# FactionsUUID by drtshock # Support and documentation https://factions.support # Updates https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/factionsuuid.1035/ # # Made with love <3 aVeryFriendlyFactionsConfig { # Debug # Turn this on if you are having issues with something and working on resolving them. # This will spam your console with information that is useful if you know how to read the source. # It's suggested that you only turn this on at the direction of a developer. debug=false # Don't change this value yourself, unless you WANT a broken config! version=4 } # Colors for relationships and default factions colors { factions { safezone=GOLD warzone="DARK_RED" wilderness=GRAY } relations { ally="LIGHT_PURPLE" enemy=RED member=GREEN neutral=WHITE peaceful=GOLD truce="DARK_PURPLE" } } # The command base (by default f, making the command /f) commandBase=[ f ] commands { fly { # Warmup seconds before command executes. Set to 0 for no warmup. delay=0 # Should we disable flight if the player has suffered generic damage disableOnGenericDamage=false # True to enable the fly command, false to disable enable=true # From how far away a player can disable another's flight by being enemy # Set to 0 if wanted disable # Note: Will produce lag at higher numbers enemyRadius=7 # If a player leaves fly (out of territory or took damage) # how long (in seconds) should they not take fall damage for? # Set to 0 to have them always take fall damage. fallDamageCooldown=3 # Trails show below the players foot when flying, faction.fly.trails # Players can enable them with /f trail on/off # Players can also set which effect to show /f trail effect only if they have faction.fly.trails. particles { # Amount spawned amount=20 # How often should we spawn these particles? # 0 disables this completely spawnRate=0.2 # Speed of the particles, can be decimal value speed=0.02 } # How frequently to check enemy radius, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable checking. radiusCheck=1 } help { # You can change the page name to whatever you like # We use '1' to preserve default functionality of /f help 1 entries { "1"=[ "&e&m----------------------------------------------", " &c&lFactions Help ", "&e&m----------------------------------------------", "&3/f create &e>> &7Create your own faction", "&3/f who &e>> &7Show factions info", "&3/f tag &e>> &7Change faction tag", "&3/f join &e>> &7Join faction", "&3/f list &e>> &7List all factions", "&e&m--------------&r &2/f help 2 for more &e&m--------------" ] "2"=[ "&e&m------------------&r&c&l Page 2 &e&m--------------------", "&3/f home &e>> &7Teleport to faction home", "&3/f sethome &e>> &7Set your faction home", "&3/f leave &e>> &7Leave your faction", "&3/f invite &e>> &7Invite a player to your faction", "&3/f deinvite &e>> &7Revoke invitation to player", "&e&m--------------&r &2/f help 3 for more &e&m--------------" ] "3"=[ "&e&m------------------&r&c&l Page 3 &e&m--------------------", "&3/f claim &e>> &7Claim land", "&3/f unclaim &e>> &7Unclaim land", "&3/f kick &e>> &7Kick player from your faction", "&3/f mod &e>> &7Set player role in faction", "&3/f chat &e>> &7Switch to faction chat", "&e&m--------------&r &2/f help 4 for more &e&m--------------" ] "4"=[ "&e&m------------------&r&c&l Page 4 &e&m--------------------", "&3/f version &e>> &7Display version information", "&e&m--------------&r&2 End of /f help &e&m-----------------" ] } # set to true to use legacy factions help useOldHelp=true } home { # Warmup seconds before command executes. Set to 0 for no warmup. delay=0 } list { # You can use any variable here entry="{faction-relation-color}{faction} {online} / {members} online, Land / Power / Maxpower: {chunks}/{power}/{maxPower}" # You can use any variables here factionlessEntry="Factionless {factionless} online" # You can only use {pagenumber} and {pagecount} in the footer. # Blank entry results in nothing being displayed. footer="" # You can only use {pagenumber} and {pagecount} in the header. # Blank entry results in nothing being displayed. header="&e&m----------&r&e[ &2Faction List &9{pagenumber}&e/&9{pagecount} &e]&m----------" } map { # This will help limit how many times a player can be sent a map of factions. # Set this to the cooldown you want, in milliseconds, for a map to be shown to a player. # This can prevent some teleportation-based exploits for finding factions. # The old default was 2000, which blocks any movement faster than running. # The new default is 700, which should also allow boats and horses. cooldown=700 } near { # Making this radius larger increases lag, do so at your own risk # If on a high radius it is advised to add a cooldown to the command # Also using {distance} placeholder in the lang would cause more lag on a bigger radius radius=20 } perms { # Placeholders: {action-access-color}, {action-access}, {action-desc} guiLore=[ "&8Access: {action-access-color}{action-access}", "&8{action-desc}", "", "&8Left click to &a&lAllow", "&8Right click to &c&lDeny" ] } seeChunk { # Get a list of particle names here: https://factions.support/particles/ particleName=REDSTONE # How often should we update the particles to the current player's location? particleUpdateTime=0.75 particles=true # If the chosen particle is compatible with coloring we will color # it based on the current chunk's faction relationalColor=true } show { # Factions that should be exempt from /f show, case sensitive, useful for a # serverteam faction, since the command shows vanished players otherwise exempt=[ "put_faction_tag_here" ] # You can use any variable here, including fancy messages. Color codes and or tags work fine. # Lines that aren't defined wont be sent (home not set, faction not peaceful / permanent, dtr freeze) # Supports placeholders. # First line can be {header} for default header, or any string (we recommend &m for smooth lines ;p) # The line with 'permanent' in it only appears if the faction is permanent. format=[ "{header}", "Description: {description}", "Joining: {joining} {peaceful}", "Land / Power / Maxpower: {chunks}/{power}/{maxPower}", "Raidable: {raidable}", "Founded: {create-date}", "This faction is permanent, remaining even with no members.'", "Land value: {land-value} {land-refund}", "Balance: {faction-balance}", "Bans: {faction-bancount}", "Allies({allies}/{max-allies}): {allies-list} ", "Online: ({online}/{members}): {online-list}", "Offline: ({offline}/{members}): {offline-list}" ] # Set true to not display empty fancy messages minimal=false } stuck { # Warmup seconds before command executes. Set to 0 for no warmup. delay=30 # This radius defines how far from where they ran the command the player # may travel while waiting to be unstuck. If they leave this radius, the # command will be cancelled. radius=10 } # TNT bank! tnt { enable=false maxRadius=5 # Maximum storage. Set to -1 (or lower) to disable maxStorage=-1 } toolTips { # Faction on-hover tooltip information faction=[ "&6Leader: &f{leader}", "&6Claimed: &f{chunks}", "&6Raidable: &f{raidable}", "&6Warps: &f{warps}", "&6Power: &f{power}/{maxPower}", "&6Members: &f{online}/{members}" ] # Player on-hover tooltip information player=[ "&6Last Seen: &f{lastSeen}", "&6Power: &f{player-power}", "&6Rank: &f{group}", "&6Balance: &a${balance}" ] } warp { # Warmup seconds before command executes. Set to 0 for no warmup. delay=0 # What should be the maximum amount of warps that a Faction can set? maxWarps=5 } } # Data storage settings data { json { # If true, data files will be stored without extra whitespace and linebreaks. # This becomes less readable, but can cut storage use in half. efficientStorage=false } # Presently, the only option is JSON. storage=JSON } # Economy support requires Vault and a compatible economy plugin # If you wish to use economy features, be sure to set 'enabled' in this section to true! economy { # Faction banks, to pay for land claiming and other costs instead of individuals paying for them bankEnabled=true # The faction pays for faction command costs, such as sethome bankFactionPaysCosts=true # The faction pays for land claiming costs. bankFactionPaysLandCosts=true # Have to be at least moderator to withdraw or pay money to another faction bankMembersCanWithdraw=false claimAdditionalMultiplier=0.5 