
1165 lines
58 KiB
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"strCrosshairHintTextConfigurable": "[{0}] to configure",
"strCrosshairHintTextBoxSelectHint": "[{0}] = Cut\n[{1}] = Copy\n[{2}] = Delete",
"strCrosshairHintCancelSelectionHint": "[{0}] = Cancel\n[Scrollwheel] = Rotate",
"strCrosshairHintCloseAllWidgets": "[{0}] = Close all widgets",
"strChooseAColourHint": "Choose a colour [{0}]",
"strBlockInventoryHint": "Block Inventory [{0}]",
"strBlockModeHint": "Block Mode [{0}]",
"strInventoryHint": "Inventory [{0}]",
"strColourModeHint": "Color Mode [{0}]",
"strConfigModeHint": "Config Mode [{0}]",
"strBoxSelectModeHint": "Box Select Mode [{0}]",
"strStartTimeHint": "Start Time [{0}]",
"strExitPilotSeat": "Release Controls [{0}]",
"strEnterPilotSeat": "Enter Pilot Seat [{0}]",
"strStopTimeHint": "Stop Time [{0}]",
"strConfigMode": "Switches to Config Mode",
"strBoxSelect": "Blueprint Mode",
"strTimeStart": "Time start",
"strGameStartHint": "Start Game [{0}]",
"strReleaseControls": "[{0}] To Release Controls",
"strDisplayNameIsUsed": "This Name is already in use, please choose another.",
"strSteamInitializationFailed": "Steam initialization failed",
"strAuthenticationError": "Authentication error",
"strTypeYourDisplayName": "Type a new display name",
"strOK": "OK",
"strTypeHere": "Type Here",
"strInvalidDisplayName": "Invalid display name",
"strTranslationNotFound": "TRANSLATION KEY NOT FOUND!",
"strValidDisplayName": "Valid display name",
"strServerException": "Server Exception",
"strCancel": "Cancel",
"strQuit": "Quit",
"strRetry": "Retry",
"strGenericError": "ERROR",
"strGenericWarning": "Warning",
"strAlreadyDisplayName": "Name already in use",
"strAreYouSure": "Are you sure?",
"strWannaQuit": "Are you sure you want to quit?",
"strSupportUs": "Support Us!",
"strSupportTheGame": "Support the Game",
"strSupportDesc": "Get your name in the Credits as a RobocraftX supporter for just $4.99!\n\nYour kind support will help fund development of the game, and immortalize your name in the Credits.",
"strSupportDisclaimer": "Disclaimer: Your Steam display name will be used. Freejam reserve the right to edit or remove offensive names.",
"strCredits": "Credits",
"strBack": "Back",
"strAGameBy": "A Game By",
"strGameDesign": "Game Design",
"strArt": "Art",
"strProgramming": "Programming",
"strAudio": "Audio",
"strCommunity": "Community Managing",
"strQA": "QA",
"strThanksforSupport": "Thanks to all our Early Access supporters!",
"strInventory": "Inventory",
"strPlayGame": "Play Game",
"strPlay": "Play",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha0": "0",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha1": "1",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha2": "2",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha3": "3",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha4": "4",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha5": "5",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha6": "6",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha7": "7",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha8": "8",
"strKeyboardButton_Alpha9": "9",
"strKeyboardButton_H": "H",
"strKeyboardButton_C": "C",
"strAxleCube": "Axle S",
"strBatteryCube": "Battery S",
"strHingeCube": "Hinge S",
"strMotorCube": "Motor S",
"strSpringCube": "Spring",
"strAluminumCube": "Aluminum Cube",
"strAluminumConeSegment": "Aluminum Cone Segment",
"strAluminumCorner": "Aluminum Corner",
"strAluminumCornerRounded": "Aluminum Rounded Corner",
"strAluminumCubeSliced": "Aluminum Sliced Cube",
"strAluminumCubeSlicedRounded": "Aluminum Rounded Sliced Cube",
"strAluminumCylinder": "Aluminum Cylinder",
"strAluminumPyramidSegment": "Aluminum Pyramid Segment",
"strAluminumSlope": "Aluminum Slope",
"strAluminumSlopeRounded": "Aluminum Rounded Slope",
"strAluminumSphere": "Aluminum Sphere",
"strAluminiumTubeCorner": "Aluminum Tube Corner",
"strIronCube": "Iron Cube",
"strIronConeSegment": "Iron Cone Segment",
"strIronCorner": "Iron Corner",
"strIronCornerRounded": "Iron Rounded Corner",
"strIronCubeSliced": "Iron Sliced Cube",
"strIronCubeSlicedRounded": "Iron Rounded Sliced Cube",
"strIronCylinder": "Iron Cylinder",
"strIronPyramidSegment": "Iron Pyramid Segment",
"strIronSlope": "Iron Slope",
"strIronSlopeRounded": "Iron Rounded Slope",
"strIronSphere": "Iron Sphere",
"strIronTubeCorner": "Iron Tube Corner",
"strRubberCube": "Grippy Cube",
"strRubberConeSegment": "Grippy Cone Segment",
"strRubberCorner": "Grippy Corner",
"strRubberCornerRounded": "Grippy Rounded Corner",
"strRubberCubeSliced": "Grippy Sliced Cube",
"strRubberCubeSlicedRounded": "Grippy Rounded Sliced Cube",
"strRubberCylinder": "Grippy Cylinder",
"strRubberPyramidSegment": "Grippy Pyramid Segment",
"strRubberSlope": "Grippy Slope",
"strRubberSlopeRounded": "Grippy Rounded Slope",
"strRubberSphere": "Grippy Sphere",
"strOiledCube": "Oiled Steel Cube",
"strOiledConeSegment": "Oiled Steel Cone Segment",
"strOiledCorner": "Oiled Steel Corner",
"strOiledCornerRounded": "Oiled Steel Rounded Corner",
"strOiledCubeSliced": "Oiled Steel Sliced Cube",
"strOiledCubeSlicedRounded": "Oiled Steel Rounded Sliced Cube",
"strOiledCylinder": "Oiled Steel Cylinder",
"strOiledPyramidSegment": "Oiled Steel Pyramid Segment",
"strOiledSlope": "Oiled Steel Slope",
"strOiledSlopeRounded": "Oiled Steel Rounded Slope",
"strOiledSphere": "Oiled Steel Sphere",
"strGlassCube": "Glass Cube",
"strGlassConeSegment": "Glass Cone Segment",
"strGlassCorner": "Glass Corner",
"strGlassCornerRounded": "Glass Rounded Corner",
"strGlassCubeSliced": "Glass Sliced Cube",
"strGlassCubeSlicedRounded": "Glass Rounded Sliced Cube",
"strGlassCylinder": "Glass Cylinder",
"strGlassPyramidSegment": "Glass Pyramid Segment",
"strGlassSlope": "Glass Slope",
"strGlassSlopeRounded": "Glass Rounded Slope",
"strGlassSphere": "Glass Sphere",
"strResume": "Resume",
"strHinge2x1Cube": "Hinge M",
"strMotor2x2Cube": "Motor M",
"strTyreCube": "Tire M",
"strTyreSCube": "Tire S",
"strAxle2x1Cube": "Axle M",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsOperatingSystemErrorDesc": "Your operating system is not supported. Gamecraft requires Windows 7 or higher.",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsProcessorCountErrorDesc": "Your CPU's processor count is below the minimum spec for Gamecraft which needs a quad core or higher. You may experience unexpected issues.",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsSystemMemoryErrorDesc": "Your system memory is below the minimum spec for Gamecraft which needs at least 4GB of RAM to run. You may experience unexpected issues.",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsGraphicsDeviceTypeErrorDesc": "Gamecraft requires Direct3D 11 or higher to run. Please update DirectX if possible and try again.",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsGraphicsDeviceVersionErrorDesc": "Your PC is using the Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Please make sure Windows is set to use your correct graphics card and that your drivers are up to date.",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsGraphicsShaderLevelErrorDesc": "Your graphics card doesn't support Shader Model 5.0, which is required by Gamecraft.",
