Pass removal, Jobs plugin

Very small FAWE changes
This commit is contained in:
Chromachine 2018-05-31 00:39:09 +00:00
parent 33c920b697
commit 8a6e6886ed
18 changed files with 3296 additions and 8 deletions

.gitconfig Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[filter "rempass"]
smudge = cat
clean = sed -E --expression=\"s/(.* )pass(\\S*)\\\\: '.*'/\\1pass\\2: 'NOPE'/g\"

.gitignore vendored Normal file → Executable file
View file

BlocksHub/config.yml Normal file → Executable file
View file

ChestShopNotifier/config.yml Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ debugging:
database: database:
host: 'localhost' host: 'localhost'
port: 3306 port: 3306
dbname: 'database1' dbname: 'chestshop_notifier'
username: 'dbadmin' username: 'chestshop'
password: '123456' password: 'NOPE'
clean-on-startup: clean-on-startup:
enabled: false enabled: false
@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ messages:
history-footer-clear: "&c- To remove all old entries, type /csn clear" history-footer-clear: "&c- To remove all old entries, type /csn clear"
history-clear: "&cHistory cleared! New sales will continue to be recorded." history-clear: "&cHistory cleared! New sales will continue to be recorded."
history-marked-read: "&cUnread entries marked read!" history-marked-read: "&cUnread entries marked read!"

FastAsyncWorldEdit/config.yml Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ extent:
# - You'll see a message in console if you need to change this option # - You'll see a message in console if you need to change this option
allowed-plugins: [] allowed-plugins: []
# Should debug messages be sent when third party extents are used? # Should debug messages be sent when third party extents are used?
debug: true debug: false
# Experimental options, use at your own risk # Experimental options, use at your own risk
# - UNSAFE = Can cause permanent damage to the server # - UNSAFE = Can cause permanent damage to the server
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ queue:
# - false = disabled # - false = disabled
# - title = Display progress titles # - title = Display progress titles
# - chat = Display progress in chat # - chat = Display progress in chat
display: "false" display: "title"
# How often edit progress is displayed # How often edit progress is displayed
interval: 1 interval: 1
# Delay sending progress in milliseconds (so quick edits don't spam) # Delay sending progress in milliseconds (so quick edits don't spam)

