Messenger/Versions/Less Closed Beta/v4.0/

194 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
partial class Networking
public static UdpClient SenderConnection = new UdpClient(); //2014.09.04. - Ezt ne társítsa egy porthoz, hogy működjön az udp hole punching
public static UdpClient ReceiverConnection = new UdpClient(); //2014.09.04. - Társítsa egy porthoz
public static byte[] DataBuffer;
public static IPEndPoint RemoteEP;
public static bool WaitingOnResponse = false; //2014.08.16.
public static byte WaitingOnPacket = 0x00; //2014.08.16. - 0x00: Nincs
public static byte[][] SendUpdate(UpdateType ut, byte[] data, bool response, IPEndPoint onlythisep = null)
if (Program.MainF != null && Program.MainF.IsHandleCreated) //IsHandleCreated: 2014.12.31.
{ //2014.11.21.
if (Program.MainF.InvokeRequired) //2014.11.21.
{ //2014.11.21.
Program.MainF.Invoke(new Action<MainForm.StatType, int>(Program.MainF.UpdateStats), //2014.11.21.
MainForm.StatType.Servers, UserInfo.IPs.Count); //2014.11.21.
Program.MainF.Invoke(new Action<MainForm.StatType, int>(Program.MainF.UpdateStats), //2014.11.21.
MainForm.StatType.OnlineServers, UserInfo.IPs.Count - UserInfo.BannedIPs.Count); //2014.11.21.
else //2014.11.21.
{ //2014.11.21.
/*Program.MainF.UpdateStats(MainForm.StatType.Servers, UserInfo.IPs.Count); //2014.11.21.
Program.MainF.UpdateStats(MainForm.StatType.OnlineServers, UserInfo.IPs.Count - UserInfo.BannedIPs.Count); //2014.11.21. - 2014.12.05. - Servers --> OnlineServers*/
MessageBox.Show("Internal error: Network call was made in the same thread as the UI. This could lead to freezes.\nNetwork update canceled.");
return null;
if (UserInfo.IPs.Count == 0
&& !UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry => entry.Address.Equals(RemoteEP.Address))
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.LoginUser
/*&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.CheckConn
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.RequestConn
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.MakeConn
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.MakeConn2*/) //2014.12.19.
return null;
//Log("Packet sending begins: there are users online and/or it is an update type that does not require that.");
byte[] senddata = CreatePacket(response, (byte)ut, data);
//Log("Packet created successfully (" + ((response) ? "" : "not ") + "response) with update type " + ut.ToString());
if (UserInfo.BanTime < Environment.TickCount - 1000 * 10) //2014.08.30. - 2014.10.09. - 10 percről 1-re csökkentve - 2014.11.22. - 1 percről 10 mp-re csökkentve
//UserInfo.BannedIPs = new List<IPEndPoint>(); //2014.08.30.
UserInfo.BannedIPs = new List<IPEndPoint>(); //2014.11.23.
if (!response)
{ //2014.08.30. - Azelőtt állítsa be, hogy elküldené a lekéréseket, hogy biztosan reagáljon a válaszra
WaitingOnResponse = true; //2014.08.16.
WaitingOnPacket = (byte)ut; //2014.08.16.
//Log("Hole punching begins.");
/*if (ut != UpdateType.CheckConn && ut != UpdateType.RequestConn)
CheckNPunchHole(); //2014.11.22.*/
//Log("Hole punching done.");
if (onlythisep == null) //2014.11.22. - != helyett ==: 2014.12.18.
//Log("Sending to every known user...");
foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs)
{ //Elküldi az összes ismert címre
if (!UserInfo.BannedIPs.Contains(item))
//SenderConnection.Send(Storage.Encrypt(senddata.ToArray(), "sendupdatestringencrypted"), senddata.Count, item);
SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, item);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
return null;
{ //2014.11.22.
//Log("Sending to single ip: " + onlythisep.Address + ":" + onlythisep.Port);
//if (UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry=>entry.IP==onlythisep) && !UserInfo.BannedIPs.Any(entry=>entry.IP==onlythisep))
//if (UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry => entry.IP == onlythisep) && !UserInfo.BannedIPs.Any(entry => entry.IP == onlythisep))
SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, onlythisep);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
return null;
if (!response)
int lasttick = Environment.TickCount;
List<byte[]> Ret = new List<byte[]>();
List<IPEndPoint> ResponsedIPs = new List<IPEndPoint>();
int count = 1;
//Log("Starting to wait on response...");
while (Environment.TickCount - 1000 * 10 < lasttick && (
(onlythisep == null) ? //2014.11.22.
ResponsedIPs.Count < UserInfo.IPs.Count - UserInfo.BannedIPs.Count :
ResponsedIPs.Count == 0 //2014.11.22.
)) //2014.09.09. - 2014.10.09. - 60 mp --> 10 mp
{ //2014.08.19. - Ret.Count == tmp.Length
if (MainForm.LThread != null) //2014.09.06.
//Log("Waiting to get response... Wait time: " + count * 2 + "seconds");
while (DataBuffer == null && Environment.TickCount - 1000 * count * 2 < lasttick) ; //Várakozik, amíg a másik thread át nem adja a választ - 2014.10.09. - 10 mp --> 2 mp
/*foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs.Except(UserInfo.BannedIPs).Except(ResponsedIPs)) //2014.09.22.
{ //Elküldi az összes ismert címre
SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, item.IP);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
return null;
if (DataBuffer == null) //2014.08.30. - Az idő telt le
//Log("No response received. Retrying...");
//UserInfo.BannedIPs = UserInfo.IPs.Except(ResponsedIPs).ToList(); //2014.08.30. - Ideiglenesen kitilt minden IP-t, ahonnan nem érkezett válasz
//UserInfo.BanTime = Environment.TickCount;
foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs.Except(UserInfo.BannedIPs).Except(ResponsedIPs)) //2014.09.22.
{ //Elküldi az összes ismert címre
SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, item);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
return null;
//Log("A response received.");
//if (UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry=>entry.IP==RemoteEP) && !UserInfo.BannedIPs.Any(entry=>entry.IP==RemoteEP))
if (!(!UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry => entry.Address.Equals(RemoteEP.Address))
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.LoginUser
/*&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.CheckConn
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.RequestConn
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.MakeConn
&& ut != Networking.UpdateType.MakeConn2*/)) //2014.12.22. - Ha az egész feltétel nem teljesül, akkor sikerült
//Log("Response is from known ip or it's not required to be that.");
foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs.Where(entry => entry == RemoteEP))
var pparts = ParsePacket(DataBuffer);
//Log("Packet parsed.");
if (pparts.KeyVersion != CurrentUser.KeyIndex && pparts.UpdateType != UpdateType.SetKey)
//Log("Key version mismatch.");
DataBuffer = null; //2014.09.22. - Mindig adja meg a lehetőséget, hogy újra beállítsa
//Log("Complete success!");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Ret.Count; i++)
if (DataBuffer.SequenceEqual(Ret[i]))
if (i == Ret.Count)
} //(2014.08.17. -->) Várja meg, amíg az összes online(!) ismerőse válaszol - Vagy letelik az egy perc
DataBuffer = null; //2014.09.22. - Mindig adja meg a lehetőséget, hogy újra beállítsa
//Log("Resetting everything.");
DataBuffer = null;
RemoteEP = null;
WaitingOnResponse = false;
WaitingOnPacket = 0x00;
//Log("Returning response if there was any.");
return Ret.ToArray();
return null;