChannel].
* This will also send the error message to the sender, if they can't send the message.
* @param cm The message to send
* @param channel The MC channel to send in
* @return The event cancelled state
fun sendChatMessage(cm: ChatMessage, channel: Channel = Boolean {
if (!channelList.contains(channel))
throw RuntimeException("Channel ${channel.displayName.get()} not registered!")
if (!channel.isEnabled.get()) {
cm.user.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}The channel '${channel.displayName.get()}' is disabled!")
return true //Cancel sending if channel is disabled
val task = Supplier {
val rtr = getScoreOrSendError(channel, cm.permCheck)
val score = rtr.score
if (score == Channel.SCORE_SEND_NOPE || rtr.groupID == null) return@Supplier true
val eventPre = TBMCChatPreprocessEvent(cm.user, channel, cm.message)
if (eventPre.isCancelled) return@Supplier true
cm.message = eventPre.message
val event = TBMCChatEvent(channel, cm, rtr)
return doItAsync(task, false) //Not cancelled if async
* Sends a regular message to Minecraft. Make sure that the channel is registered with [.RegisterChatChannel].
* @param channel The channel to send to
* @param rtr The score&group to use to find the group - use [RecipientTestResult.ALL] if the channel doesn't have scores
* @param message The message to send
* @param exceptions Platforms where this message shouldn't be sent (same as [ChatMessage.origin]
* @return The event cancelled state
fun SendSystemMessage(
channel: Channel,
rtr: RecipientTestResult,
message: String,
target: BroadcastTarget?,
vararg exceptions: String
): Boolean {
if (!channelList.contains(channel)) throw RuntimeException("Channel " + channel.displayName.get() + " not registered!")
if (!channel.isEnabled.get()) return true //Cancel sending
if (!exceptions.contains("Minecraft")) Bukkit.getConsoleSender()
.sendMessage("[" + channel.displayName.get() + "] " + message)
val event = TBMCSystemChatEvent(channel, message, rtr.score, rtr.groupID!!, exceptions, target!!)
return callEventAsync(event)
private fun getScoreOrSendError(channel: Channel, sender: ChromaGamerBase): RecipientTestResult {
val result = channel.getRTR(sender)
if (result.errormessage != null) sender.sendMessage("${ChatColor.RED}" + result.errormessage)
return result
* Register a chat channel. See [Channel] for details.
* @param channel A new [Channel] to register
fun registerChatChannel(channel: Channel) {

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
public interface TellrawSerializableEnum {
String getName();

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* A command argument's information to be used to construct the command.
class CommandArgument(
val name: String, // TODO: Remove <> from name and add it where appropriate
val type: Class<*>,
val greedy: Boolean,
val limits: Pair<Double, Double>,
val optional: Boolean,
val description: String,
val annotations: Array<Annotation>

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration
import java.lang.reflect.Method
* Deals with reading the commands.yml file from the plugin. The file is generated by ButtonProcessor at compile-time.
* Only used when registering commands.
* @param command The command object to use
class CommandArgumentHelpManager<TC : ICommand2<TP>, TP : Command2Sender>(command: TC) {
private var commandConfig: ConfigurationSection? = null
* Read the yaml file for the given command class.
init {
val commandClass = command.javaClass
// It will load it for each class, but it would be complicated to solve that
// Most plugins don't have a lot of command classes anyway
try {
commandClass.getResourceAsStream("/commands.yml").use { str ->
if (str == null) {
if (!ChromaUtils.isTest) {
ChromaUtils.logWarn("Failed to get command data for $commandClass! No commands.yml file found.")
val config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(InputStreamReader(str))
commandConfig = config.getConfigurationSection(commandClass.canonicalName.replace('$', '.'))
if (commandConfig == null) {
MainPlugin.instance.logger.warning("Failed to get command data for $commandClass! Make sure to use 'clean install' when building the project.")
} catch (e: IOException) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while getting command data!", e, MainPlugin.instance)
* Returns a parameter help string for the given subcommand method by reading it from the plugin.
