# Block protected by timer in sec # Category name can be any you like to be easily recognized # id can be actual block id (use /jobs blockinfo to get correct id) or use block name # By setting time to -1 will keep block protected until global cleanup, mainly used for structure blocks like diamond # If you want to have default value for all blocks, enable GlobalBlockTimer in generalConfig file blocksTimer: ACACIA_SAPLING: 60 BIRCH_LEAVES: 60 FERN: 60 DEAD_BUSH: 60 RAIL: 60 POWERED_RAIL: 60 DETECTOR_RAIL: 60 ACTIVATOR_RAIL: 60 COBWEB: 60 DANDELION: 60 ALLIUM: 60 LARGE_FERN: 60 BROWN_MUSHROOM: 60 RED_MUSHROOM: 60 TORCH: 60 REDSTONE_TORCH: 60 LADDER: 5 BLACK_CARPET: 60 STONE_BUTTON: 5 OAK_BUTTON: 5 LEVER: 60 SNOW: 60 SNOW_BLOCK: 60 TRIPWIRE_HOOK: 60 TRIPWIRE: 60 REDSTONE_WIRE: 60 LEGACY_DIODE_BLOCK_OFF: 60 LILY_PAD: 30 VINE: 30 LEGACY_WHEAT: 5 LEGACY_SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK: 30 CACTUS: 30 BEETROOTS: 60 POTATOES: 60 CARROTS: 60 LEGACY_NETHER_WARTS: 60 PUMPKIN: 30 PUMPKIN_STEM: 30 MELON: 30 MELON_STEM: 30 GOLD_ORE: -1 IRON_ORE: -1 COAL_ORE: -1 LAPIS_ORE: -1 DIAMOND_ORE: -1 REDSTONE_ORE: -1 EMERALD_ORE: -1 NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE: -1