Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "update-1" have entirely different histories.

191 changed files with 10046 additions and 53697 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
[filter "rempass"]
smudge = cat
clean = sed -E --expression=\"s/(^\\s*(.*[_-]){0,1})pass(\\S*)\\\\: .*/\\1pass\\3: 'NOPE'/g\"
# sed doesn't support (?:) so we're ignoring the 2nd group
clean = sed -E --expression=\"s/(.*)pass(\\S*)\\\\: '.*'/\\1pass\\2: 'NOPE'/g\"

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
**Steps to Reproduce:**
**Expected Result:**

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
language: python
- "3.6"
- pip install yamllint
- git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -Ee ".yml|dynmap.*.txt" | xargs yamllint

View file

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
min-spaces-inside: 0
max-spaces-inside: 0
min-spaces-inside-empty: -1
max-spaces-inside-empty: -1
min-spaces-inside: 0
max-spaces-inside: 0
min-spaces-inside-empty: -1
max-spaces-inside-empty: -1
max-spaces-before: 0
max-spaces-after: 1
max-spaces-before: 0
min-spaces-after: 1
max-spaces-after: 1
level: warning
require-starting-space: false
min-spaces-from-content: 1
level: warning
document-end: disable
level: warning
present: false
max: 2
max-start: 0
max-end: 1
level: warning
quoted-strings: disable
forbid-in-block-mappings: false
forbid-in-flow-mappings: false
max-spaces-after: 1
spaces: consistent
indent-sequences: whatever
check-multi-line-strings: false
level: warning
key-duplicates: enable
key-ordering: disable
line-length: disable
new-line-at-end-of-file: disable
type: unix
forbid-implicit-octal: false
forbid-explicit-octal: false
trailing-spaces: disable
level: warning

ButtonCore/config.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
test: false

ButtonPresents/config.yml Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

ButtonWebsiteModule/config.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

ChairStairs/config.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
UpsideDown: false
Range: 0

View file

@ -104,8 +104,3 @@ HEROES_EXP: 100.0
#Add icons and make item names hoverable in transaction messages when ShowItem is installed?
#A list of worlds in which to remove empty shops with the previous config. Case sensitive. An empty list means all worlds.
- "world1"
- "world2"

View file

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ history:
max-rows: 10
verbose: false
verbose: true
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
dbname: 'chestshop_notifier?useSSL=false'
dbname: 'chestshop_notifier'
username: 'chestshop'
password: 'NOPE'

View file

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
notificationSound: ''
notificationPitch: 1.0
# If enabled, stores and displays the last 10 messages the player can see (public, their town chat etc.)
# Can be used with the Discord plugin so players can see some of the conversation they missed that's visible on Discord anyways.
storeChatHistory: true
# This component manages the town and nation chat. It's also needed for the TownColorComponent.
# It provides the TC and NC channels, and posts Towny messages (global, town, nation) to the correct channels for other platforms like Discord.
enabled: true
# Town colors for Towny. It allows mayors and kings to set a color for their town/nation (nation can be disabled).
# This color is applied to the player names in chat and on Dynmap, if used.
enabled: true
colorCount: 1
- DarkGray
- DarkRed
- DarkPurple
- DarkGray
- Aqua
- Gray
- Yellow
- DarkRed
- DarkRed
- LightPurple
- Gold
- Blue
- DarkAqua
- DarkPurple
- DarkGray
albion: DarkBlue
pressia: Aqua
aurora: Gold
expanse: DarkGreen
useNationColors: true
# This component checks a specific Reddit thread every 10 seconds for comments such as "IGN: NorbiPeti" to link Reddit accounts and to determine their /r/thebutton flair.
# This was the original goal of this plugin when it was made.
enabled: true
# Displays the configured messages at the set interval when someone is online.
enabled: true
announceTime: 900000
announceMessages: []
# Random things I added over the years.
enabled: true
unlol: true
- xd
- lel
- lawl
- kek
- lmao
- hue
- hah
- rofl
respect: true
# Allows players to append tableflips and other things to their messages. Everything is configurable here.
enabled: true
- §6---- Wait what ----
- Wait what
appendedText: wait what
- §6---- Lenny ----
- This command appends a Lenny face after your message
- Or just sends one
appendedText: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- §6---- Unflip ----
- This command appends an unflip after your message
- Or just unflips as you
appendedText: ┬─┬ ( ゜-゜ノ)
- §6---- Tableflip ----
- This command appends a tableflip after your message
- Or just makes you tableflip
appendedText: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
- §6---- Shrug ----
- This command appends a shrug after your message
- Or just makes you shrug
appendedText: ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
# This component handles the custom processing of chat messages. If this component is disabled channels won't be supported in Minecraft.
# If you only want to disable the formatting features, set allowFormatting to false.
# If you're using another chat plugin, you should disable the whole component.
enabled: true
allowFormatting: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
notificationSound: ''
notificationPitch: 1.0
minTimeBetweenMessages: 100
enabled: true
enabled: true

View file

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
# The (bot) channel to use for Discord commands like /role.
commandChannel: 209720707188260864
# The prefix to use with Discord commands like /role. It only works in the bot channel.
prefix: /
# The main server where the roles and other information is pulled from. It's automatically set to the first server the bot's invited to.
mainServer: 125813020357165056
# The role that allows using mod-only Discord commands.
# If empty (''), then it will only allow for the owner.
modRole: Moderator
test: false
# The invite link to show by /discord invite. If empty, it defaults to the first invite if the bot has access.
# Uses a bit of a hacky method of getting all broadcasted messages, including advancements and any other message that's for everyone.
# If this component is enabled then these messages will show up on Discord.
enabled: true
# Provides Minecraft chat connection to Discord. Commands may be used either in a public chat (limited) or in a DM.
enabled: true
chatChannel: 249663564057411596
mcchid: tc
chid: 448210344226193410
did: 126011690419617792
mcuid: 80f097d0-bb18-444c-ba0a-8d8e0a923622
mcname: Gryph667
groupid: Redguard
toggles: 0
brtoggles: []
- list
- u
- shrug
- tableflip
- unflip
- mwiki
- yeehaw
- lenny
- rp
- plugins
- press
- ProtocolLib
- LibsDisguises
- JourneyMapServer
allowFakePlayerTeleports: false
showPlayerListOnDC: true
allowCustomChat: true
allowPrivateChat: true
profileURL: ''
# Listens for errors from the Chroma plugins and posts them to Discord, ignoring repeating errors so it's not that spammy.
enabled: true
channel: 239519012529111040
pingRole: 282291454326603776
# Automatically collects roles with a certain color (the second to last in the upper row - #95a5a6).
# Users can add these roles to themselves using the /role Discord command.
enabled: true
logChannel: 283840717275791360
# Posts new posts from Reddit to the specified channel(s). It will pin the regular posts (not the mod posts).
enabled: true
lastAnnouncementTime: 1577850597
lastSeenTime: 1577850597
keepPinned: 40
channel: 125813020357165056
modChannel: 126795071927353344
# All kinds of random things.
# The YEEHAW event uses an emoji named :YEEHAW: if available
enabled: true
fullHouseChannel: 219626707458457603
fullHouseDevRole: 219594051178070017
- In one week from now
- Between now and the heat-death of the universe.
- Soon™
- Ask again this time next month
- In about 3 seconds
- After we finish 8 plugins
- Tomorrow.
- After one tiiiny feature
- Next commit
- After we finish strangling Towny
- When we kill every *fucking* bug
- Once the server stops screaming.
- After HL3 comes out
- Next time you ask
- When will *you* be open?
- when will the server be open
- when will the server be ready
- when will the server be done
- when will the server be complete
- when will the server be finished
- when's the server ready
- when's the server open
- Vhen vill ze server be open?
serverup: false

View file

@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
test: false
# Sets whether the plugin should write a list of installed plugins in a txt file.
# It can be useful if some other software needs to know the plugins.
writePluginList: true
# Print some debug information.
test: false
# The chat format to use for messages from other platforms if Chroma-Chat is not installed.
chatFormat: '[{origin}|{channel}] <{name}> {message}'
# If a Chroma command clashes with another plugin's command, this setting determines whether the Chroma command should be executed or the other plugin's.
prioritizeCustomCommands: false
enabled: true
# Provides commands such as /schrestart (restart after a countdown) and /primerestart (restart when nobody is online)
enabled: true
# Manages chat channels. If disabled, only global channels will be registered.
enabled: true
enabled: true
- ooc
color: White
displayName: §fOOC§f
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
color: Blue
displayName: §9MOD§f
enabled: true
IDs: []
displayName: §6DEV§f
color: Gold
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
enabled: true
IDs: []
displayName: §3TC§f
color: DarkAqua
enabled: true
IDs: []
color: Gold
displayName: §6NC§f
enabled: true
IDs: []
displayName: §7RP§f
color: Gray
# Teleport player to random location within world border.
# Every five players teleport to the same general area, and then a new general area is randomly selected for the next five players.
# Author:
enabled: true
# Allows giving a 'member' group over some time elapsed OR played.
enabled: true
memberGroup: member
registeredForDays: 7
playedHours: 12
# Automatically renames Towny players if they changed their Minecraft name
enabled: true
# Do not use (EULA)
enabled: true
rewardAmount: 0.0
# Provides a /spawn command that works with BungeeCord. Make sure to set up on each server.
enabled: true
targetServer: lobby

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ mysql-host:
mysql-port: 3306
mysql-database: database
mysql-username: root
mysql-password: 'NOPE'
# If enabled, CoreProtect will check for updates when your server starts up.
# If an update is available, you'll be notified via your server console.

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#The first floor the players enter. Needs at least lobby, ready, start and floor signs.
startFloor: MyDungeon_floor_01
#The last floor the players enter. Needs at least start and end signs.
endFloor: MyDungeon_floor_12
#A list of all other floors in the dungeon. Needs at least lobby, ready, start and floor signs.
- MyDungeon_floor_02
#How many floors shall be selected randomly from the list before the player gets teleported to the endFloor?
floorCount: 1
#If true, the floors will get removed from the list when finished sothat one floor cannot be selected multiple times.
removeWhenPlayed: false

EnchantLimit/config.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#***************************************** EnchantLimit Settings **************************************#
#Should this plugin apply changes to enchantments on enchanting-tables, anvils and villager trades?
Anvil_Limiter_Enabled: false
Enchanting_Table_Limiter_Enabled: true
Villager_Limiter_Enabled: true
#Should OP's have all beneficial enchantments by default?
Default_OP_Permissions: false
#***************************************** Message Customization **************************************#
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is limited at an enchantment table? (Disable message by setting to: null)
# Note: %enc is where the enchantment type is inserted, %olv is where the original level is inserted and %nlv is where the new level is inserted.
# Use & for colour codes, colour codes available here:
Message_Level_Downgraded_Table: "&5 Enchantment %enc level changed from %olv to %nlv."
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is limited at an anvil? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Level_Downgraded_Anvil: "&5 Enchantment %enc level changed from %olv to %nlv." # null
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is limited when trading with a villager? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Level_Downgraded_Trade: "&5 Enchantment %enc level changed from %olv to %nlv."
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is increased at an enchantment table? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Level_Upgraded_Table: "&5 You were lucky! Enchantment %enc level increased from %olv to %nlv."
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is increased at an anvil? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Level_Upgraded_Anvil: null
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is increased when trading with a villager? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Level_Upgraded_Trade: "&5 You were lucky! Enchantment %enc level increased from %olv to %nlv."
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is removed (level set to 0) at an enchantment table? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Enchantment_Removed_Table: "&5 Enchantment %enc not added!."
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is removed at an anvil? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Enchantment_Removed_Anvil: null
# What message should be displayed when an enchantment is removed when trading with a villager? (Disable message by setting to: null)
Message_Enchantment_Removed_Trade: "&5 Enchantment %enc not added!."
#***************************************** Level Limit Customization **************************************#
#This plugin can work in two ways:
#Firstly, you can simply use this plugin to limit the level of an enchantment to something lower than that which is normal in vanilla minecraft,
#for example you might want to stop players from getting the best efficiency 5 enchantment so you could limit DIG_SPEED to, say, 2 - meaning that
#any efficiency enchantment that is higher than 2 will be changed to 2 making this the new maximum efficiency enchantment level.
#Secondly, you can use this plugin to actually increase the level of an enchantment to something higher than that which is normal in vanilla minecraft
#For example you might want to allow certain players (they need the permission) to get an efficiency 10 enchantment which is double what
#is normally possible in minecraft. In this case you would set DIG_SPEED to 10, the player will then have a chance of getting anywhere between
#efficiency 5 (the vanilla amount) and efficiency 10. The chance is the likelihood of each level increase out of 100, so 50 is a 50% chance of an increase
#for each additional level whereas 100 would be a guarantee of always increasing to the maximum possible value(in this case efficiency 10).
#Armour Enchantments
FROST_WALKER_Chance: 100
OXYGEN_Chance: 100
WATER_WORKER_Chance: 100
THORNS_Chance: 100
#Weapon Enchantments
DAMAGE_ALL_Chance: 100
KNOCKBACK_Chance: 100
FIRE_ASPECT_Chance: 100
#Tool Enchantments
DIG_SPEED_Chance: 100
SILK_TOUCH_Chance: 100
#Bow Enchantments
ARROW_DAMAGE_Chance: 100
ARROW_FIRE_Chance: 100
#Fishing Rod Enchantments
LUCK_Chance: 100
LURE_Chance: 100
#Universal Enchantments
DURABILITY_Chance: 100
MENDING_Chance: 100

