# Attention! If category name has _ in it, that means its legacy item which was converted from jobConfig.yml file # Keep this format until you will be sure that all legacy items have been converted throw usage, which is automatic process when player uses items with boost in them # Name which will be used to identify this particular item boost # This is EXAMPLE boost and will be ignored exampleBoost: # Item Id which can be any material name as of 1.13 update # This is only used when performing command like /jobs give, but boost itself is not dependent on item type # You can use ingame command /jobs edititemboost to give particular boost to any item you are holding id: Golden_shovel # (Optional) Item custom name # Custom colors like &2 &5 can be used name: '&2Custom item name' # (Optional) Item custom lore # Same as name, supports color codes lore: - '&2Some random' - '&5Lore with some' - '&7Colors' # (Optional) Item custom enchants # All enchantment names can be found https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html enchants: - FIRE_ASPECT=1 - DAMAGE_ALL=1 # [Required] Money boost: 1.1 is equals 10% more income when 0.9 is equals 10% less from base income moneyBoost: 1.0 expBoost: 1.0 pointsBoost: 1.0 # [Required] Jobs which should receive this boost # Can be specific jobs or use 'all' to give this boost for every job jobs: - Miner - Woodcutter - all # (Optional) Defines level of job from which this boost should be applied # Keep in mind that if boost have multiple jobs, then level will be checked by job which is requesting boost value levelFrom: 0 # (Optional) Defines level of job until which this boost should be applied levelUntil: 50