claimRefundMultiplier=0.7 claimUnconnectedFee=0 costAlly=0 costClaimFromFactionBonus=30 costClaimWilderness=30 costCreate=100 costDTR=0 costDelWarp=0 costDelhome=30 costDesc=0 costEnemy=0 costHome=0 costInvite=0 costJoin=0 costKick=0 costLeave=0 costList=0 costMap=0 costNeutral=0 costNoBoom=0 costOpen=0 costOwner=15 costPower=0 costSetWarp=0 costSethome=30 costShow=0 costStuck=0 costTag=0 costTitle=0 costTruce=0 costWarp=0 # Must be true for any economy features enabled=false overclaimRewardMultiplier=0 universeAccount="" } # Controls certain exploit preventions exploits { enderPearlClipping=true interactionSpam=true liquidFlow=false obsidianGenerators=true preventDuping=true tntWaterlog=false } factions { chat { allianceChatFormat="§d%s:§f %s" alwaysShowChatTag=false broadcastDescriptionChanges=false broadcastTagChanges=false factionChatFormat="%s:§f %s" # Allow for players to chat only within their faction, with allies, etc. # Set to false to only allow public chats through this plugin. factionOnlyChat=true modChatFormat="§c%s:§f %s" tagFormat="%s§f" # If true, disables adding of faction tag so another plugin can manage this tagHandledByAnotherPlugin=false tagInsertAfterString="" tagInsertBeforeString="" tagInsertIndex=0 tagPadAfter=true tagPadBefore=false tagRelationColored=true tagReplaceString="[FACTION]" truceChatFormat="§5%s:§f %s" } claims { # Should we allow Factions to over claim if they are raidable? # This has always been true, allowing factions to over claim others. allowOverClaim=true # If true (and allowOverClaim is true, claiming over another faction's land will ignore buffer zone settings. allowOverClaimIgnoringBuffer=false # Buffer Zone is an chunk area required between claims of different Factions. # This is default to 0 and has always been that way. Meaning Factions can have # claims that border each other. # If this is set to 3, then Factions need to have 3 chunks between their claim # and another Faction's claim. # It's recommended to keep this pretty low as the radius check could be a # heavy operation if set to a large number. # If this is set to 0, we won't even bother checking which is how Factions has # always been. bufferZone=0 canBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction=true fillClaimMaxClaims=25 fillClaimMaxDistance=5 landsMax=0 lineClaimLimit=5 mustBeConnected=false # If someone is doing a radius claim and the process fails to claim land this many times in a row, it will exit radiusClaimFailureLimit=9 requireMinFactionMembers=1 worldsNoClaiming=[ exampleWorldName ] } # Should we send titles when players enter Factions? Durations are in ticks (20 ticks every second) enterTitles { alsoShowChat=false enabled=true fadeIn=10 fadeOut=20 stay=70 subtitle="&7{description}" title="{faction-relation-color}{faction}" } homes { enabled=true mustBeInClaimedTerritory=true teleportAllowedEnemyDistance=32 teleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld=true teleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory=true teleportCommandEnabled=true teleportCommandEssentialsIntegration=true teleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled=true teleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness=3 teleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory=true teleportToOnDeath=true } landRaidControl { dtr { decimalDigits=2 freezeKickPenalty=0.5 freezePreventsDisband=true freezePreventsJoin=true freezePreventsLeave=true # Time, in seconds, to freeze DTR regeneration after a faction member dies freezeTime=0 freezeTimeFormat="H:mm:ss" # Additional claims allowed for each player in the faction landPerPlayer=3 # Claims the faction starts with. # Note: A faction of one player has this many PLUS the perPlayer amount. landStarting=6 lossPerDeath=1 maxDTR=10 minDTR=-3 perPlayer=1 regainPerMinuteMaxRate=0.1 regainPerMinutePerPlayer=0.05 startingDTR=2 worldDeathModifiers { "world_nether"=0.5 "world_the_end"=0.25 } } # Controls the power system of land/raid control # Set the 'system' value to 'power' to use this system power { # Disallow joining/leaving/kicking while power is negative canLeaveWithNegativePower=true # If greater than 0, used as a cap for how much power a faction can have # Additional power from players beyond this acts as a "buffer" of sorts factionMax=0 # How much is lost on death lossPerDeath=4 # A player stops losing power from being offline once they reach this amount offlineLossLimit=0 # A player loses this much per day offline offlineLossPerDay=0 peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss=true playerMax=10 playerMin=-10 playerStarting=0 # After a player dies, how long should the faction not be able to regen power? # This resets on each death but does not accumulate. # Set to 0 for no freeze. Time is in seconds. powerFreeze=0 # Default health rate of 0.2 takes 5 minutes to recover one power powerPerMinute=0.2 # Allow a faction to be raided if they have more land than power. # This will make claimed territory lose all protections # allowing factions to open chests, break blocks, etc. if they # have claimed chunks >= power. raidability=false # Does a player regenerate power while offline? regenOffline=false respawnHomeFromNoPowerLossWorlds=true warZonePowerLoss=true wildernessPowerLoss=true worldsNoPowerLoss=[ exampleWorld ] } # Sets the mode of land/raid control system=power } # Limits factions to having a max number of each relation. # Setting to 0 means none allowed. -1 for disabled. # This will have no effect on default or existing relations, only when relations are changed. # It is advised that you set the default relation to -1 so they can always go back to that. # Otherwise Factions could be stuck with not being able to unenemy other Factions. maxRelations { ally=10 enabled=false enemy=10 neutral=-1 truce=10 } # Remaining settings not categorized other { actionDeniedPainAmount=1 allowMultipleColeaders=false autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity=10 autoLeaveDeleteFPlayerData=true autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick=5 autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes=5 considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes=0 # Default Relation allows you to change the default relation for Factions. # Example usage would be so people can't leave then make a new Faction while Raiding # in order to be able to execute commands if the default relation is neutral. defaultRelation=neutral # Default role of a player when joining a faction. Can be customized by faction leader # with /f defaultrole # Options: coleader, moderator, member, recruit # Defaults to member if set incorrectly defaultRole=member # Should we delete player homes that they set via Essentials when they leave a Faction # if they have homes set in that Faction's territory? deleteEssentialsHomes=true # If true, disables pistons entirely within faction territory. # Prevents flying piston machines in faction territory. disablePistonsInTerritory=false # When faction membership hits this limit, players will no longer be able to join using /f join; default is 0, no limit factionMemberLimit=0 # Any faction names CONTAINING any of these items will be disallowed nameBlacklist=[ blockedwordhere, anotherblockedthinghere ] newFactionsDefaultOpen=false newFactionsDefaultPeaceful=false # What faction ID to start new players in when they first join the server; default is 0, "no faction" newPlayerStartingFactionID="0" removePlayerDataWhenBanned=true saveToFileEveryXMinutes=30 # If enabled, perms can be managed separately for when the faction is offline separateOfflinePerms=false tagForceUpperCase=false # Maximum faction tag length tagLengthMax=10 # Minimum faction tag length tagLengthMin=3 } # For claimed areas where further faction-member ownership can be defined ownedArea { denyBuild=true denyUsage=true enabled=true limitPerFaction=0 messageByChunk=false messageInsideTerritory=true messageOnBorder=true moderatorsBypass=true painBuild=false protectMaterials=true } # Do you want to limit portal creation? portals { # If true, portals will be limited to the minimum relation below limit=false # What should the minimum relation be to create a portal in territory? # Goes in the order of: ENEMY, NEUTRAL, ALLY, MEMBER. # Minimum relation