View file

@ -1,157 +1,24 @@
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Notes | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
# If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
# - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
# - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
# - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrophe)
# - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks
# If you have problems join the Essentials help support channel:
# Version ${full.version}
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Essentials (Global) | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
ops-name-color: '4'
# The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
nickname-prefix: '~'
# The maximum length allowed in nicknames. The nickname prefix is included in this.
max-nick-length: 150
# When this option is enabled, nickname length checking will exclude color codes in player names.
# ie: "&6Notch" has 7 characters (2 are part of a color code), a length of 5 is used when this option is set to true
ignore-colors-in-max-nick-length: false
# Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
change-displayname: true
# When this option is enabled, the (tab) player list will be updated with the displayname.
# The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
#change-playerlist: true
# When EssentialsChat.jar isn't used, force essentials to add the prefix and suffix from permission plugins to displayname.
# This setting is ignored if EssentialsChat.jar is used, and defaults to 'true'.
# The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
# Do not edit this setting unless you know what you are doing!
#add-prefix-suffix: false
# When this option is enabled, player prefixes will be shown in the playerlist.
# This feature only works for Minecraft version 1.8 and higher.
# This value of change-playerlist has to be true
#add-prefix-in-playerlist: true
# When this option is enabled, player suffixes will be shown in the playerlist.
# This feature only works for Minecraft version 1.8 and higher.
# This value of change-playerlist has to be true
#add-suffix-in-playerlist: true
# If the teleport destination is unsafe, should players be teleported to the nearest safe location?
# If this is set to true, Essentials will attempt to teleport players close to the intended destination.
# If this is set to false, attempted teleports to unsafe locations will be cancelled with a warning.
teleport-safety: true
# This forcefully disables teleport safety checks without a warning if attempting to teleport to unsafe locations.
# teleport-safety and this option need to be set to true to force teleportation to dangerous locations.
force-disable-teleport-safety: false
# The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
teleport-cooldown: 10
# The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports. If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport is cancelled.
teleport-cooldown: 0
teleport-delay: 10
# The delay, in seconds, a player can't be attacked by other players after they have been teleported by a command.
# This will also prevent the player attacking other players.
teleport-invulnerability: 4
# Whether to make all teleportations go to the center of the block; where the x and z coordinates decimal become .5
teleport-to-center: true
# The delay, in seconds, required between /heal or /feed attempts.
heal-cooldown: 60
# Near Radius
# The default radius with /near
# Used to use chat radius but we are going to make it separate.
near-radius: 200
# What to prevent from /item and /give.
# e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 10,11,46
# Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules.
# Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
# Example permissions (these go in your permissions manager):
# - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
# - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
# - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
# - essentials.give.item-all
# - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
# - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
# - essentials.unlimited.item-all
# - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname]
# - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid]
# - essentials.unlimited.item-bucket # Unlimited liquid placing
# For more information, visit
permission-based-item-spawn: false
# Mob limit on the /spawnmob command per execution.
spawnmob-limit: 10
# Shall we notify users when using /lightning?
warn-on-smite: true
# Shall we drop items instead of adding to inventory if the target inventory is full?
drop-items-if-full: false
# Essentials Mail Notification
# Should we notify players if they have no new mail?
notify-no-new-mail: true
# Specifies the duration (in seconds) between each time a player is notified of mail they have.
# Useful for servers with a lot of mail traffic.
notify-player-of-mail-cooldown: 60
# The motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt.
# When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take priority.
# Commands in this list, will tell Essentials to 'not give up' the command to other plugins.
# In this state, which plugin 'wins' appears to be almost random.
# If you have two plugin with the same command and you wish to force Essentials to take over, you need an alias.
# To force essentials to take 'god' alias 'god' to 'egod'.
# See for more information.
# - god
# - info
# Disabling commands here will prevent Essentials handling the command, this will not affect command conflicts.
# You should not have to disable commands used in other plugins, they will automatically get priority.
# See to map commands to other plugins.
# - nick
# - clear
# These commands will be shown to players with socialSpy enabled.
# You can add commands from other plugins you may want to track or
# remove commands that are used for something you dont want to spy on.
# Set - '*' in order to listen on all possible commands.
- msg
- w
@ -174,32 +41,9 @@ socialspy-commands:
- etell
- ewhisper
- pm
- home
- tp
- tpa
- god
# Whether the private and public messages from muted players should appear in the social spy.
# If so, they will be differentiated from those sent by normal players.
socialspy-listen-muted-players: true
# Mute Commands
# These commands will be disabled when a player is muted.
# Use '*' to disable every command.
# Essentials already disabled Essentials messaging commands by default.
# It only cares about the root command, not args after that (it sees /f chat the same as /f)
- f
- kittycannon
# - '*'
# If you do not wish to use a permission system, you can define a list of 'player perms' below.
# This list has no effect if you are using a supported permissions system.
# If you are using an unsupported permissions system, simply delete this section.
# Whitelist the commands and permissions you wish to give players by default (everything else is op only).
# These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
# To enable this feature, please set use-bukkit-permissions to false.
- afk
@ -244,7 +88,6 @@ player-commands:
- rules
- realname
- seen
- sell
- sethome
- setxmpp
@ -280,286 +123,79 @@ player-commands:
- world
- worth
- xmpp
# When this option is enabled, one-time use kits (ie. delay < 0) will be
# removed from the /kit list when a player can no longer use it
- sell
skip-used-one-time-kits-from-kit-list: false
# Determines the functionality of the /createkit command.
# If this is true, /createkit will give the user a link with the kit code.
# If this is false, /createkit will add the kit to the kits.yml config file directly.
pastebin-createkit: false
# Essentials Sign Control
# See for instructions on how to use these.
# To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
# Essentials colored sign support will be enabled when any sign types are enabled.
# Color is not an actual sign, it's for enabling using color codes on signs, when the correct permissions are given.
#- color
#- balance
#- buy
#- sell
#- trade
#- free
#- disposal
#- warp
#- kit
#- mail
#- enchant
#- gamemode
#- heal
#- info
#- spawnmob
#- repair
#- time
#- weather
# How many times per second can Essentials signs be interacted with per player.
# Values should be between 1-20, 20 being virtually no lag protection.
# Lower numbers will reduce the possibility of lag, but may annoy players.
delay: 10
- 272 1
- 273 1
- 274 1
- 275 1
delay: 600
- 278 1 efficiency:1 durability:1 fortune:1 name:&4Gigadrill lore:The_drill_that_&npierces|the_heavens
- 277 1 digspeed:3 name:Dwarf lore:Diggy|Diggy|Hole
- 298 1 color:255,255,255 name:Top_Hat lore:Good_day,_Good_day
- 279:780 1
delay: 6000
- 397:3 1 player:Notch
delay: 6000
- 387 1 title:&4Book_&9o_&6Colors author:KHobbits lore:Ingame_color_codes book:Colors
delay: 6000
- 401 1 name:Angry_Creeper color:red fade:green type:creeper power:1
- 401 1 name:Starry_Night color:yellow,orange fade:blue type:star effect:trail,twinkle power:1
- 401 2 name:Solar_Wind color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:large effect:twinkle color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:ball effect:trail color:red,purple fade:pink shape:star effect:trail power:1
delay: 600
- BOAT 1
sign-use-per-second: 4
# List of sign names Essentials should not protect. This feature is especially useful when
# another plugin provides a sign that EssentialsX provides, but Essentials overrides.
# For example, if a plugin provides a [kit] sign, and you wish to use theirs instead of
# Essentials's, then simply add kit below and Essentials will not protect it.
# See for more information.
#- kit
# Backup runs a batch/bash command while saving is disabled.
# Interval in minutes.
interval: 30
# Unless you add a valid backup command or script here, this feature will be useless.
# Use 'save-all' to simply force regular world saving without backup.
#command: 'rdiff-backup World1 backups/World1'
# Set this true to enable permission per warp.
per-warp-permission: false
# Sort output of /list command by groups.
# You can hide and merge the groups displayed in /list by defining the desired behaviour here.
# Detailed instructions and examples can be found on the wiki:
# To merge groups, list the groups you wish to merge
#Staff: owner admin moderator
Admins: owner admin
# To limit groups, set a max user limit
#builder: 20
# To hide groups, set the group as hidden
#default: hidden
# Uncomment the line below to simply list all players with no grouping
#Players: '*'
# More output to the console.
debug: false
# Set the locale for all messages.
# If you don't set this, the default locale of the server will be used.
# For example, to set language to English, set locale to en, to use the file "".
# Don't forget to remove the # in front of the line.
# For more information, visit
#locale: en
# Turn off god mode when people leave the server.
remove-god-on-disconnect: false
# Auto-AFK
# After this timeout in seconds, the user will be set as AFK.
# This feature requires the player to have node.
# Set to -1 for no timeout.
auto-afk: 300
# Auto-AFK Kick
# After this timeout in seconds, the user will be kicked from the server.
# essentials.afk.kickexempt node overrides this feature.
# Set to -1 for no timeout.
auto-afk-kick: -1
# auto-afk-kick: 600
# Set this to true, if you want to freeze the player, if the player is AFK.
# Other players or monsters can't push the player out of AFK mode then.
# This will also enable temporary god mode for the AFK player.
# The player has to use the command /afk to leave the AFK mode.
auto-afk-kick: 600
freeze-afk-players: false
# When the player is AFK, should he be able to pickup items?
# Enable this, when you don't want people idling in mob traps.
disable-item-pickup-while-afk: true
# This setting controls if a player is marked as active on interaction.
# When this setting is false, the player would need to manually un-AFK using the /afk command.
cancel-afk-on-interact: false
# Should we automatically remove afk status when a player moves?
# Player will be removed from AFK on chat/command regardless of this setting.
# Disable this to reduce server lag.
disable-item-pickup-while-afk: false
cancel-afk-on-interact: true
cancel-afk-on-move: true
# Set the player's list name when they are AFK. This is none by default which specifies that Essentials
# should not interfere with the AFK player's list name.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
afk-list-name: "none"
# You can disable the death messages of Minecraft here.
afk-list-name: none
death-messages: true
# Should players with permissions be able to join and part silently?
# You can control this with essentials.silentjoin and essentials.silentquit permissions if it is enabled.
# In addition, people with essentials.silentjoin.vanish will be vanished on join.
allow-silent-join-quit: false
# You can set a custom join message here, set to "none" to disable.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
custom-join-message: "none"
# You can set a custom quit message here, set to "none" to disable.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
custom-quit-message: "none"
# Add worlds to this list, if you want to automatically disable god mode there.
# - world_nether
# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for teleporting between worlds with essentials commands.
# This applies to /world, /back, /tp[a|o][here|all], but not warps.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
# This does not affect the /home command, there is a separate toggle below for this.
custom-join-message: none
custom-quit-message: none
world-teleport-permissions: false
# The number of items given if the quantity parameter is left out in /item or /give.
# If this number is below 1, the maximum stack size size is given. If over-sized stacks.
# are not enabled, any number higher than the maximum stack size results in more than one stack.
default-stack-size: -1
# Over-sized stacks are stacks that ignore the normal max stack size.
# They can be obtained using /give and /item, if the player has essentials.oversizedstacks permission.
# How many items should be in an over-sized stack?
oversized-stacksize: 64
# Allow repair of enchanted weapons and armor.
# If you set this to false, you can still allow it for certain players using the permission.
repair-enchanted: true
# Allow 'unsafe' enchantments in kits and item spawning.
# Warning: Mixing and overleveling some enchantments can cause issues with clients, servers and plugins.
unsafe-enchantments: false
#Do you want Essentials to keep track of previous location for /back in the teleport listener?
#If you set this to true any plugin that uses teleport will have the previous location registered.
register-back-in-listener: false
#Delay to wait before people can cause attack damage after logging in.
login-attack-delay: 5
#Set the max fly speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
max-fly-speed: 0.8
#Set the max walk speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
max-walk-speed: 0.8
#Set the maximum amount of mail that can be sent within a minute.
mails-per-minute: 1000
# Set the maximum time /tempban can be used for in seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable, and essentials.tempban.unlimited can be used to override.
max-tempban-time: -1
# Changes /reply functionality. If true, /r goes to the person you messaged last, otherwise the first person that messaged you.
# If false, /r goes to the last person that messaged you.
last-message-reply-recipient: true
# If last-message-reply-recipient is true, this specifies the duration, in seconds, that would need to elapse for the
# reply-recipient to update when receiving a message.
# Default is 180 (3 minutes)
last-message-reply-recipient-timeout: 180
# Toggles whether or not clicking mobs with a milk bucket turns them into a baby.
milk-bucket-easter-egg: true
# Toggles whether or not the fly status message should be sent to players on join
send-fly-enable-on-join: true
# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for setting time for individual worlds with essentials commands.
# This applies to /time, /day, /eday, /night, /enight, /etime.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with<worldname>.
world-time-permissions: false
# Specify cooldown for both Essentials commands and external commands as well.
# All commands do not start with a Forward Slash (/). Instead of /msg, write msg
# Wildcards are supported. E.g.
# - '*i*': 50
# adds a 50 second cooldown to all commands that include the letter i
# EssentialsX supports regex by starting the command with a caret ^
# For example, to target commands starting with ban and not banip the following would be used:
# '^ban([^ip])( .*)?': 60 # 60 seconds /ban cooldown.
# Note: If you have a command that starts with ^, then you can escape it using backslash (\). e.g. \^command: 123
# feed: 100 # 100 second cooldown on /feed command
# '*': 5 # 5 Second cooldown on all commands
# Whether command cooldowns should be persistent past server shutdowns
command-cooldown-persistence: true
# Whether NPC balances should be listed in balance ranking features such as /balancetop.
# NPC balances can include features like factions from FactionsUUID plugin.
npcs-in-balance-ranking: false
# Allow bulk buying and selling signs when the player is sneaking.
# This is useful when a sign sells or buys one item at a time and the player wants to sell a bunch at once.
allow-bulk-buy-sell: true
# Delay for the MOTD display for players on join, in milliseconds.
# This has no effect if the MOTD command or permission are disabled.
delay-motd: 0
# A list of commands that should have their complementary confirm commands enabled by default.
# This is empty by default, for the latest list of valid commands see the latest source config.yml.
#- pay
#- clearinventory
# Set the timeout, in seconds for players to accept a tpa before the request is cancelled.
# Set to 0 for no timeout.
tpa-accept-cancellation: 120
# Allow players to set hats by clicking on their helmet slot.
allow-direct-hat: true
# Allow in-game players to specify a world when running /broadcastworld.
# If false, running /broadcastworld in-game will always send a message to the player's current world.
# This doesn't affect running the command from the console, where a world is always required.
allow-world-in-broadcastworld: true
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsHome | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Allows people to set their bed at daytime.
update-bed-at-daytime: true
# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for using homes to teleport between worlds.
# This applies to the /home only.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
world-home-permissions: false
# Allow players to have multiple homes.
# Players need essentials.sethome.multiple before they can have more than 1 home.
# You can set the default number of multiple homes using the 'default' rank below.
# To remove the home limit entirely, give people 'essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited'.
# To grant different home amounts to different people, you need to define a 'home-rank' below.
# Create the 'home-rank' below, and give the matching permission: essentials.sethome.multiple.<home-rank>
# For more information, visit
default: 2
member: 3
@ -568,137 +204,23 @@ sethome-multiple:
builder: 5
developer: 5
worldeditor: 6
staff: 10
mod: 10
admin: 20
# In this example someone with 'essentials.sethome.multiple' and '' will have 5 homes.
# Remember, they MUST have both permission nodes in order to be able to set multiple homes.
# Controls whether players need the permission "essentials.home.compass" in order to point
# the player's compass at their first home.
# Leaving this as false will retain Essentials' original behaviour, which is to always
# change the compass' direction to point towards their first home.
compass-towards-home-perm: false
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsEco | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# For more information, visit
# Defines the balance with which new players begin. Defaults to 0.
tpa-accept-cancellation: 120
starting-balance: 1000
# worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
# These are now defined in worth.yml
# Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
# Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
# /example costs $1000 PER USE
#example: 1000
# /kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
#kit-tools: 1500
# Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
# Remember, if you want to use special characters in this document,
# such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
currency-symbol: '$'
# Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
# The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
currency-symbol: $
max-money: 10000000000000
# Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
# Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely. Users need '' perm to go below 0.
min-money: -10000
# Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
economy-log-enabled: false
# Use this option to force superperms-based permissions handler regardless of detected installed perms plugin.
# This is useful if you want superperms-based permissions (with wildcards) for custom permissions plugins.
# If you wish to use EssentialsX' built-in permissions using the `player-commands` section above, set this to false.
# Default is true.
use-bukkit-permissions: false
# Minimum acceptable amount to be used in /pay.
minimum-pay-amount: 0.001
# The format of currency, excluding symbols. See currency-symbol-format-locale for symbol configuration.
# "#,##0.00" is how the majority of countries display currency.
#currency-format: "#,##0.00"
# Format currency symbols. Some locales use , and . interchangeably.
# Some formats do not display properly in-game due to faulty Minecraft font rendering.
# For 1.234,50 use de-DE
# For 1,234.50 use en-US
# For 1'234,50 use fr-ch
#currency-symbol-format-locale: en-US
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsHelp | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Show other plugins commands in help.
minimum-pay-amount: 0.01
non-ess-in-help: true
# Hide plugins which do not give a permission.
# You can override a true value here for a single plugin by adding a permission to a user/group.
# The individual permission is:<plugin>, anyone with essentials.* or '*' will see all help regardless.
# You can use negative permissions to remove access to just a single plugins help if the following is enabled.
hide-permissionless-help: true
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsChat | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires the EssentialsChat.jar to work.
# If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global.
# Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
# Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
# Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
# You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
radius: 0
# Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
# Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
# For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:
# For EssentialsX changes, take a look at the EssentialsX wiki:
#format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
#format: '&7{PREFIX}&r {DISPLAYNAME}&r &7{SUFFIX}&r: {MESSAGE}'
# Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
# If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsProtect | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires the EssentialsProtect.jar to work.
# General physics/behavior modifications.
lava-flow: false
water-flow: false
@ -725,10 +247,7 @@ protect:
enderdragon-blockdamage: true
enderman-pickup: false
villager-death: false
# Monsters won't follow players.
# permission essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass disables this.
entitytarget: false
# Prevent the spawning of creatures.
creeper: false
skeleton: false
@ -759,145 +278,35 @@ protect:
bat: false
witch: false
horse: false
# Maximum height the creeper should explode. -1 allows them to explode everywhere.
# Set prevent.creeper-explosion to true, if you want to disable creeper explosions.
max-height: -1
# Disable various default physics and behaviors.
# Should fall damage be disabled?
fall: false
# Users with the essentials.protect.pvp permission will still be able to attack each other if this is set to true.
# They will be unable to attack users without that same permission node.
pvp: false
# Should drowning damage be disabled?
# (Split into two behaviors; generally, you want both set to the same value.)
drown: false
suffocate: false
# Should damage via lava be disabled? Items that fall into lava will still burn to a crisp. ;)
lavadmg: false
# Should arrow damage be disabled?
projectiles: false
# This will disable damage from touching cacti.
contactdmg: false
# Burn, baby, burn! Should fire damage be disabled?
firedmg: false
# Should the damage after hit by a lightning be disabled?
lightning: false
# Should Wither damage be disabled?
wither: false
# Disable weather options?
storm: false
thunder: false
lightning: false
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsAntiBuild | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires the EssentialsAntiBuild.jar to work.
# Disable various default physics and behaviors
# For more information, visit
# Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build?
# Set true to disable building for those people.
# Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from building.
build: true
# Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items?
# Set true to disable using for those people.
# Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from using items.
use: true
# Should we tell people they are not allowed to build?
warn-on-build-disallow: true
# For which block types would you like to be alerted?
# You can find a list of IDs in plugins/Essentials/items.csv after loading Essentials for the first time.
# 10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
on-placement: 10,11,46,327
on-use: 327
# Which blocks should people be prevented from placing?
placement: 10,11,46,327
# Which items should people be prevented from using?
usage: 327
# Which blocks should people be prevented from breaking?
# Which blocks should not be pushed by pistons?
# Which blocks should not be dispensed by dispensers
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Essentials Spawn / New Players | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires essentialsspawn.jar to work.
# Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
# If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
# If not, set to ''
#announce-format: ''
announce-format: '&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME}&d to the server!'
# When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
# Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
spawnpoint: newbies
# Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
# This kit will be given regardless of cost and permissions, and will not trigger the kit delay.
kit: ''
#kit: tools
# What priority should we use for handling respawns?
# Set this to none, if you want vanilla respawning behaviour.
# Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning.
# Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
# Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
kit: none
respawn-listener-priority: high
# What priority should we use for handling spawning on joining the server?
# See respawn-listener-priority for possible values.
# Note: changing this may impact or break spawn-on-join functionality.
spawn-join-listener-priority: high
# When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
respawn-at-home: false
# Teleport all joining players to the spawnpoint
spawn-on-join: false
# The following value of `guests` states that all players in group `guests` will be teleported to spawn when joining.
#spawn-on-join: guests
# The following list value states that all players in group `guests` and `admin` are to be teleported to spawn when joining.
#- guests
#- admin
# End of file <-- No seriously, you're done with configuration.