"strMinimumSystemRequirementsComputeShadersErrorDesc": "Your graphics card doesn't support Compute Shaders, which are required by Gamecraft.",
"strUnknownErrorDesc": "An unknown error occurred. Please contact support.",
"strButtonCube": "Button",
"strChipCube": "Chip",
"strLeverCube": "Lever",
"strSliderCube": "Slider",
"strSwitchCube": "Switch",
"strAluminiumCubeDesc": " Light-weight metal. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strRubberCubeDesc": "A super grippy rubber compound. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strOiledCubeDesc": "Very slippery. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strIronCubeDesc": "Heavy-weight metal. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strGlassCubeDesc": "Transparent. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strLeverCubeDesc": "Controls connected parts between the ranges of -1 and 1.",
"strAxleCubeDesc": "A rod that allows connected parts to spin freely.",
"strHingeCubeDesc": "A joint which allows attached parts to swing.",
"strMotorCubeDesc": "A machine that spins connected parts when powered.",
"strBatteryCubeDesc": "Supplies power through conductive cubes.",
"strTyreCubeDesc": "Average grip both on-road and off-road.",
"strTyreSCubeDesc": "Average grip both on-road and off-road.",
"strGameDetails": "Game Details",
"strPlayGames": "PLAY GAMES",
"strCommunityGamesScreenTitle": "COMMUNITY GAMES",
"strPlayGamesDescription": "Visit the Community Guides section on Steam to learn how to get your game into this list. In future we hope to support full community created multiplayer PvP and Co-op games shared in via Steam Workshop.",
"strCreateGames": "CRAFT GAMES",
"strMainMenuInfoVersion": "EARLY ACCESS",
"strMainMenuInfoBuild": "Build 0.0.004",
"strNuclearReactorCube": "Nuclear Reactor",
"strNuclearReactorCubeDesc": "A virtually infinite power source usable when you're building Games only.",
"strSpawnPointPlayer": "Player Spawn Point",
"strSpawnPointSmall": "Small Spawn Point",
"strSpawnPointMedium": "Medium Spawn Point",
"strSpawnPointLarge": "Large Spawn Point",
"strPauseMenu": "Pause Menu",
"strSpawnPointPlayerDesc": "A spawn area just big enough for 1 player. Place in games where there is no building.",
"strSpawnPointSmallDesc": "A small buildable spawn area. Place in games where the player makes a small build.",
"strSpawnPointMediumDesc": "A medium buildable spawn area. Place in games where the player makes a medium build.",
"strSpawnPointLargeDesc": "A large buildable spawn area. Place in games where the player makes a large build.",
"strServoAxleCube": "Servo Axle",
"strServoHingeCube": "Servo Hinge",
"strStepperMotorAxleCube": "Stepper Axle",
"strStepperMotorHingeCube": "Stepper Hinge",
"strServoAxleCubeDesc": "A powered joint that will stay at a specific angle based on the input signal.",
"strServoHingeCubeDesc": "A powered joint that will stay at a specific angle based on the input signal.",
"strStepperMotorAxleCubeDesc": "A powerful but slow moving motor that will lock its position when the input signal is zero.",
"strStepperMotorHingeCubeDesc": "A powerful but slow moving motor that will lock its position when the input signal is zero.",
"strTelescopicJointSCube": "Telescopic Joint",
"strTelescopicJointSCubeDesc": "A joint that expands in a straight line like a Telescope.",
"strDampedSpringSCube": "Damped Spring",
"strDampedSpringSCubeDesc": "A joint that has a spring and built in damper.",
"strServoPistonSCube": "Servo Piston",
"strServoPistonSCubeDesc": "A powered joint that acts like a Piston. Length is proportional to input signal.",
"strStepperPistonSCube": "Stepper Piston",
"strStepperPistonSCubeDesc": "A powered joint that acts like a Piston that locks into place when the input signal is zero.",
"strBallJointCube": "Ball Joint",
"strUniversalJointCube": "Universal Joint",
"strBallJointCubeDesc": "A joint that is free to rotate in all axis.",
"strUniversalJointCubeDesc": "A joint that is free to move in two of three axis, so cannot be twisted.",
"strPneumaticPistonSCube": "Pneumatic Piston",
"strPneumaticHingeSCube": "Pneumatic Hinge",
"strPneumaticAxleSCube": "Pneumatic Axle",
"strPneumaticPistonSCubeDesc": "A powerful fast moving joint that is pushed out by compressed air.",
"strPneumaticHingeSCubeDesc": "A powerful fast moving joint that is rotated by compressed air.",
"strPneumaticAxleSCubeDesc": "A powerful fast moving joint that is rotated by compressed air.",
"strIronBulgerInnerCorner": "Iron Bulged Inner Corner",
"strIronCurvedInnerCorner": "Iron Curved Inner Corner",
"strIronCurvedInnerFiller": "Iron Curved Inner Filler",
"strIronCurvedOuterFiller": "Iron Curved Outer Filler",
"strIronCurvedSlope": "Iron Curved Slope",
"strNetworkError": "Network Error",
"strJoinedDuringSim": "Cannot join when host is simulation. Please try again after they return to Build Mode.",
"strServerUnexpectedError": "The host had an unexpected problem and the game ended. Please try starting a new game.",
"strQuitToMainMenu": "Quit to main menu",
"strClientDesyncError": "Level is too complicated and simulation is running slowly. Disconnecting.",
"strCharacterTriggerOnEnter": "Character OnEnter Trigger",
"strCharacterTriggerOnExit": "Character OnExit Trigger",
"strCharacterTriggerOnStay": "Character OnStay Trigger",
"strObjectTriggerOnEnter": "Object OnEnter Trigger",
"strObjectTriggerOnExit": "Object OnExit Trigger",
"strObjectTriggerOnStay": "Object OnStay Trigger",
"strCharacterTriggerOnEnterDesc": "Best used to trigger the Command Computer when a character enters it.",
"strCharacterTriggerOnExitDesc": "Best used to trigger the Command Computer when a character exits it.",
"strCharacterTriggerOnStayDesc": "Will send an output signal of +1 continuously whilst a character is inside it.",
"strObjectTriggerOnEnterDesc": "Best used to trigger the Command Computer when a physics object enters it",
"strObjectTriggerOnExitDesc": "Best used to trigger the Command Computer when a physics object exits it",
"strObjectTriggerOnStayDesc": "Will send an output signal of +1 continuously whilst an object is inside it.",
"strFailedToStartServer": "Failed to start server",
"strPilotSeat": "Pilot Seat",
"strPassengerSeat": "Passenger Seat",
"strControlConsole": "Pilot Controls",
"strPilotSeatDesc": "Assign keyboard and mouse actions to controllable parts. Has a custom 3PS camera.",
"strPassengerSeatDesc": "A seat that you can sit in. Can be attached to moving objects and vehicles.",
"strControlConsoleDesc": "Assign keyboard and mouse actions to controllable parts. Has a custom 3PS camera.",
"strGrassCube": "Grass Cube",
"strGrassConeSegment": "Grass Cone Segment",
"strGrassCorner": "Grass Corner",
"strGrassCornerRounded": "Grass Corner Rounded",
"strGrassCubeSliced": "Grass Cube Sliced",
"strGrassCubeSlicedRounded": "Grass Cube Sliced Rounded",
"strGrassPyramidSegment": "Grass Pyramid Segment",
"strGrassSlope": "Grass Slope",
"strGrassSlopeRounded": "Grass Slope Rounded",
"strGrassInnerCornerBulger": "Grass Inner Corner Bulged",
"strGrassCubeDesc": "Does not fall under gravity. Anything connected to this will also not fall.",
"strDirtCube": "Dirt Cube",
"strDirtConeSegment": "Dirt Cone Segment",