* @param method The subcommand method
* @return The parameter part of the usage string for the command
fun getParameterHelpForMethod(method: Method): String? {
val cs = commandConfig?.getConfigurationSection(
if (cs == null) {
if (!ChromaUtils.isTest) {
MainPlugin.instance.logger.warning("Failed to get command data for $method! Make sure to use 'clean install' when building the project.")
return null
fun fail(message: String): String? {
"Error while getting command data for $method!",
return null
val mname = cs.getString("method") ?: return fail("Method is null")
val params = cs.getString("params") ?: return fail("Params is null")
//Check only the name - the whole method is still stored for backwards compatibility and in case it may be useful
val i = mname.indexOf('(')
if (i != -1 && == mname.substring(0, i)) {
return params
} else fail("Method '$method' != $mname")
return null

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@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
import buttondevteam.lib.ChromaUtils
import buttondevteam.lib.test.TestCommandFailedException
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.ArgumentBuilder
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode
import java.util.*
object CommandUtils {
* Returns the path of the given subcommand excluding the class' path. It will start with the given replace char.
* @param methodName The method's name, method.getName()
* @param replaceChar The character to use between subcommands
* @return The command path starting with the replacement char.
fun getCommandPath(methodName: String, replaceChar: Char): String {
return if (methodName == "def") "" else replaceChar.toString() + methodName.replace('_', replaceChar)
* Sends the given message (with no additional formatting) to the given sender or throws a special exception during testing.
fun reportUserError(sender: Command2Sender, message: String) {
if (ChromaUtils.isTest) throw TestCommandFailedException(message)
else sender.sendMessage(message)
* Performs the given action on the given node and all of its nodes recursively and creates new nodes.
fun <S : Command2Sender> mapSubcommands(node: CommandNode<S>, action: (CommandNode<S>) -> ArgumentBuilder<S, *>): CommandNode<S> {
val newNode = action(node) { mapSubcommands(it, action) }.forEach(newNode::then)
* Casts the node to whatever you say if it's a command node. Use responsibly. Returns null if an argument node.
* Command nodes are nodes that are subcommands. They may do something or just print their help text.
* They are definitely not argument nodes.
fun <TP : Command2Sender, TSD : NoOpSubcommandData> CommandNode<TP>.coreCommand(): CoreCommandNode<TP, TSD>? {
return if (this.isCommand()) this as CoreCommandNode<TP, TSD>
else null
* Returns the node as a probably-not-executable core command node or return null if it's an argument node.
* This method will work for any node as opposed to [CommandUtils.coreCommand].
fun <TP : Command2Sender> CommandNode<TP>.coreCommandNoOp(): CoreCommandNode<TP, NoOpSubcommandData>? {
return coreCommand()
* Returns the node as an executable core command node or returns null if it's a no-op node.
* Executable nodes are valid command nodes that do something other than printing help text.
fun <TP : Command2Sender, TC : ICommand2<*>> CommandNode<TP>.coreExecutable(): CoreExecutableNode<TP, TC>? {
return if (isExecutable()) coreCommand() else null
* Returns the node as an argument node or returns null if it's not one.
* Argument nodes are children of executable command nodes.
fun <TP : Command2Sender> CommandNode<TP>.coreArgument(): CoreArgumentCommandNode<TP, *>? {
return if (this is CoreArgumentCommandNode<*, *>) this as CoreArgumentCommandNode<TP, *> else null
* Returns whether the current node is an executable or help text command node.
fun <TP : Command2Sender> CommandNode<TP>.isCommand(): Boolean {
return this is CoreCommandNode<*, *>
* Returns whether the current node is an executable command node.
fun <TP : Command2Sender> CommandNode<TP>.isExecutable(): Boolean {
return coreCommand<TP, NoOpSubcommandData>()?.data is SubcommandData<*, *>
fun <TP : Command2Sender, TC : ICommand2<TP>> CommandNode<TP>.subcommandData(): SubcommandData<TC, TP>? {
return coreArgument()?.commandData as SubcommandData<TC, TP>?