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# These first 6 aren't configurable
issues: ""
wiki: ""
date: "5 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT"
build: ""
commit: ""
date: "25 Jun 2018 00:00:00 GMT"
build: ""
commit: ""
platform: "bukkit"
# Options: de, es, fr, nl, ru, tr
# Options: de, ru, tr
# Create a PR to contribute a translation:
language: ''
# Enable or disable automatic updates
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ experimental:
anvil-queue-mode: false
# [SAFE] Dynamically increase the number of chunks rendered
# - Requires Paper:
# - Set your server view distance to 3 (spigot.yml,
# - Set your server view distance to 1 (spigot.yml,
# - Based on tps and player movement
# - Please provide feedback
dynamic-chunk-rendering: -1
@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ experimental:
# [SAFE] Keep entities that are positioned in non-air blocks when editing an area
# Might cause client-side FPS lagg in some situations
keep-entities-in-blocks: false
# [SAFE] Experimental scripting support for Java 9
# -
modern-craftscripts: false
# This relates to how FAWE places chunks
@ -232,14 +229,6 @@ paths:
clipboard: "clipboard"
# Each player has their own sub directory for schematics
per-player-schematics: true
commands: "commands"
# Region restriction settings
# What type of users are allowed to WorldEdit in a region
# - MEMBER = Players added to a region
# - OWNER = Players who own the region
mode: "MEMBER"
# The "default" limit group affects those without a specific limit permission.
# To grant someone different limits, copy the default limits group
# and give it a different name (e.g. newbie). Then give the user the limit
@ -282,5 +271,3 @@ limits:
inventory-mode: 0
# Should large edits require confirmation (>16384 chunks)
confirm-large: true
# List of blocks to strip nbt from
strip-nbt: []

Jobs/Signs.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

Jobs/generalConfig.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
locale-language: en
# storage method, can be MySQL or sqlite
method: SqLite
method: sqlite
# Requires Mysql.
mysql-username: jobsreborn
mysql-password: 'NOPE'
mysql-username: root
mysql-password: ''
mysql-hostname: localhost:3306
mysql-database: jobs
mysql-database: minecraft
mysql-table-prefix: jobs_
verify-server-certificate: false
use-ssl: false
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ save-on-disconnect: false
selectionTool: 294
# Enable if you are using one data base for multiple servers across bungee network
# This will force to load players data every time he is logging in to have most up to date data instead of having preloaded data
# This will enable automatically save-on-disconnect feature
# This will enable automaticaly save-on-disconnect feature
MultiServerCompatability: false
# When set to true staff will be informed about new Jobs plugin version
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Optimizations:
# Warning!!! before enabling this feature, please make data base backup, just in case there will be some issues with data base cleaning
# When set to true, data base will be cleaned on each startup from user data to avoid having old player data
Use: false
# Any one who not played for defined amount of days, will be removed from data base
# Any one who not playied for defined amount of days, will be removed from data base
Days: 60
# Use or not auto join jobs feature
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Optimizations:
# For player to auto join job add permission node jobs.autojoin.[jobname]
# Op players are ignored
Delay: 15
# When set to true players who gets negative experience can delevel job up to level 1
# When set to true players who gets negavite experience can delevel job up to level 1
# ATTENTION! Set it to true only if you certain that commands performed on levelup will not cause issues if player start level and delevel in a row.
AllowDelevel: false
@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ Optimizations:
# With this set to true all players jobs actions will be logged to database for easy to see statistics
# This is still in development and in feature it will expand
Use: true
Use: false
# Do all players get a message when someone goes up a skill level?
# Do all players get a message when somone goes up a skill level?
use: false
# Do all players get a message when someone goes up a level?
# Do all players get a message when somone goes up a level?
use: false
# For what levels you want to broadcast message? Keep it at 0 if you want for all of them
@ -106,16 +106,15 @@ hide-jobsinfo-without-permission: false
enable-pay-near-spawner: false
# Option to allow payment to be made in creative mode
enable-pay-creative: false
# Option to allow payment to be made for exploring when player flies
# Option to allow payment to be made for exploring when player flyies
enable-pay-for-exploring-when-flying: false
# Adds the Jobs xp received to the player's Minecraft XP bar
# Adds the Jobs xp recieved to the player's Minecraft XP bar
add-xp-player: false
# Modifys chat to add chat titles. If you're using a chat manager, you may add the tag {jobs} to your chat format and disable this.
use: true
prefix: '&c['
suffix: '&c]&r'
separator: ' '
modify-chat: true
modify-chat-prefix: '&c['
modify-chat-suffix: '&c]&r'
modify-chat-separator: ' '
# Do you want to use custom item/block/mob/enchant/color names
# With this set to true names like Stone:1 will be translated to Granite
# Name list is in TranslatableWords.yml file
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ economy-batch-delay: 5
economy-async: true
# By disabling one of thies, players no longer will get particular payment.
# Useful for removing particular payment method without editing whole jobConfig file
# Usefull for removing particular payment method without editing whole jobConfig file
Money: true
Points: true
@ -158,21 +157,21 @@ Economy:
limit: 0.1
# Do you want to use dinamic payment dependent on how many players already working for jobs
# This can help automatically lift up payments for not so popular jobs and lower for most popular ones
use: true
# This can help automaticaly lift up payments for not so popular jobs and lower for most popular ones
use: false
equation: ((totalworkers / totaljobs) - jobstotalplayers)/10.0
MaxPenalty: 25.0
MaxBonus: 100.0
# Server economy account
# Server economy acount
# With this enabled, players will get money from defined user (server account)
# If this account don't have enough money to pay for players for, player will get message
# If this acount dont have enough money to pay for players for, player will get message
UseServerAcount: false
# Username should be with Correct capitalization
AcountName: Server
# Do you want to use taxes feature for jobs payment
use: false
# Username should be with Correct capitalization, it can be same as setup in server account before
# Username should be with Correct capitalization, it can be same as settup in server account before
AccountName: Server
# Amount in percentage
Amount: 15.0
@ -200,7 +199,7 @@ Economy:
TimeLimit: 3600
# Delay between announcements about reached money limit
# Keep this from 30 to 5 min (300), as players can get annoyed of constant message displaying
AnnouncementDelay: 30
AnnouncmentDelay: 30
# Point gain limit
# With this enabled, players will be limited how much they can make in defined time
@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ Economy:
TimeLimit: 3600
# Delay between announcements about reached limit
# Keep this from 30 to 5 min (300), as players can get annoyed of constant message displaying
AnnouncementDelay: 30
AnnouncmentDelay: 30
# Exp gain limit
# With this enabled, players will be limited how much they can get in defined time
# Time in seconds: 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 24 hours
@ -237,10 +236,10 @@ Economy:
TimeLimit: 3600
# Delay between announcements about reached Exp limit
# Keep this from 30 to 5 min (300), as players can get annoyed of constant message displaying
AnnouncementDelay: 30
AnnouncmentDelay: 30
# Do you want to give money for only renaming items in anvil
# Players will get full pay as they would for remaining two items when they only renaming one
# Players will get full pay as they would for remairing two items when they only renaming one
# This is not big issue, but if you want to disable it, you can
PayForRenaming: true
@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ Economy:
# With this true, when timer is still going, cow milking event will be canceled
# With this false, player will get bucket of milk, but still no payment
CancelMilking: false
# How ofter player can milk cows in seconds. Keep in mind that by default player can milk cow indefinitely and as often as he wants
# How ofter player can milk cows in seconds. Keep in mind that by default player can milk cow indefinetly and as often as he wants
# Set to 0 if you want to disable timer
Timer: 30
@ -259,16 +258,16 @@ ExploitProtections:
# When enabled, players interacted furnaces will be saved into file and will be reassigned after restart to keep giving out money
# Players will no longer need to click on furnace to get paid from it after server restart
Reassign: true
# Defines max available furnaces each player can have to get paid from
# This can be overridden with jobs.maxfurnaces.[amount] permission node
# Defines max avaible furnaces each player can have to get paid from
# This can be ovveriden with jobs.maxfurnaces.[amount] permission node
MaxDefaultAvailable: 20
# When enabled, players interacted brewing stands will be saved into file and will be reassigned after restart to keep giving out money
# Players will no longer need to click on brewing stand to get paid from it after server restart
Reassign: true
# Defines max available brewing stands each player can have to get paid from
# Defines max avaible brewing stands each player can have to get paid from
# Set to 0 if you want to disable this limitation
# This can be overridden with jobs.maxbrewingstands.[amount] permission node
# This can be ovveriden with jobs.maxbrewingstands.[amount] permission node
MaxDefaultAvailable: 20
# Enable blocks protection, like ore, from exploiting by placing and destroying same block again and again.
@ -276,7 +275,7 @@ ExploitProtections:
PlaceAndBreakProtection: true
# For how long in days to keep block protection data in data base
# This will clean block data which ones have -1 as cooldown value
# Data base cleanup will be performed on each server startup
# Data base cleannup will be performed on each server startup
KeepDataFor: 14
# All blocks will be protected X sec after player places it on ground.
@ -306,14 +305,14 @@ ExploitProtections:
enabled: true
# Prevent slime splitting when they are from spawner
# Protects agains exploiting as new splited slimes is treated as naturally spawned and not from spawner
# Prevent slime spliting when they are from spawner
# Protects agains exploiting as new splited slimes is treated as naturaly spawned and not from spawner
PreventSlimeSplit: true
# Prevent magmacube splitting when they are from spawner
# Prevent magmacube spliting when they are from spawner
PreventMagmaCubeSplit: true
# Prevent payments when hoppers moving items into furnace
# Player will not get paid, but items will be smelted
# Player will not get paid, but items will be smellted
PreventHopperFillUps: true
PreventBrewingStandFillUps: true
@ -398,8 +397,8 @@ JobsGUI:
# Do you want to show chat information when performing /jobs browse command
ShowChatBrowse: true
# With true left mouse button will join job and right will show more info
# With false left mouse button will show more info, right will join job
# Don't forget to adjust locale file
# With false left mouse button will show more info, rigth will join job
# Dont forget to adjust locale file
SwitcheButtons: false
# Defines size in rows of GUI
Rows: 5
@ -417,6 +416,3 @@ JobsGUI:
Data: 15
# Defines amount of players to be shown in one page for /jobs top & /jobs gtop
AmountToShow: 15

