certain player data points must be tracked and stored. These are all stored in the following way: per player, per storyline per player, per world per storyline per player, per excursion per world per storyline per player tracked data: location inventory playerdata time tracking kill/death ratios ? breakdown: LOCATION - xyz yaw pitch INVENTORY - inventory - enderchest PLAYERDATA - exp - health - food - saturation - exhaustion - air - fireticks - walkspeed - active potion effects - name - duration - amplifier - isAmbient - hasParticles - Color (if it has one) TIME TRACKING - total time spend - time last entered - time last left KILL/DEATH: ANY PLAYER: - last kill - time - time since previous - victim uuid, name - last death - time - time since previous - killer uuid, name - # kills - # deaths EACH PLAYER: - uuid, name - last kill - time - time since previous - your k/d at the time - their k/d at the time - last death - time - time since previous - your k/d at the time - their k/d at the time - # kills - # deaths to be continued?