# # Edited by roracle to include 1.13 items and item names, prepping for 1.14 as well. # # Stores information about each job. # # NOTE: When having multiple jobs, both jobs will give the income payout to the player # even if they give the pay for one action (make the configurations with this in mind) # and each job will get the respective experience. # # e.g If player has 2 jobs where job1 gives 10 income and experience for killing a player # and job2 gives 5 income and experience for killing a player. When the user kills a player # they will get 15 income and job1 will gain 10 experience and job2 will gain 5 experience. Jobs: # Must be one word # This job will be ignored as this is just example of all possible actions. exampleJob: # full name of the job (displayed when browsing a job, used when joining and leaving # also can be used as a prefix for the user's name if the option is enabled. # Shown as a prefix only when the user has 1 job. # NOTE: Must be 1 word fullname: Woodcutter # Shortened version of the name of the job. Used as a prefix when the user has more than 1 job. shortname: W description: Earns money felling and planting trees # Full description of job to be shown in job browse command FullDescription: - '&2Get money for:' - ' &7Planting trees' - ' &7Cutting down trees' - ' &7Killing players' # The colour of the name, for a full list of supported colours, go to the message config. Hex color codes are supported as of 1.16 minecraft version. Example: {#6600cc} or {#Brown} ChatColour: GREEN # [OPTIONAL] The colour of the boss bar: GREEN, BLUE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW, PINK, PURPLE. BossBarColour: WHITE # Option to let you choose what kind of prefix this job adds to your name. # options are: full, title, job, shortfull, shorttitle, shortjob and none chat-display: full # [OPTIONAL] - the maximum level of this class max-level: 10 # [OPTIONAL] - the maximum level of this class with specific permission # use jobs.[jobsname].vipmaxlevel, in this case it will be jobs.exampleJob.vipmaxlevel vip-max-level: 20 # [OPTIONAL] - the maximum number of users on the server that can have this job at any one time (includes offline players). slots: 1 # [OPTIONAL] Soft limits will allow to stop income/exp/point payment increase at some particular level but allow further general leveling. # In example if player is level 70, he will get paid as he would be at level 50, exp gain will be as he would be at lvl 40 and point gain will be as at level 60 # This only applies after players level is higher than provided particular limit. softIncomeLimit: 50 softExpLimit: 40 softPointsLimit: 60 # Equation used for calculating how much experience is needed to go to the next level. # Available parameters: # numjobs - the number of jobs the player has # joblevel - the level the player has attained in the job. # NOTE: Please take care of the brackets when modifying this equation. leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) # Equation used for calculating how much income is given per action for the job level. # Available parameters: # numjobs - the number of jobs the player has # baseincome - the income for the action at level 1 (as set in the configuration). # joblevel - the level the player has attained in the job. # NOTE: Please take care of the brackets when modifying this equation. income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) # Equation used for calculating how much points is given per action for the job level. # Available parameters: # numjobs - the number of jobs the player has # basepoints - the points for the action at level 1 (as set in the configuration). # joblevel - the level the player has attained in the job. # NOTE: Please take care of the brackets when modifying this equation. points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) # Equation used for calculating how much experience is given per action for the job level. # Available parameters: # numjobs - the number of jobs the player has # baseexperience - the experience for the action at level 1 (as set in the configuration). # joblevel - the level the player has attained in the job. # NOTE: Please take care of the brackets when modifying this equation. experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) # Defines how often in seconds player can rejoin this job. Can be bypassed with jobs.rejoinbypass rejoinCooldown: 10 # GUI icon information when using GUI function Gui: # You can use the custom player head: # Item: player_head # CustomSkull: Notch # Name of the material Item: LOG:2 # Enchants of the item Enchantments: - DURABILITY:1 # Slot number to show the item in the specified row slot: 5 # Defines maximum amount of daily quests player can have from THIS job # This will not have effect on overall quest amount player will have maxDailyQuests: 3 # Daily quests # Each job can have as many daily quests as you want # Players will have access to quests from jobs he is currently working at Quests: '1': Name: Break Oak wood Objectives: - Break;17-0;300 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 500 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Break 300 Oak wood - Get 500 bucks for this RestrictedAreas: - Arenas - myarena Chance: 40 toLevel: 5 fromLevel: 3 '2': Name: Zombie killer Objectives: - Kill;Zombie;50 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 2000 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Kill 50 zombies - Get 2000 for this! '3': Name: Chicken cooker Objectives: - Smelt;COOKED_CHICKEN;20 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 300 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Cook some chicken breasts - Get 300 for this! '4': Name: Strip logs Objectives: - StripLogs;stripped_birch_log;25 - StripLogs;stripped_acacia_log;25 RewardCommands: - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Strip 25 birch and acacia logs each! # Quest identification. Can be any ONE word or number or both of them. This doesn't have any real meaning but it can't repeat. first: # Quest name used for quests list, don't forget to enclose it with " " Name: Break Oak wood # This should be in a format as [actionType];[actionTarget];[amount] # [actionType] can be any valid job action. Look lower for all possible action types # [actionTarget] can be material name, block type, entity name and so on. This is defined in same way as any generic payable job action # [amount] is how many times player should perform this action to complete quest Objectives: '- Break;17-0;300' # Command list to be performed after quest is finished. # Use [playerName] to