Jobs/jobConfig.yml Executable file → Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Jobs/restrictedAreas.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

Jobs/restrictedBlocks.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

@ -2,53 +2,152 @@
# Category name can be any you like to be easily recognized
# id can be actual block id (use /jobs blockinfo to get correct id) or use block name
# By setting time to -1 will keep block protected until global cleanup, mainly used for structure blocks like diamond
# If you want to have default value for all blocks, enable GlobalBlockTimer in generalConfig file
# If you want to have default value for all blocks, enale GlobalBlockTimer in generalConfig file
FERN: 60
RAIL: 60
SNOW: 60
VINE: 30
id: 6
cd: 60
id: 18
cd: 60
id: longgrass
cd: 60
id: 32
cd: 60
id: 66
cd: 60
id: 27
cd: 60
id: 28
cd: 60
id: 157
cd: 60
id: 30
cd: 60
id: 37
cd: 60
id: 38
cd: 60
id: 175
cd: 60
id: 39
cd: 60
id: 40
cd: 60
id: 50
cd: 60
id: 76
cd: 60
id: 65
cd: 5
id: 171
cd: 60
id: 77
cd: 5
id: 143
cd: 5
id: 69
cd: 60
id: 78
cd: 60
id: 80
cd: 60
id: 131
cd: 60
id: 132
cd: 60
id: 55
cd: 60
id: 93
cd: 60
id: 149
cd: 60
id: 111
cd: 30
id: 106
cd: 30
id: 59
cd: 5
id: 83
cd: 30
id: 81
cd: 30
id: 207
cd: 60
id: 142
cd: 60
id: 141
cd: 60
id: 115
cd: 60
id: 86
cd: 30
id: 104
cd: 30
id: 103
cd: 30
id: 105
cd: 30
id: goldore
cd: -1
id: ironore
cd: -1
id: coalore
cd: -1
id: lapisore
cd: -1
id: diamondore
cd: -1
id: redstoneore
cd: -1
id: emeraldore
cd: -1
id: quartzore
cd: -1

Jobs/schedule.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

Jobs/shopItems.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

Jobs/titleConfig.yml Executable file → Normal file
View file

LibsDisguises/config.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
# Shall I notify people of a LibsDisguises update?
NotifyUpdate: true
# The disguise plugin stores all GameProfiles inside a file called 'cache.yml'
# This means that the plugin doesn't need to constantly call Mojang just to find a skin for an offline player
# However some people may prefer to disable this.
# Even if you disable this, if there was disguises in the cache already then it will use them
SaveGameProfiles: true
# This option is useless if you don't enable SaveGameProfiles!
# If a player has been disguised before and their skin saved into the cache
# When they join the server will automatically update the cache incase they changed their skin
UpdateGameProfiles: true
# Saves disguises so that they persist after server shutdown, chunks unload, player logouts and so on.
# As such, this completely replaces the KeepDisguises aspect which has been removed except for the player death.
# Players - Are player disguises saved
# Entities - Are entities disguises saved (This is everything that's not a player)
# If you are using the dev builds, place your premium version of Lib's Disguises.jar inside the LibsDisguises folder
# This will enable premium only features for the dev builds.
# The saved disguises are saved in a json file format inside the plugin folder, there will be no other formats
Players: false
Entities: false
# Does the player keep their disguise after they die?
PlayerDeath: false
# Should the plugin use translations? Note that a player must see the message before it will appear in translations.yml
Translations: false
# How should the plugin handle self disguises scoreboards? It disables pushing in whichever team they're assigned.
# If you want them to be able to push again when they undisguise, set this to CREATE_SCOREBOARD
# I have to disable pushing or you will be pushed around by your own self disguise
# MODIFY_SCOREBOARD - Modifies the player's current team if possible, otherwise assigns them to a new scoreboard team.
# IGNORE_SCOREBOARD - Doesn't touch scoreboards at all, effectively means that if you didn't disable pushing in their scoreboard team; They will still be pushed around
# CREATE_SCOREBOARD - Creates a new team which copies the attributes of their previous scoreboard team which they are then assigned to. This means they keep nametag color and other options.
SelfDisguisesScoreboard: MODIFY_SCOREBOARD
# Whats the permission to get the notification?
Permission: 'libsdisguises.update'
# Whats the max size allowed for command disguiseradius
DisguiseRadiusMax: 50
# Whats the max size allowed for command undisguiseradius
UndisguiseRadiusMax: 50
# Shall the players view their disguises?
# Best used when viewing yourself in 3rd person
ViewSelfDisguises: true
# Shall I disguise the sounds?
# This turns your damage sound into a MOOOO
DisguiseSounds: true
# Shall the disguised hear their disguise sounds or their damage sounds.
# I disable this as it can be a little confusing when not used with self disguises
HearSelfDisguise: true
# Shall I send the velocity packets? I REALLY recommend you don't disable.
# This is the only thing allowing the mobs to fly without glitching out.
SendVelocity: true
# For self disguises, they need to have the armor and the held item removed
# Else they see floating armor, floating held items.
# This turns the items invisible in the disguised players inventory. It does not actually remove them!
# Be warned that in creative this can actually delete the item from the inventory due to a weird bug
RemoveArmor: true
RemoveHeldItem: false
# If you set a disguise to burning, it will no longer be able to be shown as sneaking or invisible.
# Set this to true if you want the disguise to get the animations of the disguised entity. Such as invisible, on fire, sprinting, sneaking, blocking
# This is only valid if you set a animation on the disguise itself. Because the entitys animations are applied otherwise.
AddEntityAnimations: true
# When a sheep or wolf is right clicked with dye. The client automatically assumes it was successful and displays the sheeps wool or the wolfs collar as dyed.
# This is a option that either prevents that happening, or it changes their color officially in the plugin so that everyone sees it changed.
# Its currently set to false which means that the color is not changed and will refresh itself to the player.
# Please note that this will not remove the dye from their hands. This also does not check if the disguised entity is actually a sheep/wolf and wants a say in its color.
DyeableSheep: false
DyeableWolf: false
# This is only called into action when the disguise is constructed using the commands.
# And when the disguise supports that. This will not be used at all for plugins constructing the disguises for instance.
# Such as prophunt. Its also false because its kind of a retarded feature.
# This is pretty simple. It shows the players displayname (Name as it appears in chat) above their head.
# This also overrides any custom name they have set in their disguise options.
# This does not take effect on player disguises
ShowNamesAboveDisguises: false
# This supports the above option.
# If this is true, then the name shown above the head appears regardless of if you are looking at the disguise directly or not.
NameAboveHeadAlwaysVisible: true
# This modifys the bounding box, This is stuff like can a arrow hit them.
# If you turn this to true, arrows will act like they hit the disguise in the right place!
# So someone disguised as a enderdragon will easily get shot down by arrows!
# This WILL conflict with NoCheatPlus. Other plugins may also get problems.
# This shouldn't really be enabled for players as it also interferes with their movement because the server thinks the player is larger than he really is.
# That makes the player unable to approach this building because the server thinks he is trying to glitch inside blocks.
# This feature is highly experimental and is garanteed to cause problems for players who are disguised
ModifyBoundingBox: false
# This prevents disguised players from being targeted by monsters.
# This doesn't prevent their targeting you if already targeting when disguised
# They will just ignore you unless provoked.
MonstersIgnoreDisguises: false
# This works only for players, disguised monsters and the like will not be undisguised
# Should the player's disguises be removed if he attacks something?
BlowDisguisesWhenAttacking: false
# Should the player's disguises be removed if he's attacked by something?
BlowDisguisesWhenAttacked: false
#Stop shulker disguises from moving, they're weird. This option only effects PLAYERS that are disguised, other entities disguised as shulkers will NOT be effected!
StopShulkerDisguisesFromMoving: true
# A option to choose how many seconds a DisguiseEntity command is valid for people to right click a entity to disguise it before expiring
DisguiseEntityExpire: 10
# Another option to choose the same thing for DisguiseClone command
DisguiseCloneExpire: 10
# Max disguises to store at a time with the DisguiseClone command
DisguiseCloneSize: 3
# This controls if a entitys max health is determined by the entity, or by the disguise.
# Wither is 200, a player is 20. With this enabled, a player disguised as a wither will have the boss bar health accurate to the players health.
# Else it will be 1/20 of the boss bar when he is full health.
# Setting this in LivingWatcher overrides both values.
MaxHealthDeterminedByEntity: true
# This here is a option to turn off misc disguises.
# This means you can not have a living entity disguise as a non-living entity.
# This disables the Attributes packet, Non-living entities can still disguise as other non-living
# This means that the above option will not work as it uses the attribute packet.
MiscDisguisesForLiving: true
# Turn this to true to have players undisguised when switching worlds
UndisguiseOnWorldChange: false
# Contact Mojang's servers? Disabling this option will disable player skin disguises!
ContactMojangServers: true
# Hide players in tab when disguised? This means a disguised player cannot be seen when you press tab! This can be toggled on/off per disguise
HideDisguisedPlayersFromTab: false
# Always show player disguises in tab? The names will continue to appear in tab until the disguise is removed.
ShowPlayerDisguisesInTab: false
# Don't like players able to set themselves invisible when using the disguise commands? Toggle this to true and no one can use setInvisible! Plugins can still use this however.
DisableInvisibility: false
# This will help performance, especially with CPU
# Due to safety reasons, self disguises can never have their packets disabled.
# This disables the animation packet. If a disguised entity sends a animation packet and they are using a non-living disguise. People will crash.
# Disabling this also means that if a player disguised as a non-player leaves a bug. People will crash
Animation: true
# Disabling this means that you can't use the setSleeping option on a player disguise. Also you will crash anyone watching when you try to sleep in a bed if disguised as a non-player
# This also sends a chunk packet at key positions else it doesn't work for 1.8. Lazyness means it does it for older versions too currently.
Bed: true
# This disguises the collect packet. If a living entity disguised as a non-living entity picks up a item. People will crash. This fixes it
# This also fixes people crashing if a item disguised as a sleeping player is picked up - Only true if Bed is enabled as well
Collect: true
# This disables a fix for when a disguised entity wearing armor dies, if the disguise can wear armor. It drops unpickupable items to anyone watching.
EntityStatus: true
# Entity equipment is the packets that are sent to ensure that a disguise has or doesn't have armor, and their held item.
# Disabling this means that any disguises which can wear armor or hold items will show the armor/held item that the disguised is wearing.
Equipment: true
# This doesn't actually disable the packet. It would introduce problems. Instead it does the next best thing and caches the data.
# This means that entity metadata will not change, and will only be sent in the spawn packet.
# This is good if performance is extremely in need.
# This is bad to disable unless you are ONLY going to use the disguises for decorations.
# To be honest. This is basically "Disable entity animations". That option is called 'AddEntityAnimations' in the config but unlike that, this is always in effect.
# Animations set by use of the api or through the disguise command are still in effect.
Metadata: true
# Movement packets are the biggest cpu hit. These are majorly used to ensure that the disguises facing direction isn't bugged up.
# If you are using the Item_Frame disguise, when a packet is sent (Roughly every 2min) the disguise will bug up until they move.
Movement: true
# Disable this if you don't mind crashing everytime you see someone riding something disguised as a non-living entity
Riding: true
# When disguised as a wither skull, it sends a look packet every tick so that the wither skull is facing the right way.
WitherSkull: true

