# Chest Shop Notifier # Config file for 1.3.3 logging: admin-shop: true notifications: notify-on-user-join: true delay-seconds: 5 history: max-rows: 10 query-limit: 10000 debugging: verbose: true database: # Possible types: SQLite and MySQL type: mysql dbname: 'NOPENOPE' # MySQL specific settings host: 'na01-sql.pebblehost.com' port: 3306 username: 'NOPENOPE' password: 'NOPE' ssl: true clean-on-startup: enabled: false parameters: "--older-than 30 --all" messages: sales: "&c ** You made &f{sales} sales&c since you last checked." history-cmd: "&c ** To see them, type &f/csn history&c." history-caption: "&dChestShop Notifier // &7Latest Commissions" history-empty: "&cNothing to show." history-bought: "&a+ &9{player} &7bought &a{count}x&9{item} &f{timeago}&7 ago &a(+{money})" history-bought-read: "&a+ &7{player} &8bought &a{count}x&7{item} &7{timeago}&8 ago &a(+{money})" history-sold: "&c- &9{player} &7sold you &c{count}x&9{item} &f{timeago}&7 ago &c(-{money})" history-sold-read: "&c- &7{player} &8sold you &c{count}x&7{item} &7{timeago}&8 ago &c(-{money})" history-footer-page: "&c- Page &f{current}&c/&f{pages}&6 - &7/csn history " history-footer-clear: "&f- &cTo remove all old entries, type /csn clear" history-clear: "&cHistory cleared! New sales will continue to be recorded." history-marked-read: "&cUnread entries marked read!" history-others-not-allowed: "&cYou are not allowed to check the history of {username}" # new translations reload-cmd: "&dChestShop Notifier // &7Reloading, please wait..." reload-success: "&aReloaded!" reload-database-success: "&aDatabase connected!" reload-database-fail: "&cDatabase failed to connect!" user-not-found: "&cThe user '{player}' was not found." page-not-found: "&e{page} &cis not a valid page number input for /csn history !" page-not-found-other: "&e{page} &cis not a valid page number input for /csn history !" database-error: "&cInvalid database connection. Please edit config and /csn reload." database-error-oncommand: "&cDatabase error while executing this command!" database-cleaned: "&cCleaned database from {amount} entries!" database-uploaded: "&cBatch executed!" database-convert: "&cAttempting to convert database..." database-convert-fail: "&cError while trying to convert! Maybe you don't have a 'csn' table?" database-converted: "&cDatabase converted!" unrecognized-command: "&cCommand not recognized. Type /csn help for help." missing-arguments: "&cMissing parameter arguments: {usage}" invalid-number: "&c{typo} is not a valid number input for {usage}!" invalid-username: "&c{typo} is not a valid username/uuid input for {usage}!" missing-permission: "&cYou don't have the permission {permission}!" help: header: "&dChestShop Notifier // &7Commands" help: "&7 /csn &dhelp &f- Plugin usage & commands" history: "&7 /csn &dhistory []&f- View sales" clear: "&7 /csn &dclear &f- Remove read sales" history-others: "&7 /csn &dhistory []&f- View sales of another account" clear-others: "&7 /csn &dclear &f- Remove read sales of another account" cleandatabase: "&7 /csn &ccleandatabase &f- Remove database entries. Parameters:" cleandatabase-older-than: "&c --older-than, -o &f- Removes entries older than " cleandatabase-user: "&c --user, -user &f- Removes entries from a single user only" cleandatabase-read-only: "&c --read-only, -r &f- Removes only read entries, default behaviour" cleandatabase-all: "&c --all, -a &f- Removes all entries" upload: "&7 /csn &cupload &f- Force update databases" convert: "&7 /csn &cconvert &f- Convert database to UUIDs" reload: "&7 /csn &creload &f- Reload configuration"