"strDirtCorner": "Dirt Corner",
"strDirtCornerRounded": "Dirt Corner Rounded",
"strDirtCubeSliced": "Dirt Cube Sliced",
"strDirtCubeSlicedRounded": "Dirt Cube Sliced Rounded",
"strDirtPyramidSegment": "Dirt Pyramid Segment",
"strDirtSlope": "Dirt Slope",
"strDirtSlopeRounded": "Dirt Slope Rounded",
"strDirtInnerCornerBulger": "Dirt Inner Corner Bulged",
"strDirtCubeDesc": "Does not fall under gravity. Anything connected to this will also not fall.",
"strRubberHemisphere": "Grippy Hemisphere",
"strAluminiumHemisphere": "Aluminum Hemisphere",
"strIronHemisphere": "Iron Hemisphere",
"strOiledHemisphere": "Oiled Steel Hemisphere",
"strGlassHemisphere": "Glass Hemisphere",
"strRetakeScreenshot": "RETAKE SCREENSHOT",
"strOptions": "Options",
"strSave": "Save",
"strConfirmSave": "Confirm save",
"strGameTitle": "Game title",
"strScreenshot": "Screenshot",
"strTakeScreenshot": "Take screenshot",
"strSaveGame": "Save game",
"strSaveAndQuit": "Save and quit",
"strQuitWithoutSaving": "Quit without saving",
"strMyGamesScreenTitle": "My games",
"strEdit": "Edit",
"strDelete": "Delete",
"strPublish": "Publish",
"strUnpublish": "Unpublish",
"strMyGameDetails": "My game details",
"strConfirmDeleteHeader": "Delete Confirm?",
"strConfirmDeleteBody": "Are you sure you want to delete this game?",
"strDefaultGameDescription": "< Click here to enter a description >",
"strTree_Beech_01": "Beech Tree 1",
"strTree_Beech_02": "Beech Tree 2",
"strTree_Beech_03": "Beech Tree 3",
"strRock_A_01": "Rock 1",
"strRock_B_01": "Rock 2",
"strRock_C_01": "Rock 3",
"strRock_D_01": "Rock 4",
"strTree_Birch_01": "Birch Tree 1",
"strTree_Birch_02": "Birch Tree 2",
"strTree_Birch_03": "Birch Tree 3",
"strTree_Pine_01": "Pine Tree 1",
"strTree_Pine_02": "Pine Tree 2",
"strTree_Pine_03": "Pine Tree 3",
"strTree_Beech_Desc": "A Beech tree.",
"strRock_Desc": "A rock.",
"strTree_Birch_Desc": "A Birch tree.",
"strTree_Pine_Desc": "A Pine tree.",
"strThreeWaySwitch": "Three Way Switch",
"strThreeWaySwitchDesc": "Controls connected parts between the ranges of -1 and 1.",
"strButton": "Button",
"strButtonDesc": "Controls connected parts. Is 1 when held and 0 when released.",
"strSwitch": "Switch",
"strSwitchDesc": "Controls connected parts. Toggles between 1 and 0 when clicked.",
"strDial": "Dial",
"strDialDesc": "Controls connected parts. Provides analogue control between 0 and 1.",
"strTextBlock": "Text Block",
"strTextBlockDesc": "Add text to your creations. Use Unity rich text tags to format the text.",
"strTextDecalBlock": "Text Decal Block",
"strTextDecalBlockDesc": "Add decal text to your creations. Use Unity rich text tags to format the text.",
"strDone": "Done",
"strDefaultTextBlockString": "Text Block",
"strConsoleBlock": "Command Computer",
"strConsoleBlockDesc": "Trigger console commands in your games.",
"strConsoleBlockDialogTitle": "COMMAND COMPUTER",
"strInvalidTextBlockID": "Invalid Text Block ID",
"strContinue": "Continue",
"strTextBlockIDStringPrefix": "TextBlock_",
"strPublishOptions": "Publish Options",
"strPublishDescription": "Select a category and choose Publish to share your creations with the Gamecraft community*",
"strPublishFinePrint": "*Gamecraft encourages users to collaborate and share so we can all make great games together. If you use someone else's work in your published project, please be sure to credit them in your description.",
"strConfirmUnpublishHeader": "Confirm Unpublish",
"strConfirmUnpublishBody": "Are you sure you want to unpublish? Other Players will no-longer be able to play your game.",
"strNumWorkshopGames": "Showing {0}-{1} of {2} games Crafted by the Community",
"strNumWorkshopPrefabs": "Showing {0}-{1} of {2} creations Crafted by the Community",
"strNumTutorials": "Showing {0}-{1} of {2} tutorials",
"strEmpty": "",
"strSteamNotAvailableError": "Steam is not running. Please launch Steam to proceed",
"strSteamOverlayNotAvailableError": "Steam overlay is not available. Please ensure that you run Gamecraft via Steam and that the overlay is enabled in Steam's settings",
"strThumbnailSizeError": "Game screenshot file too big. File must not exceed {0} bytes",
"strPlant_Flower_01": "Flower 1",
"strPlant_Flower_02": "Flower 2",
"strPlant_Flower_03": "Flower 3",
"strShrub_round_01": "Shrub 1",
"strShrub_round_02": "Shrub 2",
"strShrub_round_03": "Shrub 3",
"strPlant_Flower_Desc": "A flower.",
"strShrub_round_Desc": "A shrub.",
"strWorkshopAgreementPopupHeader": "Steam Workshop Agreement",
"strWorkshopAgreementPopupBody": "You must agree to Steam's terms and conditions before making your game visible to other players",
"strWorkshopAgreementBlueprintSetPopupBody": "You must agree to Steam's terms and conditions before making your blueprint set visible to other players",
"strFixNow": "Fix Now",
"strUnknown": "Unknown",
"strLimitedAccountVoteError": "Unable to cast vote. Steam prevents users with 'Limited' accounts from voting.",
"strMoreInfo": "More information",
"strDoor": "Door",
"strGlassDoor": "Glass Door",
"strPoweredDoor": "Powered Door",
"strGlassPoweredDoor": "Powered Glass Door",
"strDoorDesc": "A simple push door with a sprung hinge.",
"strGlassDoorDesc": "A glass push door with a sprung hinge.",
"strPoweredDoorDesc": "A powered door that must be linked to a controller to open and close.",
"strGlassPoweredDoorDesc": "A glass powered door that must be linked to a controller to open and close.",
"strPrefabWorkshop": "Random creations",
"strView": "View",
"strCopyToMyGames": "Copy to my games",
"strPrefabsExplained": "These creations have been uploaded by the Game Crafting community, they are not games but are still fun to view, or you can copy them to My Games and edit them. If you use them in a creation, be sure to credit the original creator.",
"strEnterSearchText": "Enter search text",
"strCreditCrafters": "Credit Crafters",
"strCreditCraftersBody": "If you use this creation in one of your published games please credit the original crafter in your description",
"strCopySuffix": "(Copy)",
"strSteamRequired": "Steam not detected. Please ensure Steam is running and logged in before continuing.",
"strWoodCube": "Wood Cube",
"strWoodCubeSliced": "Wood Cube Sliced",
"strWoodSlope": "Wood Slope",
"strWoodCorner": "Wood Corner",
"strWoodPyramidSegment": "Wood Pyramid Segment",
"strWoodConeSegment": "Wood Cone Segment",
"strWoodCubeSlicedRounded": "Wood Cube Slided Rounded",
"strWoodSlopeRounded": "Wood Slope Rounded",
"strWoodCornerRounded": "Wood Corner Rounded",
"strWoodCylinder": "Wood Cylinder",
"strWoodHemisphere": "Wood Hemisphere",
"strWoodSphere": "Wood Sphere",
"strWoodCubeDesc": "Wooden. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strBrickCube": "Brick Cube",
"strBrickCubeSliced": "Brick Cube Sliced",
"strBrickSlope": "Brick Slope",
"strBrickCorner": "Brick Corner",
"strBrickCubeDesc": "For brick walls. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Grass or Dirt).",
"strConcreteCube": "Concrete Cube",
"strConcreteCubeSliced": "Concrete Cube Sliced",
"strConcreteSlope": "Concrete Slope",
"strConcreteCorner": "Concrete Corner",
"strConcreteCubeDesc": "Concrete. Road tires grip on this really well. Falls under gravity.",
"strRestart": "Restart",
"strTabsBarSlot1": "1",