Jobs/Signs.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Signs: {}

Jobs/generalConfig.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
# The general configuration for the jobs plugin mostly includes how often the plugin
# saves user data (when the user is in the game), the storage method, whether
# to broadcast a message to the server when a user goes up a skill level.
# It also allows admins to set the maximum number of jobs a player can have at
# any one time.
# Default language.
# Example: en, ru
# File in locale folder with same name should exist. Example: messages_ru.yml
locale-language: en
# storage method, can be MySQL or sqlite
method: sqlite
# Requires Mysql.
mysql-username: root
mysql-password: ''
mysql-hostname: localhost:3306
mysql-database: minecraft
mysql-table-prefix: jobs_
verify-server-certificate: false
use-ssl: false
# How often in minutes you want it to save. This must be a non-zero number
save-period: 10
# Should player data be saved on disconnect?
# Player data is always periodically auto-saved and autosaved during a clean shutdown.
# Only enable this if you have a multi-server setup, or have a really good reason for enabling this.
# Turning this on will decrease database performance.
save-on-disconnect: false
# Tool used when selecting bounds for restricted area
selectionTool: 294
# Enable if you are using one data base for multiple servers across bungee network
# This will force to load players data every time he is logging in to have most up to date data instead of having preloaded data
# This will enable automaticaly save-on-disconnect feature
MultiServerCompatability: false
# When set to true staff will be informed about new Jobs plugin version
# You need to have jobs.versioncheck permission node
NewVersion: true
# Decimal places to be shown
Money: 2
Exp: 2
Points: 2
# Warning!!! before enabling this feature, please make data base backup, just in case there will be some issues with data base cleaning
# When set to true, jobs data base will be cleaned on each startup to avoid having not used jobs
# keep in mind that this will only clean actual jobs, but not recorded players
Use: false
# Any one who has jobs level equal or less then set, hies job will be removed from data base
Level: 1
# Warning!!! before enabling this feature, please make data base backup, just in case there will be some issues with data base cleaning
# When set to true, data base will be cleaned on each startup from user data to avoid having old player data
Use: false
# Any one who not playied for defined amount of days, will be removed from data base
Days: 60
# Use or not auto join jobs feature
# If you are not using auto join feature, keep it disabled
Use: false
# Delay in seconds to perform auto join job if used after player joins server
# If you using offline server, try to keep it slightly more than your login plugin gives time to enter password
# For player to auto join job add permission node jobs.autojoin.[jobname]
# Op players are ignored
Delay: 15
# When set to true players who gets negavite experience can delevel job up to level 1
# ATTENTION! Set it to true only if you certain that commands performed on levelup will not cause issues if player start level and delevel in a row.
AllowDelevel: false
# By setting this to true, Jobs plugin will be disabled in given worlds
# Only commands can be performed from disabled worlds with jobs.disabledworld.commands permission node
Use: false
- world
# With this set to true all players jobs actions will be logged to database for easy to see statistics
# This is still in development and in feature it will expand
Use: false
# Do all players get a message when somone goes up a skill level?
use: false
# Do all players get a message when somone goes up a level?
use: false
# For what levels you want to broadcast message? Keep it at 0 if you want for all of them
- 0
# Defines time in 24hour format when we want to give out new daily quests
# Any daily quests given before reset will be invalid and new ones will be given out
Hour: 4
Minute: 0
# Maximum number of jobs a player can join.
# Use 0 for no maximum
# Keep in mind that jobs.max.[amount] will bypass this setting
max-jobs: 3
# Hide jobs from player if they lack the permission to join the job
hide-jobs-without-permission: false
# Hide jobs info from player if they lack the permission to join the job
hide-jobsinfo-without-permission: false
# Option to allow payment to be made when killing mobs from a spawner.
# Use jobs.nearspawner.[amount] to define multiplayer. Example jobs.nearspawner.-0.5 will pay half of payment, jobs.nearspawner.-1 will not pay at all
enable-pay-near-spawner: false
# Option to allow payment to be made in creative mode
enable-pay-creative: false
# Option to allow payment to be made for exploring when player flyies
enable-pay-for-exploring-when-flying: false
# Adds the Jobs xp recieved to the player's Minecraft XP bar
add-xp-player: false
# Modifys chat to add chat titles. If you're using a chat manager, you may add the tag {jobs} to your chat format and disable this.
modify-chat: true
modify-chat-prefix: '&c['
modify-chat-suffix: '&c]&r'
modify-chat-separator: ' '
# Do you want to use custom item/block/mob/enchant/color names
# With this set to true names like Stone:1 will be translated to Granite
# Name list is in TranslatableWords.yml file
UseCustomNames: true
# Changes how often, in seconds, players are paid out. Default is 5 seconds.
# Setting this too low may cause tick lag. Increase this to improve economy performance (at the cost of delays in payment)
economy-batch-delay: 5
# Enable async economy calls.
# Disable this if you have issues with payments or your plugin is not thread safe.
economy-async: true
# By disabling one of thies, players no longer will get particular payment.
# Usefull for removing particular payment method without editing whole jobConfig file
Money: true
