using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Pathfinding; [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody2D))] [RequireComponent(typeof(Seeker))] public class EnemyAI : MonoBehaviour { // What to chase? private Transform _target; // How many times each second we will update our path public float updateRate = 2f; // Caching private Seeker _seeker; private Rigidbody2D _rb; //The calculated path private Path _path; //The AI's speed per second public float speed = 30f; public ForceMode2D fMode; [HideInInspector] public bool pathIsEnded; // The max distance from the AI to a waypoint for it to continue to the next waypoint public float nextWaypointDistance = 2; // The waypoint we are currently moving towards private int _currentWaypoint; private EnemyController _controller; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _seeker = GetComponent(); _rb = GetComponent(); _controller = GetComponent(); _target =; if (_target == null) { Debug.LogError("No Player found? PANIC!"); return; } // Start a new path to the target position, return the result to the OnPathComplete method _seeker.StartPath(transform.position, _target.position, OnPathComplete); StartCoroutine(UpdatePath()); } IEnumerator UpdatePath() { // Start a new path to the target position, return the result to the OnPathComplete method _seeker.StartPath(transform.position, _target.position, OnPathComplete); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f / updateRate); if (_controller.IsAlive()) StartCoroutine(UpdatePath()); } public void OnPathComplete(Path p) { Debug.Log("We got a path. Did it have an error? " + p.error); if (!p.error) { _path = p; _currentWaypoint = 0; } } void FixedUpdate() { if (_path == null) return; if (!_controller.IsAlive()) return; if (_currentWaypoint >= _path.vectorPath.Count) { if (pathIsEnded) return; Debug.Log("End of path reached."); pathIsEnded = true; return; } pathIsEnded = false; //Direction to the next waypoint Vector3 dir = (_path.vectorPath[_currentWaypoint] - transform.position).normalized; dir *= speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime; //if(Vector3.Distance (transform.position, _target.position) < 10) //{ //Move the AI //_rb.AddForce(dir, fMode); _rb.velocity = dir; //} if (_path.vectorPath[_currentWaypoint].y - transform.position.y > 1) _rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0, 10f)); float dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _path.vectorPath[_currentWaypoint]); if (dist < nextWaypointDistance) { _currentWaypoint++; } } }