# Chest Shop Notifier # Config file for 1.2 logging: admin-shop: true notifications: notify-on-user-join: true delay-seconds: 5 history: max-rows: 10 debugging: verbose: false database: host: 'localhost' port: 3306 dbname: 'chestshop_notifier?useSSL=false' username: 'chestshop' password: 'NOPE' clean-on-startup: enabled: false parameters: "--older-than 30 --all" messages: sales: "&c ** You made &f{sales} sales&c since you last checked." history-cmd: "&c ** To see them, type &f/csn history&c." history-caption: "&dChestShop Notifier // &7Latest Commissions" history-empty: "&cNothing to show." history-bought: "&f+ &9{player} &7bought &a{count}x&9{item} &f{timeago} ago &a(+{money})" history-sold: "&f- &9{player} &7sold you &c{count}x&9{item} &f{timeago} ago &c(-{money})" history-footer-page: "&c- Page &f{current}&c/&f{pages}&6 - &7/csn history " history-footer-clear: "&c- To remove all old entries, type /csn clear" history-clear: "&cHistory cleared! New sales will continue to be recorded." history-marked-read: "&cUnread entries marked read!"