View file

@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ blockstate:
# (like complete creative worlds) to save cpu and memory.
# default: []
ignoredWorlds: [plotworld]
ignoredWorlds: []
# BlockStateWorldEditIntegration

View file

@ -135,14 +135,4 @@ TownyWorldHeightLimits:
worldMin: -1
aboveTownSpawn: 96
worldMax: -1
underTownSpawn: 255
worldMin: -1
aboveTownSpawn: 96
worldMax: -1
underTownSpawn: 255
worldMin: -1
aboveTownSpawn: 96
worldMax: -1
DurabilityOverride: {}

View file

@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ vertCruiseSkipBlocks: 1
collisionExplosion: 0.0
detectionMultiplier: 10.0
underwaterDetectionMultiplier: 1.0
speed: 2.0
speed: 2.5
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4
cruiseSpeed: 0.75
cruiseSpeed: 0.5
fuelBurnRate: 2.0
sinkPercent: 99.0
overallSinkPercent: 60.0
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ flyblocks:
- 2.5
- 100.0
- 0.05
- 2.5
- 100.0
[54,146]: # limit chests to make big airships important for merchant missions
- 0.0

View file

@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ forbiddenBlocks:
canFly: true
canCruise: true
cruiseSpeed: 1.0
cruiseSpeed: 2.0
maxHeightLimit: 200
maxHeightAboveGround: 50
collisionExplosion: 0.0
fuelBurnRate: 2.0
explodeOnCrash: 2.0
cruiseSkipBlocks: 6
cruiseSkipBlocks: 1
sinkSpeed: 4.0
overallSinkPercent: 97.0
detectionMultiplier: 20.0
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ flyblocks:
- 2.5
- 100.0
- 0.05
- 2.5
- 100.0
145: # anvils are OP armor, so limit it
- 0.0

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -116,7 +117,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
canFly: true
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ maxHeightAboveGround: 100
vertCruiseSkipBlocks: 1
collisionExplosion: 0.0
speed: 0.75
cruiseSkipBlocks: 6
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4
cruiseSpeed: 0.35
fuelBurnRate: 4.0
sinkPercent: 99.0

View file

@ -95,8 +95,6 @@ forbiddenBlocks:
canFly: true
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 5
cruiseSpeed: 1.0
maxHeightLimit: 200
maxHeightAboveGround: 50
collisionExplosion: 0.0
@ -125,7 +123,7 @@ flyblocks:
- 2.5
- 100.0
- 0.05
- 2.5
- 100.0
145: # anvils are OP armor, so limit it
- 0.0

View file

@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
cruiseSpeed: 1.0
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 6
#depends mostly on the ship

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
name: CityGate
maxSize: 1000
minSize: 3
- "5:3" #Jungle Wood Planks
- "5:5" #Dark Oak Planks
- 162 #Dark Oak Logs
- 191 #Dark Oak Fence
- 190 #Jungle Fence
#- 69 #Lever
#- 33 #Piston
- 7 #Bedrock
- 34 #Piston Head
blockedByWater: true
allowHorizontalMovement: false
allowVerticalMovement: false
speed: 1.0
tryNudge: false
- 0.0
- 100.0

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4

View file

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ cruiseSkipBlocks: 0
canFly: false
minHeightLimit: 10
maxHeightLimit: 65
collisionExplosion: 6.0
collisionExplosion: 5.0
moveEntities: false
speed: 12.0
speed: 10.0
tryNudge: false
sinkPercent: 99.0

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
name: LaunchTorpedo
maxSize: 10
maxSize: 20
minSize: 2
- 173
- 7
useGravity: false
useGravity: true
hoverLimit: 0
canCruise: true
cruiseOnPilot: true
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ cruiseSkipBlocks: 0
canFly: false
minHeightLimit: 10
maxHeightLimit: 65
collisionExplosion: 8.0
collisionExplosion: 10.0
moveEntities: false
speed: 5.0
tryNudge: false

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -114,7 +115,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
canFly: true

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -112,7 +113,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -94,11 +95,9 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 6
cruiseSpeed: 2.0
#depends mostly on the ship
canFly: false
sinkPercent: 99.0

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 26
- 29
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 41
- 42
@ -95,7 +96,6 @@ allowedBlocks:
- 7
- 34 #Piston Head
canCruise: true
cruiseSkipBlocks: 4

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ multiverse-configuration:
silentstart: 'false'
messagecooldown: '5000'
version: '2.9'
firstspawnworld: luna
firstspawnworld: world
teleportcooldown: '1000'
defaultportalsearch: 'false'
portalsearchradius: '128'

View file

@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: Dungeons
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 0.0
y: 128.0
z: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'false'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '-2888845179815911706'
generator: VoidWorld
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: BACKUP_world
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 1407.0
y: 63.0
z: 123.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'false'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '7008642968894271479'
generator: TerrainControl
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: world_the_end
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '16.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: -4.710357902146693
y: 59.0
z: 0.6541565622183771
pitch: 2.5500019
yaw: -91.005165
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: THE_END
seed: '2133291894169730654'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: world
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
spawning: &id010
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
entryfee: &id011
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'false'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 1385.2648659554345
y: 71.04026167783364
z: -32.50617928137268
pitch: 90.0
yaw: 91.80102
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: &id012 []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '7008642968894271479'
generator: TerrainControl
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: test
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 705.0
y: 4.0
z: 93.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'false'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '1808669882861857288'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: world_nether
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '8.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 0.0
y: 92.0
z: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NETHER
seed: '2133291894169730654'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: plotworld
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'false'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'false'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'false'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'false'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'false'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: CREATIVE
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: -99.94598490882755
y: 65.0
z: 361.22998653715314
pitch: 26.886911
yaw: 2.6845398
autoLoad: 'false'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '-7282589520118052005'
generator: PlotSquared
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: flatworld
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'false'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'false'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'false'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: CREATIVE
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 170.0
y: 15.0
z: -39.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'false'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '4622440486943241231'
generator: flat
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: OldRegionFiles
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
currency: '-1'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 0.0
y: 128.0
z: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'false'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '-144931670761317394'
generator: VoidWorld
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: world
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: NORMAL
spawning: *id010
entryfee: *id011
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 2.384034371076785
y: 71.0
z: 0.4918349035618148
pitch: 17.100275
yaw: -269.4009
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: *id012
environment: NORMAL
seed: '7008642968894271479'
generator: TerrainControl
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
- plot
- plots
- p
- plotsquared
- plot2
- p2
- ps
- '2'
- plotme
- plotz
- ap
usage: ''
description: ''
confirmation: false
- buy
usage: /plot buy
description: Buy the plot you are standing on
confirmation: false
- save
- backup
usage: ''
description: Save your plot
confirmation: false
- load
- restore
usage: /plot restore
description: Load your plot
confirmation: false
- confirm
usage: ''
description: Confirm an action
confirmation: false
- template
usage: /plot template [import|export] <world> <template>
description: Create or use a world template
confirmation: false
- download
- dl
usage: /plot download [schematic|bo3|world]
description: Download your plot
confirmation: false
- changelog
- cl
usage: /plot changelog
description: View the changelog
confirmation: false
- setup
- create
usage: /plot setup
description: Setup wizard for plot worlds
confirmation: false
- area
- world
usage: /plot area <create|info|list|tp|regen>
description: Create a new PlotArea
confirmation: true
- debugsavetest
usage: /plot debugsavetest
description: This command will force the recreation of all plots in the DB
confirmation: false
- debugloadtest
usage: /plot debugloadtest
description: This debug command will force the reload of all plots in the DB
confirmation: false
- createroadschematic
- crs
usage: /plot createroadschematic
description: Add a road schematic to your world using the roads around your current
confirmation: false
- debugallowunsafe
usage: /plot debugallowunsafe
description: Allow unsafe actions until toggled off
confirmation: false
- regenallroads
- rgar
usage: /plot regenallroads <world> [height]
description: Regenerate all roads in the map using the set road schematic
confirmation: false
- claim
- c
usage: /plot claim
description: Claim the current plot you're standing on
confirmation: false
- auto
- a
usage: /plot auto [length,width]
description: Claim the nearest plot
confirmation: false
- visit
- v
- tp
- teleport
- goto
- home
- h
usage: /plot visit [<player>|<alias>|<world>|<id>] [#]
description: Visit someones plot
confirmation: false
- set
- s
usage: /plot set <biome|alias|home|flag> <value...>
description: Set a plot value
confirmation: false
- clear
- reset
usage: /plot clear
description: Clear a plot
confirmation: true
- delete
- dispose
- del
- reset
usage: /plot delete
description: Delete a plot
confirmation: true
- trust
- t
usage: /plot trust <player>
description: Allow a player to build in a plot
confirmation: false
- add
usage: /plot add <player>
description: Allow a user to build while you are online
confirmation: false
- leave
usage: ''
description: Leave a plot
confirmation: false
- deny
- d
- ban
usage: /plot deny <player>
description: Deny a user from a plot
confirmation: false
- remove
- r
- untrust
- ut
- undeny
- unban
- ud
usage: /plot remove <player>
description: Remove a player from a plot
confirmation: false
- info
- i
usage: /plot info <id>
description: Display plot info
confirmation: false
- near
- n
usage: /plot near
description: Display nearby players
confirmation: false
- list
- l
- find
- search
usage: /plot list <forsale|mine|shared|world|top|all|unowned|unknown|player|world|done|fuzzy
<search...>> [#]
description: List plots
confirmation: false
- debug
usage: /plot debug [msg]
description: Show debug information
confirmation: false
- schematic
- sch
usage: /plot schematic <arg...>
description: Schematic command
confirmation: false
- plugin
- version
usage: ''
description: Show plugin information
confirmation: false
- purge
usage: /plot purge world:<world> area:<area> id:<id> owner:<owner> shared:<shared>
description: Purge all plots for a world
confirmation: true
- reload
usage: /plot reload
description: Reload configurations
confirmation: false
- relight
usage: ''
description: Relight your plot
confirmation: false
- merge
- m
usage: /plot merge <all|n|e|s|w> [removeroads]
description: Merge the plot you are standing on, with another plot
confirmation: true
- debugpaste
- dp
usage: /plot debugpaste
description: Upload settings.yml, worlds.yml, commands.yml and latest.log to
confirmation: false
- unlink
- u
- unmerge
usage: /plot unlink
description: Unlink a mega-plot
confirmation: true
- kick
- k
usage: <player>
description: Kick a player from your plot
confirmation: false
- rate
- rt
usage: /plot rate [#|next|purge]
description: Rate the plot
confirmation: false
- debugclaimtest
usage: ''
description: If you accidentally delete your database, this command will attempt
to restore all plots based on the data from plot signs. Execution time may vary
confirmation: false
- inbox
usage: /plot inbox [inbox] [delete <index>|clear|page]
description: Review the comments for a plot
confirmation: false
- comment
- msg
usage: ''
description: Comment on a plot
confirmation: false
- database
- convert
usage: /plot database [area] <sqlite|mysql|import>
description: Convert/Backup Storage
confirmation: false
- swap
- switch
usage: /plot swap <X;Z>
description: Swap two plots
confirmation: false
- music
usage: /plot music
description: Player music in a plot
confirmation: false
- debugroadregen
usage: /plot debugroadregen
description: Regenerate all roads based on the road schematic
confirmation: false
- debugexec
- exec
- $
usage: ''
description: Mutli-purpose debug command
confirmation: false
- setflag
- f
- flag
- setf
- setflag
usage: /plot flag <set|remove|add|list|info> <flag> <value>
description: Set plot flags
confirmation: false
- target
usage: /plot target <<plot>|nearest>
description: Target a plot with your compass
confirmation: false
- debugfixflags
usage: /plot debugfixflags <world>
description: Attempt to fix all flags for a world
confirmation: false
- move
- debugmove
usage: /plot move <X;Z>
description: Move a plot
confirmation: false
- condense
usage: ''
description: Condense a plotworld
confirmation: false
- copy
- copypaste
usage: /plot copy <X;Z>
description: Copy a plot
confirmation: false
- chat
usage: /plot chat [on|off]
description: Toggle plot chat on or off
confirmation: false
- trim
usage: /plot trim <world> [regenerate]
description: Delete unmodified portions of your plotworld
confirmation: false
- done
- submit
usage: ''
description: Mark a plot as done
confirmation: false
- continue
usage: ''
description: Continue a plot that was previously marked as done
confirmation: false
- bo3
- bo2
usage: ''
description: Mark a plot as done
confirmation: false
- middle
- center
- centre
usage: /plot middle
description: Teleports you to the center of the plot
confirmation: false
- grant
usage: /plot grant <check|add> [player]
description: ''
confirmation: false
- setowner
- owner
- so
- seto
usage: /plot setowner <player>
description: Set the plot owner
confirmation: true
- setdescription
- desc
- setdesc
- setd
- description
usage: /plot desc <description>
description: Set the plot description
confirmation: false
- setbiome
- biome
- sb
- setb
- b
usage: /plot biome [biome]
description: Set the plot biome
confirmation: false
- setalias
- alias
- sa
- name
- rename
- setname
- seta
- nameplot
usage: /plot alias <set|remove> <alias>
description: Set the plot name
confirmation: false
- sethome
- sh
- seth
usage: /plot sethome [none]
description: Set the plot home
confirmation: false
- cluster
- clusters
usage: ''
description: Manage a plot cluster
confirmation: false
- debugimportworlds
usage: ''
description: Import worlds by player name
confirmation: false
- toggle
- attribute
usage: ''
description: Toggle per user settings
confirmation: false
- worldedit
- we
- wea
usage: ''
description: Toggle worldedit area restrictions
confirmation: false
- titles
usage: ''
description: Toggle plot title messages
confirmation: false
- chatspy
- spy
usage: ''
description: Toggle admin chat spying
confirmation: false
- clear-confirmation
usage: ''
description: Toggle autoclear confirmation
confirmation: false
- chat
usage: ''
description: Toggle plot chat
confirmation: false
- help
- he
- '?'
usage: help [category|#]
description: Get this help menu
confirmation: false
- uuidconvert
usage: /plot uuidconvert <lower|offline|online>
description: Debug UUID conversion
confirmation: false
- weanywhere
- wea
usage: /plot weanywhere
description: Force bypass of WorldEdit
confirmation: false
- trimchunks
usage: /plot trimchunks <world> <boolean-delete-unowned>
description: Delete unmodified portions of your plotworld
confirmation: false
- generatebiome
- bg
- gb
usage: /plots generatebiome <biome>
description: Generate a biome in your plot
confirmation: false
- moveto512
usage: /plots moveto512 [world]
description: Move plots to a 512 sized region
confirmation: false

