498 lines
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498 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DataLoader;
using Gamecraft.Blocks.BlockGroups;
using Svelto.ECS;
using Svelto.ECS.EntityStructs;
using RobocraftX.Common;
using RobocraftX.Blocks;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using HarmonyLib;
using RobocraftX.PilotSeat;
using RobocraftX.Rendering;
using Techblox.BlockLabels;
using TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks;
using TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks.Engines;
using TechbloxModdingAPI.Tests;
using TechbloxModdingAPI.Utility;
namespace TechbloxModdingAPI
/// <summary>
/// A single (perhaps scaled) block. Properties may return default values if the block is removed and then setting them is ignored.
/// For specific block type operations, use the specialised block classes in the TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks namespace.
/// </summary>
public class Block : EcsObjectBase, IEquatable<Block>, IEquatable<EGID>
protected static readonly PlacementEngine PlacementEngine = new PlacementEngine();
protected static readonly MovementEngine MovementEngine = new MovementEngine();
protected static readonly RotationEngine RotationEngine = new RotationEngine();
protected static readonly RemovalEngine RemovalEngine = new RemovalEngine();
protected static readonly SignalEngine SignalEngine = new SignalEngine();
protected static readonly BlockEventsEngine BlockEventsEngine = new BlockEventsEngine();
protected static readonly ScalingEngine ScalingEngine = new ScalingEngine();
protected static readonly BlockCloneEngine BlockCloneEngine = new BlockCloneEngine();
protected internal static readonly BlockEngine BlockEngine = new BlockEngine();
/// <summary>
/// Place a new block at the given position. If scaled, position means the center of the block. The default block size is 0.2 in terms of position.
/// Place blocks next to each other to connect them.
/// The placed block will be a complete block with a placement grid and collision which will be saved along with the game.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="block">The block's type</param>
/// <param name="position">The block's position - default block size is 0.2</param>
/// <param name="autoWire">Whether the block should be auto-wired (if functional)</param>
/// <param name="player">The player who placed the block</param>
/// <returns>The placed block or null if failed</returns>
public static Block PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position, bool autoWire = false, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
var initializer = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, position, player, autoWire);
var egid = initializer.EGID;
var bl = New(egid);
bl.InitData = initializer;
Placed += bl.OnPlacedInit;
return bl;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the most recently placed block.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The block object or null if doesn't exist</returns>
public static Block GetLastPlacedBlock()
uint lastBlockID = (uint) AccessTools.Field(typeof(CommonExclusiveGroups), "_nextBlockEntityID").GetValue(null) - 1;
EGID? egid = BlockEngine.FindBlockEGID(lastBlockID);
return egid.HasValue ? New(egid.Value) : null;
/*public static Block CreateGhostBlock()
return BlockGroup._engine.BuildGhostChild();
/// <summary>
/// An event that fires each time a block is placed.
/// </summary>
public static event EventHandler<BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs> Placed
{ //TODO: Rename and add instance version in 3.0
add => BlockEventsEngine.Placed += value;
remove => BlockEventsEngine.Placed -= value;
/// <summary>
/// An event that fires each time a block is removed.
/// </summary>
public static event EventHandler<BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs> Removed
add => BlockEventsEngine.Removed += value;
remove => BlockEventsEngine.Removed -= value;
private static readonly Dictionary<ExclusiveBuildGroup, (Func<EGID, Block> Constructor, Type Type)> GroupToConstructor =
new Dictionary<ExclusiveBuildGroup, (Func<EGID, Block>, Type)>
{CommonExclusiveGroups.DAMPEDSPRING_BLOCK_GROUP, (id => new DampedSpring(id), typeof(DampedSpring))},
{CommonExclusiveGroups.ENGINE_BLOCK_BUILD_GROUP, (id => new Engine(id), typeof(Engine))},
{CommonExclusiveGroups.LOGIC_BLOCK_GROUP, (id => new LogicGate(id), typeof(LogicGate))},
{CommonExclusiveGroups.PISTON_BLOCK_GROUP, (id => new Piston(id), typeof(Piston))},
{CommonExclusiveGroups.SERVO_BLOCK_GROUP, (id => new Servo(id), typeof(Servo))},
{CommonExclusiveGroups.WHEELRIG_BLOCK_BUILD_GROUP, (id => new WheelRig(id), typeof(WheelRig))}
static Block()
foreach (var group in SeatGroups.SEATS_BLOCK_GROUPS) // Adds driver and passenger seats, occupied and unoccupied
GroupToConstructor.Add(group, (id => new Seat(id), typeof(Seat)));
/// <summary>
/// Returns a correctly typed instance of this block. The instances are shared for a specific block.
