Items: SuperPickAxe: # (REQUIRED) Item price in Jobs Points Price: 10000.0 Icon: # (REQUIRED) Icon item id Id: 278 # (Optional - Default: 0) Icon item data value Data: 0 # (Optional - Default: 1) Icon item amount Amount: 1 # (Optional) Icon name. Supports usual color codes Name: "&eBest pick axe ever!" # (Optional) Icon lore. Supports usual color codes Lore: - "&6Efficiency V" - "&6Unbreaking III" - "&eAnd one tasty apple!" # (Optional - default: false) Hides icon if player dont have permission to get this item HideWithoutPermission: true # (Optional) List of permissions required to buy this item RequiredPermission: - jobs.item.pickaxe # (Optional) List of jobs and levels to buy this item RequiredJobLevels: - Miner-50 - Woodcutter-10 # (Optional) Total level from all jobs player currently in RequiredTotalLevels: 100 # (Optional) Performs comands on item purchase # use 'msg ' at start of command to send nice message to player # all other commands will be performed normaly as they would be executed from console # use [player] variable to include buyers name PerformCommands: - "msg &eThanks for buying this super pick axe!" # (Optional) Gives items by defined criteria GiveItems: # Can be any word PickAxe: # (Required) Item id Id: 278 # (Optional - Default: 0) Item data Data: 0 # (Optional - Default: 1) Item amount Amount: 1 # (Optional) Item name Name: "&eSuper PickAxe" # (Optional) Item lore Lore: - "&eUber pickAxe" # (Optional) Item enchants Enchants: - DIG_SPEED=5 - DURABILITY=3 # Can be any word Apple: # (Required) Item id Id: 260 WoodenShovel: Price: 100.0 Icon: Id: 269 Name: "&eWooden shovel" HideWithoutPermission: true RequiredPermission: - jobs.item.shovel RequiredJobLevels: - Digger-5 PerformCommands: - "msg &eThanks [player] for buying this shovel!" - "give [player] 269 1" LureEnchantBook: Price: 100.0 Icon: Id: 403 Name: "&eEnchant book" Lore: - "&eContains Lure 3 enchant" HideWithoutPermission: true RequiredPermission: - jobs.item.LureBook RequiredJobLevels: - Fisherman-100 PerformCommands: - "msg &eThanks [player] for buying this book!" # (Optional) Gives items by defined criteria GiveItems: # Can be any word Book: # (Required) Item id Id: 403 # (Optional) Item enchants Enchants: - LURE=3 Elytra: Price: 100000.0 Icon: Id: 443 Name: "&eAngel wings" HideWithoutPermission: true RequiredPermission: - jobs.item.elytra PerformCommands: - "msg &eThanks [player] for buying Angel Wings!" # (Optional) Gives items by defined criteria GiveItems: # Can be any word Elytra: # (Required) Item id Id: 443