using GCMM.Properties; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO.Compression; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace GCMM { partial class MainForm { public GameState CheckIfPatched() { if (GetExe() == null) { status.Text = "Status: Game not found"; return GameState.NotFound; } string pnp = "Patch && Play"; if (!File.Exists(GamePath(@"\IPA.exe"))) { status.Text = "Status: Patcher missing\nClicking Play will install it"; playbtn.Text = pnp; return GameState.NoPatcher; } string nopatch = "Status: Unpatched\nClicking Play patches it"; string gc = GetExe().Replace(".exe", ""); string backups = GamePath(@"\IPA\Backups\" + gc); if (!Directory.Exists(backups)) { status.Text = nopatch; playbtn.Text = pnp; return GameState.Unpatched; } string backup = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(backups).OrderByDescending(s => s).FirstOrDefault(); if (backup == null) { status.Text = nopatch; playbtn.Text = pnp; return GameState.Unpatched; } if (File.GetLastWriteTime(GamePath($@"\{gc}_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll")) > //If the file was updated at least 2 minutes after patching Directory.GetLastWriteTime(backup).AddMinutes(2)) { status.Text = nopatch; playbtn.Text = pnp; return GameState.Unpatched; } status.Text = "Status: " + (unpatched.Checked ? "Mods disabled" : "Patched"); playbtn.Text = "Play" + (unpatched.Checked ? " unmodded" : ""); return GameState.Patched; } public async Task PatchStartGame() { if (!BeginWork()) return; foreach (ListViewItem item in modlist.SelectedItems) item.Selected = false; var status = CheckIfPatched(); switch (status) { case GameState.NotFound: MessageBox.Show("Gamecraft not found! Set the correct path in Settings."); EndWork(false); return; case GameState.NoPatcher: { if (MessageBox.Show("The patcher (GCIPA) is not found. It's necessary to load the mods. It will be downloaded from and ran to patch the game. You can unpatch to run without mods at any time.", "Patcher download needed", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel) { EndWork(); return; } string releases = "/api/v1/repos/modtainers/GCIPA/releases"; string url; this.status.Text = "Status: Patching..."; using (WebClient client = GetClient()) { url = JArray.Parse(await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(releases)).First["assets"].First["browser_download_url"].ToString(); await client.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, ""); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("", Settings.Default.GamePath); } } break; } if (status != GameState.NotFound && status != GameState.NoPatcher) status = CheckIfPatched(); switch (status) { case GameState.NoPatcher: //Make sure it actually worked EndWork(false); return; case GameState.Unpatched: { //TODO: Wine var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(GamePath(@"\IPA.exe"), GetExe() + " --nowait") { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, WorkingDirectory = Settings.Default.GamePath, CreateNoWindow = true }; var process = Process.Start(psi); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; modinfobox.Text = ""; DataReceivedEventHandler onoutput = (sender, e) => { Invoke((Action)(() => modinfobox.Text += e.Data + Environment.NewLine)); }; process.OutputDataReceived += onoutput; process.ErrorDataReceived += onoutput; process.Exited += CheckStartGame; } break; case GameState.Patched: CheckStartGame(null, null); break; } } public enum GameState { NotFound, NoPatcher, Unpatched, Patched } } }