View file

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# These first 7 aren't configurable
issues: ""
suggestion: ""
wiki: ""
date: "26 Jan 2019 00:00:00 GMT"
build: ""
commit: ""
platform: "Bukkit"
# Show additional information in console
debug: true
# The big annoying text that appears when you enter a plot
# For a single plot: `/plot flag set titles false`
# For just you: `/plot toggle titles`
titles: true
# Enable or disable part of the plugin
# Note: A cache will use some memory if enabled
# The database stores all the plots
database: true
# Events are needed to track a lot of things
events: true
# Commands are used to interact with the plugin
commands: true
# The UUID cacher is used to resolve player names
uuid-cache: true
# The plugin auto updater
updater: true
# Stores user metadata in a database
persistent-meta: true
# Optimizes permission checks
permission-cache: true
# Optimizes block changing code
block-cache: true
# Getting a rating won't need the database
rating-cache: true
# The converter will attempt to convert the PlotMe database
plotme-converter: true
# Allow WorldEdit to be restricted to plots
worldedit-restrictions: true
# Allow economy to be used
economy: true
# Send anonymous usage statistics. Bukkit only setting.
metrics: true
# Expiry will clear old or simplistic plots
plot-expiry: false
# Processes chunks (trimming, or entity/tile limits)
chunk-processor: false
# Kill mobs on roads
kill-road-mobs: false
# Kill items on roads
kill-road-items: false
# Kill vehicles on roads
kill-road-vehicles: false
# Notify a player of any missed comments upon plot entry
comment-notifier: false
# Let player's claim entire worlds with PlotSquared
worlds: false
# Actively purge invalid database entries
database-purger: false
# Delete plots when a player is banned
ban-deleter: false
categories: []
# The max plots claimed in a single `/plot auto <size>` command
max-auto-area: 4
# Disable redstone in unoccupied plots
disable-unoccupied: false
# Disable redstone when all owners/trusted/members are offline
disable-offline: false
# Detect and cancel invalid pistons on the edge of plots (e.g. placed with WorldEdit)
detect-invalid-edge-pistons: false
# Teleport to your plot on death
on-death: false
# Teleport to your plot on login
on-login: false
# Add a teleportation delay to all commands
delay: 0
# The visit command is ordered by world instead of globally
per-world-visit: false
# Teleport to your plot on death
confirmation-timeout-seconds: 20
# Switching from PlotMe?
# Cache the uuids from the PlotMe database
cache-uuds: false
# Relating to how many plots someone can claim
# Should the limit be global (over multiple worlds)
global: false
# The range of permissions to check e.g. plots.plot.127
max-plots: 127
# Sometimes console color doesn't work, you can disable it here
console-color: true
# Should chat be interactive
interactive: true
# Require a done plot to download
required-for-download: false
# Only done plots can be rated
required-for-ratings: false
# Restrict building when a plot is done
restrict-building: false
# The limit being how many plots a player can claim
counts-towards-limit: true
# The web interface for schematics
# - All schematics are anonymous and private
# - Downloads can be deleted by the user
# - Supports plot uploads, downloads and saves
url: ""
# The web interface for assets
# - All schematics are organized and public
# - Assets can be searched, selected and downloaded
assets: ""
# Configure the paths that will be used
schematics: "schematics"
bo3: "bo3"
scripts: "scripts"
templates: "templates"
translations: "translations"
# Force using offline UUIDs (it usually detects the right mode)
offline: false
# Force using lowercase UUIDs
force-lowercase: false
# Use a database to store UUID/name info
use-sqluuidhandler: false
# Auto trim will not save chunks which aren't claimed
auto-trim: false
# Max tile entities per chunk
max-tiles: 4096
# Max entities per chunk
max-entities: 512
# Disable block physics
disable-physics: false
# This is an auto clearing task called `task1`
threshold: 1
required-plots: -1
confirmation: true
days: 7
skip-account-age-days: -1
- "*"
# See:
variety: 0
variety-sd: 0
changes: 0
changes-sd: 1
faces: 0
faces-sd: 0
data-sd: 0
air: 0
air-sd: 0
data: 0

View file

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
height: 64
biome: FOREST
size: 42
- '1:0'
auto_merge: false
bedrock: true
create_signs: true
- '2:0'
filling: '1:0'
block_claimed: '44:1'
height: 64
block: '44:0'
misc_spawn_unowned: false
block: '155:0'
height: 64
width: 7
nonmembers: side
default: side
specify_on_claim: false
on_claim: false
file: 'null'
merge: 100
sell: 100
claim: 100
use: false
enabled: false
max-members: 128
max_height: 256
gamemode: creative
min_height: 1
border: false
egg: false
breeding: false
custom: true
natural_mob_spawning: false
mob_spawner_spawning: false
flags: {}
mob_damage: false

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
Need to script something quick with PlotSquared?
/plot debugexec runasync automerge.js <removeroads>
This is an example script that will auto merge all plots
The following utility classes are usable:
- PS
- TaskManager
- TitleManager
- ConsolePlayer
- SchematicHandler
- ChunkManager
- BlockManager
- SetupUtils
- EventUtil
- UUIDHandler
- DBFunc
- HybridUtils
- IMP ( BukkitMain or SpongeMain)
- MainCommand
- MainUtil
- Settings
- StringMan
- MathMan
- C ( use C_ )
- Permissions ( use Permissions_ )
For more information see:
var plots = PS.sortPlots(PS.getPlots());
PS.class.static.log("Attempting to auto merge " + plots.size() + " plots");
if ("%s0" === "true") {
for (var i = 0; i < plots.size(); i++) {
var plot = plots.get(i);
else if ("%s0" === "false") {
for (var i = 0; i < plots.size(); i++) {
var plot = plots.get(i);
else {
C_COMMAND_SYNTAX.send(PlotPlayer, "/plot debugexec automerge.js <removeroads>");
MainUtil.sendMessage(PlotPlayer, "$1<removeroads> is true or false if you want to remove roads when auto merging");

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# This is the main configuration file for Bukkit.
# As you can see, there's actually not that much to configure without any plugins.
# For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki at
# If you need help on this file, feel free to join us on irc or leave a message
# on the forums asking for advice.
# IRC: #spigot @
# (If this means nothing to you, just go to )
# Forums:
# Bug tracker:
allow-end: true
warn-on-overload: true
permissions-file: permissions.yml
update-folder: update
plugin-profiling: false
connection-throttle: 4000
query-plugins: true
deprecated-verbose: default
shutdown-message: Server closed
monsters: 70
animals: 15
water-animals: 5
ambient: 15
period-in-ticks: 600
load-threshold: 0
animal-spawns: 400
monster-spawns: 1
autosave: 6000
aliases: now-in-commands.yml
username: bukkit
driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
password: 'NOPE'
url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
generator: TerrainControl

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# This is the commands configuration file for Bukkit.
# For documentation on how to make use of this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki at
# If you need help on this file, feel free to join us on irc or leave a message
# on the forums asking for advice.
# IRC: #spigot @
# (If this means nothing to you, just go to )
# Forums:
# Bug tracker:
command-block-overrides: []
unrestricted-advancements: false
- version $1-

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# This is the help configuration file for Bukkit.
# By default you do not need to modify this file. Help topics for all plugin commands are automatically provided by
# or extracted from your installed plugins. You only need to modify this file if you wish to add new help pages to
# your server or override the help pages of existing plugin commands.
# This file is divided up into the following parts:
# -- general-topics: lists admin defined help topics
# -- index-topics: lists admin defined index topics
# -- amend-topics: lists topic amendments to apply to existing help topics
# -- ignore-plugins: lists any plugins that should be excluded from help
# Examples are given below. When amending command topic, the string <text> will be replaced with the existing value
# in the help topic. Color codes can be used in topic text. The color code character is & followed by 0-F.
# ================================================================
# Set this to true to list the individual command help topics in the master help.
# command-topics-in-master-index: true
# Each general topic will show up as a separate topic in the help index along with all the plugin command topics.
# general-topics:
# Rules:
# shortText: Rules of the server
# fullText: |
# &61. Be kind to your fellow players.
# &B2. No griefing.
# &D3. No swearing.
# permission: topics.rules
# Each index topic will show up as a separate sub-index in the help index along with all the plugin command topics.
# To override the default help index (displayed when the user executes /help), name the index topic "Default".
# index-topics:
# Ban Commands:
# shortText: Player banning commands
# preamble: Moderator - do not abuse these commands
# permission: op
# commands:
# - /ban
# - /ban-ip
# - /banlist
# Topic amendments are used to change the content of automatically generated plugin command topics.
# amended-topics:
# /stop:
# shortText: Stops the server its tracks!
# fullText: <text> - This kills the server.
# permission: you.dont.have
# Any plugin in the ignored plugins list will be excluded from help. The name must match the name displayed by
# the /plugins command. Ignore "Bukkit" to remove the standard bukkit commands from the index. Ignore "All"
# to completely disable automatic help topic generation.
# ignore-plugins:
# - PluginNameOne
# - PluginNameTwo
# - PluginNameThree

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
echo "$1"
#if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
# echo "Specify what to search for."
# exit
shopt -s nullglob
#echo "${fs[@]}"
for f in "${fs[@]}"
echo File: $f
gunzip -c $f | grep "$1"

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# Only read the error stream from the plugin
echo Make sure to only give the integer part of the coordinates!
echo Also, second coordinate must be larger than the first
: ${5?"I need more!
Usage: $0 <path-to-backup> <coordX1> <coordZ1> <coordX2> <coordZ2>"}
for X in $(seq $X1 $X2); do
for Z in $(seq $Z1 $Z2); do
echo "Unzipping region ($X,$Z)..." >&2
#unzip "$1" "world/region/r.$X.$Z.mca" -d backupextract
unzip -j -u "$1" "world/region/r.$X.$Z.mca" -d /minecraft/main/BACKUP_world/region # -j: Don't retain folder structure
echo "Backup restoration finished!" >&2

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
source /etc/screenrc
multiuser on
aclchg norbipeti +rwx "#?" # acladd
aclchg iie +rwx "#?"
aclchg ghostise +rwx "#?"
aclchg figytuna +rwx "#?"
# detach - for some reason it doesn't color the prompt if I detach automatically in any way

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#Minecraft server properties
#Wed Aug 01 12:01:40 UTC 2018
server-name=Unknown Server
motd=Welcome to Chromagaming\nThank you to all of our patrons\!