?: coreExecutable<TP, TC>()?.data
fun <TP : Command2Sender> CommandNode<TP>.subcommandDataNoOp(): NoOpSubcommandData? {
return subcommandData() ?: coreCommandNoOp()?.data
fun Class<*>.isEasilyRepresentable(): Boolean {
return isPrimitive ||
fun Class<*>.getDefaultForEasilyRepresentable(): Any? {
return if (isPrimitive) {
} else if ( {
} else null

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited
@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
annotation class MCCommandSettings(
* The main permission which allows using this command (individual access can be still revoked with "chroma.command.X").
* Used to be "tbmc.admin". The [.MOD_GROUP] is provided to use with this.
val permGroup: String = "",
* Whether the (sub)command is mod only. This means it requires the chroma.mod permission.
* This is just a shorthand for providing MOD_GROUP for permGroup.
val modOnly: Boolean = false
) {
companion object {
* Allowed for OPs only by default
const val MOD_GROUP = "mod"

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
open class NoOpSubcommandData(
* Custom help text that depends on the context. Overwrites the static one.
* The function receives the sender as the command itself receives it.
private val helpTextGetter: (Any) -> Array<String>
) {
* Get help text for this subcommand. Returns an empty array if it's not specified.
* @param sender The sender running the command
* @return Help text shown to the user
fun getHelpText(sender: Any): Array<String> {
return helpTextGetter(sender)

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* A command argument that can have a number as a value.
public @interface NumberArg {
* The highest value that can be used for this argument.
double upperLimit() default Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
* The lowest value that can be used for this argument.
double lowerLimit() default Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Method
* Stores information about the subcommand that can be used to construct the Brigadier setup and to get information while executing the command.
* @param TC Command class type
* @param TP Command sender type
class SubcommandData<TC : ICommand2<*>, TP : Command2Sender>(
* The type of the sender running the command.
* The actual sender type may not be represented by Command2Sender (TP).
* In that case it has to match the expected type.
val senderType: Class<*>,
* Command arguments collected from the subcommand method.
* Used to construct the arguments for Brigadier and to hold extra information.
val arguments: Map<String, CommandArgument>,
* Command arguments in the order they appear in code and in game.
val argumentsInOrder: List<CommandArgument>,
* The original command class that this data belongs to.
val command: TC,
* Custom help text that depends on the context. Overwrites the static one.
* The function receives the sender as the command itself receives it.
helpTextGetter: (Any) -> Array<String>,
* A function that determines whether the user has permission to run this subcommand.
private val permissionCheck: (TP, SubcommandData<TC, TP>) -> Boolean,
* All annotations implemented by the method that executes the command. Can be used to add custom metadata when implementing a platform.
val annotations: Array<Annotation>,
* The space-separated full command path of this subcommand.
val fullPath: String,
* The method to run when executing the command.
private val method: Method
) : NoOpSubcommandData(helpTextGetter) {
* Check if the user has permission to execute this subcommand.
* @param sender The sender running the command
* @return Whether the user has permission
fun hasPermission(sender: TP): Boolean {
return permissionCheck(sender, this)
* Execute the command and return the result. Doesn't perform any checks.
* @param sender The actual sender as expected by the method
* @param args The rest of the method args
fun executeCommand(sender: Any, vararg args: Any?): Any? {
method.isAccessible = true
return method.invoke(command, sender, *args)

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@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.player;
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin;
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData;
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.IHaveConfig;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.val;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public abstract class ChromaGamerBase {
private static final String TBMC_PLAYERS_DIR = "TBMC/players/";
private static final ArrayList<Function<CommandSender, ? extends Optional<? extends ChromaGamerBase>>> senderConverters = new ArrayList<>();
* Holds data per user class
private static final HashMap<Class<? extends ChromaGamerBase>, StaticUserData<?>> staticDataMap = new HashMap<>();
* Use {@link #getConfig()} where possible; the 'id' must be always set
//protected YamlConfiguration plugindata;
protected final IHaveConfig config = new IHaveConfig(this::save);
protected CommonUserData<?> commonUserData;
* Used for connecting with every type of user ({@link #connectWith(ChromaGamerBase)}) and to init the configs.
