[Unit] ### see man systemd.unit Description=Prosody XMPP Server After=network.target remote-fs.target postgresql.service mariadb.service mysql.service Documentation=https://prosody.im/doc [Service] ### See man systemd.service ### # With this configuration, systemd takes care of daemonization # so Prosody should be configured with daemonize = false Type=simple # Not sure if this is needed for 'simple' RuntimeDirectory=prosody PIDFile=/run/__APP__/__APP__.pid # Start by executing the main executable ExecStart=/usr/bin/__APP__ ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID # Restart on crashes Restart=on-abnormal # Set O_NONBLOCK flag on sockets passed via socket activation NonBlocking=true ### See man systemd.exec ### WorkingDirectory=__DATA_DIR__ User=__APP__ Group=__APP__ # Nice=0 # Set stdin to /dev/null since Prosody does not need it StandardInput=null # Direct stdout/-err to journald for use with log = "*stdout" StandardOutput=journal StandardError=inherit # This usually defaults to 4k or so # LimitNOFILE=1M ## Interesting protection methods # Finding a useful combo of these settings would be nice # # Needs read access to /etc/prosody for config # Needs write access to /var/lib/prosody for storing data (for internal storage) # Needs write access to /var/log/prosody for writing logs (depending on config) # Needs read access to code and libraries loaded # ReadWriteDirectories=/var/lib/prosody /var/log/prosody # InaccessibleDirectories=/boot /home /media /mnt /root /srv # ReadOnlyDirectories=/usr /etc/prosody # PrivateTmp=true # PrivateDevices=true # PrivateNetwork=false # ProtectSystem=full # ProtectHome=true # ProtectKernelTunables=true # ProtectControlGroups=true # SystemCallFilter= # This should break LuaJIT # MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target