• v1.0.0 491b5e4ee9

    NorbiPeti released this 2020-10-30 22:50:08 +00:00 | 44 commits to master since this release

    This is the first official release of the plugin.

    Changes since the last pre-release:


    • Added support for 1.16
    • Added config option for using vanilla commands on Discord
    • Added config option for game role color
    • Added a hacky way of making Bukkit.getPlayer() return our fake players so the mcchat command works with some plugins
      • Requires a JDK and (when running as root) self-attach enabled
      • Disabled by default
    • Added custom /list command for the public chat to not reveal (Essentials) vanished players
    • Detecting the server restart message to display on Discord
    • Made the GeneralEventBroadcasterModule and GameRoleModule disabled by default


    • Fixed vanilla commands on all supported versions (1.12, 1.14-1.16)
    • Fixed the Minecraft role bug (#95)
    • Updated Discord4J
    • Fixed LuckPerms support
    • Fixed advancement broadcasting on 1.16 (6b60135, #128)
    • Fixed /mcchat always being detected regardless of the configured prefix
    • Fixed occasional ConcurrentModificationExceptions for the Minecraft chat (#62)
    • Fixed vanished players showing up on Discord (#120)
    • Fixed /discord restart only working on Paper servers on 1.14 and above (#103)
    • Waiting for shutdown messages to send before shuttting down
    • Fixed the plugin crashing if it was disabled before it could fully enable (as most of the enable code is async) (#130)
    • Fixed Discord commands not working in some cases (#98)
    • Fixed Discord commands staying after their component is disabled
    • Other fixes and improvements