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using GCMM.Properties;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Reflection;
namespace GCMM
partial class MainForm
public GameState CheckIfPatched()
if (GetExe() == null)
status.Text = "Status: Game not found";
return GameState.NotFound;
string pnp = "Patch && Play";
if (!File.Exists(GamePath(@"\IPA.exe")))
status.Text = "Status: Patcher missing\nClicking Play will install it";
playbtn.Text = pnp;
return GameState.NoPatcher;
if (gcipa.Updatable && !(gcipa.Version == new Version(1, 0, 0, 0) && gcipa.LatestVersion == new Version(4, 0, 0, 0)))
status.Text = "Status: Patcher outdated\nClicking play will update it";
playbtn.Text = pnp;
return GameState.OldPatcher;
string nopatch = "Status: Unpatched\nClicking Play patches it";
string gc = GetExe().Replace(".exe", "");
string backups = GamePath(@"\IPA\Backups\" + gc);
if (!Directory.Exists(backups))
status.Text = nopatch;
playbtn.Text = pnp;
return GameState.Unpatched;
2020-08-18 22:32:39 +00:00
string backup = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(backups).OrderByDescending(name => Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(name)).FirstOrDefault();
if (backup == null)
status.Text = nopatch;
playbtn.Text = pnp;
return GameState.Unpatched;
if (File.GetLastWriteTime(GamePath($@"\{gc}_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll"))
> //If the file was updated at least 2 minutes after patching
|| !File.Exists(GamePath($@"\{gc}_Data\Managed\IllusionInjector.dll")))
status.Text = nopatch;
playbtn.Text = pnp;
return GameState.Unpatched;
status.Text = "Status: " + (unpatched.Checked ? "Mods disabled" : "Patched");
playbtn.Text = "Play" + (unpatched.Checked ? " unmodded" : "");
return GameState.Patched;
public async Task<bool?> PatchStartGame(string command = null)
if (!BeginWork()) return false;
foreach (ListViewItem item in modlist.SelectedItems)
item.Selected = false;
bool? retOpenedWindowShouldStay = null;
void EnsureShown(bool stay)
if (!Visible)
retOpenedWindowShouldStay = stay;
TopMost = true; //It opens in the background otherwise - should be fine since it only shows for a couple seconds
var status = CheckIfPatched();
//bool justDownloadedPatcherSoDontWarnAboutIncompatibility = false;
switch (status)
case GameState.NotFound:
MessageBox.Show("Gamecraft not found! Set the correct path in Settings.");
return retOpenedWindowShouldStay;
case GameState.NoPatcher:
case GameState.OldPatcher:
if (MessageBox.Show((status == GameState.NoPatcher
? "The patcher (GCIPA) is not found. It's necessary to load the mods."
: "There is a patcher update available!"
) + "\n\nIt will be downloaded from https://git.exmods.org/modtainers/GCIPA/releases and ran to patch the game. You can validate the game to restore the original game files or simply disable mods at any time.",
"Patcher download needed", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)
return retOpenedWindowShouldStay;
this.status.Text = "Status: Patching...";
int C = 0;
while (gcipa.DownloadURL == null && C < 20)
await Task.Delay(500); //The EnsureShown() call should download info about GCIPA
if (gcipa.DownloadURL == null)
MessageBox.Show("Could not get information about GCIPA in time. Please run GCMM manually.");
return retOpenedWindowShouldStay;
using (WebClient client = GetClient())
string url = gcipa.DownloadURL;
await client.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, "IPA.zip");
2020-08-18 22:32:39 +00:00
using (var fs = new FileStream("IPA.zip", FileMode.Open))
using (var za = new ZipArchive(fs))
za.ExtractToDirectory(Settings.Default.GamePath, true); //Overwrite files that were left from a previous install of the patcher
GetInstalledMods(); //Update patcher state, should be fine for this rare event
2020-08-18 22:32:39 +00:00
status = CheckIfPatched();
switch (status)
case GameState.NoPatcher: //Make sure it actually worked
case GameState.OldPatcher:
return retOpenedWindowShouldStay;
case GameState.Unpatched:
{ //TODO: Wine
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(GamePath(@"\IPA.exe"), GetExe() + " --nowait")
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
WorkingDirectory = Settings.Default.GamePath,
CreateNoWindow = true
var process = Process.Start(psi);
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
modinfobox.Text = "";
DataReceivedEventHandler onoutput = (sender, e) =>
Invoke((Action)(() => modinfobox.Text += e.Data + Environment.NewLine));
process.OutputDataReceived += onoutput;
process.ErrorDataReceived += onoutput;
var (handler, task) = CheckStartGame(command);
process.Exited += handler;
await task;
case GameState.Patched:
//CheckStartGame(command)(null, null);
var (handler, task) = CheckStartGame(command);
handler(null, null);
await task;
return retOpenedWindowShouldStay;
public enum GameState