insert players name who finished that quest RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 500 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! # Quest description to be used to explain quest requirements or rewards for player RewardDesc: - Break 300 Oak wood - Get 500 bucks for this # Restricted areas where player cant progress his quest RestrictedAreas: - Arenas - myarena # Defines chance in getting this quest. # If you have set 10 quests and player can have only 2, then quests with biggest chance will be picked most likely # This will allow to have some rare quests with legendary rewards Chance: 40 # Defines from which level you want to give option to get this quest # You can use both limitations to have limited quests for particular job level ranges fromLevel: 3 # Defines to which job level you want to give out this quest. # Keep in mind that player will keep quest even if he is over level limit if he got new one while being under # In example: player with level 2 takes quests and levels up to level 5, he still can finish this quest and after next quest reset (check general config file) # he will no longer have option to get this quest toLevel: 5 # ######################################################################## # Section used to configure what items the job gets paid for, how much # they get paid and how much experience they gain. # For break and place, the block material name is used. # e.g ACACIA_LOG, DARK_OAK_FENCE, BIRCH_DOOR # To get a list of all available block types, check the # bukkit JavaDocs for a complete list of block types # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # For kill tags (Kill and custom-kill), the name is the name of the mob. # To get a list of all available entity types, check the # bukkit JavaDocs for a complete list of entity types # https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mob#List_of_mobs # NOTE: mob names are case sensitive. # For custom-kill, it is the name of the job (also case sensitive). # NOTE: If a job has both the pay for killing a player and for killing a specific class, they will get both payments. # ####################################################################### # payment for breaking a block Break: log: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 from-level: 1 until-level: 30 softIncomeLimit: 50 softExpLimit: 40 softPointsLimit: 60 gravel: # you can use minuses to take away money if the player break this block income: -1.0 experience: -1.0 # block name/id (with optional sub-type) oak_log: # base income, can be not used if using point system income: 5.0 # base points, can be not used if using income system points: 5.0 # base experience experience: 5.0 # (OPTIONAL) from which level of this job player can get money for this action # if not given, then player will always get money for this action # this can be used for any action from-level: 1 # (OPTIONAL) until which level player can get money for this action. # if not given, then there is no limit # this can be used for any action until-level: 30 # (OPTIONAL) Soft limits will allow to stop income/exp/point payment increase at some particular level but allow further general leveling. # In example if player is level 70, he will get paid as he would be at level 50, exp gain will be as he would be at lvl 40 and point gain will be as at level 60 # This only applies after players level is higher than provided particular limit. softIncomeLimit: 50 softExpLimit: 40 softPointsLimit: 60 Collect: sweet_berry_bush-3: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 composter: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 StripLogs: stripped_acacia_log: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 stripped_oak_log: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 TNTBreak: log: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Place: sapling: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 wood: income: 2.0 points: 2.0 experience: 2.0 VTrade: emerald: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 2.0 enchanted_book-12: income: 1.0 experience: 2.0 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 experience: 7.5 MMKill: CustomNameHere: income: 7.5 experience: 7.5 custom-kill: Woodcutter: income: 10.0 experience: 10.0 Tame: Wolf: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Breed: Wolf: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Eat: cooked_rabbit: income: 5 experience: 5 baked_potato: income: 5 experience: 5 Milk: Cow: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 MushroomCow: income: 5.0 experience: 10.0 Shear: Black: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Blue: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Brown: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Cyan: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Gray: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Green: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Light_Blue: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Lime: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Magenta: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Orange: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Pink: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Purple: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Red: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Light_Gray: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 White: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Yellow: income: 2.0 experience: 5.0 Dye: leather_boots: income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 leather_chestplate: income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 leather_helmet: income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 leather_leggings: income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 '351': income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 Fish: raw_fish: income: 0.2 experience: 25.0 legacy_raw_fish: income: 0.2 experience: 25.0 Repair: wood_sword: income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 iron_sword: income: 2.0 experience: 2.0 Craft: wood_sword: income: 1.5 experience: 3.0 leather_boots: income: 1.0 experience: 6.0 '!Healing Bandage': income: 1.0 experience: 6.0 Smelt: iron_ingot: income: 2.0 experience: 8.0 gold_ingot: income: 4.5 experience: 12 Enchant: wood_sword: income: 1.5 experience: 3.0 leather_boots: income: 1.0 experience: 6.0 DIG_SPEED-1: income: 3.0 experience: 10.0 DIG_SPEED-2: income: 6.0 experience: 20.0 Brew: nether_stalk: income: 5.0 experience: 3.0 redstone: income: 5.0 experience: 3.0 Explore: '1': income: 5.0 experience: 5.0 '2': income: 2.5 experience: 2.5 '3': income: 1.0 experience: 1.0 '4': income: 0.5 experience: 0.5 '5': income: 0.1 experience: 0.1 permissions: aaaaaatest: node: value: true level: 0 node2: value: true level: 10 firstNode: # The permission node permission: aaaaaatest.node conditions: first: requires: - j:Miner-50 - j:Digger-50 - p:essentials.notnoob perform: - p:essentials.fly-true commands: fly: command: manuaddp [player] essentials.fly levelFrom: 100 levelUntil: 100 kit: command: - manuaddp [player] essentials.kits.woodcutter - msg [player] Now you can use woodcutter kit! levelFrom: 150 levelUntil: 150 items: firstOne: id: 278 name: '&8Miner Pickaxe' lore: - '&eBobs pick' - '&710% bonus XP' enchants: - DAMAGE_ALL=1 - FIRE_ASPECT=1 moneyBoost: 1.1 expBoost: 1.2 pointBoost: 1.3 helmet: id: 310 name: '&8Armor' lore: - '&eBobs armor' - '&710% bonus XP' moneyBoost: 1.1 expBoost: 1.1 limitedItems: firstOne: id: 278 level: 5 name: '&8Miner Pickaxe' lore: - '&eBobs pick' - '&710% bonus XP' enchants: - DAMAGE_ALL=1 - FIRE_ASPECT=1 cmd-on-join: - msg [name] Thx for joining this job! - msg [name] Now start working and get money from [jobname] job! cmd-on-leave: - msg [name] You have left this awesome [jobname] job - msg [name] See you soon! Woodcutter: fullname: Woodcutter shortname: W description: Earns money felling and planting trees ChatColour: GREEN chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Woodpecker Objectives: - Break;oak_log;50 - Break;birch_log;50 - Break;jungle_log;50 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Break logs and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 17 Data: 2 Break: oak_log: income: 7.0 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 spruce_log: income: 7.0 points: 2.5 experience: 2.0 birch_log: income: 5.0 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 jungle_log: income: 5.0 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 acacia_log: income: 5.0 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 dark_oak_log: income: 7.0 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 stripped_oak_log: income: 0.75 points: 0.75 experience: 0.25 stripped_spruce_log: income: 0.75 points: 0.75 experience: 0.25 stripped_birch_log: income: 0.75 points: 0.75 experience: 0.25 stripped_jungle_log: income: 0.75 points: 0.75 experience: 0.25 stripped_acacia_log: income: 0.75 points: 0.75 experience: 0.25 stripped_dark_oak_log: income: 0.75 points: 0.75 experience: 0.25 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 custom-kill: Woodcutter: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 10.0 Miner: fullname: Miner shortname: M description: Earns money mining minerals and ores. ChatColour: DARK_GRAY chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: DarkOne Objectives: - Break;stone;50 - Break;granite;50 - Break;sandstone;50 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Break blocks and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 270 Data: 0 TNTBreak: stone: income: 0.25 points: 0.25 experience: 0.5 granite: income: 0.25 points: 0.25 experience: 0.5 diorite: income: 0.25 points: 0.25 experience: 0.5 andesite: income: 0.25 points: 0.25 experience: 0.5 Break: tube_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 brain_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 bubble_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 fire_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 horn_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 andesite: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 stone: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 granite: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 diorite: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 sandstone: income: 0.3 points: 0.15 experience: 0.2 chiseled_sandstone: income: 0.3 points: 0.15 experience: 0.2 cut_sandstone: income: 0.3 points: 0.15 experience: 0.2 coal_ore: income: 3 points: 2 experience: 2 redstone_ore: income: 5 points: 2 experience: 2 iron_ore: income: 7 points: 3 experience: 2 gold_ore: income: 10 points: 4 experience: 2 lapis_ore: income: 15 points: 6 experience: 2 diamond_ore: income: 20 points: 10 experience: 10 emerald_ore: income: 30 points: 15 experience: 30 nether_quartz_ore: income: 5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 obsidian: income: 5 points: 5 experience: 5 cobblestone_wall: income: 5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 mossy_cobblestone_wall: income: 5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 nether_bricks: income: 5 points: 1 experience: 1.0 nether_brick_stairs: income: 6 points: 3 experience: 3 nether_brick_fence: income: 2 points: 1 experience: 1 netherrack: income: 0.1 points: 0.1 experience: 0.1 prismarine: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 prismarine_bricks: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 dark_prismarine: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 Place: rail: income: 1.0 points: 2.0 experience: 2.0 iron_ore: income: -5.0 points: -5 experience: -5.0 gold_ore: income: -6.0 points: -6 experience: -6.0 diamond_ore: income: -10.0 points: -10 experience: -10.0 emerald_ore: income: -15 points: -15 experience: -30 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 Builder: fullname: Builder shortname: B description: Earns money for building structures. ChatColour: WHITE chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Architect Objectives: - Place;spruce_planks;50 - Place;birch_planks;50 - Place;wool;50 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Place blocks and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Item: brick_stairs Place: stripped_oak_wood: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2 stripped_spruce_wood: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2 stripped_birch_wood: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2 stripped_jungle_wood: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2 stripped_acacia_wood: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2 stripped_dark_oak_wood: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2 dead_tube_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_brain_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_bubble_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_fire_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_horn_coral_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dried_kelp_block: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 stone: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 2 