//Canvas Variables var canvas = document.getElementById('buttonCanvas'); var canvasContext = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var diamondImage = new Image(); diamondImage.src = "diamond.png"; var grayDiamondImage = new Image(); grayDiamondImage.src = "grayDiamond.png"; //From Server Variables var minimumTime = 0; var diamondIsAvailable = false; var participants = 0; var fullPresserProbabilities; var todaysAggregatePresserProbabilities = []; var preseserProbabilitiesAdjusted //Time Control Variables var fps = 30; var dateObject = new Date(); var defaultTime = dateObject.getTime(); var buttonAdjustment = 0; var buttonTime = 0; var buttonTimeCountingDown = 60000 - buttonTime; var buttonHasBeenReset = false; //Button Press Variables var buttonPress = false; var mouseIsHeld = false; var outerRingRedEffect = 234; var outerRingGeneralEffect = 234; var currentSecond = 60; var presserMillisecondRandomness = 0; var PressColour = "Grey"; //Mouse Position Calculator function calculateMousePos(evt){ var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var root = document.documentElement; var mouseX = evt.clientX - rect.left - root.scrollLeft; var mouseY = evt.clientY - rect.top - root.scrollTop; return { x:mouseX, y:mouseY } } //Main Loop window.onload = function(){ //Canvas Initialization canvas = document.getElementById('buttonCanvas'); canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvasContext.fillStyle = "black"; //Prevents click-through var canvas = document.getElementById('buttonCanvas'); canvas.onselectstart = function () { return false; } //Inner Main Loop setInterval(function() { main(); },1000/fps); //Button Event Listener - MouseDown canvas.addEventListener("mousedown",function(evt){ var mousePos = calculateMousePos(evt); mouseIsHeld = true; if (mousePos.x > 45 && mousePos.y > 75 && mousePos.x < 170+45 && mousePos.y < 40+75) { buttonPress = true; } }); //Button Event Listener - MouseUp canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", function(evt){ //Mouse Position On Button? var mousePos = calculateMousePos(evt); if (mousePos.x > 45 && mousePos.y > 75 && mousePos.x < 170+45 && mousePos.y < 40+75 && buttonPress == true) { //Button Is Pressed pressNumber = buttonTimeCountingDown / 1000; console.log(pressNumber); if (pressNumber > 60) { PressColour = "Purple"; } else if (pressNumber >= 50) { PressColour = "Purple"; } else if (pressNumber >= 40) { PressColour = "Blue"; } else if (pressNumber >= 30) { PressColour = "Green"; } else if (pressNumber >= 20) { PressColour = "Yellow"; } else if (pressNumber >= 10) { PressColour = "Orange"; } else if (pressNumber >= 0) { PressColour = "Red"; } else { PressColour = "Red"; } resetButton(); } //Reset Button Reaction mouseIsHeld = false; buttonPress = false; }); //Button Event Listener - Mouse Off Screen canvas.addEventListener("mouseleave",function(evt){ //Handles bug where button remains pressed //if mouse holds button and leaves element buttonPress = false; buttonHold = false; }); } //Does Everything function main(){ //Draws Non-timed Elements drawBackground(); drawTitle(); drawParticipants(); //Time Control Methods setButtonTimes(); presserSimulator(); minimumTimeHandler(); //Draws Timed Elements drawCounter(); //Counter is seen drawButton(); //Button is pressed drawPieChart(); //Pie chart is updated //Draws Remaining Non-timed Elements drawDiamond(); } function presserSimulator(args) { if (buttonTimeCountingDown <= (currentSecond+presserMillisecondRandomness)*1000) { currentSecond--; if(Math.random() <= 2.0/100.0) { resetButton(); } presserMillisecondRandomness = Math.random()*.9; } } //Sets Button Times function setButtonTimes() { var nowTimeObject = new Date; buttonTime = nowTimeObject.getTime() - defaultTime - buttonAdjustment; buttonTimeCountingDown = 60000 - buttonTime; } //Resets Button if it reaches the Minimum Time Value function minimumTimeHandler(a) { if(buttonTimeCountingDown < (minimumTime*1000)){ resetButton(); } } //Draws Background function drawBackground() { canvasContext.fillStyle = "#FAFAFA"; canvasContext.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); } //Draws "the button" to the left function drawTitle(){ //Adjustment for text var Xadj = -1; var Yadj = 20; //Draws Text canvasContext.fillStyle = "black"; canvasContext.font = "25px georgia"; canvasContext.fillText("the button",25+Xadj,25+Yadj); } //Draws the Pressable Button function drawButton(){ //Outer Button switch (PressColour) { case "Red": canvasContext.fillStyle = "#DD3333"; break; case "Orange": canvasContext.fillStyle = "#FFAA33"; break; case "Yellow": canvasContext.fillStyle = "#FFE300"; break; case "Green": canvasContext.fillStyle = "#AAFF77"; break; case "Blue": canvasContext.fillStyle = "#77AAFF"; break; case "Purple": canvasContext.fillStyle = "#9966CC"; break; default: canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgb(234,234,234)"; break; } fillRoundRect(canvasContext,35,65,190,60,3); //Press Detector var buttonDepth = 2; if (buttonPress == true) { buttonDepth = 0; }else if(buttonPress == false){ buttonDepth = 2; }else{ console.log("DRAWBUTTON ERROR: buttonPress is not True or False"); } //Inner Button canvasContext.fillStyle = "#1A7FB5"; canvasContext.fillStyle = "#777777"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,35+10,65+10,190-20,60-20,3); //canvasContext.fillStyle = "#2DAAEB"; canvasContext.fillStyle = "#AAAAAA"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,35+10,65+10-buttonDepth,190-20,60-20-buttonDepth,3); } //Draws the Pie Chart Timer that ticks down function drawPieChart(){ //Center coordinate = 295,100 //Outer Circle Radius = 50 if (diamondIsAvailable) { //Creates Cyan Flash Effect if (outerRingRedEffect > 234) { outerRingRedEffect = 234; }else if (outerRingRedEffect < 234) { outerRingRedEffect += 10; } canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgb("+outerRingRedEffect+",234,234)"; }else{ if (outerRingGeneralEffect > 234) { outerRingGeneralEffect = 234 }else if (outerRingGeneralEffect < 234) { outerRingGeneralEffect += 5; } canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgb(" + outerRingGeneralEffect + "," + outerRingGeneralEffect + "," + outerRingGeneralEffect + ")"; } canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.arc(292.5,100-2,50,0,Math.PI*2,true); canvasContext.fill(); //Inner Circle Colouring if (diamondIsAvailable) { canvasContext.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; }else if (diamondIsAvailable == false) { canvasContext.fillStyle = "#C8C8C8"; } //Inner Circle Radius = 35 canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.arc(292.5,100-2,35,0,Math.PI*2,true); canvasContext.fill(); //Pie Countdown Colouring if (diamondIsAvailable) { canvasContext.fillStyle = "#00EEEE"; }else if (diamondIsAvailable == false) { canvasContext.fillStyle = "#6A6A6A"; } //Pie Drawing canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.moveTo(292.5,100-2); canvasContext.lineTo(292.5,65-2); canvasContext.arc(292.5,100-2,35, 3*Math.PI/2, 3/2*Math.PI + 2*Math.PI*((buttonTime)/60000),true); canvasContext.lineTo(292.5,100-2); canvasContext.fill(); } //Draws the text based counter to the right of the circle function drawCounter(){ //Outer Box canvasContext.fillStyle = "#EAEAEA"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,360,65,190,60,3); //Inner Boxes with numbers canvasContext.font = ("bold 24px Verdana"); canvasContext.fillStyle = "black"; //X and Y adjustment for text var Xadj = 1.5; var Yadj = 29.5; //Time Setting var tenSecondDigit = Math.floor(buttonTimeCountingDown/10000); var oneSecondDigit = Math.floor((buttonTimeCountingDown%10000)/1000); var tenthSecondDigit = Math.floor((buttonTimeCountingDown%1000)/100); var hundrethSecondDigit = Math.floor((buttonTimeCountingDown%100)/10); //10 second display canvasContext.fillStyle = "white"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,410,75,20,40,3); canvasContext.fillStyle = "black"; canvasContext.fillText(tenSecondDigit.toString(),410+Xadj,75+Yadj); //1 second display canvasContext.fillStyle = "white"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,435,75,20,40,3); canvasContext.fillStyle = "black"; canvasContext.fillText(oneSecondDigit.toString(),435+Xadj,75+Yadj); //0.1 second display canvasContext.fillStyle = "white"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,460,75,20,40,3); canvasContext.fillStyle = "grey"; canvasContext.fillText(tenthSecondDigit.toString(),460+Xadj,75+Yadj); //0.01 second display canvasContext.fillStyle = "white"; fillRoundRect(canvasContext,485,75,20,40,3); canvasContext.fillStyle = "grey"; canvasContext.fillText(hundrethSecondDigit.toString(),485+Xadj,75+Yadj); } //Draws the Participants count to the right function drawParticipants(){ //Participants canvasContext.fillStyle = "black" canvasContext.font = "13px Georgia"; canvasContext.textAlign = "right"; canvasContext.fillText(buttonTime + " participants", 435+110,35+15); canvasContext.textAlign = "left"; } //Draws the diamond in the center of the screen function drawDiamond() { //Gray diamond slot, or diamond itself? if (diamondIsAvailable) { canvasContext.drawImage(diamondImage, 292.5-17.5,100-21); }else if (diamondIsAvailable == false) { canvasContext.drawImage(grayDiamondImage, 292.5-17.5,100-21); }else{ console.log("DRAW DIAMOND ERROR: Impossible"); } } //Function made to round corners of rectangles function fillRoundRect(ctx, x, y, width, height, radius) { if (typeof radius === 'undefined') { radius = 5; } if (typeof radius === 'number') { radius = {tl: radius, tr: radius, br: radius, bl: radius}; } else { var defaultRadius = {tl: 0, tr: 0, br: 0, bl: 0}; for (var side in defaultRadius) { radius[side] = radius[side] || defaultRadius[side]; } } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x + radius.tl, y); ctx.lineTo(x + width - radius.tr, y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius.tr); ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius.br); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius.br, y + height); ctx.lineTo(x + radius.bl, y + height);9 ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius.bl); ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius.tl); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius.tl, y); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } //Resets the Button function resetButton() { buttonAdjustment += buttonTime; currentSecond = 60; buttonHasBeenReset = true; if (diamondIsAvailable) { outerRingRedEffect = 0; }else{ outerRingGeneralEffect = 150; } }