Points: true
Exp: true
# Can be used to change payment amounts for all jobs and all actions if you want to readjust them
# Amounts are in percentage, above 0 will increase payments
# Amount belove 0 will decrease payments
# If action pays negative amount, then value above 0 will increase that negative value
# So is placing diamond ore takes from you 10 bucks, then by setting 50 for money income, you will be charged 15 bucks for placing it
# If you are getting paid 10 for placing wood, then same value of 50 for money income, will result you getting 15 bucks
# This only effects base income value
MONEY: 0.0
EXP: 0.0
# Determines minimum payment. In example if player uses McMMO treefeller and earns only 20%, but at same time he gets 25% penalty from dynamic payment. He can 'get' negative amount of money
# This will limit it to particular percentage
# Works only when original payment is above 0
use: true
limit: 0.1
# Determines minimum payment. In example if player uses McMMO treefeller and earns only 20%, but at same time he gets 25% penalty from dynamic payment. He can 'get' negative amount of money
# This will limit it to particular percentage
# Works only when original payment is above 0
use: true
limit: 0.1
# Do you want to use dinamic payment dependent on how many players already working for jobs
# This can help automaticaly lift up payments for not so popular jobs and lower for most popular ones
use: false
equation: ((totalworkers / totaljobs) - jobstotalplayers)/10.0
MaxPenalty: 25.0
MaxBonus: 100.0
# Server economy acount
# With this enabled, players will get money from defined user (server account)
# If this acount dont have enough money to pay for players for, player will get message
UseServerAcount: false
# Username should be with Correct capitalization
AcountName: Server
# Do you want to use taxes feature for jobs payment
use: false
# Username should be with Correct capitalization, it can be same as settup in server account before
AccountName: Server
# Amount in percentage
Amount: 15.0
# Do you want to transfer taxes to server account
TransferToServerAccount: true
# With this true, taxes will be taken from players payment and he will get less money than its shown in jobs info
# When its false player will get full payment and server account will get taxes amount to hes account
TakeFromPlayersPayment: false
# Money gain limit
# With this enabled, players will be limited how much they can make in defined time
# Time in seconds: 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 24 hours
Use: false
# Do you want to stop money gain when exp limit reached?
StopWithExp: false
# Do you want to stop money gain when point limit reached?
StopWithPoint: false
# Equation to calculate max limit. Option to use totallevel to include players total amount levels of current jobs
# You can always use simple number to set money limit
# Default equation is: 500+500*(totallevel/100), this will add 1% from 500 for each level player have
# So player with 2 jobs with level 15 and 22 will have 685 limit
MoneyLimit: 500+500*(totallevel/100)
# Time in seconds: 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 24 hours
TimeLimit: 3600
# Delay between announcements about reached money limit
# Keep this from 30 to 5 min (300), as players can get annoyed of constant message displaying
AnnouncmentDelay: 30
# Point gain limit
# With this enabled, players will be limited how much they can make in defined time
Use: false
# Do you want to stop Point gain when exp limit reached?
StopWithExp: false
# Do you want to stop Point gain when money limit reached?
StopWithMoney: false
# Equation to calculate max limit. Option to use totallevel to include players total amount levels of current jobs
# You can always use simple number to set limit
# Default equation is: 500+500*(totallevel/100), this will add 1% from 500 for each level player have
# So player with 2 jobs with level 15 and 22 will have 685 limit
Limit: 500+500*(totallevel/100)
# Time in seconds: 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 24 hours
TimeLimit: 3600
# Delay between announcements about reached limit
# Keep this from 30 to 5 min (300), as players can get annoyed of constant message displaying
AnnouncmentDelay: 30
# Exp gain limit
# With this enabled, players will be limited how much they can get in defined time
# Time in seconds: 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 24 hours
Use: false
# Do you want to stop exp gain when money limit reached?
StopWithMoney: false
# Do you want to stop exp gain when point limit reached?
StopWithPoint: false
# Equation to calculate max money limit. Option to use totallevel to include players total amount of current jobs
# You can always use simple number to set exp limit
# Default equation is: 5000+5000*(totallevel/100), this will add 1% from 5000 for each level player have
# So player with 2 jobs with level 15 and 22 will have 6850 limit
Limit: 5000+5000*(totallevel/100)
# Time in seconds: 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 24 hours
TimeLimit: 3600
# Delay between announcements about reached Exp limit
# Keep this from 30 to 5 min (300), as players can get annoyed of constant message displaying
AnnouncmentDelay: 30
# Do you want to give money for only renaming items in anvil
# Players will get full pay as they would for remairing two items when they only renaming one
# This is not big issue, but if you want to disable it, you can
PayForRenaming: true
# With this true, player will get money for all crafted items instead of each crafting action (like with old payment mechanic)
# By default its false, as you can make ALOT of money if prices kept from old payment mechanics
PayForEachCraft: false
# With this true, when timer is still going, cow milking event will be canceled
# With this false, player will get bucket of milk, but still no payment
CancelMilking: false