andesite: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 2 granite: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 2 diorite: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 2 cobblestone: income: 0.7 points: 0.7 experience: 2 oak_planks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_planks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_planks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_planks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_planks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_planks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 wool: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 gold_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 iron_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 oak_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 spruce_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 birch_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 jungle_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 acacia_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 dark_oak_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 stone_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 sandstone_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 petrified_oak_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 cobblestone_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 brick_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 stone_brick_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 nether_brick_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 quartz_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 red_sandstone_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 purpur_slab: income: 0.8 points: 0.8 experience: 2 bricks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 bookshelf: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 mossy_cobblestone: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 obsidian: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cobblestone_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 brick_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_prismarine_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 oak_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 prismarine_brick_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 prismarine_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 purpur_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 quartz_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 red_sandstone_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 sandstone_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 stone_brick_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 chest: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 diamond_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 crafting_table: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 furnace: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 ladder: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 ice: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 snow_block: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 2 jukebox: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 2 oak_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 oak_fence_gate: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_fence_gate: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_fence_gate: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_fence_gate: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_fence_gate: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_fence_gate: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 glowstone: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 white_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 orange_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 magenta_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 light_blue_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 yellow_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 lime_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 pink_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 gray_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 light_gray_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cyan_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 purple_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 blue_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 brown_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 green_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 red_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 black_stained_glass: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 iron_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 oak_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_trapdoor: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 stone_bricks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 mossy_stone_bricks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cracked_stone_bricks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 chiseled_stone_bricks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 iron_bars: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 white_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 orange_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 magenta_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 light_blue_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 yellow_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 lime_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 pink_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 gray_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 light_gray_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cyan_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 purple_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 blue_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 brown_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 green_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 red_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 black_stained_glass_pane: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 nether_bricks: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 nether_brick_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 nether_brick_stairs: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 enchanting_table: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 end_portal_frame: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 