
I'm a programmer from Hungary. My aim is to self-host all of my socials.

And self-host yours too! Yay!

The pitch

An independently owned collection of social media, ran by artists, connected to the rest of the world.

A loose collaboration with cross-promotion.


There are a lot of interconnected social apps, like Mastodon, Threads (anytime now), PeerTube, Pixelfed etc. Contrary to the 'big' social media sites like YouTube, Discord, Twitter, you are not locked in to any one of these. There are no ads, no obscure feed algorithms, no AI using your data.

I truly believe that this will be the future of social media because everything works well with each other, no lock-in.


Of course, one of the main reasons everyone is stuck with the big ones is because everyone else uses those.

There are currently around 900 000 active users on the (Twitter-like) Mastodon network. Can't promise all those people to follow you of course, but I think there's some potential here. In my experience people are a lot more engaged too (myself included) and more interesting discussions take place.

My not so secret intention is also to get your community to join as well.

I should probably note that there have been instances of people being driven out of Mastodon. The thing is, it's all a big network. There will be all kinds of people. You can't control the entire internet.

What you can control however, is what reaches you. And as the owner of the platform there is a lot you can do.

I ended up following a lot of members of the LGBTQ+ community for example. And lots of techy people of course.