const szak = document.getElementById("szak"); const lk = document.getElementById("leckekonyv"); promiseOnLoad = async loadable => new Promise(((resolve, reject) => (loadable.onload = ev => resolve(ev)) && (loadable.onerror = ev => reject(ev)))); parseExcel = async function (file) { try { const reader = new FileReader(); const evpr = promiseOnLoad(reader); reader.readAsBinaryString(file); const ev = await evpr; const data =; const workbook =, { type: 'binary' }); workbook.SheetNames.forEach(function (sheetName) { const rows = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(workbook.Sheets[sheetName]); for (const row of rows) { let id = row["Tárgykód"].replaceAll(/[‑-]\d{5}/g, "").replaceAll(/‑/g, "-"); id = row["Tárgy címe, előadó neve"].indexOf("tehetséggondozó") !== -1 ? id + "-TG" : id; const subject = subjects[id]; if (!subject) { console.warn("Subject not found: " + id + " " + row["Tárgy címe, előadó neve"]); continue; } let grade = /\((\d)\)(?!.*\(\d\))/.exec(row["Jegyek"]); if (grade == null) continue; subject.grade = +grade[1]; = +row["Kr."]; grades[id] = subject; } const specsSpan = document.getElementById("specs"); const total = {}; for (const sub of Object.values(grades)) { for (const category of sub.categories) { if (sub.grade <= 1) continue; if (total[] === undefined) total[] =; else total[] +=; } } specsSpan.innerHTML = ""; for (const tk of Object.keys(total)) { const cat = tryGetCat(tk); specsSpan.innerHTML += + ": " + total[tk] + "/" + cat.neededCredit + "
"; } }); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); } } lk.onchange = async () => await parseExcel(lk.files[0]); szak.onchange = async () => { if (szak.value === "nope") return; let response = await fetch(document.URL.substr(0, document.URL.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/data/' + szak.value + "_bsc.csv"); let data = await response.text(); let obj = Papa.parse(data); const szakError = document.getElementById("szakError"); szakError.innerText = ""; if (obj.errors.length > 0) { for (const error of obj.errors) szakError.innerHTML += error.type + " - " + error.code + ": " + error.message + "
"; return; } console.log(; let cat; for (let i = 2; i <; i++) { //2: Skip header const sdata =[i]; if (sdata.length < 10) continue; if (sdata[5].length === 0) { //Course type, only present at leaf nodes let tempcat = tryGetCat(sdata[1]); if (tempcat !== undefined) { cat = tempcat; if (cat.spec && cat.spec !== kotSpec && cat.spec !== kotvalSpec) cat.neededCredit = +sdata[9]; } if (sdata[2].indexOf("specializáció") === -1) continue; const spec = new Specialization(sdata[1], sdata[2], new SubjectCategory(sdata[1] + "‑MATSZT", sdata[2] + " matekos tárgyak", 0), new SubjectCategory(sdata[1] + "‑INF", sdata[2] + " infós tárgyak"), 0); specs.push(spec); continue; } if (cat === undefined) { console.warn("No category found!"); continue; } let id = sdata[1].replaceAll(/[‑-]\d{5}/g, "").replaceAll(/‑/g, "-"); id = sdata[2].indexOf("tehetséggondozó") !== -1 ? id + "-TG" : id; if (!subjects[id]) subjects[id] = new SubjectData(id, sdata[2], sdata[8], [cat]); else { subjects[id].categories.push(cat); /*if (subjects[id].credit !== sdata[8]) - Több különböző kredit-eloszlású verzió is lehet egy tárgyból console.warn("Credit amount differs for " + sdata[2] + ": " + subjects[id].credit + " " + sdata[8]);*/ } } for (const spec of specs) { const count = Object.values(subjects).reduce((pv, cv) => cv.categories.reduce((pcv, ccv) => pcv || ccv.spec === spec, false) ? pv + 1 : pv, 0); console.log( + ": " + count); } const count = Object.values(subjects).reduce((pv, cv) => cv.categories.reduce((pcv, ccv) => pcv || ccv.spec === null, false) ? pv + 1 : pv, 0); console.log("Egyéb tárgyak: " + count); }; function tryGetCat(categoryID) { const spec = specs.find(spec => === categoryID || === categoryID) return (spec && ( === categoryID ? spec.matcat : spec.infcat)) || [ kotvalEgyebCat, szakdogaCat, szakmaiCat, szabvalCat ].find(cat => === categoryID); } let subjects = {}; let specs = [ kotSpec, kotvalSpec ]; let grades = {}; (async () => { await szak.onchange(undefined); await lk.onchange(undefined); } )();