redstone_lamp: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 2 ender_chest: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 emerald_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cobblestone_wall: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 mossy_cobblestone_wall: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 trapped_chest: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 redstone_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 hopper: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 quartz_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 smooth_quartz: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 quartz_pillar: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 chiseled_quartz_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 white_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 orange_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 magenta_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 light_blue_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 yellow_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 lime_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 pink_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 gray_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 light_gray_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cyan_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 purple_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 blue_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 brown_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 green_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 red_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 black_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 oak_leaves: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_leaves: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_leaves: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_leaves: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_leaves: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_leaves: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 prismarine: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 1.9 prismarine_bricks: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 1.9 dark_prismarine: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 1.9 sea_lantern: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 hay_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 coal_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 packed_ice: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 red_sandstone: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 chiseled_red_sandstone: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 cut_red_sandstone: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 Digger: fullname: Digger shortname: D description: Earns money for terraforming the world. ChatColour: GOLD chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Ground Mole Objectives: - Break;dirt;50 - Break;grass_block;50 - Break;gravel;50 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Dig blocks and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 269 Data: 0 Break: red_sand: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 coarse_dirt: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 dirt: income: 0.25 points: 0.25 experience: 0.25 grass_block: income: 0.3 points: 0.3 experience: 0.3 gravel: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 sand: income: 0.4 points: 0.4 experience: 0.5 clay: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 custom-kill: Digger: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 10.0 Farmer: fullname: Farmer shortname: Fa description: Earns money farming crops. ChatColour: BLUE chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Regular Joe Objectives: - Breed;Sheep;10 - Shear;White;10 - Milk;Cow;3 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Be a farmer and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Item: wooden_hoe Tame: Wolf: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Horse: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Parrot: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Ocelot: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Llama: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Breed: Horse: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Sheep: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Cow: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 mushroom_cow: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Pig: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Chicken: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Wolf: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Ocelot: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Rabbit: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Llama: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Turtle: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Shear: Red: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Orange: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Yellow: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Green: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Blue: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Light_Blue: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Magenta: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Pink: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 White: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Light_Gray: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Black: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Brown: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Purple: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Cyan: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Gray: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Lime: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 Milk: Cow: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 5.0 Break: tube_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 brain_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 bubble_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 fire_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 horn_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 kelp_plant: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 kelp: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 seagrass: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 tall_seagrass: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 sea_pickle: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 