"strTabsBarSlot2": "2",
"strTabsBarSlot3": "3",
"strTabsBarSlot4": "4",
"strTabsBarSlot5": "5",
"strTabsBarSlot6": "6",
"strTabsBarSlot7": "7",
"strTabsBarSlot8": "8",
"strTabsBarSlot9": "9",
"strTabsBarSlot10": "10",
"strHotbarPageInstruction": "Ctrl + Number to switch page",
"strMovement": "Movement",
"strMoveForwards": "Move Forwards",
"strMoveBackwards": "Move Backwards",
"strMoveLeft": "Move Left",
"strMoveRight": "Move Right",
"strJumpAscend": "Jump / Ascend",
"strCrouchDescend": "Crouch / Descend",
"strRun": "Run",
"strBuilding": "Building",
"strPlaceBlockUse": "Place Object, Revert Selection",
"strDeleteBlock": "Delete Object, Clear Selection",
"strPickBlock": "Pick Object",
"strRotateBlockClockwise": "Rotate Object Clockwise",
"strRotateBlockAnticlockwise": "Rotate Object Anticlockwise",
"strScaleBlockUp": "Scale Block Up",
"strScaleBlockDown": "Scale Block Down",
"strToggleGridSnapMode": "Toggle Smart Snapping",
"strTogglePartColorMode": "Color Mode",
"strHotbar": "Hotbar",
"strHotbar1": "Hotbar Slot 1",
"strHotbar2": "Hotbar Slot 2",
"strHotbar3": "Hotbar Slot 3",
"strHotbar4": "Hotbar Slot 4",
"strHotbar5": "Hotbar Slot 5",
"strHotbar6": "Hotbar Slot 6",
"strHotbar7": "Hotbar Slot 7",
"strHotbar8": "Hotbar Slot 8",
"strHotbar9": "Hotbar Slot 9",
"strHotbar10": "Hotbar Slot 10",
"strCamera": "Camera",
"strZoomCamera": "Zoom Camera",
"strOther": "Other",
"strDebugInfo": "Debug Info",
"strMouseSensitivity": "Mouse Sensitivity",
"strMouseInvertY": "Mouse invert Y: ",
"strUniformScaleMode": "Uniform Scale Scroll",
"strToggleCommandLine": "Console",
"strOn": "On",
"strOff": "Off",
"strResetDefaults": "Reset Defaults",
"strControls": "Controls",
"strAssignAKey": "Assign Control",
"strPressKeyOrEsc": "Hit a key or mouse button to assign (or press ESC to cancel)",
"strHands": "Empty Hand Mode",
"strHotbarPage1": "Hotbar Page 1",
"strHotbarPage2": "Hotbar Page 2",
"strHotbarPage3": "Hotbar Page 3",
"strHotbarPage4": "Hotbar Page 4",
"strHotbarPage5": "Hotbar Page 5",
"strHotbarPage6": "Hotbar Page 6",
"strHotbarPage7": "Hotbar Page 7",
"strHotbarPage8": "Hotbar Page 8",
"strHotbarPage9": "Hotbar Page 9",
"strHotbarPage10": "Hotbar Page 10",
"strTestInputKey": "This is a test and should be removed {HotbarPage5}",
"strErrorLoadingSavedControls": "An error has been encountered loading saved control settings. Proceeding with defaults",
"strRoadCarTyre": "Road Car Tire",
"strOffRoadCarTyre": "Off Road Car Tire",
"strRacingCarTyre": "Racing Car Tire",
"strBicycleTyre": "Bicycle Tire",
"strFrontBikeTyre": "Front Bike Tire",
"strRearBikeTyre": "Rear Bike Tire",
"strChopperBikeTyre": "Chopper Bike Tire",
"strTractorTyre": "Tractor Tire",
"strMonsterTruckTyre": "Monster Truck Tire",
"strMotorcrossBikeTyre": "Motocross Bike Tire",
"strCartTyre": "Cart Tire",
"strRoadCarTyreDesc": "Good grip on smooth surfaces like concrete.",
"strOffRoadCarTyreDesc": "Good grip on off road surfaces like grass or dirt.",
"strRacingCarTyreDesc": "Great grip on smooth surfaces like concrete.",
"strBicycleTyreDesc": "A bicycle tire designed for road use.",
"strFrontBikeTyreDesc": "A front motorcycle tire designed for road use.",
"strRearBikeTyreDesc": "A rear motorcycle tire designed for road use. ",
"strChopperBikeTyreDesc": "A read chopper bike tire designed for road use.",
"strTractorTyreDesc": "A tractor tire, best off road.",
"strMonsterTruckTyreDesc": "A monster truck tire, great off road.",
"strMotorcrossBikeTyreDesc": "A motorcycle tire designed for off road.",
"strCartTyreDesc": "A cart Tire designed for road use.",
"strWireChannelForwardBackward": "Forward/Backward",
"strWireChannelLeftRight": "Left/Right",
"strWireChannelJump": "Jump",
"strWireChannelCrouch": "Crouch",
"strWireChannelRun": "Run",
"strWireChannelLMB": "LMB",
"strWireChannelRMB": "RMB",
"strWireChannelMouseWheel": "MouseWheel",
"strWireChannelSeat": "Seat",
"strReverse": "Reverse",
"strNormal": "Normal",
"strMinAngle": "Min angle",
"strMaxAngle": "Max angle",
"strMaxExtension": "Max extension",
"strTopSpeed": "Top speed",
"strTorque": "Torque",
"strDirection": "Direction",
"strStartValue": "Start value",
"strMovementSpeed": "Movement speed",
"strRotationSpeed": "Rotation speed",
"strForce": "Force",
"strAxisReference": "Axis reference",
"strLocal": "Local",
"strAxis": "{0}",
"strDampingStrength": "Damping strength",
"strBlueDamping": "Blue damping",
"strRedDamping": "Red damping",
"strGreenDamping": "Green damping",
"strForwardAxis_Input": "Blue axis",
"strRightAxis_Input": "Red axis",
"strUpAxis_Input": "Green axis",
"strCapFramerate": "Max Framerate: ",
"strCap50": "50",
"strCap60": "60",
"strCap120": "120",
"strCap240": "240",
"strCapUnlimited": "unlimited",
"strVSync": "VSync: ",
"strGraphicsQuality": "Graphics Quality: ",
"strQualityLevelFastest": "Fastest",
"strQualityLevelFast": "Fast",
"strQualityLevelNormal": "Normal",
"strQualityLevelHigh": "High",
"strQualityLevelHighest": "Highest",
"strMasterVolume": "Master Volume: {0}%",
"strMusicVolume": "Music Volume: {0}%",
"strSFXVolume": "Sound Effects Volume: {0}%",
"strUISoundVolume": "UI Sound Volume: {0}%",
"strWireInput_Input": "Input",
"strWireInput_Output": "Output",
"strDoor_Input": "Input",
"strWarningScreenFlicker": "Warning your screen might flicker for a few seconds, if you can see this Dialogue box please select ok, the screen will default back to the previous resolution in {0} seconds",
"strAdjustResTitle": "ADJUSTING RESOLUTION",
"strCliffCube": "Cliff Cube",
"strCliffCorner": "Cliff Sliced Corner",
"strCliffInnerCorner01": "Cliff Corner A",
"strCliffInnerCorner02": "Cliff Corner B",
"strCliffSlope01": "Cliff Slope A",
"strCliffSlope02": "Cliff Slope B",
"strCliffGrassEdge": "Grass Edge",
"strCliffGrassEdgeInner": "Grass Edge Inner Corner",
"strCliffGrassEdgeCorner": "Grass Edge Corner",
"strCliffGrassEdgeSlope": "Grass Edge Slope",
"strCliffRock": "Cliff Rock",
"strCliffCubeDesc": "A rugged rocky surface, great for mountain ranges and cliff edging. Does not fall under gravity.",
"strCliffGrassCubeDesc": "Grass edging. These work well with the cliff parts. Does not fall under gravity.",
"strSearchDefault": "Search Parts",
"strNoResults": "No Results",
"strCategoryTitleAll": "All Parts",
"strCategoryTitleCosmetic": "Cosmetic",
"strCategoryTitleLogic": "Logic",
"strCategoryTitleMachines": "Machines",
"strCategoryTitleShapes": "Shapes",
"strCategoryTitleSpecial": "Special",
"strTeamId": "TeamID",
"strPlayerIdPrefix": "P",
"strTeam": "Team {0}",
"strTooManyBlocksOfCategory": "You already have {0} {1} in this game. You cannot place more than {0} in a single game.",
"strNotAvailableInPlayMode": "Your current selection contains blocks that cannot be placed in play mode.",
"strSpawnPoints": "Spawn Points",
"strObjectID": "Object Identifier",
"strObjectIDDesc": "Used to identify specific objects in Trigger volumes.",
"strWiringLoopErrorMessage": "You cannot connect your wire to this connection point as it would form an infinite loop.",
"strObject": "Object {0}",
"strObjectId": "Object ID",
"strANDLogicBlock": "AND Logic Gate",
"strANDLogicBlockDesc": "If Input A and Input B are both 1 then the Output will be 1.",
"strNANDLogicBlock": "NAND Logic Gate",
