Removed BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS as the original got replaced with an array Added the correct group for each supported functional block Removed EntityFactory property from IEntitySerializer as it is provided on deserialization
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192 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Gamecraft.Wires;
using RobocraftX.Blocks;
using RobocraftX.Common;
using RobocraftX.GUI.Hotbar.Colours;
using RobocraftX.Physics;
using RobocraftX.Scene.Simulation;
using Svelto.DataStructures;
using Svelto.ECS;
using GamecraftModdingAPI.Engines;
using GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility;
namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// <summary>
/// Engine for executing general block actions
/// </summary>
public class BlockEngine : IApiEngine
public string Name { get; } = "GamecraftModdingAPIBlockGameEngine";
public EntitiesDB entitiesDB { set; private get; }
public bool isRemovable => false;
internal bool Synced = true;
public void Dispose()
public void Ready()
public Block[] GetConnectedBlocks(EGID blockID)
if (!BlockExists(blockID)) return new Block[0];
Stack<EGID> cubeStack = new Stack<EGID>();
FasterList<EGID> cubes = new FasterList<EGID>(10);
var coll = entitiesDB.QueryEntities<GridConnectionsEntityStruct>();
foreach (var (ecoll, _) in coll)
foreach (ref var conn in ecoll)
conn.isProcessed = false;
ConnectedCubesUtility.TreeTraversal.GetConnectedCubes(entitiesDB, blockID, cubeStack, cubes,
(in GridConnectionsEntityStruct g) => { return false; });
var ret = new Block[cubes.count];
for (int i = 0; i < cubes.count; i++)
ret[i] = new Block(cubes[i]);
return ret;
public void SetBlockColorFromPalette(ref ColourParameterEntityStruct color)
ref var paletteEntry = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PaletteEntryEntityStruct>(color.indexInPalette,
color.paletteColour = paletteEntry.Colour;
/// <summary>
/// Get a struct of a block. Can be used to set properties.
/// Returns a default value if not found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockID">The block's ID</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The struct to query</typeparam>
/// <returns>An editable reference to the struct</returns>
public ref T GetBlockInfo<T>(EGID blockID) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
if (entitiesDB.Exists<T>(blockID))
return ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<T>(blockID);
T[] structHolder = new T[1]; //Create something that can be referenced
return ref structHolder[0]; //Gets a default value automatically
/// <summary>
/// Get a struct of a block. Can be used to set properties.
/// Returns a default value if not found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockID">The block's ID</param>
/// <param name="exists">Whether the specified struct exists for the block</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The struct to query</typeparam>
/// <returns>An editable reference to the struct</returns>
public ref T GetBlockInfo<T>(EGID blockID, out bool exists) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
exists = entitiesDB.Exists<T>(blockID);
if (exists)
return ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<T>(blockID);
T[] structHolder = new T[1];
return ref structHolder[0];
public bool BlockExists(EGID id)
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
return entitiesDB.Exists<DBEntityStruct>(id);
public bool GetBlockInfoExists<T>(EGID blockID) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
return entitiesDB.Exists<T>(blockID);
public SimBody[] GetSimBodiesFromID(byte id)
var ret = new FasterList<SimBody>(4);
if (!entitiesDB.HasAny<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_OBJID_BLOCK_GROUP))
return new SimBody[0];
var oids = entitiesDB.QueryEntities<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_OBJID_BLOCK_GROUP);
var connections = entitiesDB.QueryMappedEntities<GridConnectionsEntityStruct>(CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_OBJID_BLOCK_GROUP);
foreach (ref ObjectIdEntityStruct oid in oids)
if (oid.objectId != id) continue;
var rid = connections.Entity(oid.ID.entityID).machineRigidBodyId;
foreach (var rb in ret)
if (rb.Id.entityID == rid)
goto DUPLICATE; //Multiple Object Identifiers on one rigid body
ret.Add(new SimBody(rid));
return ret.ToArray();
public ObjectIdentifier[] GetObjectIDsFromID(byte id, bool sim)
var ret = new FasterList<ObjectIdentifier>(4);
if (!entitiesDB.HasAny<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_OBJID_BLOCK_GROUP))
return new ObjectIdentifier[0];
var oids = entitiesDB.QueryEntities<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_OBJID_BLOCK_GROUP);
foreach (ref ObjectIdEntityStruct oid in oids)
if (sim ? oid.simObjectId == id : oid.objectId == id)
ret.Add(new ObjectIdentifier(oid.ID));
return ret.ToArray();
public SimBody[] GetConnectedSimBodies(uint id)
var joints = entitiesDB.QueryEntities<JointEntityStruct>(MachineSimulationGroups.JOINTS_GROUP);
var list = new FasterList<SimBody>(4);
foreach (var joint in joints)
if (joint.jointState == JointState.Broken) continue;
if (joint.connectedEntityA == id) list.Add(new SimBody(joint.connectedEntityB));
else if (joint.connectedEntityB == id) list.Add(new SimBody(joint.connectedEntityA));
return list.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Synchronize newly created entity components with entities DB.
/// This forces a partial game tick, so it may be slow.
/// This also has the potential to make Gamecraft unstable.
/// Use this sparingly.
/// </summary>
private static void Sync()
public EntitiesDB GetEntitiesDB()
return entitiesDB;
} |