using Khendys.Controls; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace { class TextFormat { public TextFormat() { var img = Image.FromFile("emoticons\\iconbase.png"); var bitmap = new Bitmap(img); int x = 0; Bitmap bitmap1 = bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, 0, 19, 19), bitmap.PixelFormat); x += 19; new TextFormat(":)", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-)", bitmap1); bitmap1 = bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, 0, 19, 19), bitmap.PixelFormat); x += 19; new TextFormat(":D", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-D", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":d", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-d", bitmap1); bitmap1 = bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, 0, 19, 19), bitmap.PixelFormat); x += 19; new TextFormat(";)", bitmap1); new TextFormat(";-)", bitmap1); bitmap1 = bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, 0, 19, 19), bitmap.PixelFormat); x += 19; new TextFormat(":O", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":o", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-O", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-o", bitmap1); bitmap1 = bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, 0, 19, 19), bitmap.PixelFormat); x += 19; new TextFormat(":P", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-P", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":p", bitmap1); new TextFormat(":-p", bitmap1); bitmap.Dispose(); } public TextFormat(string text, Image image) { var tmp = new ImgReplaceStrs(); tmp.Text = text; tmp.Image = image; ImgReplaceStrings.Add(tmp); } public static List ImgReplaceStrings = new List(); public static ExRichTextBox Parse(ExRichTextBox textbox) { //ExRichTextBox tmp = new ExRichTextBox(); //while (text.Length > 0) //{ //bool set = false; int j; do { j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ImgReplaceStrings.Count; i++) { //if (text.Substring(0, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length) == ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text) int index = textbox.Text.IndexOf(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text); if (index >= 0) { //Feldolgozza a hangualtjeleket //tmp.InsertImage(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Image); //textbox.Text = textbox.Text.Remove(index, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length); textbox.Select(index, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length); textbox.InsertImage(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Image); //set = true; } else j++; } } while (j != ImgReplaceStrings.Count); //if (!set) //{ //tmp.AppendText(text.Substring(0, 1)); //text = text.Remove(0, 1); //} //} //text = tmp.Rtf; return textbox; } public static ExExRichTextBox Parse(ExExRichTextBox textbox) { //ExRichTextBox tmp = new ExRichTextBox(); //while (text.Length > 0) //{ //bool set = false; //int j; //bool hasicon = false; //textbox.OriginalText = textbox.Text; int pos = textbox.SelectionStart; int len = textbox.SelectionLength; //textbox.UsedIcons.Clear(); ((ChatForm)textbox.Parent).InternalMessageChange = true; textbox.Rtf = TextFormat.removeRtfObjects(textbox.Rtf); ((ChatForm)textbox.Parent).InternalMessageChange = false; //do //{ //j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ImgReplaceStrings.Count; i++) { //for (int j = 0; j < textbox.Text.Length; j++) for (int j = 0; textbox.Text.IndexOf(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text, j + 1) != -1; j = textbox.Text.IndexOf(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text, j + 1) + 1) { //if (text.Substring(0, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length) == ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text) //int index = textbox.Text.IndexOf(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text); //int index = textbox.Text.IndexOf(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text, j); int index = textbox.Text.IndexOf(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text, j) - 1; if (index >= 0) { //Feldolgozza a hangualtjeleket //tmp.InsertImage(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Image); //textbox.Text = textbox.Text.Remove(index, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length); ((ChatForm)textbox.Parent).InternalMessageChange = true; textbox.Text = textbox.Text.Remove(index, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length); textbox.Select(index, 0); TextFormat.InsertHiddenText(textbox, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text); //textbox.Select(index, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length); textbox.Select(index + ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length, 0); //textbox.UsedIcons.Add(index, textbox.Text.Substring(index, ImgReplaceStrings[i].Text.Length)); //2014.05.17. textbox.InsertImage(ImgReplaceStrings[i].Image); //textbox.Text = textbox.Text.Remove(textbox.SelectionStart-1, 1); ((ChatForm)textbox.Parent).InternalMessageChange = false; //set = true; //hasicon = true; } } //else j++; } //} //while (j != ImgReplaceStrings.Count); //if (!set) //{ //tmp.AppendText(text.Substring(0, 1)); //text = text.Remove(0, 1); //} //} //text = tmp.Rtf; //textbox.OriginalText = textbox.Text; /*int fullpos = 0; foreach(var entry in textbox.UsedIcons) { if (fullpos > 0) fullpos--; textbox.OriginalText = textbox.OriginalText.Insert(entry.Key+fullpos, entry.Value); textbox.OriginalText = textbox.OriginalText.Remove(entry.Key + fullpos + entry.Value.Length, 1); fullpos += entry.Value.Length; }*/ textbox.Select(pos, len); return textbox; } /*public static ExRichTextBox Parse(ExExRichTextBox textbox, ChatForm chatform) { chatform.MessageText = textbox.Text; return Parse(textbox); }*/ /*internal static void CalculateIconPositions(ExExRichTextBox textbox) { foreach (var entry in textbox.UsedIcons) { if (entry.Key < textbox.SelectionStart) textbox.SelectionStart += entry.Value.Length - 1; else break; } }*/ public static ExExRichTextBox InsertHiddenText(ExExRichTextBox textbox, string text) { //textbox.Rtf = textbox.Rtf.Insert(position, @"{\rtf1\ansi{\v " + text + "}}"); textbox.SelectedRtf = @"{\rtf1\ansi{\v " + text + "}}"; return textbox; } // public static string removeRtfObjects(string rtf) { //removing {\pict or {\object groups string pattern = "\\{\\\\pict|\\{\\\\object"; Match m = Regex.Match(rtf, pattern); while (m.Success) { int count = 1; for (int i = m.Index + 2; i <= rtf.Length; i++) { //start group if (rtf[i] == '{') { count += 1; //end group } else if (rtf[i] == '}') { count -= 1; } //found end of pict/object group if (count == 0) { rtf = rtf.Remove(m.Index, i - m.Index + 1); break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } m = Regex.Match(rtf, pattern); //go again } return rtf; } public static byte[] GetBytes(string str) { byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length * sizeof(char)]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length); return bytes; } public static string GetString(byte[] bytes) { char[] chars = new char[bytes.Length / sizeof(char)]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, chars, 0, bytes.Length); return new string(chars); } } class ImgReplaceStrs { public string Text; public Image Image; } class ExExRichTextBox : ExRichTextBox { /*private string originaltext = ""; public string OriginalText { get { // for(int i=0; i UsedIcons = new Dictionary(); /*public new void InsertImage(Image _image) { int sel = SelectionStart; int len = SelectionLength; string tmp=Text.Substring(sel, len); //UsedIcons.Add(sel, tmp); base.InsertImage(_image); //OriginalText = Text; //OriginalText.Remove(sel, len); - Magától eltávolítja *foreach(var entry in UsedIcons) { OriginalText = OriginalText.Insert(entry.Key, entry.Value); }* OriginalText = OriginalText.Insert(sel, tmp); }*/ } }