# BetterChairs Remastered # # Support: https://Sprax.me/Discord # Updates and Information: # Statistics: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/BetterChairs%20Remastered/8214 # Information for developers: https://github.com/SpraxDev/BetterChairs/wiki # You shouldn't make any changes to this version: 3 Chairs: # Enabling this makes BetterChairs use Arrows instead of ArmorStands. # ArmorStands are made invisible so the player doesn't see anything of the magic happening when sitting. # But Spigot can be very unreliable on some versions (e.g. players instantly stopping to sit) # # If you are experiencing issues with ArmorStands, enable this option. SitOnArrows: false # Allowed distance a player is allowed to have when trying to sit? (-1 to ignore) AllowedDistanceToChair: -1 # Should a player automatically look forward when starting to sit AutoRotatePlayer: true # Does a player need his hands empty when trying to sit? NeedEmptyHands: true # Does a chair need signs on both sides attached to be detected as an chair NeedsSignsOnBothSides: false # Enable this if you want players to be able to sit on chairs # while other plugins (like WorldGuard or PlotSquared) are not # allowing interactions/use with the chair blocks. IgnoreOtherPluginsPreventingInteract: false # Enable this if you want BetterChairs to remember a player who used /bc after a plugin reload or him rejoining RememberIfPlayerDisabledChairsAfterRelogin: true Position: # Set to false, if you do not care about a player suffocating while sitting NeedAirAbove: true # Set to false, to force chairs to have a block below them AllowAirBelow: true # Can stairs be chairs? UseStairs: true # Can half slabs be chairs too? UseSlabs: false LeavingChair: # Should a player be teleported to its original position when leaving a chair TeleportPlayerToOldLocation: true # Should a player keep his head rotation when teleported to its original position KeepHeadRotation: true # This controls whether players can switch seats while already sitting. # If 'Chairs.LeavingChair.TeleportPlayerToOldLocation' is set, # the player will be teleported to the *first* location they startet sitting at. AllowSwitchingSeats: false Messages: # Should the player receive a message when the chair is already occupied AlreadyOccupied: false # Should the player receive a message when a chair is missing signs on both sided NeedsSignsOnBothSides: false # Should the player receive a message when he starts sitting NowSitting: false Regeneration: # Should player receive regeneration effect when sitting? Enabled: false # Should only players with the permission 'BetterChairs.regeneration' get the effect? CheckPermission: true # What amplifier should be applied? Amplifier: 1 Filter: Worlds: # Should we only enable chairs in specific worlds? Enabled: false # Should be the list below be used as blacklist or whitelist? UseAsBlacklist: false # List of all enabled/disabled worlds Names: - worldname - worldname2 Blocks: # Should we only enable specific blocks as chairs? Enabled: false # Setting this to true, won't check if a chair # is a stair or slab but only look if it is in the list below # # This is kinda experimental. # Enabling overwrites 'UseStairs' and 'UseSlabs' further above AllowAllTypes: false # Should be the list below be used as blacklist or whitelist? UseAsBlacklist: false # List of all enabled/disabled block types # # The names from Minecraft do not always work # Full list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html Names: - blockname - blockname2 Updater: # Should we check for new versions and report to the console? (Recommended) CheckForUpdates: true # Should be notify admins when they join the server? (Permission: BetterChairs.updater) NotifyOnJoin: true