global: commandChannel: 209720707188260864 prefix: / mainServer: 125813020357165056 modRole: Moderator test: false inviteLink: components: GeneralEventBroadcasterModule: enabled: true MinecraftChatModule: enabled: true chatChannel: 249663564057411596 chcons: '477963575068196875': mcchid: dev chid: 477963575068196875 did: 126012419792306177 mcuid: bd0c72e7-f5a6-49be-a407-ad69e72a3431 mcname: NorbiPeti groupid: everyone toggles: 0 brtoggles: [] whitelistedCommands: - list - u - shrug - tableflip - unflip - mwiki - yeehaw - lenny - rp - plugins - press excludedPlugins: - ProtocolLib - LibsDisguises - JourneyMapServer allowFakePlayerTeleports: false showPlayerListOnDC: true allowCustomChat: true allowPrivateChat: true ExceptionListenerModule: enabled: true channel: 239519012529111040 pingRole: 282291454326603776 GameRoleModule: enabled: true logChannel: 283840717275791360 AnnouncerModule: enabled: true lastAnnouncementTime: 1563726352 lastSeenTime: 1563726352 keepPinned: 40 channel: 125813020357165056 modChannel: 126795071927353344 FunModule: enabled: true fullHouseChannel: 219626707458457603 fullHouseDevRole: 219594051178070017 serverReadyAnswers: - In one week from now - Between now and the heat-death of the universe. - Soon™ - Ask again this time next month - In about 3 seconds - After we finish 8 plugins - Tomorrow. - After one tiiiny feature - Next commit - After we finish strangling Towny - When we kill every *fucking* bug - Once the server stops screaming. - After HL3 comes out - Next time you ask - When will *you* be open? serverReady: - when will the server be open - when will the server be ready - when will the server be done - when will the server be complete - when will the server be finished - when's the server ready - when's the server open - Vhen vill ze server be open? serverup: true