"strNANDLogicBlockDesc": "If Input A and Input B are both 1 then the Output will be 0.",
"strNORLogicBlock": "NOR Logic Gate",
"strNORLogicBlockDesc": "If either Input A or Input B are 1 then the Output will be 0.",
"strNOTLogicBlock": "NOT Logic Gate",
"strNOTLogicBlockDesc": "If the Input is 1 the Output will be 0, and vice versa.",
"strORLogicBlock": "OR Logic Gate",
"strORLogicBlockDesc": "If either Input A or Input B are 1 then the Output will be 1.",
"strXNORLogicBlock": "XNOR Logic Gate",
"strXNORLogicBlockDesc": "If Input A and Input B are the same then the Output will be 1.",
"strXORLogicBlock": "XOR Logic Gate",
"strXORLogicBlockDesc": "If Input A and Input B are different then the Output will be 1.",
"strLogic_Input_A": "Input A",
"strLogic_Input_B": "Input B",
"strLogic_Input": "Input",
"strLogic_Output": "Output",
"strAbsoluteMathBlock": "Absolute Maths",
"strAdderMathBlock": "Adder Maths",
"strDividerMathBlock": "Divider Maths",
"strInverterMathBlock": "Sign Maths",
"strMaxMathBlock": "Max Maths",
"strMinMathBlock": "Min Maths",
"strMultiplierMathBlock": "Multiplier Maths",
"strSubtractorMathBlock": "Subtractor Maths",
"strSimpleConnector": "Simple Connector",
"strAbsoluteMathBlockDesc": "Converts negative values into positive values.",
"strAdderMathBlockDesc": "Output is Input A added to Input B.",
"strDividerMathBlockDesc": "Output is Input A divided by Input B.",
"strInverterMathBlockDesc": "Output is the same as the Input but with the sign flipped.",
"strMaxMathBlockDesc": "Output is the maximum value of Input A and B.",
"strMinMathBlockDesc": "Output is the minimum value of Input A and B.",
"strMultiplierMathBlockDesc": "Output is Input A multiplied by Input B.",
"strSubtractorMathBlockDesc": "Output is Input A minus Input B.",
"strSimpleConnectorDesc": "Output is the same as the Input. Useful for tidying up your wires.",
"strMeanMathBlock": "Mean Maths Block",
"strMeanMathBlockDesc": "Output is the Mean/Average of the two Inputs.",
"strCopySelection": "Copy to Clipboard",
"strCutSelection": "Cut to Clipboard",
"strPasteSelection": "Get last entry in Clipboard",
"strDeleteSelection": "Delete Selection",
"strSpringMaxForce": "Stiffness",
"strDampingForceMagnitude": "Damping",
"strMover": "Mover",
"strRotator": "Rotator",
"strMovementDamper": "Movement Dampener",
"strRotationDamper": "Rotation Dampener",
"strAdvancedMovementDamper": "Adv. Movement Dampener",
"strAdvancedRotationDamper": "Adv. Rotation Dampener",
"strMovementConstrainer": "Movement Constrainer",
"strRotationConstrainer": "Rotation Constrainer",
"strAdvancedMover": "Advanced Mover",
"strAdvancedRotator": "Advanced Rotator",
"strMoverDesc": "Applies a force to move an object in a single axis.",
"strRotatorDesc": "Applies a torque to rotate an object around a single axis.",
"strMovementDamperDesc": "Slows a moving object down.",
"strRotationDamperDesc": "Slows a rotating object down.",
"strMovementConstrainerDesc": "Prevents an object moving along specified local axes.",
"strRotationConstrainerDesc": "Prevents an object rotating around specified local axes.",
"strAdvancedMovementDamperDesc": "Slows a moving object by differing amounts on three independent axes.",
"strAdvancedRotationDamperDesc": "Slows a rotating object by differing amounts on three independent axes.",
"strAdvancedMoverDesc": "Applies a force to move an object in three axes.",
"strAdvancedRotatorDesc": "Applies a torque to rotate an object around a three axes.",
"strLocked": "Locked",
"strUnlocked": "Unlocked",
"strBitBlock": "Bit",
"strCounterBlock": "Counter",
"strTimerBlock": "Timer",
"strBitBlockDesc": "A simple memory block allowing you to store and modify single bit.",
"strCounterBlockDesc": "A simple counter block that can be used to trigger something when a target number is reached.",
"strTimerBlockDesc": "A simple timer block that can be used to trigger something when a period of time has passed.",
"strLogic_Input_One": "One",
"strLogic_Input_Zero": "Zero",
"strLogic_Input_Toggle": "Toggle",
"strLogic_Output_CurrentState": "Current State",
"strLogic_Input_Start": "Start",
"strLogic_Input_Stop": "Stop",
"strLogic_Input_Reset": "Reset",
"strLogic_Output_Ended": "Ended",
"strLogic_Input_Increment": "Increment",
"strLogic_Input_Decrement": "Decrement",
"strLogic_Output_TargetReached": "Target Reached",
"strLogic_Output_Progress": "Progress",
"strLogic_Output_TextOutput": "Text",
"strStartTime": "Start Time",
"strEndTime": "End Time",
"strTextOutputFormat": "Text Format",
"strTextFormatWithMS": "MM:SS.ms",
"strTextFormatWithoutMS": "MM:SS",
"strTargetNumber": "Target Number",
"strPlayer": "Player {0}",
"strPlayerId": "Player ID",
"strPlayerFilter": "Player Filter",
"strTeamFilter": "Team Filter",
"strObjectFilter": "Object Filter",
"strPlayerFilterDesc": "Filter out all channels except for a specific Player.",
"strTeamFilterDesc": "Filter out all channels except for a specific Team.",
"strObjectFilterDesc": "Filter out all channels except for a specific Object that has been ID'd.",
"strNumber2TextBlock": "Number2Text",
"strNumber2TextBlockDesc": "Converts a number input to a text output.",
"strTextBlockInputPort": "Extra Text",
"strNumberDecimals": "Number decimals",
"strMaxDigits": "Max digits",
"strCentreHud": "Centre HUD",
"strCentreHud_Desc": "Display in-your-face text in the centre of the screen.",
"strHudOnInput": "On",
"strAdditionalTextInput": "Extra Text",
"strText": "Text",
"strColor": "Color",
"strChannel": "Channel",
"strChannelTypeAny": "Any",
"strChannelTypePlayer": "Player",
"strChannelTypeTeam": "Team",
"strCompleteInput": "Complete",
"strObjectiveHud": "Objective HUD",
"strObjectiveHud_Desc": "Display objectives in the UI and mark them complete to show when they are done.",
"strGameStatsHud": "Game Stats HUD",
"strGameStatsHud_Desc": "Show game stats in the UI like Time Remaining or Scores.",
"strInfoTextInput": "Stat Text",
"strLabel": "Label",
"strOrder": "Order",
"strTextBlockID": "Text block ID",
"strLogic_Input_Input": "Input",
"strDisplayTime": "Display Time",
"strEnabled": "Enabled",
"strDisabled": "Disabled",
"strGameOverBlock": "Game Over Block",
"strGameOver_Desc": "Show game over screen in the UI.",
"strGameOverInput": "End Game",
"strGameOverHeader": "Header",
"strGameOverBody": "Body",
"strGameOverHeaderDefaultValue": "GAME OVER",
"strGameOverBodyDefaultValue": "You have no lives remaining.",
"strSoundEffect": "Sound Effect",
"strReplay": "Replay",
"strSFXBlockGameplay": "Gameplay SFX Block",
"strSFXBlock8Bit": "8Bit SFX Block",
"strSFXBlockInstruments": "Instrument SFX Block",
"strSFXBlockSciFi": "Sci Fi SFX Block",
"strSFXBlockVocal": "Vocal SFX Block",
"strSFXBlockLoops": "Loops SFX Block",
"strSFXBlockMobs": "Mob SFX Block",
"strSFXBlockGameplayDesc": "Play gameplay sound effects.",
"strSFXBlock8BitDesc": "Play retro 8Bit sound effects.",
"strSFXBlockInstrumentsDesc": "Play musical instrument sound effects.",
"strSFXBlockSciFiDesc": "Play sci fi sound effects.",
"strSFXBlockVocalDesc": "Play vocal sound effects.",
"strSFXBlockLoopsDesc": "Play looping sound effects.",
"strSFXBlockMobsDesc": "Play mob sound effects.",
"strSound_DrumKick": "Kick Drum",
"strSound_DrumSnare": "Snare Drum",
"strSound_DrumHiHatClosed": "HitHat Closed",