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# sudo screen -S servertest -t "Main Server" -c screenconf -d -m -s bash
# sudo screen -S devtest -t "Dev Server" -c screenconf -d -m -s bash
sudo screen -S server -t "Main Server" -c screenconf sh -c 'echo Main Server; cd /minecraft/main; exec bash'
sudo screen -S dev -t "Dev Server" -c screenconf sh -c 'echo Dev Server; cd /minecraft/dev; exec bash'

View file

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
# This is the main configuration file for Spigot.
# As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use
# with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.
# For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Spigot wiki at
# If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Spigot,
# join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post.
# IRC: #spigot @ ( )
# Forums:
config-version: 11
save-user-cache-on-stop-only: false
bungeecord: false
late-bind: false
sample-count: 12
player-shuffle: 0
filter-creative-items: true
user-cache-size: 1000
int-cache-limit: 1024
moved-wrongly-threshold: 0.0625
moved-too-quickly-multiplier: 10.0
item-dirty-ticks: 20
timeout-time: 60
restart-on-crash: true
restart-script: ./
netty-threads: 4
max: 2048.0
max: 2048.0
max: 2048.0
debug: false
whitelist: You are not whitelisted on this server!
unknown-command: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
server-full: The server is full!
outdated-client: Outdated client! Please use {0}
outdated-server: Outdated server! I'm still on {0}
restart: Server is restarting
tab-complete: 0
log: true
- /skill
silent-commandblock-console: false
- setblock
- summon
- testforblock
- tellraw
disable-saving: false
- minecraft:story/disabled
disable-saving: false
forced-stats: {}
verbose: true
mob-spawn-range: 4
cactus-modifier: 100
cane-modifier: 100
melon-modifier: 100
mushroom-modifier: 100
pumpkin-modifier: 100
sapling-modifier: 100
wheat-modifier: 100
netherwart-modifier: 100
vine-modifier: 100
cocoa-modifier: 100
animals: 32
monsters: 32
misc: 16
tick-inactive-villagers: true
players: 48
animals: 48
monsters: 48
misc: 32
other: 64
hopper-transfer: 8
hopper-check: 1
hopper-amount: 1
random-light-updates: false
save-structure-info: true
dragon-death-sound-radius: 0
seed-village: 10387312
seed-feature: 14357617
seed-monument: 10387313
seed-slime: 987234911
jump-walk-exhaustion: 0.05
jump-sprint-exhaustion: 0.2
combat-exhaustion: 0.1
regen-exhaustion: 6.0
swim-multiplier: 0.01
sprint-multiplier: 0.1
other-multiplier: 0.0
max-tnt-per-tick: 100
tile: 50
entity: 50
min: 45.0
item-despawn-rate: 6000
item: 2.5
exp: 3.0
arrow-despawn-rate: 1200
enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: true
wither-spawn-sound-radius: 0
view-distance: 10
hanging-tick-frequency: 100
zombie-aggressive-towards-villager: true
nerf-spawner-mobs: false

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
shopt -s nullglob
#echo "${fs[@]}"
for f in "${fs[@]}"
echo File: $f
gunzip -c $f | grep "Msg]"

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
!!buttondevteam.serverrunner.Config {restartAt: 12, serverParams: -Djline.terminal=jline.UnixTerminal
-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=80 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=10 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=50 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled
-Xms2G -Xmx4G, serverVersion: 1.12.2, customJar: paper-1618.jar}

SmartSpawn/config.yml Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
x: -0.30000001192092896
y: 71.0
z: 0.538454286384327
world: luna
yaw: -269.84985
pitch: 1.3502265
warmup: 5
cooldown: 0

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | The TerrainControl Plugin Config File | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# How this config file will be treated.
# Possible Write Modes:
# WriteAll - Write config files with help comments
# WriteWithoutComments - Write config files without help comments
# WriteDisable - Doesn't write to the config files, it only reads.
# Doesn't auto-update the configs. Use with care!
# Defaults to: WriteAll
SettingsMode: WriteAll
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Log Levels | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is the level with which logs will be produced.
# Possible Log Levels
# Off - Bare logging; This will only show FATAL and ERROR logs
# Quiet - Minimal logging; This will show FATAL, ERROR, and WARN logs
# Standard - Default logging; This is exactly what you are used to. Quiet + INFO logs
# Debug - Above Normal logging; Standard logs + DEBUG logs
# Trace - Verbose logging; This gets very messy, Debug logs + TRACE logs
# Defaults to: Standard
LogLevel: Standard
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | File Extension Rules | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Default Biome File Extension #
# Pre-TC 2.5.0, biome config files were in the form BiomeNameBiomeConfig.ini
# Now, biome config files are in the form BiomeName.bc.ini
# You may change this by choosing between the following extensions:
# BiomeConfig.ini, .biome, .bc, .bc.ini, and .biome.ini
# Defaults to: .bc
BiomeConfigExtension: .bc

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #FADE55
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
BiomeIsBorder: Ocean
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
NotBorderNear: River, Swampland, Extreme Hills, Ice Plains Spikes, Ice Plains, Cold Taiga, Cold Taiga Hills, Cold Taiga M, Ice Mountains, MushroomIsland, Deep Ocean, Cold Beach, Stone Beach, Mesa
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.025
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:sand
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:sand
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.8
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.4
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: false
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: []
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

View file

@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #1F502E
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Birch Forest M
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.55
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.5
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.6
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.6
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #1F5F32
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Birch Forest
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.45
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.3
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.6
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.6
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #4E6E58
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.2
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.4
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.6
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.6
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #307444
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.1
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.2
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.6
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.6
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #FAF0C0
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.025
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:sand
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:sand
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.05
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: false
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: []
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 35
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #243F36
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Cold Taiga
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.45
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.3
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.0
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.4
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:wolf", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #2E5046
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.3
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.4
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.0
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.4
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:wolf", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 35
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #31554A
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.2
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.2
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.0
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.4
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: igloo
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:wolf", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #000030
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Ocean
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 4
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 100
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: -1.8
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.1
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.5
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.5
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: false
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: true
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: []
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #E58208
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.225
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.25
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:sand
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:sand
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 2.0
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.0
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: sandstone
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: desertPyramid
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 19, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 1, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:husk", "weight": 80, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #FA9418
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
BiomeIsBorder: Mesa
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
NotBorderNear: Ocean, Mesa Plateau, Mesa Plateau F, Mesa Plateau M, Mesa Plateau F M, Mesa (Bryce)
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.125
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.05
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:sand
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:sand
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 2.0
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.0
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: sandstone
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: desertPyramid
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 19, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 1, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:husk", "weight": 80, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #D25F12
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Desert
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.45
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.3
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:sand
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:sand
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 2.0
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.0
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: sandstone
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: desertPyramid
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 19, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 1, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:husk", "weight": 80, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #5F7E5F
# Replace this biome to specified after the terrain is generated.
# This will make the world files contain the id of the specified biome, instead of the id of this biome.
# This will cause saplings, colors and mob spawning work as in specified biome.
ReplaceToBiomeName: Extreme Hills
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.9
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 10
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 1.8
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: -0.5
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
SurfaceAndGroundControl: minecraft:gravel, minecraft:gravel, -1.0, minecraft:grass, minecraft:dirt, 2.0, minecraft:gravel, minecraft:gravel, 10.0
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.2
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is where you configure mob spawning. Mobs spawn in groups,
# see
# A mobgroups is made of four parts. They are mob, weight, min and max.
# The mob is one of the Minecraft internal mob names.
# See
# The weight is used for a random selection. This is a positive integer.
# The min is the minimum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# The max is the maximum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# Mob groups are written to the config files in Json.
# Json is a tree document format:
# Write a mobgroup like this: {"mob": "mobname", "weight": integer, "min": integer, "max": integer}
# For example: {"mob": "Ocelot", "weight": 10, "min": 2, "max": 6}
# For example: {"mob": "MushroomCow", "weight": 5, "min": 2, "max": 2}
# A json list of mobgroups looks like this: [mobgroup, mobgroup, mobgroup...]
# This would be an ampty list: []
# You can validate your json here:
# There are four categories of mobs: monsters, creatures, water creatures and ambient creatures.
# In custom biomes, you can add your own mobgroups in the lists below. In the vanilla biomes,
# your changes are ignored.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "zombie", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #72789A
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
BiomeIsBorder: Extreme Hills
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
NotBorderNear: Extreme Hills+
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.8
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.3
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.2
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:llama", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 6}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #525252
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.5
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
SurfaceAndGroundControl: minecraft:gravel, minecraft:gravel, -1.0, minecraft:grass, minecraft:dirt, 2.0, minecraft:gravel, minecraft:gravel, 10.0
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.2
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:llama", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 6}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #20206D
# Replace this biome to specified after the terrain is generated.
# This will make the world files contain the id of the specified biome, instead of the id of this biome.
# This will cause saplings, colors and mob spawning work as in specified biome.
ReplaceToBiomeName: Extreme Hills
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: -1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.1
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 3
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.7
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: -0.5
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:stone
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:stone
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.5
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.5
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: false
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: true
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is where you configure mob spawning. Mobs spawn in groups,
# see
# A mobgroups is made of four parts. They are mob, weight, min and max.
# The mob is one of the Minecraft internal mob names.
# See
# The weight is used for a random selection. This is a positive integer.
# The min is the minimum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# The max is the maximum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# Mob groups are written to the config files in Json.
# Json is a tree document format:
# Write a mobgroup like this: {"mob": "mobname", "weight": integer, "min": integer, "max": integer}
# For example: {"mob": "Ocelot", "weight": 10, "min": 2, "max": 6}
# For example: {"mob": "MushroomCow", "weight": 5, "min": 2, "max": 2}
# A json list of mobgroups looks like this: [mobgroup, mobgroup, mobgroup...]
# This would be an ampty list: []
# You can validate your json here:
# There are four categories of mobs: monsters, creatures, water creatures and ambient creatures.
# In custom biomes, you can add your own mobgroups in the lists below. In the vanilla biomes,
# your changes are ignored.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "zombie", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: []
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

