# This file contains custom permission sets which will be assigned to your players # depending on their current status. # # This is all managed by towny and pushed directly to CraftBukkits SuperPerms. # These will be in addition to any you manually assign in your specific permission plugin. # # You may assign any Permission nodes here, including those from other plugins. # You may also create any custom ranks you require. # The 'nomad' permission set covers players not in any town nomad: - towny.command.towny.map - towny.command.towny.prices - towny.command.towny.tree - towny.command.towny.time - towny.command.towny.universe - towny.command.towny.version - towny.command.towny.war - towny.command.town.online - towny.command.town.here - towny.command.town.new - towny.command.town.join - towny.command.town.list - towny.command.plot.perm - towny.command.nation.list - towny.town.resident - towny.town.spawn.public - towny.chat.general - towny.command.nation.townlist - towny.command.nation.allylist - towny.command.nation.enemylist # This section of permissions covers players who are members of a town. towns: default: # 'default' is the permission set which is auto assigned to any normal town member - towny.command.resident.* - towny.command.plot.claim - towny.command.plot.unclaim - towny.command.plot.forsale - towny.command.plot.notforsale - towny.command.plot.toggle.* - towny.command.plot.set.perm - towny.command.plot.set.reset - towny.command.town.online - towny.command.town.leave - towny.command.town.deposit - towny.town.spawn.town - towny.chat.town mayor: # Mayors get these permissions in addition to the default set. - towny.tax_exempt - towny.command.towny.top - towny.command.town.* - towny.command.plot.* - towny.claimed.owntown.* - towny.command.nation.new - towny.command.nation.leave - towny.outlaw.jailer - towny.command.nation.join ranks: # Ranks contain additional permissions residents will be # granted if they are assigned that specific rank. assistant: - towny.tax_exempt - towny.command.town.claim.* - towny.command.town.invite.add - towny.command.plot.* - towny.command.town.toggle.public - towny.claimed.owntown.switch.* # assistants are able to grant VIP and helper rank - towny.command.town.rank.vip - towny.command.town.rank.helper - towny.outlaw.jailer helper: - towny.claimed.townowned.switch.* donator: # Currently only an example rank holder with no extra permissions vip: # Currently only an example rank holder with no extra permissions # Sheriff rank is able to jail other town members. sheriff: - towny.command.town.toggle.jail - towny.outlaw.jailer # This section of permissions covers players who are members of any town in a nation. nations: default: # All nation members get these permissions. - towny.command.nation.online - towny.command.nation.deposit - towny.command.nation.spawn - towny.nation.spawn.nation - towny.nation.spawn.ally - towny.town.spawn.nation - towny.town.spawn.ally - towny.chat.nation king: # Kings get these permissions in addition to the default set. - towny.command.nation.* ranks: assistant: - towny.command.nation.rank.helper - towny.command.nation.invite.add - towny.command.nation.ally.* - towny.command.nation.enemy helper: - towny.command.nation.add