using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace { partial class Networking { /*public static UdpClient SenderConnection = new UdpClient(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6); //2014.09.04. - Ezt ne társítsa egy porthoz, hogy működjön az udp hole punching - IPv6: 2015.04.03. public static UdpClient ReceiverConnection; //2014.09.04. - Társítsa egy porthoz - IPv6: 2015.04.03. - 2015.04.03. - A MainForm-nál úgyis létrehozza public static byte[] DataBuffer; public static IPEndPoint RemoteEP; public static bool WaitingOnResponse = false; //2014.08.16. public static UpdateType WaitingOnPacket = 0x00; //2014.08.16. - 0x00: Nincs; UpdateType: 2015.05.10. //public static byte[][] SendUpdate(UpdateType ut, byte[] data, bool response, IPEndPoint onlythisep = null) private static object Lock = new object(); //2015.05.10. public static PacketFormat[] SendUpdate(PacketFormat packet, IPEndPoint onlythisep = null) { if (Program.MainF != null && Program.MainF.IsHandleCreated) //IsHandleCreated: 2014.12.31. { //2014.11.21. if (Program.MainF.InvokeRequired) //2014.11.21. { //2014.11.21. Program.MainF.Invoke(new Action(Program.MainF.UpdateStats), //2014.11.21. MainForm.StatType.Servers, UserInfo.IPs.Count); //2014.11.21. Program.MainF.Invoke(new Action(Program.MainF.UpdateStats), //2014.11.21. MainForm.StatType.OnlineServers, UserInfo.IPs.Count - UserInfo.BannedIPs.Count); //2014.11.21. } else //2014.11.21. { //2014.11.21. //2014.12.31. MessageBox.Show("Internal error: Network call was made in the same thread as the UI. This could lead to freezes.\nNetwork update canceled."); return null; } } lock (Lock) { var ut = packet.PacketType; if (UserInfo.IPs.Count == 0 && !UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry => entry.Address.Equals(RemoteEP.Address)) && ut != Networking.UpdateType.LoginUser) return null; //byte[] senddata = CreatePacket(response, (byte)ut, data); byte[] senddata = packet.ToBytes(false); if (UserInfo.BanTime < Environment.TickCount - 1000 * 10) //2014.08.30. - 2014.10.09. - 10 percről 1-re csökkentve - 2014.11.22. - 1 percről 10 mp-re csökkentve UserInfo.BannedIPs = new List(); //2014.11.23. //if (!response) if (!packet.Response) { //2014.08.30. - Azelőtt állítsa be, hogy elküldené a lekéréseket, hogy biztosan reagáljon a válaszra WaitingOnResponse = true; //2014.08.16. //WaitingOnPacket = (byte)ut; //2014.08.16. WaitingOnPacket = ut; //2015.05.10. } if (onlythisep == null) //2014.11.22. - != helyett ==: 2014.12.18. { foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs) { //Elküldi az összes ismert címre try { if (!UserInfo.BannedIPs.Contains(item)) SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, item); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return null; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Network error:\n" + e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace); } } } else { //2014.11.22. try { SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, onlythisep); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return null; } } //if (!response) if (!packet.Response) { int lasttick = Environment.TickCount; List Ret = new List(); List ResponsedIPs = new List(); int count = 1; while (Environment.TickCount - 1000 * 10 < lasttick && ( (onlythisep == null) ? //2014.11.22. ResponsedIPs.Count < UserInfo.IPs.Count - UserInfo.BannedIPs.Count : ResponsedIPs.Count == 0 //2014.11.22. )) //2014.09.09. - 2014.10.09. - 60 mp --> 10 mp { //2014.08.19. - Ret.Count == tmp.Length if (MainForm.LThread != null) //2014.09.06. { while (DataBuffer == null && Environment.TickCount - 1000 * count * 2 < lasttick) ; //Várakozik, amíg a másik thread át nem adja a választ - 2014.10.09. - 10 mp --> 2 mp } if (DataBuffer == null) //2014.08.30. - Az idő telt le { Console.WriteLine("Didn't get a response in time. Retrying..."); foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs.Except(UserInfo.BannedIPs).Except(ResponsedIPs)) //2014.09.22. { //Elküldi az összes ismert címre try { SenderConnection.Send(senddata, senddata.Length, item); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return null; } } count++; continue; } if (!(!UserInfo.IPs.Any(entry => entry.Address.Equals(RemoteEP.Address)) && ut != Networking.UpdateType.LoginUser)) { foreach (var item in UserInfo.IPs.Where(entry => entry == RemoteEP)) ResponsedIPs.Add(item); Debug.WriteLine("Received response. (" + packet.PacketType + ")"); //var pparts = ParsePacket(DataBuffer); var rpacket = PacketFormat.FromBytes(DataBuffer); //if (pparts.KeyVersion != CurrentUser.KeyIndex && pparts.UpdateType != UpdateType.SetKey) if (rpacket.KeyIndex != CurrentUser.KeyIndex && rpacket.PacketType != UpdateType.SetKey) { DataBuffer = null; //2014.09.22. - Mindig adja meg a lehetőséget, hogy újra beállítsa continue; } int i; for (i = 0; i < Ret.Count; i++) { if (DataBuffer.SequenceEqual(Ret[i])) break; } if (i == Ret.Count) Ret.Add(DataBuffer); } //(2014.08.17. -->) Várja meg, amíg az összes online(!) ismerőse válaszol - Vagy letelik az egy perc DataBuffer = null; //2014.09.22. - Mindig adja meg a lehetőséget, hogy újra beállítsa } DataBuffer = null; RemoteEP = null; WaitingOnResponse = false; WaitingOnPacket = 0x00; return Ret.Select(entry => PacketFormat.FromBytes(entry)).ToArray(); } return null; } }*/ } }