"strSound_DrumHiHatOpen": "HiHat Open",
"strSound_DrumTom": "Tom Drum",
"strSound_Piano": "Piano",
"strSound_AcousticGuitar": "Guitar 1",
"strSound_ElectricGuitar": "Guitar 2",
"strSound_Trumpet": "Trumpet",
"strSound_8Bit_Blip1": "Blip 1",
"strSound_8Bit_Blip2": "Blip 2",
"strSound_8Bit_Blip3": "Blip 3",
"strSound_8Bit_Blip4": "Blip 4",
"strSound_8Bit_Error_Tone": "Error Tone",
"strSound_8Bit_Explosion_1": "Explosion 1",
"strSound_8Bit_Explosion_2": "Explosion 2",
"strSound_8Bit_Gunshot": "Gunshot",
"strSound_8Bit_Heal": "Heal",
"strSound_8Bit_Jump_1": "Jump 1",
"strSound_8Bit_Jump_2": "Jump 2",
"strSound_8Bit_Laser_1": "Laser 1",
"strSound_8Bit_Laser_2": "Laser 2",
"strSound_8Bit_Negative_1": "Negative 1",
"strSound_8Bit_Negative_2": "Negative 2",
"strSound_8Bit_Powerup_1": "Powerup 1",
"strSound_8Bit_Powerup_2": "Powerup 2",
"strSound_8Bit_Powerup_3": "Powerup 3",
"strSound_8Bit_Rocket": "Rocket",
"strSound_SciFi_Beep_1": "Bleep 1",
"strSound_SciFi_Beep_2": "Bleep 2",
"strSound_SciFi_Beep_3": "Bleep 3",
"strSound_SciFi_Beep_4": "Bleep 4",
"strSound_SciFi_Beep_5": "Bleep 5",
"strSound_SciFi_Blaster": "Blaster",
"strSound_SciFi_Bubble": "Bubble",
"strSound_SciFi_Impact_Electrical": "Elec Impact",
"strSound_SciFi_Laser": "Laser",
"strSound_SciFi_Power_Down_1": "Power Dwn 1",
"strSound_SciFi_Power_Down_2": "Power Dwn 2",
"strSound_SciFi_Power_Up_1": "Power Up 1",
"strSound_SciFi_Power_Up_2": "Power Up 2",
"strSound_SciFi_Power_Up_3": "Power Up 3",
"strSound_SciFi_Power_Up_4": "Power Up 4",
"strSound_SciFi_Scan": "Scan",
"strSound_SciFi_Synth_Tone_1": "Tone 1",
"strSound_SciFi_Synth_Tone_2": "Tone 2",
"strSound_SciFi_Synth_Tone_3": "Tone 3",
"strSound_SciFi_Synth_Tone_4": "Tone 4",
"strSound_SciFi_Synth_Tone_5": "Tone 5",
"strSound_SciFi_UFO_Passby": "UFO Passby",
"strSound_Game_Alert": "Alert",
"strSound_Game_Boink": "Boink",
"strSound_Game_Bubble": "Bubble",
"strSound_Game_Chime_1": "Chime 1",
"strSound_Game_Chime_2": "Chime 2",
"strSound_Game_Chime_3": "Chime 3",
"strSound_Game_Chime_4": "Chime 4",
"strSound_Game_Chime_5": "Chime 5",
"strSound_Game_Chime_6": "Chime 6",
"strSound_Game_Chime_7": "Chime 7",
"strSound_Game_Coin": "Coin",
"strSound_Game_Jingle_Negative_1": "Negative 1",
"strSound_Game_Jingle_Negative_2": "Negative 2",
"strSound_Game_Jingle_Neutral": "Neutral",
"strSound_Game_Jingle_Positive_1": "Positive 1",
"strSound_Game_Jingle_Positive_2": "Positive 2",
"strSound_Game_Points_1": "Point 1",
"strSound_Game_Points_2": "Point 2",
"strSound_Game_Points_3": "Point 3",
"strSound_Game_Power_Up": "Power Up",
"strSound_Game_Secret": "Secret",
"strSound_Game_Success": "Success",
"strSound_Game_Tone_1": "Tone 1",
"strSound_Game_Tone_2": "Tone 2",
"strSound_Vocal_Here_We_Go": "Here we go",
"strSound_Vocal_Laugh": "Laugh",
"strSound_Vocal_LOL": "LOL",
"strSound_Vocal_Oh_My_God": "Oh my god",
"strSound_Vocal_Caution": "Caution",
"strSound_Vocal_Checkpoint": "Checkpoint",
"strSound_Vocal_Enemies": "Enemies",
"strSound_Vocal_KO": "KO",
"strSound_Vocal_Access_Denied": "Access Dend",
"strSound_Vocal_Evacuate": "Evacuate",
"strSound_Vocal_Good_Day": "Good Day",
"strSound_Vocal_Success": "Success",
"strSound_Vocal_Use_Exit": "Use Exit",
"strSound_Vocal_Warning": "Warning",
"strSound_Vocal_Welcome": "Welcome",
"strSound_Vocal_Go": "Go!",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Activating": "Activating",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Emergency": "Emergency",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Exterminate": "Exterminate",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Fire": "Fire",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_I_Love_You": "I love you",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Rebooting": "Rebooting",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Shutting_Down": "Shutting down",
"strSound_Vocal_Robot_Warning": "Warning",
"strSound_Loops_Car": "Car",
"strSound_Loops_Motorcycle_1": "Motorbike 1",
"strSound_Loops_Motorcycle_2": "Motorbike 2",
"strSound_Loops_Truck": "Truck",
"strSound_Loops_AirplaneJet": "Jet Plane",
"strSound_Loops_AirplaneProp": "Prop Plane",
"strSound_Loops_Helicopter": "Copter",
"strSound_Loops_Hovercraft": "Hovercraft",
"strSound_Loops_Rocket": "Rocket",
"strSound_Loops_MagicHum": "Magic Hum",
"strSound_Loops_DarkMagicHum": "Dark Hum",
"strSound_Loops_NeonHum": "Neon Hum",
"strSound_Loops_LargeFan": "Large Fan",
"strSound_Loops_RadioStatic": "Radio Static",
"strSound_Loops_SciFiAlarm": "Sci Fi Alarm",
"strSound_Loops_Pulse": "Pulse",
"strSound_Loops_Siren": "Siren",
"strSound_Loops_Heartbeat": "Heartbeat",
"strSound_Loops_Ticking": "Ticking",
"strSound_Loops_Rain": "Rain",
"strSound_Loops_Wind": "Wind",
"strSound_Loops_Thunder": "Thunder",
"strSound_Loops_River": "River",
"strSound_Loops_Stream": "Stream",
"strSound_Loops_Birds": "Birds",
"strSound_Loops_Crickets": "Crickets",
"strSound_Loops_Owl": "Owl",
"strSound_Loops_Lava": "Lava",
"strSound_Loops_Fire": "Fire",
"strSound_Mob_Alien_Death": "Alien KO",
"strSound_Mob_Alien_Growl": "Alien Growl",
"strSound_Mob_Alien_Hurt": "Alien Hurt",
"strSound_Mob_Animal_Death": "Animal KO",
"strSound_Mob_Animal_Grunt": "Animal Grunt",
"strSound_Mob_Animal_Hurt": "Animal Hurt",
"strSound_Mob_Demon_Death": "Demon KO",
"strSound_Mob_Demon_Growl": "Demon Growl",
"strSound_Mob_Demon_Hurt": "Demon Hurt",
"strSound_Mob_Human_Death": "Human KO",
"strSound_Mob_Human_Huh": "Human Huh",
"strSound_Mob_Human_Hurt": "Human Hurt",
"strSound_Mob_Robot_Beeps": "Robot Beeps",
"strSound_Mob_Robot_Death": "Robot KO",
"strSound_Mob_Robot_Hurt": "Robot Hurt",
"strSound_Mob_Robot_Warning": "Robot Warning",
"strSound_Mob_Witch_Cackle": "Witch Cackle",
"strSound_Mob_Witch_Death": "Witch KO",
"strSound_Mob_Witch_Hurt": "Witch Hurt",
"strSound_Mob_Zombie_Death": "Zombie KO",
"strSound_Mob_Zombie_Grunt": "Zombie Grunt",
"strSound_Mob_Zombie_Hurt": "Zombie Hurt",
"strMusicBlock": "Music Block",
"strMusicBlockDesc": "Put this in your game to customise its music.",
"strTrack": "Track",
"strSound_Music_8Bit_Dancer": "8Bit Walk",
"strSound_Music_Joyful_Pixels": "8Bit Joy",
"strSound_Music_Great_Player": "8Bit Action",
"strSound_Music_Vital_Comms": "SciFi Atmos",
"strSound_Music_Justice_Sleeps": "SciFi Energy",
"strSound_Music_Simple_Things": "Adventure",
"strSound_Music_Defiance": "Epicness",
"strSound_Music_Beauty_Stars": "Chillout",
"strSound_Music_Atomic_Heart": "Electro",
"strSound_Music_Natural_Life": "Acoustic",
"strSound_Music_Sport_Trailer": "Trailer",
"strSound_Music_Space_Edge": "Deep Space",
"strSound_Music_Kids_Safari": "Fun Safari",
"strSound_Music_Jump_On_Me": "Happy Town",
"strSound_Music_Funny_Villain": "Villain",
"strSound_Music_Return_Battle": "Epic Battle",
"strSound_Music_OriginalBGM": "Original BGM",
"strDropdownSoundEffectWin8": "win 8 bit",
"strDropdownSoundEffectLose8": "lose 8 bit",
"strDropdownSoundEffectWinVocals": "win vocals",
"strDropdownSoundEffectLoseVocals": "lose vocals",
"strDropdownSoundEffectWinApplause": "win applause",
"strDropdownSoundEffectLoseCrying": "lose crying",
"strDropdownSoundEffectWinFanfare": "win fanfare",
"strDropdownSoundEffectLoseTrombone": "lose sad",
"strDropdownSoundEffectWinFun": "win fun",
"strDropdownSoundEffectLoseFun": "lose fun",