chorus_plant: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 3.0 chorus_flower: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 3.0 beetroots-7: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 3.0 wheat-7: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 3.0 carrots-7: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 potatoes-7: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 pumpkin-7: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 1.0 sugar_cane: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 cocoa-2: income: 4 points: 4 experience: 4.0 oak_sapling: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 spruce_sapling: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 birch_sapling: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 jungle_sapling: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 acacia_sapling: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 dark_oak_sapling: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 lily_pad: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 dandelion: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 poppy: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 blue_orchid: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 allium: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 azure_bluet: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 red_tulip: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 orange_tulip: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 white_tulip: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 pink_tulip: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 oxeye_daisy: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 2.0 brown_mushroom: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 red_mushroom: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 vine: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 cactus: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 nether_wart: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1.0 Place: dead_tube_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_brain_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_bubble_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_fire_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 dead_horn_coral_fan: income: 2 points: 2 experience: 3 wheat: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 potatoes: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 carrots: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 beetroots: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 cocoa: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 sugar_cane: income: -1 points: -1 experience: -1 pumpkin_stem: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 melon_stem: income: 1 points: 1 experience: 1 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 Hunter: fullname: Hunter shortname: H description: Earns money killing animals and monsters. ChatColour: RED chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Predator Objectives: - Kill;Wolf;10 - Kill;Creeper;3 - Kill;Skeleton;10 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Kill everything what moves and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 261 Data: 0 Tame: Wolf: income: 20.0 points: 20 experience: 15.0 Ocelot: income: 20.0 points: 20 experience: 15.0 Horse: income: 20.0 points: 20 experience: 15.0 Kill: Chicken: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 Cow: income: 6.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 Pig: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 Sheep: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 Wolf: income: 10.0 points: 10 experience: 5.0 Creeper: income: 15.0 points: 15 experience: 15.0 Skeleton: income: 10.0 points: 10 experience: 15.0 Spider: income: 10.0 points: 10 experience: 15.0 Zombie: income: 10.0 points: 10 experience: 15.0 BLAZE: income: 20.0 points: 20 experience: 15.0 CAVE_SPIDER: income: 20.0 points: 20 experience: 15.0 ENDERMAN: income: 2.0 points: 2 experience: 2.0 GHAST: income: 30.0 points: 30 experience: 30.0 GIANT: income: 250.0 points: 250 experience: 100.0 IRON_GOLEM: income: 30.0 points: 30 experience: 30.0 mushroom_cow: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 PIG_ZOMBIE: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 SILVERFISH: income: 3.0 points: 3 experience: 5.0 SNOWMAN: income: 2.0 points: 2 experience: 4.0 SQUID: income: 2.0 points: 2 experience: 2.0 RABBIT: income: 2.0 points: 2 experience: 2.0 GUARDIAN: income: 2.0 points: 2 experience: 2.0 SHULKER: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 PHANTOM: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 DROWNED: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 HUSK: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 WITHER: income: 50.0 points: 50 experience: 120.0 ENDER_DRAGON: income: 2000.0 points: 2000 experience: 2000.0 Player: income: 9.0 points: 9 experience: 7.5 Explorer: fullname: Explorer shortname: Ex description: Earns money from exploring map. ChatColour: AQUA chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Galileo Objectives: - Explore;1;30 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Go on a trip and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 301 Data: 0 Explore: '1': income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 '2': income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 '3': income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 '4': income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 '5': income: 0.1 points: 0.1 experience: 0.1 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 experience: 7.5 Crafter: fullname: Crafter shortname: Cr description: Earns money from crafting items. ChatColour: RED chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Master Crafter Objectives: - Craft;dispenser;10 - Craft;chest;10 - Craft;ladder;30 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Craft and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Item: crafting_table Craft: stick: income: 0.1 points: 0.1 experience: 0.1 dispenser: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 4.0 note_block: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 3.0 powered_rail: income: 5.0 points: 5 experience: 5.0 detector_rail: income: 5.0 points: 4.0 experience: 5.0 sticky_piston: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 tnt: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 4.0 chest: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 1.3 crafting_table: income: 0.7 points: 0.7 experience: 