# How ofter player can milk cows in seconds. Keep in mind that by default player can milk cow indefinetly and as often as he wants
# Set to 0 if you want to disable timer
Timer: 30
# When enabled, players interacted furnaces will be saved into file and will be reassigned after restart to keep giving out money
# Players will no longer need to click on furnace to get paid from it after server restart
Reassign: true
# Defines max avaible furnaces each player can have to get paid from
# This can be ovveriden with jobs.maxfurnaces.[amount] permission node
MaxDefaultAvailable: 20
# When enabled, players interacted brewing stands will be saved into file and will be reassigned after restart to keep giving out money
# Players will no longer need to click on brewing stand to get paid from it after server restart
Reassign: true
# Defines max avaible brewing stands each player can have to get paid from
# Set to 0 if you want to disable this limitation
# This can be ovveriden with jobs.maxbrewingstands.[amount] permission node
MaxDefaultAvailable: 20
# Enable blocks protection, like ore, from exploiting by placing and destroying same block again and again.
# Modify restrictedBlocks.yml for blocks you want to protect
PlaceAndBreakProtection: true
# For how long in days to keep block protection data in data base
# This will clean block data which ones have -1 as cooldown value
# Data base cleannup will be performed on each server startup
KeepDataFor: 14
# All blocks will be protected X sec after player places it on ground.
use: true
timer: 3
# Enable silk touch protection.
# With this enabled players wont get paid for breaked blocks from restrictedblocks list with silk touch tool.
SilkTouchProtection: false
# This section controls how much damage player should do to monster for player to get paid
# This prevents from killing monsters in one hit when they suffer in example fall damage
Use: false
Percentage: 60
# McMMO abilities
# Players will get part of money from cutting trees with treefeller ability enabled.
# 0.2 means 20% of original price
TreeFellerMultiplier: 0.2
# Players will get part of money from braking blocks with gigaDrill ability enabled.
# 0.2 means 20% of original price
gigaDrillMultiplier: 0.2
# Players will get part of money from braking blocks with super breaker ability enabled.
# 0.2 means 20% of original price
superBreakerMultiplier: 0.2
# MythicMobs plugin support
# Disable if you having issues with it or using old version
enabled: true
# Prevent slime spliting when they are from spawner
# Protects agains exploiting as new splited slimes is treated as naturaly spawned and not from spawner
PreventSlimeSplit: true
# Prevent magmacube spliting when they are from spawner
PreventMagmaCubeSplit: true
# Prevent payments when hoppers moving items into furnace
# Player will not get paid, but items will be smellted
PreventHopperFillUps: true
PreventBrewingStandFillUps: true
# Breeder finder.
# If you are not using breeding payment, you can disable this to save little resources. Really little.
use-breeder-finder: true
# Old job save
# Players can leave job and return later with some level loss during that
# You can fix players level if hes job level is at max level
level-loss-percentage: 30
fix-at-max-level: true
# Percentage to loose when leaving job at max level
# Only works when fix-at-max-level is set to false
level-loss-from-max-level: 30
# When this set to true player will see action bar messages by default
EnabledByDefault: true
# Enables BossBar feature
# Works only from 1.9 mc version
Enabled: true
# When this set to true player will see Bossbar messages by default
EnabledByDefault: true
# If enabled boss bar will update after each action
# If disabled, BossBar will update only on each payment. This can save some server resources
ShowOnEachAction: false
# How long in sec to show BossBar for player
# If you have disabled ShowOnEachAction, then keep this number higher than payment interval for better experience
Timer: 6
# You can enable/disable message shown for players in action bar
OnTitleChange: true
OnLevelChange: true
OnEmptyServerAcount: true
# Chat messages
# You can enable/disable message shown for players in chat
OnTitleChange: true
OnLevelChange: true
OnEmptyServerAcount: true
# Sounds
# Extra sounds on some events
# All sounds can be found in
use: true
volume: 1
pitch: 3
use: true
volume: 1
pitch: 3
# You can disable this to save SMALL amount of server resources
Enable: true
ColorizeJobName: true
# This is update for same job signs, to avoid huge lag if you have bunch of same type signs. Keep it from 1 to as many sec you want
InfoUpdateInterval: 5
# This will enables to show top list in scoreboard instead of chat
ShowToplist: true
# For how long to show scoreboard
interval: 10
# Do you want to show total amount of workers for job in jobs browse window
ShowTotalWorkers: true
# Do you want to show penalty and bonus in jobs browse window. Only works if this feature is enabled
ShowPenaltyBonus: true
# Defines if you want to use new /jobs browse look or old one
UseNewLook: true
# Defines amount of jobs to be shown in one page for /jobs browse
AmountToShow: 5
# Do you want to show GUI when performing /jobs browse command
OpenOnBrowse: true
# Do you want to show chat information when performing /jobs browse command
ShowChatBrowse: true
# With true left mouse button will join job and right will show more info
# With false left mouse button will show more info, rigth will join job
# Dont forget to adjust locale file
SwitcheButtons: false
# Defines size in rows of GUI
Rows: 5
# Defines back button slot in GUI
BackButtonSlot: 37
# Defines start position in gui from which job icons will be shown
StartPosition: 11
# Defines By how many jobs we need to group up
GroupAmount: 7
# Defines By how many slot we need to skip after group
SkipAmount: 2
Data: 0
Data: 15

