# For more information, check out the plugin manual or join us on Discord: # http://www.mythicmobs.net # SkeletonKingSword: Id: DIAMOND_SWORD Data: 0 Display: '&3Greatsword of the Skeleton King' Lore: - '&6A powerful sword used by' - '&6the King of Skeletons.' Enchantments: - DAMAGE_ALL:5 - KNOCKBACK:2 - FIRE_ASPECT:2 Attributes: MainHand: Health: 10 MovementSpeed: 0.1 KingsCrown: Id: GOLDEN_HELMET Data: 0 Amount: 1 Display: '&dCrown of the King' Lore: - '&6A kingly crowl that grants' - '&6the wearer unwavering power!' Enchantments: - PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:2 - PROTECTION_PROJECTILE:2 - PROTECTION_FIRE:2 - PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS:2 Hide: - ATTRIBUTES - ENCHANTS Attributes: Head: Health: 10 KnockbackResistance: 10 BanditTunic: Id: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE Display: '&aBandit Tunic' Lore: - '&6A leather tunic taken from' - '&6the corpse of a bandit.' Options: Color: 255,40,40