using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; // Class for following the player with the camera public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour { // Camera speed public float speed = 0.05f; // GameObject to be followed. public Transform target; // Our own transform private Transform tr; // Center position of the target relative to the camera. public Vector3 offset; // Store initial values void Start() { tr = transform; offset = target.position - tr.position; } // Update positions void FixedUpdate () { if (!target) return; // Get where the camera should be, and what movement is required. var position = tr.position; Vector3 anchorPos = position + offset; Vector3 movement = target.position - anchorPos; // Update position based on movement and speed. Vector3 newCamPos = position + movement*speed; position = newCamPos; tr.position = position; } }