1.0 furnace: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 ladder: income: 0.1 points: 0.1 experience: 0.1 rail: income: 1.1 points: 1.0 experience: 1.1 jukebox: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 20.0 cobblestone_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 acacia_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 birch_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 brick_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 dark_oak_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 dark_prismarine_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 jungle_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 nether_brick_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 oak_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 prismarine_brick_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 prismarine_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 purpur_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 quartz_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 red_sandstone_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 sandstone_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 spruce_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 stone_brick_stairs: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 3 enchanting_table: income: 30.0 points: 30.0 experience: 40.0 beacon: income: 100.0 points: 100.0 experience: 300.0 anvil: income: 20.0 points: 20.0 experience: 25.0 trapped_chest: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 stone_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 oak_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 spruce_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 birch_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 jungle_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 acacia_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 dark_oak_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 light_weighted_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 daylight_detector: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 2.5 hopper: income: 7.0 points: 7.0 experience: 7.0 activator_rail: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 4.0 dropper: income: 2.0 points: 2.0 experience: 3.0 terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 white_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 orange_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 magenta_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 light_blue_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 yellow_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 lime_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 pink_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 gray_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 light_gray_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 cyan_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 purple_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 blue_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 brown_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 green_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 red_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 black_terracotta: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 1.5 glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 white_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 orange_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 magenta_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 light_blue_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 yellow_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 lime_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 pink_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 gray_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 light_gray_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 cyan_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 purple_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 blue_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 brown_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 green_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 red_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 black_stained_glass: income: 0.2 points: 0.2 experience: 0.2 slime_block: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 prismarine: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 prismarine_bricks: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 dark_prismarine: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 sea_lantern: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 10.0 oak_fence_gate: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 spruce_fence_gate: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 birch_fence_gate: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 jungle_fence_gate: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 acacia_fence_gate: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 dark_oak_fence_gate: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 oak_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 spruce_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 birch_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 jungle_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 acacia_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 dark_oak_fence: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 2 oak_door: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 spruce_door: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 birch_door: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 jungle_door: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 acacia_door: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 dark_oak_door: income: 0.5 points: 0.5 experience: 0.5 iron_door: income: 8.0 points: 8.0 experience: 8.0 book: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 compass: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 7.0 clock: income: 7.0 points: 7.0 experience: 7.0 cake: income: 8.0 points: 8.0 experience: 10.0 bed: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 brewing_stand: income: 2.8 points: 2.8 experience: 3.5 cauldron: income: 7.0 points: 7.0 experience: 7.0 Smelt: cooked_chicken: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 Fisherman: fullname: Fisherman shortname: Fi description: Earns money from fishing. ChatColour: AQUA chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Catcher Objectives: - Fish;cod;2 - Fish;salmon;2 - Fish;tropical_fish;2 