Jobs/jobConfig.yml Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Jobs/restrictedAreas.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Restricted area configuration
# Configures restricted areas where you cannot get experience or money
# when performing a job.
# The multiplier changes the experience/money gains in an area.
# A multiplier of 0.0 means no bonus, while 0.5 means you will get 50% more the normal income
# While -0.5 means that you will get 50% less the normal income
# restrictedareas:
# area1:
# world: 'world'
# multiplier: 0.0
# point1:
# x: 125
# y: 0
# z: 125
# point2:
# x: 150
# y: 100
# z: 150
# area2:
# world: 'world_nether'
# multiplier: 0.0
# point1:
# x: -100
# y: 0
# z: -100
# point2:
# x: -150
# y: 100
# z: -150

Jobs/restrictedBlocks.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
# Block protected by timer in sec
# Category name can be any you like to be easily recognized
# id can be actual block id (use /jobs blockinfo to get correct id) or use block name
# By setting time to -1 will keep block protected until global cleanup, mainly used for structure blocks like diamond
# If you want to have default value for all blocks, enale GlobalBlockTimer in generalConfig file
id: 6
cd: 60
id: 18
cd: 60
id: longgrass
cd: 60
id: 32
cd: 60
id: 66
cd: 60
id: 27
cd: 60
id: 28
cd: 60
id: 157
cd: 60
id: 30
cd: 60
id: 37
cd: 60
id: 38
cd: 60
id: 175
cd: 60
id: 39
cd: 60
id: 40
cd: 60
id: 50
cd: 60
id: 76
cd: 60
id: 65
cd: 5
id: 171
cd: 60
id: 77
cd: 5
id: 143
cd: 5
id: 69
cd: 60
id: 78
cd: 60
id: 80
cd: 60
id: 131
cd: 60
id: 132
cd: 60
id: 55
cd: 60
id: 93
cd: 60
id: 149
cd: 60
id: 111
cd: 30
id: 106
cd: 30
id: 59
cd: 5
id: 83
cd: 30
id: 81
cd: 30
id: 207
cd: 60
id: 142
cd: 60
id: 141
cd: 60
id: 115
cd: 60
id: 86
cd: 30
id: 104
cd: 30
id: 103
cd: 30
id: 105
cd: 30
id: goldore
cd: -1
id: ironore
cd: -1
id: coalore
cd: -1
id: lapisore
cd: -1
id: diamondore
cd: -1
id: redstoneore
cd: -1
id: emeraldore
cd: -1
id: quartzore
cd: -1

Jobs/schedule.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Enabled - with this false this schedule will be ignored
# From and Until is in 24 hours format with : signs to separate minutes and seconds
# Exp and Money determines how big is boost, to reset it. keep it at 1.0. so if you use 2.0 that means all money/exp is doubled
# Days variables: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, All
# Jobs can be any of your settup job or use All to give for all jobs at once
# BroadcastOnStart or BroadcastOnStop - set it false to disable message when boost starts/stops
# MessageOnStart or MessageOnStop - optional messages, if not given, then message from locale file will be shown
# BroadcastInterval - how often in minutes to broadcast message about money/exp boost for jobs
# BroadcastMessage - message to show every x minutes
Enabled: false
From: '23:00:00'
Until: '07:00:00'
Exp: 2.0
Money: 2.0
- All
- All
BroadcastOnStart: true
- '&e***********************************************'
- '&e* All jobs got 2x rate for exp and money!'
- '&e* For limited time only!'
- '&e***********************************************'
BroadcastOnStop: true
- '&e***********************************************'
- '&e* Boost time for jobs have beed stoped'
- '&e* All rates reseted to original ones'
- '&e***********************************************'
BroadcastInterval: 15
- '&e******************************************************'
- '&e* 2x boost time for all jobs is activated until [until] *'
- '&e******************************************************'
Enabled: false
From: '07:00:00'
Until: '08:00:00'
Exp: 1.0
Money: 2.0
- Sunday
- Saturday
- Miner
- Woodcutter
BroadcastOnStart: true
- '&e***********************************************'
- '&e* Miner and Woodcutter got 2x rate for money!'
- '&e* Until 8AM!'
- '&e***********************************************'
BroadcastOnStop: true
- '&e***********************************************'
- '&e* Boost time for Miner and Woodcutter have beed stoped'
- '&e* Money rates reseted to original ones'
- '&e***********************************************'
BroadcastInterval: 15
- '&e******************************************************'
- '&e* 2x money boost time for Miner and Woodcutter jobs'
- '&e* Is activated until [until]'
- '&e******************************************************'

