global: notificationSound: '' notificationPitch: 1.0 # If enabled, stores and displays the last 10 messages the player can see (public, their town chat etc.) # Can be used with the Discord plugin so players can see some of the conversation they missed that's visible on Discord anyways. storeChatHistory: true components: # This component manages the town and nation chat. It's also needed for the TownColorComponent. # It provides the TC and NC channels, and posts Towny messages (global, town, nation) to the correct channels for other platforms like Discord. TownyComponent: enabled: true # Town colors for Towny. It allows mayors and kings to set a color for their town/nation (nation can be disabled). # This color is applied to the player names in chat and on Dynmap, if used. TownColorComponent: enabled: true useNationColors: true colorCount: 1 towncolors: praxis: - DarkRed ignatios_antonos: - DarkGray tmp: - Gold liria: - DarkPurple winterforge: - Aqua xoll: - DarkBlue nationcolors: peoples_republic: Red leagueofcrafters: Gold # This component checks a specific Reddit thread every 10 seconds for comments such as "IGN: NorbiPeti" to link Reddit accounts and to determine their /r/thebutton flair. # This was the original goal of this plugin when it was made. FlairComponent: enabled: true flairThreadURL: # Displays the configured messages at the set interval when someone is online. AnnouncerComponent: enabled: true announceMessages: - §eCheck out the subreddit! - '§bJoin Discord:' - '§bLike the server? Vote:' announceTime: 900000 # Random things I added over the years. FunComponent: enabled: true laughStrings: - xd - lel - lawl - kek - lmao - hue - hah - rofl respect: true unlol: true # Allows players to append tableflips and other things to their messages. Everything is configurable here. AppendTextComponent: enabled: true texts: ww: helpText: - §6---- Wait what ---- - Wait what appendedText: wait what lenny: helpText: - §6---- Lenny ---- - This command appends a Lenny face after your message - Or just sends one appendedText: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) unflip: helpText: - §6---- Unflip ---- - This command appends an unflip after your message - Or just unflips as you appendedText: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) tableflip: helpText: - §6---- Tableflip ---- - This command appends a tableflip after your message - Or just makes you tableflip appendedText: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ shrug: helpText: - §6---- Shrug ---- - This command appends a shrug after your message - Or just makes you shrug appendedText: ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ # This component handles the custom processing of chat messages. If this component is disabled channels won't be supported in Minecraft. # If you only want to disable the formatting features, set allowFormatting to false. # If you're using another chat plugin, you should disable the whole component. FormatterComponent: enabled: true allowFormatting: true bold: enabled: true italic: enabled: true underlined: enabled: true strikethrough: enabled: true spoiler: enabled: true escape: enabled: true nullMention: enabled: true consolePing: enabled: true hashtag: enabled: true cyan: enabled: true code: enabled: true maskedLink: enabled: true url: enabled: true entireMessage: enabled: true name: enabled: true nickname: enabled: true italic2: enabled: true someone: enabled: true notificationSound: '' notificationPitch: 1.0 rpc: enabled: true minTimeBetweenMessages: 100