"strDropdownSoundEffectWinSerious": "win serious",
"strDropdownSoundEffectLoseSerious": "lose serious",
"strTutorials": "Tutorials",
"strDeadOutput": "Game Over",
"strLifeLostOutput": "Life Lost",
"strLives": "Lives",
"strCanTakeDamage": "Can take Damage",
"strShowGameOverOnDeath": "Game Over Screen",
"strYes": "Yes",
"strNo": "No",
"strRespawn": "Respawn",
"strVolume": "Volume",
"strPitch": "Pitch",
"strSound": "Sound",
"str2D": "2D",
"str3D": "3D",
"str2Dor3D": "2D or 3D",
"strPingHigh": "Ping is poor: > 300ms",
"strPingVeryHigh": "Ping is very poor: > 1000ms",
"strPacketLossHigh": "Losing some network data",
"strPacketLossVeryHigh": "Losing too much network data",
"strUploadRateHigh": "Upload speed near max",
"strUploadRateVeryHigh": "Upload speed maxed out",
"strDownloadRateHigh": "Download speed near max",
"strDownloadRateVeryHigh": "Download speed maxed out",
"strCpuFpsLow": "FPS low",
"strCpuFpsVeryLow": "FPS critical",
"strGpuFpsLow": "Frame-rate getting low: Try a lower graphics quality setting",
"strGpuFpsVeryLow": "Frame-rate getting very low: Try a lower graphics quality setting",
"strFreePhysicalMemoryLow": "PC memory getting low: Try closing other applications",
"strFreePhysicalMemoryVeryLow": "PC memory maxed out: Try closing other applications",
"strToggleConfigMode": "Config Mode",
"strUse": "Use",
"strTimeRunning": "Time Running",
"strTimeStopped": "Time Stopped",
"strBlockMode": "Block Mode",
"strStartStopTime": "Start / Stop Time",
"strFireType": "Fire Type",
"strFireRate": "Fire Rate",
"strRange": "Range",
"strVelocity": "Velocity",
"strAutomatic": "Automatic",
"strSemiAutomatic": "Semi-Automatic",
"strFire_Input": "Fire",
"strFired_Output": "Fired",
"strProjectileBlock": "Photon Cannon Block",
"strProjectileBlockDesc": "Launches big balls of light energy that explode on impact.",
"strMagmaCube": "Magma Rock Cube",
"strMagmaCubeSliced": "Magma Rock Cube Sliced",
"strMagmaSlope": "Magma Rock Slope",
"strMagmaCorner": "Magma Rock Corner",
"strMagmaPyramidSegment": "Magma Rock Pyramid Segment",
"strMagmaConeSegment": "Magma Rock Cone Segment",
"strMagmaInnerCornerBulger": "Magma Rock Bulged Inner",
"strMagmaCubeSlicedRounded": "Magma Rock Sliced Rounded",
"strMagmaSlopeRounded": "Magma Rock Slope Rounded",
"strMagmaCornerRounded": "Magma Rock Corner Rounded",
"strMagmaCubeDesc": "This magma rock is solidified lava, but still very hot. Does not fall under gravity.",
"strHexNetCube": "Hex Net Cube",
"strHexNetCubeSliced": "Hex Net Cube Sliced",
"strHexNetSlope": "Hex Net Slope",
"strHexNetCorner": "Hex Net Corner",
"strHexNetPyramidSegment": "Hex Net Pyramid Segment",
"strHexNetConeSegment": "Hex Net Cone Segment",
"strHexNetInnerCornerBulger": "Hex Net Bulged Inner",
"strHexNetCubeSlicedRounded": "Hex Net Sliced Rounded",
"strHexNetSlopeRounded": "Hex Net Slope Rounded",
"strHexNetCornerRounded": "Hex Net Corner Rounded",
"strHexNetCylinder": "Hex Net Cylinder",
"strHexNetHemisphere": "Hex Net Hemisphere",
"strHexNetSphere": "Hex Net Sphere",
"strHexNetTubeCorner": "Hex Net Tube Corner",
"strHexNetCubeDesc": "A hexagonal hard-light net which is very dangerous to touch.",
"strWinATShirtTitle": "WIN A T-SHIRT",
"strWinATShirtDesc": "Every Gamecrafter that gets a game or blueprint set featured receives a free T-Shirt.",
"strHowTo": "How to...",
"strHowToWinATShirtDesc": "- First the Freejam devs must feature your game or blueprint set\n- Then the devs will invite you as a friend via Steam\n- Then you need to accept the friend invite\n- Then we will message you a voucher for RedBubble\n- This is where the Gamecraft merch store is\n- You need to be based in a location that RedBubble ships to\n- All featured games or blueprint sets get a T-shirt, so if you get 2 games or blueprint sets featured you get 2 T-shirts and you can give your spare one to your nan.",
"strBetaMessage": "This is the Beta Branch version of Gamecraft. It is a pre-released version that will likely have bugs and other issues.\n\nWe release these beta branch versions early in order to allow the community to give us feedback on the features we're adding so we can improve and fix any big issues before they go to the live branch.\n\nPlease note, the beta branch version saves games to a different folder location than the live branch. Also note, that we do not maintain the backwards compatibility of save games in the beta branch.\n\nThank you for helping with our beta program and helping to improve Gamecraft.",
"strDeleteAllWiresOnPort": "Delete all wires connected to port",
"strHideAllWiresPopups": "Close all config panels",
"strDeleteWire": "Delete wire",
"strNothing": "Nothing",
"strMovableChunks": "Movables",
"strGlobalDestructibility": "Global Destruction",
"strHealthMultiplier": "Health Multiplier",
"strCollisionDmgMultiplier": "Collision Multiplier",
"strDestructionManager": "Global Destruction Manager",
"strDestructionManagerDesc": "Manage how the destruction works in your game.",
"strChunkDestruction": "Chunk Destruction Manager",
"strChunkDestructionDesc": "Attach this block to a Chunk if you want it to be destructible.",
"strClusterDestruction": "Cluster Destruction Manager",
"strClusterDestructionDesc": "Attach this block to a Cluster if you want it to be destructible as one whole Cluster (instead of into bits).",
"strNormalizedHealthOutput": "Normalized Health",
"strDestroyedOutput": "Destroyed",
"strClusterSelfDamage": "Cluster Self DMG",
"strStartTimeNoCubesError": "You must place something in the world before starting time",
"strCollected": "Collected",
"strDespawn": "Despawn",
"strSpawn": "Spawn",
"strQuantumRiflePickup": "Quantum Rifle Pickup",
"strQuantumRifleAmmoPickup": "Q Rifle Ammo Pickup",
"strQuantumRiflePickupDesc": "Allows players to pickup the Quantum Rifle. Don't forget to add ammo pickups as well.",
"strQuantumRifleAmmoPickupDesc": "Allows players to pickup ammo for the Quantum Rifle.",
"strOutOfAmmo": "NO AMMO",
"strPlayersAreJoining": "Players are joining...",
"strAluminiumCubeSlicedFraction": "Aluminum Sliced Fraction",
"strAluminiumCubeSlicedSlope": "Aluminum Sliced Slope",
"strAluminiumDoubleCubeSliced": "Aluminum Double Sliced",
"strAluminiumOffsetCornerLeft": "Aluminum Half Pyramid Left",
"strAluminiumOffsetCornerRight": "Aluminum Half Pyramid Right",
"strAluminiumPyramidSegmentSliced": "Aluminum Pyramid Sliced",
"strAluminiumCylinderCross": "Aluminum Tube Cross",
"strAluminiumCylinderTJunction": "Aluminum Tube T",
"strAluminiumPlateSquare": "Aluminum Plate Square",
"strAluminiumPlateCircular": "Aluminum Plate Circle",
"strAluminiumPlateTriangle": "Aluminum Plate Triangle",
"strOiledCubeSlicedFraction": "Oiled Sliced Fraction",
"strOiledCubeSlicedSlope": "Oiled Sliced Slope",
"strOiledOffsetCornerLeft": "Oiled Half Pyramid Left",
"strOiledOffsetCornerRight": "Oiled Half Pyramid Right",
"strOiledPyramidSegmentSliced": "Oiled Pyramid Sliced",
"strOiledCylinderCross": "Oiled Tube Cross",
"strOiledCylinderTJunction": "Oiled Tube T",
"strGlassCubeSlicedFraction": "Glass Sliced Fraction",
"strGlassCubeSlicedSlope": "Glass Sliced Slope",
"strGlassOffsetCornerLeft": "Glass Half Pyramid Left",
"strGlassOffsetCornerRight": "Glass Half Pyramid Right",