public static <T extends ChromaGamerBase> void RegisterPluginUserClass(Class<T> userclass, Supplier<T> constructor) {
Class<? extends T> cl;
String folderName;
if (userclass.isAnnotationPresent(UserClass.class)) {
cl = userclass;
folderName = userclass.getAnnotation(UserClass.class).foldername();
} else if (userclass.isAnnotationPresent(AbstractUserClass.class)) {
var ucl = userclass.getAnnotation(AbstractUserClass.class).prototype();
if (!userclass.isAssignableFrom(ucl))
throw new RuntimeException("The prototype class (" + ucl.getSimpleName() + ") must be a subclass of the userclass parameter (" + userclass.getSimpleName() + ")!");
//noinspection unchecked
cl = (Class<? extends T>) ucl;
folderName = userclass.getAnnotation(AbstractUserClass.class).foldername();
} else // <-- Really important
throw new RuntimeException("Class not registered as a user class! Use @UserClass or TBMCPlayerBase");
var sud = new StaticUserData<T>(folderName);
sud.getConstructors().put(cl, constructor);
sud.getConstructors().put(userclass, constructor); // Alawys register abstract and prototype class (TBMCPlayerBase and TBMCPlayer)
staticDataMap.put(userclass, sud);
* Returns the folder name for the given player class.
* @param cl The class to get the folder from (like {@link TBMCPlayerBase} or one of it's subclasses)
* @return The folder name for the given type
* @throws RuntimeException If the class doesn't have the {@link UserClass} annotation.
public static <T extends ChromaGamerBase> String getFolderForType(Class<T> cl) {
if (cl.isAnnotationPresent(UserClass.class))
return cl.getAnnotation(UserClass.class).foldername();
else if (cl.isAnnotationPresent(AbstractUserClass.class))
return cl.getAnnotation(AbstractUserClass.class).foldername();
throw new RuntimeException("Class not registered as a user class! Use @UserClass or @AbstractUserClass");
* Returns the player class for the given folder name.
* @param foldername The folder to get the class from (like "minecraft")
* @return The type for the given folder name or null if not found
public static Class<? extends ChromaGamerBase> getTypeForFolder(String foldername) {
synchronized (staticDataMap) {
return staticDataMap.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue().getFolder().equalsIgnoreCase(foldername))
* Retrieves a user from cache or loads it from disk.
* @param fname Filename without .yml, the user's identifier for that type
* @param cl User class
* @return The user object
public static synchronized <T extends ChromaGamerBase> T getUser(String fname, Class<T> cl) {
StaticUserData<?> staticUserData = null;
for (var sud : staticDataMap.entrySet()) {
if (sud.getKey().isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
staticUserData = sud.getValue();
if (staticUserData == null)
throw new RuntimeException("User class not registered! Use @UserClass or @AbstractUserClass");
var commonUserData = staticUserData.getUserDataMap().get(fname);
if (commonUserData == null) {
final String folder = staticUserData.getFolder();
final File file = new File(TBMC_PLAYERS_DIR + folder, fname + ".yml");
var playerData = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
commonUserData = new CommonUserData<>(playerData);
playerData.set(staticUserData.getFolder() + "_id", fname);
staticUserData.getUserDataMap().put(fname, commonUserData);
if (commonUserData.getUserCache().containsKey(cl))
return (T) commonUserData.getUserCache().get(cl);
T obj;
if (staticUserData.getConstructors().containsKey(cl))
//noinspection unchecked
obj = (T) staticUserData.getConstructors().get(cl).get();
else {
try {
obj = cl.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create new instance of user of type " + cl.getSimpleName() + "!", e);
obj.commonUserData = commonUserData;
return obj;
* Adds a converter to the start of the list.