View file

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #BFBFBF
# Replace this biome to specified after the terrain is generated.
# This will make the world files contain the id of the specified biome, instead of the id of this biome.
# This will cause saplings, colors and mob spawning work as in specified biome.
ReplaceToBiomeName: Extreme Hills
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.5
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
SurfaceAndGroundControl: minecraft:grass, minecraft:dirt, 1.0, minecraft:stone, minecraft:stone, 10.0
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.1
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is where you configure mob spawning. Mobs spawn in groups,
# see
# A mobgroups is made of four parts. They are mob, weight, min and max.
# The mob is one of the Minecraft internal mob names.
# See
# The weight is used for a random selection. This is a positive integer.
# The min is the minimum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# The max is the maximum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# Mob groups are written to the config files in Json.
# Json is a tree document format:
# Write a mobgroup like this: {"mob": "mobname", "weight": integer, "min": integer, "max": integer}
# For example: {"mob": "Ocelot", "weight": 10, "min": 2, "max": 6}
# For example: {"mob": "MushroomCow", "weight": 5, "min": 2, "max": 2}
# A json list of mobgroups looks like this: [mobgroup, mobgroup, mobgroup...]
# This would be an ampty list: []
# You can validate your json here:
# There are four categories of mobs: monsters, creatures, water creatures and ambient creatures.
# In custom biomes, you can add your own mobgroups in the lists below. In the vanilla biomes,
# your changes are ignored.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "zombie", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #466246
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Extreme Hills M
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.5
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
SurfaceAndGroundControl: minecraft:gravel, minecraft:gravel, -1.0, minecraft:grass, minecraft:dirt, 2.0, minecraft:gravel, minecraft:gravel, 10.0
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.2
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:llama", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 6}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #507050
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Extreme Hills
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.5
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.2
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:llama", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 6}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #606060
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 97
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 1.0
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.5
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
SurfaceAndGroundControl: minecraft:grass, minecraft:dirt, 1.0, minecraft:stone, minecraft:stone, 10.0
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.2
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.3
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:llama", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 6}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 10
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #2D8E49
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Plains
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.1
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.4
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.7
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.8
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:rabbit", "weight": 4, "min": 2, "max": 3}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #076D24
# Replace this biome to specified after the terrain is generated.
# This will make the world files contain the id of the specified biome, instead of the id of this biome.
# This will cause saplings, colors and mob spawning work as in specified biome.
ReplaceToBiomeName: Forest
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Plains
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.1
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.05
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.7
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.8
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is where you configure mob spawning. Mobs spawn in groups,
# see
# A mobgroups is made of four parts. They are mob, weight, min and max.
# The mob is one of the Minecraft internal mob names.
# See
# The weight is used for a random selection. This is a positive integer.
# The min is the minimum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# The max is the maximum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# Mob groups are written to the config files in Json.
# Json is a tree document format:
# Write a mobgroup like this: {"mob": "mobname", "weight": integer, "min": integer, "max": integer}
# For example: {"mob": "Ocelot", "weight": 10, "min": 2, "max": 6}
# For example: {"mob": "MushroomCow", "weight": 5, "min": 2, "max": 2}
# A json list of mobgroups looks like this: [mobgroup, mobgroup, mobgroup...]
# This would be an ampty list: []
# You can validate your json here:
# There are four categories of mobs: monsters, creatures, water creatures and ambient creatures.
# In custom biomes, you can add your own mobgroups in the lists below. In the vanilla biomes,
# your changes are ignored.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "zombie", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #056621
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Plains
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.1
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.2
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.7
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.8
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:wolf", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
BiomeExtends: Plains
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #30680b
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Plains
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.1
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.2
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: STONE
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: GRASS
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: DIRT
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: ICE
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.7
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.8
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# It's not possible to change mob spawns in vanilla biomes. These
# are the values used by vanilla for this biome. They are read-only:
# changes to this setting are ignored and overwritten.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "minecraft:spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie", "weight": 95, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:zombie_villager", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}, {"mob": "minecraft:skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "minecraft:wolf", "weight": 5, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "minecraft:bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome Inheritance | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This should be the value of the biomeConfig you wish to extend.
# The extended config will be loaded, at which point the configs included below
# will overwrite any configs loaded from the extended config.
BiomeExtends: Plains
# When set to true, all resources of the parent biome (if any) will be copied
# to the resources queue of this biome. If a resource in the parent biome looks
# very similar to that of a child biome (for example, two ores of the same type)
# it won't be copied.
ResourceInheritance: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Biome placement | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Biome size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Defines in which biome layer this biome will be generated (see GenerationDepth).
# Higher numbers give a smaller biome, lower numbers a larger biome.
# How this setting is used depends on the value of BiomeMode in the WorldConfig.
# It will be used for:
# - normal biomes, ice biomes, isle biomes and border biomes when BiomeMode is set to BeforeGroups
# - biomes spawned as part of a BiomeGroup when BiomeMode is set to Normal.
# For biomes spawned as isles, borders or rivers other settings are available.
# Isle biomes: BiomeSizeWhenIsle (see below)
# Border biomes: BiomeSizeWhenBorder (see below)
# River biomes: RiverSize (see WorldConfig)
BiomeSize: 4
# Biome rarity from 100 to 1. If this is normal or ice biome - chance for spawn this biome then others.
# Example for normal biome :
# 100 rarity mean 1/6 chance than other ( with 6 default normal biomes).
# 50 rarity mean 1/11 chance than other
# For isle biomes see the BiomeRarityWhenIsle setting below.
# Doesn`t work on Ocean and River (frozen versions too) biomes when not added as normal biome.
BiomeRarity: 100
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /tc map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #30680B
# Replace this biome to specified after the terrain is generated.
# This will make the world files contain the id of the specified biome, instead of the id of this biome.
# This will cause saplings, colors and mob spawning work as in specified biome.
# Isle biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as an isle, you need to add it first to the
# IsleBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes in which this biome will spawn as an isle.
# For example, Mushroom Isles spawn inside the Ocean biome.
IsleInBiome: Plains
# Size of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* islands. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenIsle number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenIsle: 6
# Rarity of this biome when spawned as an isle biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
BiomeRarityWhenIsle: 96
# Border biomes only #
# To spawn a biome as a border, you need to add it first to the
# BorderBiomes list in the WorldConfig.
# List of biomes this biome can be a border of.
# For example, the Beach biome is a border on the Ocean biome, so
# it can spawn anywhere on the border of an ocean.
# List of biomes that cancel spawning of this biome.
# For example, the Beach biome will never spawn next to an Extreme Hills biome.
# Size of this biome when spawned as a border biome in BiomeMode: Normal.
# Valid values range from 0 to GenerationDepth.
# Larger numbers give *smaller* borders. The biome must be smaller than the biome it's going
# to spawn in, so the BiomeSizeWhenBorder number must be larger than the BiomeSize of the other biome.
BiomeSizeWhenBorder: 8
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# BiomeHeight mean how much height will be added in terrain generation
# It is double value from -10.0 to 10.0
# Value 0.0 equivalent half of map height with all other default settings
BiomeHeight: 0.1
# Biome volatility.
BiomeVolatility: 0.2
# Smooth radius between biomes. Must be between 0 and 32, inclusive. The resulting
# smooth radius seems to be (thisSmoothRadius + 1 + smoothRadiusOfBiomeOnOtherSide) * 4 .
# So if two biomes next to each other have both a smooth radius of 2, the
# resulting smooth area will be (2 + 1 + 2) * 4 = 20 blocks wide.
SmoothRadius: 2
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain will rise before leveling off when it begins to increase in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either increase to a lower height before leveling out or decrease in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageHeight: 0.0
# If this value is greater than 0, then it will affect how much, on average, the terrain (usually at the ottom of the ocean) will fall before leveling off when it begins to decrease in elevation.
# If the value is less than 0, then it will cause the terrain to either fall to a lesser depth before leveling out or increase in height if the value is a large enough negative.
MaxAverageDepth: 0.0
# Another type of noise. This noise is independent from biomes. The larger the values the more chaotic/volatile landscape generation becomes.
# Setting the values to negative will have the opposite effect and make landscape generation calmer/gentler.
Volatility1: 0.0
Volatility2: 0.0
# Adjust the weight of the corresponding volatility settings. This allows you to change how prevalent you want either of the volatility settings to be in the terrain.
VolatilityWeight1: 0.5
VolatilityWeight2: 0.45
# Disable all noises except Volatility1 and Volatility2. Also disable default block chance from height.
DisableBiomeHeight: false
# List of custom height factors, 17 double entries, each controls about 7
# blocks height, starting at the bottom of the world. Positive entry - larger chance of spawn blocks, negative - smaller
# Values which affect your configuration may be found only experimentally. Values may be very big, like ~3000.0 depends from height
# Example:
# CustomHeightControl:0.0,-2500.0,0.0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
# Makes empty layer above bedrock layer.
CustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Rivers | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# There are two different river systems - the standard one and the improved one.
# See the ImprovedRivers settting in the WorldConfig. Both modes have different
# river settings, so carefully read the headers to know which settings you can use.
# ImprovedRivers:false #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to false in the WorldConfig.
# Sets which biome is used as the river biome.
RiverBiome: River
# ImprovedRivers:true #
# Only available when ImprovedRivers is set to true in the WorldConfig.
# Works the same as BiomeHeight (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverHeight: -1.0
# Works the same as BiomeVolatility (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverVolatility: 0.3
# Works the same as WaterLevelMax (scroll down), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
# Can be used to create elevated rivers
RiverWaterLevel: 63
# Works the same as CustomHeightControl (scroll up), but is used where a river is generated in this biome
RiverCustomHeightControl: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Change this to generate something else than stone in the biome.
StoneBlock: minecraft:stone
# Surface block, usually GRASS.
SurfaceBlock: minecraft:grass
# Block from stone to surface, like dirt in most biomes.
GroundBlock: minecraft:dirt
# Setting for biomes with more complex surface and ground blocks.
# Each column in the world has a noise value from what appears to be -7 to 7.
# Values near 0 are more common than values near -7 and 7. This setting is
# used to change the surface block based on the noise value for the column.
# Syntax: SurfaceBlockName,GroundBlockName,MaxNoise,[AnotherSurfaceBlockName,[AnotherGroundBlockName,MaxNoise[,...]]
# Example: SurfaceAndGroundControl: STONE,STONE,-0.8,GRAVEL,STONE,0.0,DIRT,DIRT,10.0
# When the noise is below -0.8, stone is the surface and ground block, between -0.8 and 0
# gravel with stone just below and between 0.0 and 10.0 there's only dirt.
# Because 10.0 is higher than the noise can ever get, the normal SurfaceBlock
# and GroundBlock will never appear in this biome.
# Alternatively, you can use Mesa, MesaForest or MesaBryce to get blocks
# like the blocks found in the Mesa biomes.
# Replace Variable: (blockFrom,blockTo[:blockDataTo][,minHeight,maxHeight])
# Example :
# ReplacedBlocks: (GRASS,DIRT,100,127),(GRAVEL,GLASS)
# Replace grass block to dirt from 100 to 127 height and replace gravel to glass on all height
ReplacedBlocks: None
# Water / Lava & Frozen States #
# Set this to false to use the "Water / Lava & Frozen States" settings of this biome.
UseWorldWaterLevel: true
# Set water level. Every empty between this levels will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevelMax
WaterBlock: minecraft:water
# Block used as ice. Ice only spawns if the BiomeTemperture is low enough.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice
# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visuals and weather | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Most of the settings here only have an effect on players with the client version of Terrain Control installed.
# Biome temperature. Float value from 0.0 to 2.0.
# When this value is around 0.2, snow will fall on mountain peaks above y=90.
# When this value is around 0.1, the whole biome will be covered in snow and ice.
# However, on default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeTemperature: 0.7
# Biome wetness. Float value from 0.0 to 1.0.
# If this biome is a custom biome, and this value is set to 0, no rain will fall.
# On default biomes, this won't do anything except changing the grass and leaves colors slightly.
BiomeWetness: 0.8
# Biome sky color.
SkyColor: #7BA5FF
# Biome water color multiplier.
WaterColor: #FFFFFF
# Biome grass color.
GrassColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the grass color is a multiplier.
# If you set it to true, the color will be based on this value, the BiomeTemperature and the BiomeWetness.
# If you set it to false, the grass color will be just this color.
GrassColorIsMultiplier: true
# Biome foliage color.
FoliageColor: #FFFFFF
# Whether the foliage color is a multiplier. See GrassColorIsMultiplier for details.
FoliageColorIsMultiplier: true
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Resource queue | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section control all resources spawning after terrain generation.
# The resources will be placed in this order.
# Keep in mind that a high size, frequency or rarity might slow down terrain generation.
# Possible resources:
# DoResourceInheritance(true|false)
# SmallLake(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Dungeon(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# UnderGroundLake(MinSize,MaxSize,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Ore(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# UnderWaterOre(BlockName,Size,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# CustomObject(Object[,AnotherObject[,...]])
# CustomStructure([Object,Object_Chance[,AnotherObject,Object_Chance[,...]]])
# SurfacePatch(BlockName,DecorationBlockName,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]
# Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeTypeChance[,AdditionalTreeType,AdditionalTreeTypeChance.....])
# Plant(PlantType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Grass(PlantType,Grouped/NotGrouped,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Reed(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Cactus(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# Liquid(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....])
# AboveWaterRes(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity)
# Vines(Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude)
# Vein(BlockName,MinRadius,MaxRadius,Rarity,OreSize,OreFrequency,OreRarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Well(BaseBlockName,HalfSlabBlockName,WaterBlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..])
# Boulder(BlockName,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,..]
# IceSpike(BlockName,IceSpikeType,Frequency,Rarity,MinAltitude,MaxAltitude,Blocksource[,BlockSource2,...])
# BlockName: must be the name of a block. May include block data, like "WOOL:1".
# BlockSource: list of blocks the resource can spawn on/in. You can also use "Solid" or "All".
# Frequency: number of attempts to place this resource in each chunk.
# Rarity: chance for each attempt, Rarity:100 - mean 100% to pass, Rarity:1 - mean 1% to pass.
# MinAltitude and MaxAltitude: height limits.
# BlockSource: mean where or whereupon resource will be placed
# TreeType: Tree (original oak tree) - BigTree - Birch - TallBirch - SwampTree -
# HugeMushroom (randomly red or brown) - HugeRedMushroom - HugeBrownMushroom -
# Taiga1 - Taiga2 - HugeTaiga1 - HugeTaiga2 -
# JungleTree (the huge jungle tree) - GroundBush - CocoaTree (smaller jungle tree)
# DarkOak (from the roofed forest biome) - Acacia
# You can also use your own custom objects, as long as they have set Tree to true in their settings.
# TreeTypeChance: similar to Rarity. Example:
# Tree(10,Taiga1,35,Taiga2,100) - plugin tries 10 times, for each attempt it tries to place Taiga1 (35% chance),
# if that fails, it attempts to place Taiga2 (100% chance).
# PlantType: one of the plant types: Allium, AzureBluet, BlueOrchid, BrownMushroom, Dandelion, DeadBush, DoubleTallgrass, Fern, LargeFern, Lilac, OrangeTulip, OxeyeDaisy, Peony, PinkTulip, Poppy, RedMushroom, RedTulip, RoseBush, Sunflower, Tallgrass, WhiteTulip
# or simply a BlockName
# IceSpikeType: one of the ice spike types: Basement,HugeSpike,SmallSpike
# Object: can be a any kind of custom object (bo2 or bo3) but without the file extension. You can
# also use UseWorld to spawn one of the object in the WorldObjects folder and UseBiome to spawn
# one of the objects in the BiomeObjects setting. When using BO2s for UseWorld, the BO2 must have
# this biome in their spawnInBiome setting.
# Plant and Grass resource: both a resource of one block. Plant can place blocks underground, Grass cannot.
# Liquid resource: a one-block water or lava source
# SmallLake and UnderGroundLake resources: small lakes of about 8x8 blocks
# Vein resource: not in vanilla. Starts an area where ores will spawn. Can be slow, so use a low Rarity (smaller than 1).
# CustomStructure resource: starts a BO3 structure in the chunk.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Sapling resource | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# TerrainControl allows you to grow your custom objects from saplings, instead
# of the vanilla trees. Add one or more Sapling functions here to override vanilla
# spawning for that sapling.
# The syntax is: Sapling(SaplingType,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....])
# Works like Tree resource instead first parameter.
# Sapling types: All, Oak, Redwood, Birch, SmallJungle, BigJungle, RedMushroom, BrownMushroom, Acacia, DarkOak, HugeRedwood
# All - will make the tree spawn from all saplings, but not from mushrooms.
# BigJungle - for when 4 jungle saplings grow at once.
# RedMushroom/BrownMushroom - will only grow when bonemeal is used.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom objects | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# These objects will spawn when using the UseBiome keyword.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here you can change, enable or disable the stuctures.
# If you have disabled the structure in the WorldConfig, it won't spawn,
# regardless of these settings.
# Disables strongholds for this biome. If there is no suitable biome nearby,
# Minecraft will ignore this setting.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# Whether an Ocean Monument can be placed in this biome.
OceanMonumentsEnabled: false
# Whether a Nether Fortress can start in this biome. Might extend to neighbor biomes.
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# Whether Woodland Mansions are enabled in this biome.
MansionsEnabled: false
# The village type in this biome. Can be wood, sandstone or disabled.
VillageType: disabled
# The mineshaft type in this biome. Can be normal, mesa or disabled.
MineshaftType: normal
# The mineshaft rarity from 0 to 100. 0 = no mineshafts, 1 = default rarity, 100 = a wooden chaos.
# Note that mineshafts will never spawn, regardless of this setting, if
# MineshaftType was set to disabled
MineshaftRarity: 1.0
# The type of the aboveground rare building in this biome. Can be desertPyramid, jungleTemple, swampHut, igloo or disabled.
RareBuildingType: disabled
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Mob spawning | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is where you configure mob spawning. Mobs spawn in groups,
# see
# A mobgroups is made of four parts. They are mob, weight, min and max.
# The mob is one of the Minecraft internal mob names.
# See
# The weight is used for a random selection. This is a positive integer.
# The min is the minimum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# The max is the maximum amount of mobs spawning as a group. This is a positive integer.
# Mob groups are written to the config files in Json.
# Json is a tree document format:
# Write a mobgroup like this: {"mob": "mobname", "weight": integer, "min": integer, "max": integer}
# For example: {"mob": "Ocelot", "weight": 10, "min": 2, "max": 6}
# For example: {"mob": "MushroomCow", "weight": 5, "min": 2, "max": 2}
# A json list of mobgroups looks like this: [mobgroup, mobgroup, mobgroup...]
# This would be an ampty list: []
# You can validate your json here:
# There are four categories of mobs: monsters, creatures, water creatures and ambient creatures.
# In custom biomes, you can add your own mobgroups in the lists below. In the vanilla biomes,
# your changes are ignored.
# The monsters (skeletons, zombies, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnMonsters: [{"mob": "spider", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "zombie", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "skeleton", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "creeper", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "slime", "weight": 100, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "enderman", "weight": 10, "min": 1, "max": 4}, {"mob": "witch", "weight": 5, "min": 1, "max": 1}]
# The friendly creatures (cows, pigs, etc.) that spawn in this biome
SpawnCreatures: [{"mob": "sheep", "weight": 12, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "pig", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "chicken", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}, {"mob": "cow", "weight": 8, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The water creatures (only squids in vanilla) that spawn in this biome
SpawnWaterCreatures: [{"mob": "squid", "weight": 10, "min": 4, "max": 4}]
# The ambient creatures (only bats in vanila) that spawn in this biome
SpawnAmbientCreatures: [{"mob": "bat", "weight": 10, "min": 8, "max": 8}]

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