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Catch fish and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Item: fishing_rod Fish: cod: income: 15.0 points: 15.0 experience: 15.0 salmon: income: 20.0 points: 20.0 experience: 25.0 tropical_fish: income: 25.0 points: 25.0 experience: 25.0 pufferfish: income: 25.0 points: 25.0 experience: 25.0 Kill: Player: income: 7.5 points: 7.5 experience: 7.5 Weaponsmith: fullname: Weaponsmith shortname: W description: Earns money from crafting and repairing weapons. ChatColour: DARK_PURPLE chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: War never ends Objectives: - Craft;wooden_sword;2 - Craft;iron_chestplate;2 - Craft;gold_leggings;2 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Craft weapons and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 58 Data: 0 Craft: wooden_sword: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 2.0 leather_boots: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 4.0 leather_chestplate: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 8.0 leather_helmet: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 5.0 leather_leggings: income: 3.5 points: 3.5 experience: 7.0 iron_sword: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 8.0 iron_boots: income: 8.0 points: 8.0 experience: 16.0 iron_chestplate: income: 16.0 points: 16.0 experience: 32.0 iron_helmet: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 20.0 iron_leggings: income: 14.0 points: 14.0 experience: 28.0 gold_sword: income: 6.0 points: 6.0 experience: 12.0 gold_boots: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 24.0 gold_chestplate: income: 24.0 points: 24.0 experience: 48.0 gold_helmet: income: 15.0 points: 15.0 experience: 30.0 gold_leggings: income: 21.0 points: 21.0 experience: 42.0 diamond_sword: income: 8.0 points: 8.0 experience: 16.0 diamond_pickaxe: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 24.0 diamond_axe: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 24.0 diamond_helmet: income: 20.0 points: 20.0 experience: 40.0 diamond_chestplate: income: 32.0 points: 32.0 experience: 64.0 diamond_leggings: income: 28.0 points: 28.0 experience: 40.0 diamond_boots: income: 16.0 points: 16.0 experience: 32.0 turtle_helmet: income: 20.0 points: 20.0 experience: 40.0 Repair: wood_sword: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 1.0 iron_sword: income: 2.0 points: 2.0 experience: 2.0 gold_sword: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 3.0 diamond_sword: income: 4.0 points: 4.0 experience: 4.0 Smelt: iron_ingot: income: 1.3 points: 1.3 experience: 2.0 gold_ingot: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 10 diamond: income: 7.0 points: 7.0 experience: 20 Brewer: fullname: Brewer shortname: Br description: Earns money brewing potions. ChatColour: LIGHT_PURPLE chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Heavy drinker Objectives: - Brew;glowstone_dust;2 - Brew;redstone;2 - Brew;sugar;2 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Brew some stuff and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 379 Data: 0 Brew: nether_wart: income: 6.0 points: 6.0 experience: 6.0 redstone: income: 6.0 points: 6.0 experience: 6.0 glowstone_dust: income: 8.0 points: 8.0 experience: 8.0 fermented_spider_eye: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 12.0 gunpowder: income: 6.0 points: 6.0 experience: 6.0 dragon_breath: income: 25.0 points: 25.0 experience: 25.0 sugar: income: 7.0 points: 7.0 experience: 7.0 rabbit_foot: income: 18.0 points: 18.0 experience: 18.0 glistering_melon_slice: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 10.0 spider_eye: income: 9.0 points: 9.0 experience: 9.0 pufferfish: income: 14.0 points: 14.0 experience: 14.0 magma_cream: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 12.0 golden_carrot: income: 14.0 points: 14.0 experience: 14.0 blaze_powder: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 12.0 ghast_tear: income: 22.0 points: 22.0 experience: 22.0 turtle_helmet: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 12.0 phantom_membrane: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 12.0 Enchanter: fullname: Enchanter shortname: E description: Earns money enchanting weapons. ChatColour: DARK_BLUE chat-display: full max-level: 200 leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) rejoinCooldown: 10 maxDailyQuests: 1 Quests: '1': Name: Harry the wizard Objectives: - Enchant;wood_sword;1 - Enchant;diamond_sword;1 - Enchant;ARROW_DAMAGE;1 RewardCommands: - money give [playerName] 100 - msg [playerName] Completed quest! RewardDesc: - Be a wizard and get money - Get 100 for this! Gui: Id: 116 Data: 0 Enchant: wood_sword: income: 1.5 points: 1.5 experience: 3.0 leather_boots: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 6.0 leather_chestplate: income: 2.0 points: 2.0 experience: 6.0 leather_helmet: income: 1.0 points: 1.0 experience: 6.0 leather_leggings: income: 2.0 points: 2.0 experience: 6.0 iron_sword: income: 3.0 points: 3.0 experience: 6.0 iron_boots: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 9.0 iron_chestplate: income: 4.5 points: 4.5 experience: 9.0 iron_helmet: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 9.0 iron_leggings: income: 4.5 points: 4.5 experience: 9.0 gold_sword: income: 4.5 points: 4.5 experience: 15.0 gold_boots: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 15.0 gold_chestplate: income: 5.5 points: 5.5 experience: 15.0 gold_helmet: income: 2.5 points: 2.5 experience: 15.0 gold_leggings: income: 5.5 points: 5.5 experience: 15.0 diamond_sword: income: 9.0 points: 9.0 experience: 30.0 diamond_spade: income: 5.0 points: 5.0 experience: 30.0 diamond_pickaxe: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 30.0 diamond_axe: income: 10.0 points: 10.0 experience: 30.0 diamond_helmet: income: 6.0 points: 6.0 experience: 30.0 diamond_chestplate: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 50.0 diamond_leggings: income: 12.0 points: 12.0 experience: 50.0 diamond_boots: income: 6.0 points: 6.0 experience: 30.0 None: fullname: None shortname: N ChatColour: WHITE chat-display: none leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4) income-progression-equation: baseincome+(baseincome*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((baseincome+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) points-progression-equation: basepoints+(basepoints*(joblevel-1)*0.01)-((basepoints+(joblevel-1)*0.01) * ((numjobs-1)*0.05)) experience-progression-equation: baseexperience-(baseexperience*((numjobs-1) *0.01)) Kill: Player: income: 7.5