/// If an instance is no longer referenced a new instance is returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="egid">The EGID of the block</param>
/// <param name="signaling">Whether the block is definitely a signaling block</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static Block New(EGID egid, bool signaling = false)
if (egid == default) return null;
if (GroupToConstructor.ContainsKey(egid.groupID))
var (constructor, type) = GroupToConstructor[egid.groupID];
return GetInstance(egid, constructor, type);
return signaling
? GetInstance(egid, e => new SignalingBlock(e))
: GetInstance(egid, e => new Block(e));
public Block(EGID id) : base(id)
Type expectedType;
if (GroupToConstructor.ContainsKey(id.groupID) &&
!GetType().IsAssignableFrom(expectedType = GroupToConstructor[id.groupID].Type))
throw new BlockSpecializationException($"Incorrect block type! Expected: {expectedType} Actual: {GetType()}");
/// <summary>
/// This overload searches for the correct group the block is in.
/// It will throw an exception if the block doesn't exist.
/// Use the EGID constructor where possible or subclasses of Block as those specify the group.
/// </summary>
public Block(uint id) : this(BlockEngine.FindBlockEGID(id)
?? throw new BlockTypeException(
"Could not find the appropriate group for the block." +
" The block probably doesn't exist or hasn't been submitted."))
/// <summary>
/// Places a new block in the world.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The block's type</param>
/// <param name="position">The block's position (a block is 0.2 wide in terms of position)</param>
/// <param name="autoWire">Whether the block should be auto-wired (if functional)</param>
/// <param name="player">The player who placed the block</param>
public Block(BlockIDs type, float3 position, bool autoWire = false, Player player = null)
: base(block =>
if (!PlacementEngine.IsInGame || !GameState.IsBuildMode())
throw new BlockException("Blocks can only be placed in build mode.");
var initializer = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(type, position, player, autoWire);
block.InitData = initializer;
Placed += ((Block)block).OnPlacedInit;
return initializer.EGID;
private EGID copiedFrom;
/// <summary>
/// The block's current position or zero if the block no longer exists.
/// A block is 0.2 wide by default in terms of position.
/// </summary>
public float3 Position
get => MovementEngine.GetPosition(this);
MovementEngine.MoveBlock(this, value);
if (blockGroup != null)
blockGroup.PosAndRotCalculated = false;
/// <summary>
/// The block's current rotation in degrees or zero if the block doesn't exist.
/// </summary>
public float3 Rotation
get => RotationEngine.GetRotation(this);
RotationEngine.RotateBlock(this, value);
if (blockGroup != null)
blockGroup.PosAndRotCalculated = false;
/// <summary>
/// The block's non-uniform scale or zero if the block's invalid. Independent of the uniform scaling.
/// The default scale of 1 means 0.2 in terms of position.
/// </summary>
public float3 Scale
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ScalingEntityStruct>(this).scale;
int uscale = UniformScale;
if (value.x < 4e-5) value.x = uscale;
if (value.y < 4e-5) value.y = uscale;
if (value.z < 4e-5) value.z = uscale;
BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ScalingEntityStruct>(this).scale = value;
//BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<GridScaleStruct>(this).gridScale = value - (int3) value + 1;
if (!Exists) return; //UpdateCollision needs the block to exist
/// <summary>
/// The block's uniform scale or zero if the block's invalid. Also sets the non-uniform scale.
/// The default scale of 1 means 0.2 in terms of position.
/// </summary>
public int UniformScale
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<UniformBlockScaleEntityStruct>(this).scaleFactor;
if (value < 1) value = 1;
BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<UniformBlockScaleEntityStruct>(this).scaleFactor = value;
Scale = new float3(value, value, value);
* Whether the block is flipped.
public bool Flipped
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ScalingEntityStruct>(this).scale.x < 0;
ref var st = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ScalingEntityStruct>(this);
st.scale.x = math.abs(st.scale.x) * (value ? -1 : 1);
BlockEngine.UpdatePrefab(this, (byte) Material, value);
/// <summary>
/// The block's type (ID). Returns BlockIDs.Invalid if the block doesn't exist anymore.
/// </summary>
public BlockIDs Type
var opt = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoOptional<DBEntityStruct>(this);
return opt ? (BlockIDs) opt.Get().DBID : BlockIDs.Invalid;
/// <summary>
/// The block's color. Returns BlockColors.Default if the block no longer exists.
/// </summary>
public BlockColor Color
var opt = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoOptional<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(this);
return new BlockColor(opt ? opt.Get().indexInPalette : byte.MaxValue);
if (value.Color == BlockColors.Default)
value = new BlockColor(FullGameFields._dataDb.TryGetValue((int) Type, out CubeListData cld)
? cld.DefaultColour
: throw new BlockTypeException("Unknown block type! Could not set default color."));
ref var color = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(this);
color.indexInPalette = value.Index;
color.hasNetworkChange = true;
color.paletteColour = BlockEngine.ConvertBlockColor(color.indexInPalette); //Setting to 255 results in black
/// <summary>
/// The block's exact color. Gets reset to the palette color (Color property) after reentering the game.
