using System; using Gamecraft.Wires; using GamecraftModdingAPI; using GamecraftModdingAPI.Tests; namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks { #if TEST /// <summary> /// Block test cases. Not accessible in release versions. /// </summary> [APITestClass] public static class BlockTests { [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestPlaceNew() { Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.AluminiumCube,; Assert.NotNull(newBlock.Id, "Newly placed block is missing Id. This should be populated when the block is placed.", "Newly placed block Id is not null, block successfully placed."); } [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestInitProperty() { Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.AluminiumCube, + 2); if (!Assert.CloseTo(newBlock.Position, ( + 2), $"Newly placed block at {newBlock.Position} is expected at { + 2}.", "Newly placed block position matches.")) return; //Assert.Equal(newBlock.Exists, true, "Newly placed block does not exist, possibly because Sync() skipped/missed/failed.", "Newly placed block exists, Sync() successful."); } [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestTextBlock() { TextBlock textBlock = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler Assert.Errorless(() => { textBlock = Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>(BlockIDs.TextBlock, + 1); }, "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() raised an exception: ", "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() completed without issue."); if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock, "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized TextBlock is not null.")) return; if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock.Text, "TextBlock.Text is null, possibly because it failed silently.", "TextBlock.Text is not null.")) return; if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock.TextBlockId, "TextBlock.TextBlockId is null, possibly because it failed silently.", "TextBlock.TextBlockId is not null.")) return; } [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestMotor() { Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.MotorS, + 1); Motor b = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler Assert.Errorless(() => { b = newBlock.Specialise<Motor>(); }, "Block.Specialize<Motor>() raised an exception: ", "Block.Specialize<Motor>() completed without issue."); if (!Assert.NotNull(b, "Block.Specialize<Motor>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized Motor is not null.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.Torque, 75f, $"Motor.Torque {b.Torque} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Motor.Torque close enough to default.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.TopSpeed, 30f, $"Motor.TopSpeed {b.TopSpeed} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Motor.Torque is close enough to default.")) return; if (!Assert.Equal(b.Reverse, false, $"Motor.Reverse {b.Reverse} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Motor.Reverse is default.")) return; } [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestPiston() { Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.PneumaticPiston, + 1); Piston b = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler Assert.Errorless(() => { b = newBlock.Specialise<Piston>(); }, "Block.Specialize<Piston>() raised an exception: ", "Block.Specialize<Piston>() completed without issue."); if (!Assert.NotNull(b, "Block.Specialize<Piston>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized Piston is not null.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.MaximumExtension, 1.01f, $"Piston.MaximumExtension {b.MaximumExtension} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Piston.MaximumExtension is close enough to default.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.MaximumForce, 750f, $"Piston.MaximumForce {b.MaximumForce} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Piston.MaximumForce is close enough to default.")) return; } [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestServo() { Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.ServoAxle, + 1); Servo b = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler Assert.Errorless(() => { b = newBlock.Specialise<Servo>(); }, "Block.Specialize<Servo>() raised an exception: ", "Block.Specialize<Servo>() completed without issue."); if (!Assert.NotNull(b, "Block.Specialize<Servo>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized Servo is not null.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.MaximumAngle, 180f, $"Servo.MaximumAngle {b.MaximumAngle} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Servo.MaximumAngle is close enough to default.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.MinimumAngle, -180f, $"Servo.MinimumAngle {b.MinimumAngle} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Servo.MinimumAngle is close enough to default.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.MaximumForce, 750f, $"Servo.MaximumForce {b.MaximumForce} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "Servo.MaximumForce is close enough to default.")) return; } [APITestCase(TestType.Game)] public static void TestMusicBlock1() { Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.MusicBlock, + 2); MusicBlock b = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler Assert.Errorless(() => { b = newBlock.Specialise<MusicBlock>(); }, "Block.Specialize<MusicBlock>() raised an exception: ", "Block.Specialize<MusicBlock>() completed without issue."); if (!Assert.NotNull(b, "Block.Specialize<MusicBlock>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized MusicBlock is not null.")) return; if (!Assert.CloseTo(b.Volume, 100f, $"MusicBlock.Volume {b.Volume} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "MusicBlock.Volume is close enough to default.")) return; if (!Assert.Equal(b.TrackIndex, 0, $"MusicBlock.TrackIndex {b.TrackIndex} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "MusicBlock.TrackIndex is equal to default.")) return; _musicBlock = b; } private static MusicBlock _musicBlock; [APITestCase(TestType.EditMode)] public static void TestMusicBlock2() { //Block newBlock = Block.GetLastPlacedBlock(); var b = _musicBlock; if (!Assert.NotNull(b, "Block.Specialize<MusicBlock>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized MusicBlock is not null.")) return; b.IsPlaying = true; // play sfx if (!Assert.Equal(b.IsPlaying, true, $"MusicBlock.IsPlaying {b.IsPlaying} does not equal true, possibly because it failed silently.", "MusicBlock.IsPlaying is set properly.")) return; if (!Assert.Equal(b.ChannelType, ChannelType.Character, $"MusicBlock.ChannelType {b.ChannelType} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "MusicBlock.ChannelType is equal to default.")) return; //Assert.Log(b.Track.ToString()); if (!Assert.Equal(b.Track.ToString(), new Guid("3237ff8f-f5f2-4f84-8144-496ca280f8c0").ToString(), $"MusicBlock.Track {b.Track} does not equal default value, possibly because it failed silently.", "MusicBlock.Track is equal to default.")) return; } } #endif }