* @param converter The converter that returns an object corresponding to the sender or null, if it's not the right type.
public static <T extends ChromaGamerBase> void addConverter(Function<CommandSender, Optional<T>> converter) {
senderConverters.add(0, converter);
* Get from the given sender. the object's type will depend on the sender's type. May be null, but shouldn't be.
* @param sender The sender to use
* @return A user as returned by a converter or null if none can supply it
public static ChromaGamerBase getFromSender(CommandSender sender) {
for (val converter : senderConverters) {
val ocg = converter.apply(sender);
if (ocg.isPresent())
return ocg.get();
return null;
public static void saveUsers() {
synchronized (staticDataMap) {
for (var sud : staticDataMap.values())
for (var cud : sud.getUserDataMap().values())
ConfigData.saveNow(cud.getPlayerData()); //Calls save()
protected void init() {
* Saves the player. It'll handle all exceptions that may happen. Called automatically.
protected void save() {
try {
if (commonUserData.getPlayerData().getKeys(false).size() > 0)
commonUserData.getPlayerData().save(new File(TBMC_PLAYERS_DIR + getFolder(), getFileName() + ".yml"));
} catch (Exception e) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while saving player to " + getFolder() + "/" + getFileName() + ".yml!", e, MainPlugin.Instance);
* Removes the user from the cache. This will be called automatically after some time by default.
public void uncache() {
final var userCache = commonUserData.getUserCache();
//noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
synchronized (userCache) {
if (userCache.containsKey(getClass()))
if (userCache.remove(getClass()) != this)
throw new IllegalStateException("A different player instance was cached!");
protected void scheduleUncache() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(MainPlugin.Instance, this::uncache, 2 * 60 * 60 * 20); //2 hours
* Connect two accounts. Do not use for connecting two Minecraft accounts or similar. Also make sure you have the "id" tag set.
* @param user The account to connect with
public final <T extends ChromaGamerBase> void connectWith(T user) {
// Set the ID, go through all linked files and connect them as well
final String ownFolder = getFolder();
final String userFolder = user.getFolder();
if (ownFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(userFolder))
throw new RuntimeException("Do not connect two accounts of the same type! Type: " + ownFolder);
var ownData = commonUserData.getPlayerData();
var userData = user.commonUserData.getPlayerData();
userData.set(ownFolder + "_id", ownData.getString(ownFolder + "_id"));
ownData.set(userFolder + "_id", userData.getString(userFolder + "_id"));
Consumer<YamlConfiguration> sync = sourcedata -> {
final String sourcefolder = sourcedata == ownData ? ownFolder : userFolder;
final String id = sourcedata.getString(sourcefolder + "_id");
for (val entry : staticDataMap.entrySet()) { // Set our ID in all files we can find, both from our connections and the new ones
if (entry.getKey() == getClass() || entry.getKey() == user.getClass())
var entryFolder = entry.getValue().getFolder();
final String otherid = sourcedata.getString(entryFolder + "_id");
if (otherid == null)
ChromaGamerBase cg = getUser(otherid, entry.getKey());
var cgData = cg.commonUserData.getPlayerData();
cgData.set(sourcefolder + "_id", id); // Set new IDs
for (val item : staticDataMap.entrySet()) {
var itemFolder = item.getValue().getFolder();
if (sourcedata.contains(itemFolder + "_id")) {
cgData.set(itemFolder + "_id", sourcedata.getString(itemFolder + "_id")); // Set all existing IDs
* Returns the ID for the T typed player object connected with this one or null if no connection found.
* @param cl The player class to get the ID from
* @return The ID or null if not found
public final <T extends ChromaGamerBase> String getConnectedID(Class<T> cl) {
return commonUserData.getPlayerData().getString(getFolderForType(cl) + "_id");
* Returns a player instance of the given type that represents the same player. This will return a new instance unless the player is cached.<br>
* If the class is a subclass of the current class then the same ID is used, otherwise, a connected ID is used, if found.