allows that and all listed to the right to create portals. # Example: put ALLY to allow ALLY and MEMBER to be able to create portals. # If typed incorrectly, defaults to NEUTRAL. minimumRelation=MEMBER } # Displayed prefixes for different roles within a faction prefixes { admin="***" coleader="**" mod="*" normal="+" recruit="-" } protection { # Exceptions to consideration for breaking perms. Can always be broken. breakExceptions=[] # Exceptions to consideration for container perms. # For example, putting "TRAPPED_CHEST" into here would allow anyone to open trapped chests anywhere. containerExceptions=[] # Exceptions for protections of interacting with entities, such as mounting horses entityInteractExceptions=[] # Commands which will be prevented if the player is a member of a permanent faction permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands=[ exampleCommand ] pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild=true # Mainly for other plugins/mods that use a fake player to take actions, which shouldn't be subject to our protections. playersWhoBypassAllProtection=[ example-player-name ] safeZoneBlockOtherExplosions=true safeZoneBlockTNT=true safeZoneDenyBuild=true safeZoneDenyEndermanBlocks=true safeZoneDenyUsage=true safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers=false # Commands which will be prevented when in claimed territory of an ally faction territoryAllyDenyCommands=[ exampleCommand ] territoryBlockCreepers=false territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline=false territoryBlockFireballs=false territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline=false territoryBlockOtherExplosions=false territoryBlockOtherExplosionsWhenOffline=false territoryBlockTNT=false territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline=false territoryDenyEndermanBlocks=true territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline=true territoryDenyUsageMaterials=[ "FLINT_AND_STEEL", BUCKET, "LAVA_BUCKET", "WATER_BUCKET", "FIRE_CHARGE" ] territoryDenyUsageMaterialsWhenOffline=[ "FLINT_AND_STEEL", BUCKET, "LAVA_BUCKET", "WATER_BUCKET", "FIRE_CHARGE" ] # Commands which will be prevented when in claimed territory of an enemy faction territoryEnemyDenyCommands=[ spawn, tpa, sethome, tpahere, tpaccept, home ] # Commands which will be prevented when in claimed territory of a neutral faction territoryNeutralDenyCommands=[ exampleCommand ] warZoneBlockCreepers=true warZoneBlockFireballs=true warZoneBlockOtherExplosions=true warZoneBlockTNT=true warZoneDenyBuild=true warZoneDenyEndermanBlocks=true warZoneDenyUsage=true warZoneFriendlyFire=false # Commands which will be prevented when in warzone warzoneDenyCommands=[ exampleCommand ] wildernessBlockCreepers=false wildernessBlockFireballs=false wildernessBlockOtherExplosions=false wildernessBlockTNT=false wildernessDenyBuild=false # Commands which will be prevented when in wilderness wildernessDenyCommands=[ exampleCommand ] wildernessDenyEndermanBlocks=false wildernessDenyUsage=false worldsNoWildernessProtection=[ exampleWorld ] } pvp { disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions=false disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers=false disablePeacefulPVPInWarzone=true enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand=false noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin=3 worldsIgnorePvP=[ exampleWorldName ] } # Spawn control. # Exception names are entity type names as seen at the below URL. # Note that any name with an underscore MUST have quotes around it. # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html # Spawn types are those at the below URL: # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html spawning { preventSpawningInSafezone=[ "OCELOT_BABY", REINFORCEMENTS, "VILLAGE_DEFENSE", "DISPENSE_EGG", "ENDER_PEARL", EXPLOSION, TRAP, "SILVERFISH_BLOCK", NATURAL, BREEDING, INFECTION, "BUILD_WITHER", MOUNT, "BUILD_SNOWMAN", DROWNED, EGG, CURED, LIGHTNING, RAID, SPAWNER, "SLIME_SPLIT", PATROL, "BUILD_IRONGOLEM", "NETHER_PORTAL", "VILLAGE_INVASION", "SPAWNER_EGG", DEFAULT ] preventSpawningInSafezoneExceptions=[ MULE, LLAMA, SHEEP, "TROPICAL_FISH", VILLAGER, "POLAR_BEAR", "MUSHROOM_COW", CHICKEN, TURTLE, COD, "TRADER_LLAMA", PUFFERFISH, SQUID, HORSE, PARROT, COW, "WANDERING_TRADER", FOX, PIG, BAT, DOLPHIN, CAT, SALMON, RABBIT, WOLF, DONKEY, STRIDER, "IRON_GOLEM", PANDA, OCELOT ] preventSpawningInTerritory=[] preventSpawningInTerritoryExceptions=[] preventSpawningInWarzone=[] preventSpawningInWarzoneExceptions=[] preventSpawningInWilderness=[] preventSpawningInWildernessExceptions=[] # If true, FactionsUUID will automatically add in its new defaults such as # adding new friendly mobs to the safe zone exception list updateAutomatically=true } specialCase { # Material names of things whose placement is ignored in faction territory ignoreBuildMaterials=[ exampleMaterial ] peacefulTerritoryDisableBoom=false peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters=false peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP=true permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion=false } } # What should be logged? logging { factionCreate=true factionDisband=true factionJoin=true factionKick=true factionLeave=true landClaims=true landUnclaims=true moneyTransactions=true playerCommands=true } # LWC integration # This support targets the modern fork of LWC, called LWC Extended. # You can find it here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lwc-extended.69551/ # Note: Modern LWC is no longer supported, and its former maintainer now runs LWC Extended lwc { enabled=true resetLocksOnCapture=false resetLocksOnUnclaim=false } # Control for the default settings of /f map map { height=17 showEnemyFactions=true showFactionKey=true showNeutralFactionsOnMap=true showTruceFactions=true width=49 } # Paper features, when accessible. paper { # Utilize Paper's async teleportation if available (Paper 1.9+). asyncTeleport=true } # PlayerVaults faction vault settings. # Enable faction-owned vaults! # https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playervaultsx.51204/ playerVaults { defaultMaxVaults=0 # The %s is for the faction id vaultPrefix="faction-%s" } restrictWorlds { # If true, Factions will only function on certain worlds restrictWorlds=false # If restrictWorlds is true, this setting determines if the world list below is a whitelist or blacklist. # True for whitelist, false for blacklist. whitelist=true worldList=[ exampleWorld ] } scoreboard { # Constant scoreboard stays around all the time, displaying status info. # Also, if prefixes are enabled while it is enabled, will show prefixes on nametags and tab constant { content=[ "&6Your Faction", "{faction}", "&3Your Power", "{power}", "&aBalance", "${balance}" ] enabled=false factionlessContent=[ "Make a new Faction", "Use /f create" ] factionlessEnabled=false factionlessTitle=Status # Set the length limit for prefixes. # If 0, will use a sane default for your Minecraft version (16 for pre-1.13, 32 for 1.13+). prefixLength=0 # Only takes {relationcolor} and {faction} and &-prefixed color codes prefixTemplate="{relationcolor}[{faction}] &r" # If true, show faction prefixes on nametags and in tab list if scoreboard is enabled prefixes=true # Can use any placeholders, but does not update once set title="Faction Status" } # Info scoreboard is displayed when a player walks into a new Faction's territory. # Scoreboard disappears after seconds. info { # send faction change message as well when scoreboard is up? alsoSendChat=true # Supports placeholders content=[ "&6Power", "{power}", "&3Members", "{online}/{members}", "&4Leader", "{leader}", "&bTerritory", "{chunks}" ] enabled=false # How long do we want scoreboards to stay expiration=7 title="{faction-relation-color}{faction}" } } worldBorder { # WorldBorder support # This is for Minecraft's built-in command. To get your current border: /minecraft:worldborder get # A buffer of 0 means faction claims can go right up to the border of the world. # The buffer is in chunks, so 1 as a buffer means an entire chunk of buffer between # the border of the world and what can be claimed to factions buffer=0 } # WorldGuard settings worldGuard { buildPriority=false checking=false }