# Title configuration # Stores the titles people gain at certain levels. # Each title requres to have a name, short name (used when the player has more than # 1 job) the colour of the title and the level requrirement to attain the title. # It is recommended but not required to have a title at level 0. # Titles are completely optional. # Posible variable are {level} to add current jobs level. # Optionaly you can set different titles based by job. # JobName: Miner Titles: Novice: Name: N ShortName: N ChatColour: YELLOW levelReq: 0 Apprentice: Name: A ShortName: A ChatColour: WHITE levelReq: 25 Initiate: Name: I ShortName: I ChatColour: GOLD levelReq: 50 Journeyman: Name: J ShortName: J ChatColour: DARK_GREEN levelReq: 75 Adept: Name: Ad ShortName: Ad ChatColour: DARK_PURPLE levelReq: 100 Master: Name: M ShortName: M ChatColour: GRAY levelReq: 125 Grandmaster: Name: GM ShortName: GM ChatColour: DARK_GRAY levelReq: 150 Legendary: Name: L ShortName: L ChatColour: BLACK levelReq: 200