* @param cl The target player class
* @return The player as a {@link T} object or null if the user doesn't have an account there
public final <T extends ChromaGamerBase> T getAs(Class<T> cl) {
if (cl.getSimpleName().equals(getClass().getSimpleName()))
return (T) this;
String newfolder = getFolderForType(cl);
if (newfolder == null)
throw new RuntimeException("The specified class " + cl.getSimpleName() + " isn't registered!");
if (newfolder.equals(getFolder())) // If in the same folder, the same filename is used
return getUser(getFileName(), cl);
var playerData = commonUserData.getPlayerData();
if (!playerData.contains(newfolder + "_id"))
return null;
return getUser(playerData.getString(newfolder + "_id"), cl);
* This method returns the filename for this player data. For example, for Minecraft-related data, MC UUIDs, for Discord data, Discord IDs, etc.<br>
* <b>Does not include .yml</b>
public final String getFileName() {
return commonUserData.getPlayerData().getString(getFolder() + "_id");
* This method returns the folder that this player data is stored in. For example: "minecraft".
public final String getFolder() {
return getFolderForType(getClass());
* Get player information. This method calls the {@link TBMCPlayerGetInfoEvent} to get all the player information across the TBMC plugins.
* @param target The {@link InfoTarget} to return the info for.
* @return The player information.
public final String getInfo(InfoTarget target) {
TBMCPlayerGetInfoEvent event = new TBMCPlayerGetInfoEvent(this, target);
return event.getResult();
public enum InfoTarget {
MCHover, MCCommand, Discord
public final ConfigData<Channel> channel = config.getData("channel", Channel.GlobalChat,
id -> Channel.getChannels().filter(ch -> ch.ID.equalsIgnoreCase((String) id)).findAny().orElse(null), ch -> ch.ID);

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@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.player
import buttondevteam.core.MainPlugin
import buttondevteam.lib.TBMCCoreAPI
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.ConfigData.Companion.saveNow
import buttondevteam.lib.architecture.IHaveConfig
import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Supplier
abstract class ChromaGamerBase : Command2Sender {
val config: IHaveConfig = IHaveConfig({ save() }, null)
protected lateinit var commonUserData: CommonUserData<out ChromaGamerBase>
protected open fun initConfig() {
* Saves the player. It'll handle all exceptions that may happen. Called automatically.
protected open fun save() {
try {
if (commonUserData.playerData.getKeys(false).size > 0) + folder, "$fileName.yml"))
} catch (e: Exception) {
TBMCCoreAPI.SendException("Error while saving player to $folder/$fileName.yml!", e, MainPlugin.instance)
* Removes the user from the cache. This will be called automatically after some time by default.
fun uncache() {
val userCache = commonUserData.userCache
synchronized(userCache) {
if (userCache.containsKey(javaClass))
check(userCache.remove(javaClass) === this) { "A different player instance was cached!" }
protected open fun scheduleUncache() {
Runnable { uncache() },
(2 * 60 * 60 * 20).toLong()
) //2 hours
* Connect two accounts. Do not use for connecting two Minecraft accounts or similar. Also make sure you have the "id" tag set.
* @param user The account to connect with
fun <T : ChromaGamerBase> connectWith(user: T) {
synchronized(staticDataMap) {
// Set the ID, go through all linked files and connect them as well
if (folder.equals(user.folder, ignoreCase = true))
throw RuntimeException("Do not connect two accounts of the same type! Type: $folder")
// This method acts from the point of view of the source, the target is the other way around
fun sync(us: ChromaGamerBase, them: ChromaGamerBase) {
val ourData = us.commonUserData.playerData
// Iterate through the target and their connections and set all our IDs in them
for (theirOtherClass in registeredClasses) {
// Skip our own class because we have the IDs
if (theirOtherClass == javaClass) continue
val theirConnected = them.getAs(theirOtherClass) ?: continue
val theirConnectedData = theirConnected.commonUserData.playerData
// Set new IDs
for (ourOtherFolder in registeredFolders) {
if (ourData.contains(ourOtherFolder + "_id")) {
theirConnectedData[ourOtherFolder + "_id"] =
ourData.getString(ourOtherFolder + "_id") // Set all existing IDs
sync(this, user)
sync(user, this)
* Returns the ID for the T typed player object connected with this one or null if no connection found.
