Fixed updates stopping, but not the cursor
NotifyUpdate handling is in a separate thread to avoid slowing the machine and it will only perform one update at a time that reflects the current state
Only getting map fields once to speed things up
Rendering black screen on first render, which also helps initialize Aparapi
Disabling event handlers on stop (can't unregister)
Removed and moved unlockMachine() calls from event handlers
Detecting failed machine start
Added note about sudo
- Unlocking machine on power off
- Removed change debug messages
- Fixed missing break in command handling
- Added timing (updates seem to be 1ms max, changes 66ms)
-- Screen rendering for the first time takes long, as expected
- Handling errors such as powering off while getting bitmap
- Added support for any case key names
- Fixed typo for 'period' key
- Fixed state event (probably)
And also checking if there's already a running machine
And if the given machine is not found
Removed screen updating every 5 seconds, now it only checks if the machine is turned off
Always reassigning the machine
Removed previous DirectRenderer
Fixed map ID for renderers
Moved everything related to the kernel to a new class in hopes of fixing the array being 0 length (apparently it was lambdas)
Storing a reference of the pixels and converted colors at each renderer
Implemented matchColor in a CL-compatible way
Added and removed pixel array length check - it kept overindexing at first, but that got fixed eventually and the check crashed Aparapi in GPU mode
Work of today
Successfully rendered to the map via the GPU (well not really, it falls back to an alternative algorithm)
Dropping the PXCLib - finally realized that the GPU speed massively increases after the first pass
Cleanup: Removed the VBoxJava source code
Update: Updated to VirtualBox 6.0
Fix: Added correct class file to put in the API on updates and (probably) fixed the keyboard