/// </summary>
public float4 CustomColor
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(this).paletteColour;
ref var color = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(this);
color.paletteColour = value;
color.hasNetworkChange = true;
* The block's material.
public BlockMaterial Material
var opt = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoOptional<CubeMaterialStruct>(this);
return opt ? (BlockMaterial) opt.Get().materialId : BlockMaterial.Default;
byte val = (byte) value;
if (value == BlockMaterial.Default)
val = FullGameFields._dataDb.TryGetValue((int) Type, out CubeListData cld)
? cld.DefaultMaterialID
: throw new BlockTypeException("Unknown block type! Could not set default material.");
if (!FullGameFields._dataDb.ContainsKey<MaterialPropertiesData>(val))
throw new BlockException($"Block material {value} does not exist!");
ref var comp = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<CubeMaterialStruct>(this);
if (comp.materialId == val)
comp.materialId = val;
BlockEngine.UpdatePrefab(this, val, Flipped); //The default causes the screen to go black
/// <summary>
/// The text displayed on the block if applicable, or null.
/// Setting it is temporary to the session, it won't be saved.
/// </summary>
public string Label
var opt = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoOptional<LabelResourceIDComponent>(this);
return opt ? FullGameFields._managers.blockLabelResourceManager.GetText(opt.Get().instanceID) : null;
var opt = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoOptional<LabelResourceIDComponent>(this);
if (opt) FullGameFields._managers.blockLabelResourceManager.SetText(opt.Get().instanceID, value);
private BlockGroup blockGroup;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the block group this block is a part of. Block groups can also be placed using blueprints.
/// Returns null if not part of a group, although all blocks should have their own by default.<br />
/// Setting the group after the block has been initialized will not update everything properly,
/// so you can only set this property on blocks newly placed by your code.<br />
/// To set it for existing blocks, you can use the Copy() method and set the property on the resulting block
/// (and remove this block).
/// </summary>
public BlockGroup BlockGroup
if (blockGroup != null) return blockGroup;
var bgec = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<BlockGroupEntityComponent>(this);
return blockGroup = bgec.currentBlockGroup == -1 ? null : new BlockGroup(bgec.currentBlockGroup, this);
if (Exists)
Logging.LogWarning("Attempted to set group of existing block. This is not supported."
+ " Copy the block and set the group of the resulting block.");
if (!InitData.Valid)
BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<BlockGroupEntityComponent>(this).currentBlockGroup = (int?) value?.Id.entityID ?? -1;
blockGroup = value;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the block should be static in simulation. If set, it cannot be moved. The effect is temporary, it will not be saved with the block.
/// </summary>
public bool Static
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<BlockStaticComponent>(this).isStatic;
set => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<BlockStaticComponent>(this).isStatic = value;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the block exists. The other properties will return a default value if the block doesn't exist.
/// If the block was just placed, then this will also return false but the properties will work correctly.
/// </summary>
public bool Exists => BlockEngine.BlockExists(Id);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an array of blocks that are connected to this one. Returns an empty array if the block doesn't exist.
/// </summary>
public Block[] GetConnectedCubes() => BlockEngine.GetConnectedBlocks(Id);
/// <summary>
/// Removes this block.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the block exists and could be removed.</returns>
public bool Remove() => RemovalEngine.RemoveBlock(Id);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the rigid body of the chunk of blocks this one belongs to during simulation.
/// Can be used to apply forces or move the block around while the simulation is running.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The SimBody of the chunk or null if the block doesn't exist or not in simulation mode.</returns>
public SimBody GetSimBody()
var st = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<GridConnectionsEntityStruct>(this);
return st.machineRigidBodyId != uint.MaxValue
? new SimBody(st.machineRigidBodyId, st.clusterId)
: null;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of the block in the game with the same properties, stats and wires.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Block Copy()
var block = PlaceNew(Type, Position);
block.Rotation = Rotation;
block.Color = Color;
block.Material = Material;
block.UniformScale = UniformScale;
block.Scale = Scale;
block.copiedFrom = Id;
return block;
private void OnPlacedInit(object sender, BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs e)
{ //Member method instead of lambda to avoid constantly creating delegates
if (e.ID != Id) return;
Placed -= OnPlacedInit; //And we can reference it
InitData = default; //Remove initializer as it's no longer valid - if the block gets removed it shouldn't be used again
if (copiedFrom != default)
BlockCloneEngine.CopyBlockStats(copiedFrom, Id);
public override string ToString()
return $"{nameof(Id)}: {Id}, {nameof(Position)}: {Position}, {nameof(Type)}: {Type}, {nameof(Color)}: {Color}, {nameof(Exists)}: {Exists}";
public bool Equals(Block other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
return Id.Equals(other.Id);
public bool Equals(EGID other)
return Id.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
return Equals((Block) obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
public static void Init()
Wire.signalEngine = SignalEngine; // requires same functionality, no need to duplicate the engine
} |