* @param cl The player class to get the ID from
* @return The ID or null if not found
fun getConnectedID(cl: Class<out ChromaGamerBase>): String? {
return getConnectedID(getStaticData(cl).folder)
* Returns the ID for the given user type folder connected with this one or null if no connection found.
* @param folder The player type folder to get the ID from
* @return The ID or null if not found
fun getConnectedID(folder: String): String? {
return commonUserData.playerData.getString(folder + "_id")
* Returns a player instance of the given type that represents the same player. This will return a new instance unless the player is cached.
* If the class is a subclass of the current class then the same ID is used, otherwise, a connected ID is used, if found.
* @param cl The target player class
* @return The player as a [T] object or null if the user doesn't have an account there
fun <T : ChromaGamerBase> getAs(cl: Class<T>): T? {
if (cl.simpleName == javaClass.simpleName) return this as T
val data = getStaticData(cl)
if (data.folder == folder) // If in the same folder, the same filename is used
return getUser(fileName, cl)
return getConnectedID(data.folder)?.let { getUser(it, cl) }
* Returns the filename for this player data. For example, for Minecraft-related data, MC UUIDs, for Discord data, Discord IDs, etc.
* **Does not include .yml**
val fileName: String by lazy {
commonUserData.playerData.getString(folder + "_id") ?: throw RuntimeException("ID not set!")
* Returns the folder that this player data is stored in. For example: "minecraft".
val folder: String by lazy { getStaticData(javaClass).folder }
* Get player information. This method calls the [TBMCPlayerGetInfoEvent] to get all the player information across the TBMC plugins.
* @param target The [InfoTarget] to return the info for.
* @return The player information.
fun getInfo(target: InfoTarget?): String {
val event = TBMCPlayerGetInfoEvent(this, target)
return event.result
enum class InfoTarget {
MCHover, MCCommand, Discord
val channel
get() = config.getData("channel", Channel.globalChat,
{ id ->
getChannels().filter { it.identifier.equals(id as String, ignoreCase = true) }
.findAny().orElseThrow { RuntimeException("Channel $id not found!") }
}, { ch -> ch.identifier })
* Check channel access by checking if the user is in the given group. If the group is null, check if the user is OP.
* Note that these groups originally come from Minecraft.
*/ // TODO: Allow if a connected account has access
abstract fun checkChannelInGroup(group: String?): Channel.RecipientTestResult
companion object {
private const val TBMC_PLAYERS_DIR = "TBMC/players/"
private val senderConverters = ArrayList<Function<CommandSender, out Optional<out ChromaGamerBase>>>()
* Holds data per user class
private val staticDataMap = HashMap<Class<out ChromaGamerBase>, StaticUserData<out ChromaGamerBase>>()
* Used for connecting with every type of user ([.connectWith]) and to init the configs.
* Also, to construct an instance if an abstract class is provided.
fun <T : ChromaGamerBase> registerPluginUserClass(userclass: Class<T>, constructor: Supplier<T>) {
val prototype: Class<out T>
val folderName: String
if (userclass.isAnnotationPresent( {
prototype = userclass
folderName = userclass.getAnnotation(
} else if (userclass.isAnnotationPresent( {
val ucl = userclass.getAnnotation(
if (!userclass.isAssignableFrom(ucl))
throw RuntimeException("The prototype class (${ucl.simpleName}) must be a subclass of the userclass parameter (${userclass.simpleName})!")
prototype = ucl as Class<out T>
folderName = userclass.getAnnotation(
} else throw RuntimeException("Class not registered as a user class! Use @UserClass or TBMCPlayerBase")
val sud = StaticUserData<T>(folderName)
// Alawys register abstract and prototype class (TBMCPlayerBase and TBMCPlayer)
sud.constructors[prototype] = constructor
sud.constructors[userclass] = constructor
staticDataMap[userclass] = sud
* Returns the folder name for the given player class.