Jobs/shopItems.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# (REQUIRED) Item price in Jobs Points
Price: 10000.0
# (REQUIRED) Icon item id
Id: 278
# (Optional - Default: 0) Icon item data value
Data: 0
# (Optional - Default: 1) Icon item amount
Amount: 1
# (Optional) Icon name. Supports usual color codes
Name: "&eBest pick axe ever!"
# (Optional) Icon lore. Supports usual color codes
- "&6Efficiency V"
- "&6Unbreaking III"
- "&eAnd one tasty apple!"
# (Optional - default: false) Hides icon if player dont have permission to get this item
HideWithoutPermission: true
# (Optional) List of permissions required to buy this item
- jobs.item.pickaxe
# (Optional) List of jobs and levels to buy this item
- Miner-50
- Woodcutter-10
# (Optional) Total level from all jobs player currently in
RequiredTotalLevels: 100
# (Optional) Performs comands on item purchase
# use 'msg ' at start of command to send nice message to player
# all other commands will be performed normaly as they would be executed from console
# use [player] variable to include buyers name
- "msg &eThanks for buying this super pick axe!"
# (Optional) Gives items by defined criteria
# Can be any word
# (Required) Item id
Id: 278
# (Optional - Default: 0) Item data
Data: 0
# (Optional - Default: 1) Item amount
Amount: 1
# (Optional) Item name
Name: "&eSuper PickAxe"
# (Optional) Item lore
- "&eUber pickAxe"
# (Optional) Item enchants
# Can be any word
# (Required) Item id
Id: 260
Price: 100.0
Id: 269
Name: "&eWooden shovel"
HideWithoutPermission: true
- jobs.item.shovel
- Digger-5
- "msg &eThanks [player] for buying this shovel!"
- "give [player] 269 1"
Price: 100.0
Id: 403
Name: "&eEnchant book"
- "&eContains Lure 3 enchant"
HideWithoutPermission: true
- jobs.item.LureBook
- Fisherman-100
- "msg &eThanks [player] for buying this book!"
# (Optional) Gives items by defined criteria
# Can be any word
# (Required) Item id
Id: 403
# (Optional) Item enchants
- LURE=3
Price: 100000.0
Id: 443
Name: "&eAngel wings"
HideWithoutPermission: true
- jobs.item.elytra
- "msg &eThanks [player] for buying Angel Wings!"
# (Optional) Gives items by defined criteria
# Can be any word
# (Required) Item id
Id: 443

Jobs/titleConfig.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Title configuration
# Stores the titles people gain at certain levels.
# Each title requres to have a name, short name (used when the player has more than
# 1 job) the colour of the title and the level requrirement to attain the title.
# It is recommended but not required to have a title at level 0.
# Titles are completely optional.
# Posible variable are {level} to add current jobs level.
# Optionaly you can set different titles based by job.
# JobName: Miner
Name: N
ShortName: N
ChatColour: YELLOW
levelReq: 0
Name: A
ShortName: A
ChatColour: WHITE
levelReq: 25
Name: I
ShortName: I
ChatColour: GOLD
levelReq: 50
Name: J
ShortName: J
ChatColour: DARK_GREEN
levelReq: 75
Name: Ad
ShortName: Ad
levelReq: 100
Name: M
ShortName: M
ChatColour: GRAY
levelReq: 125
Name: GM
ShortName: GM
ChatColour: DARK_GRAY
levelReq: 150
Name: L
ShortName: L
ChatColour: BLACK
levelReq: 200

LICENSE Normal file → Executable file
View file

0 Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ plugin:
dbname: towny dbname: towny
table_prefix: towny_ table_prefix: towny_
username: root username: root
password: '' password: 'NOPE'
ssl: 'false' ssl: 'false'
# Flatfile backup settings. # Flatfile backup settings.

View file

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ blacklist:
enable: false enable: false
dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
user: root user: root
pass: '' pass: 'NOPE'
table: blacklist_events table: blacklist_events
file: file:
enable: false enable: false

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ done
find . -path './Movecraft/types/*.craft' -exec git add -f '{}' \; find . -path './Movecraft/types/*.craft' -exec git add -f '{}' \;
git add -f 'dynmap/configuration.txt' 'dynmap/worlds.txt' git add -f 'dynmap/configuration.txt' 'dynmap/worlds.txt'
git add -f 'MythicMobs/*' ':!:MythicMobs/SavedData/*' git add -f 'MythicMobs/*' ':!:MythicMobs/SavedData/*'
git add -f ':(glob)Jobs/*.yml'
git add -f git add -f