# Block protected by timer in sec # Category name can be any you like to be easily recognized # id can be actual block id (use /jobs blockinfo to get correct id) or use block name # By setting time to -1 will keep block protected until global cleanup, mainly used for structure blocks like diamond # If you want to have default value for all blocks, enale GlobalBlockTimer in generalConfig file blocksTimer: Sapling: id: 6 cd: 60 leaves: id: 18 cd: 60 grass: id: longgrass cd: 60 deadBush: id: 32 cd: 60 rail: id: 66 cd: 60 rail2: id: 27 cd: 60 rail3: id: 28 cd: 60 rail4: id: 157 cd: 60 web: id: 30 cd: 60 dandelion: id: 37 cd: 60 poppy: id: 38 cd: 60 flower: id: 175 cd: 60 mushroom: id: 39 cd: 60 mushroomRed: id: 40 cd: 60 torch: id: 50 cd: 60 redTorch: id: 76 cd: 60 lader: id: 65 cd: 5 carpet: id: 171 cd: 60 button: id: 77 cd: 5 button2: id: 143 cd: 5 lever: id: 69 cd: 60 snow: id: 78 cd: 60 snow2: id: 80 cd: 60 hook: id: 131 cd: 60 tripWire: id: 132 cd: 60 redstone: id: 55 cd: 60 repeater: id: 93 cd: 60 comparator: id: 149 cd: 60 lily: id: 111 cd: 30 vines: id: 106 cd: 30 wheat: id: 59 cd: 5 sugarcane: id: 83 cd: 30 cactus: id: 81 cd: 30 beatroot: id: 207 cd: 60 potato: id: 142 cd: 60 carrot: id: 141 cd: 60 warts: id: 115 cd: 60 pumpkin: id: 86 cd: 30 pumpkinstem: id: 104 cd: 30 melon: id: 103 cd: 30 melonstem: id: 105 cd: 30 goldore: id: goldore cd: -1 ironore: id: ironore cd: -1 coalore: id: coalore cd: -1 lapisore: id: lapisore cd: -1 diamondore: id: diamondore cd: -1 redstoneore: id: redstoneore cd: -1 emeraldore: id: emeraldore cd: -1 quartzore: id: quartzore cd: -1