* @param cl The class to get the folder from (like [TBMCPlayerBase] or one of it's subclasses)
* @return The folder name for the given type
* @throws RuntimeException If the class doesn't have the [UserClass] annotation.
fun <T : ChromaGamerBase> getFolderForType(cl: Class<T>): String {
if (cl.isAnnotationPresent(
return cl.getAnnotation(
else if (cl.isAnnotationPresent(
return cl.getAnnotation(
throw RuntimeException("Class not registered as a user class! Use @UserClass or @AbstractUserClass")
private inline val registeredFolders: Iterable<String> get() = { it.folder }
private inline val registeredClasses get() = staticDataMap.keys
* Returns the (per-user) static data for the given player class.
* The static data is only stored once per user class so for example
* if you have two different [TBMCPlayerBase] classes, the static data is the same for both.
* @param cl The class to get the data from (like [TBMCPlayerBase] or one of its subclasses)
private fun <T : ChromaGamerBase> getStaticData(cl: Class<out T>) = staticDataMap.entries
.filter { (key, _) -> key.isAssignableFrom(cl) }
.map { (_, value) -> value as StaticUserData<T> }
?: throw RuntimeException("Class $cl not registered as a user class! Use registerUserClass()")
* Returns the player class for the given folder name.
* @param foldername The folder to get the class from (like "minecraft")
* @return The type for the given folder name or null if not found
fun getTypeForFolder(foldername: String?): Class<out ChromaGamerBase>? {
synchronized(staticDataMap) {
return staticDataMap.filter { (_, value) -> value.folder.equals(foldername, ignoreCase = true) }
.map { (key, _) -> key }.singleOrNull()
* Retrieves a user from cache or loads it from disk.
* @param fname Filename without .yml, the user's identifier for that type
* @param cl User class
* @return The user object
fun <T : S, S : ChromaGamerBase> getUser(fname: String, cl: Class<T>): T {
val staticUserData: StaticUserData<S> = getStaticData(cl)
val commonUserData: CommonUserData<S> = staticUserData.userDataMap[fname]
?: run {
val folder = staticUserData.folder
val file = File(TBMC_PLAYERS_DIR + folder, "$fname.yml")
val playerData = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file)
playerData[staticUserData.folder + "_id"] = fname
}.also { staticUserData.userDataMap[fname] = it }
return commonUserData.userCache[cl] ?: run {
val obj = createNewUser(cl, staticUserData, commonUserData)
private fun <T : S, S : ChromaGamerBase> createNewUser(
cl: Class<T>,
staticUserData: StaticUserData<S>,
commonUserData: CommonUserData<S>
): T {
val obj = staticUserData.constructors[cl]?.get() as T? ?: run {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException("Failed to create new instance of user of type ${cl.simpleName}!", e)
obj.commonUserData = commonUserData
return obj
* Adds a converter to the start of the list.
* @param converter The converter that returns an object corresponding to the sender or null, if it's not the right type.
fun addConverter(converter: Function<CommandSender, Optional<out ChromaGamerBase>>) {
senderConverters.add(0, converter)
* Get from the given sender. the object's type will depend on the sender's type.
* Throws an exception if the sender type is not supported.
* @param sender The sender to use
* @return A user as returned by a converter
fun getFromSender(sender: CommandSender): ChromaGamerBase {
for (converter in senderConverters) {
val ocg = converter.apply(sender)
if (ocg.isPresent) return ocg.get()
throw RuntimeException("No converter found for sender type ${}")
fun saveUsers() {
synchronized(staticDataMap) {
for (sud in staticDataMap.values) for (cud in sud.userDataMap.values) saveNow(cud.playerData) //Calls save()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package buttondevteam.lib.player;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Per user, regardless of actual type
* @param <T> The user class, may be abstract
public class CommonUserData<T extends ChromaGamerBase> {
private final HashMap<Class<? extends T>, ? extends T> userCache = new HashMap<>();
private final YamlConfiguration playerData;

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