"strGlassPyramidSegmentSliced": "Glass Pyramid Sliced",
"strGlassCylinderCross": "Glass Tube Cross",
"strGlassCylinderTJunction": "Glass Tube T",
"strRubberCubeSlicedFraction": "Grippy Sliced Fraction",
"strRubberCubeSlicedSlope": "Grippy Sliced Slope",
"strRubberOffsetCornerLeft": "Grippy Half Pyramid Left",
"strRubberOffsetCornerRight": "Grippy Half Pyramid Right",
"strRubberPyramidSegmentSliced": "Grippy Pyramid Sliced",
"strRubberCylinderCross": "Grippy Tube Cross",
"strRubberCylinderTJunction": "Grippy Tube T",
"strWoodCubeSlicedFraction": "Wood Sliced Fraction",
"strWoodCubeSlicedSlope": "Wood Sliced Slope",
"strWoodOffsetCornerLeft": "Wood Half Pyramid Left",
"strWoodOffsetCornerRight": "Wood Half Pyramid Right",
"strWoodPyramidSegmentSliced": "Wood Pyramid Sliced",
"strWoodCylinderCross": "Wood Tube Cross",
"strWoodCylinderTJunction": "Wood Tube T",
"strHexNetCubeSlicedFraction": "HexNet Sliced Fraction",
"strHexNetCubeSlicedSlope": "HexNet Sliced Slope",
"strHexNetOffsetCornerLeft": "HexNet Half Pyramid Left",
"strHexNetOffsetCornerRight": "HexNet Half Pyramid Right",
"strHexNetPyramidSegmentSliced": "HexNet Pyramid Sliced",
"strHexNetCylinderCross": "HexNet Tube Cross",
"strHexNetCylinderTJunction": "HexNet Tube T",
"strBouncyCube": "Bouncy Cube",
"strBouncyCubeSliced": "Bouncy Sliced Cube",
"strBouncySlope": "Bouncy Slope",
"strBouncyCorner": "Bouncy Corner",
"strBouncyCubeDesc": "A super bouncy rubber compound. Falls under gravity (unless connected to Dirt or Grass).",
"strOiledTuberCorner": "Oiled Tube Corner",
"strGlassTuberCorner": "Glass Tube Corner",
"strRubberTuberCorner": "Grippy Tube Corner",
"strWoodTuberCorner": "Wood Tube Corner",
"strIronCubeSlicedFraction": "Iron Sliced Fraction",
"strIronCubeSlicedSlope": "Iron Sliced Slope",
"strIronOffsetCornerLeft": "Iron Half Pyramid Left",
"strIronOffsetCornerRight": "Iron Half Pyramid Right",
"strIronPyramidSegmentSliced": "Iron Pyramid Sliced",
"strIronCylinderCross": "Iron Tube Cross",
"strIronCylinderTJunction": "Iron Tube T",
"strBallBasketBall": "Basketball",
"strBallBowlingBall": "Bowling ball",
"strBallFootball": "Soccer ball",
"strBallGolfball": "Golf ball",
"strBallHockeyPuck": "Hockey puck",
"strBallPoolBall": "Pool ball",
"strBallRubberball": "Bouncy ball",
"strBallTennisBall": "Tennis ball",
"strBallBasketBallDesc": "A basketball.",
"strBallBowlingBallDesc": "A bowling ball.",
"strBallFootballDesc": "A soccer ball.",
"strBallGolfballDesc": "A golf ball.",
"strBallHockeyPuckDesc": "A hockey puck.",
"strBallPoolBallDesc": "A pool ball.",
"strBallRubberballDesc": "A bouncy ball.",
"strBallTennisBallDesc": "A tennis ball.",
"strUnlitCube": "Unlit Cube",
"strUnlitSlope": "Unlit Slope",
"strUnlitCubeDesc": "A pure color block, like a 3D pixel",
"strUnlitGlowCube": "Unlit Glow Cube",
"strUnlitGlowSlope": "Unlit Glow Slope",
"strUnlitGlowCubeDesc": "A pure color block that glows when brightly colored, like a glowing 3D pixel.",
"strIntensity": "Intensity",
"strBrightness": "Brightness",
"strThickness": "Thickness",
"strDayTime": "Time (24 hrs)",
"strTimeOffset": "Time Offset",
"strFacingAngle": "Facing Angle",
"strConeAngle": "Cone Angle",
"strCastShadows": "Cast Shadows",
"NearRange": "Near Range",
"FarRange": "Far Range",
"strRangeMultiplier": "Range Multiplier",
"strPointLight": "Point Light",
"strPointLightDesc": "A light source in all directions. Max 8 lights in scene.",
"strSpotLight": "Spot Light",
"strSpotLightDesc": "A light source in a cone shape. Max 8 lights in scene. Shadows are performance intensive.",
"strSunLight": "Sun Light",
"strSunLightDesc": "Controls the main sun light source. Set the color to black if you want no sunlight at all.",
"strAmbientLight": "Ambient Light",
"strAmbientLightDesc": "Controls how bright the unlit parts of the game are, and the color too.",
"strFogBlock": "Fog",
"strFogBlockDesc": "Controls the fog color and thickness.",
"strInvisiblePointLight": "Invisible Point Light",
"strInvisiblePointLightDesc": "A point light source with no visible object when time is running.",
"strInvisibleSpotLight": "Invisible Spot Light",
"strInvisibleSpotLightDesc": "A spot light source with no visible object when time is running.",
"strSkyBlock": "Sky",
"strSkyBlockDesc": "Controls the sky color and the clouds.",
"strCloudDensity": "Cloud Density",
"strCloudSpeed": "Cloud Speed",
"strFog": "Fog",
"strFogDesc": "Controls the fog color and thickness.",
"strGhostPointLight": "Ghost Point Light",
"strGhostPointLightDesc": "A light source with no visible object when time is running.",
"strErrorLoadingGameOptions": "Error loading game options",
"strErrorLoadingGraphicsSettings": "Error loading graphics settings",
"strErrorSavingGraphicsSettings": "Error saving graphics settings",
"strFlyModeToggleWithDoubleJump": "Fly Mode Toggle with Double Jump: ",
"strFlyCancelWithGrounded": "Fly cancels when touching ground: ",
"strFlySpeedSlider": "Fly Speed: ",
"strFlySprintSpeedSlider": "Fly Speed Multiplier when Run Held: ",
"strNextPage": "Next Page",
"strPreviousPage": "Previous Page",
"strCreateNewSet": "Create New Set",
"strByAuthor": "By {0}",
"strDuplicate": "Duplicate",
"strLoad": "Load",
"strConfirmDeleteBlueprintSet": "Are you sure you want to delete the blueprint set \"{0}\"?",
"strBlueprintOverwriteTitle": "Confirm Overwrite",
"strBlueprintOverwriteBody": "Are you sure you want to overwrite this Blueprint?",
"strBlueprintDeleteTitle": "Confirm Delete",
"strBlueprintDeleteBody": "Are you sure you want to delete this Blueprint?",
"strBlocksTab": "Blocks ({0})",
"strBlueprintsTab": "Blueprints ({0})",
"strColourTab": "Colour ({0})",
"strLikes": "Likes",
"strDislikes": "Dislikes",
"strSubscribers": "Subscribers",
"strFavourites": "Favourites",
"strMyBlueprintSets": "My blueprint sets",
"strFeaturedSets": "Featured sets",
"strTrendingSets": "Trending sets",
"strRecentSets": "Recent sets",
"strMostPopularSets": "Most popular sets",
"strMySubscribedSets": "My subscribed sets",
"strMyFavouriteSets": "My favourite sets",
"strWorkshop": "Workshop",
"strComment": "Comment",
"strReport": "Report",
"strConfirmPublishHeader": "Confirm publish",
"strConfirmPublishBlueprintSet": "Are you sure you want to publish the blueprint set '{0}'?",
"strCommunityBlueprintSetPrefix": "[Community]",
"strConfirmUnpublishBlueprintSetBody": "Are you sure you want to unpublish '{0}'?",
"strCouldNotLoadCommunityBlueprintSet": "Could not load this community blueprint set.",
"strCouldNotUnpublishBlueprintSet": "Could not un-publish this blueprint set.",
"strCouldNotPublishBlueprintSet": "Could not publish this blueprint set.",
"strCommunitySets": "Community sets",
"strErrorCastingVote": "Error casting vote.",
"strErrorLoadingItemDetails": "Error loading item details.",
"strErrorSubscribing": "An error occurred when subscribing.",
"strErrorSettingFavouriteStatus": "Error setting favourite status.",
"strLoading": "Loading...",
"strFailedToSaveChanges": "Failed to save changes.",
"strFailedToDeleteBlueprintSet": "Failed to delete blueprint set.",
"strFailedToCreateNewBlueprintSet": "Failed to create blueprint set.",
"strNoBlueprintSetLoaded": "No blueprint set loaded",
"strSearchBlueprints": "Search Blueprints",
"strShowingXOutOfYSets": "Showing {0} out of {1} sets"