Towny update & use script for restart

This commit is contained in:
Chromachine 2020-07-25 16:44:07 +00:00
parent 1851424986
commit a6a0700b6d
6 changed files with 157 additions and 77 deletions

View file

@ -1,51 +1,4 @@
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: world
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: worldhub
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: HARD
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: -32270.5
y: 67.0
z: -8198.5
pitch: 20.6998
yaw: -1.3500259
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '1923020019'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
@ -93,6 +46,53 @@ worlds:
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: world
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: worldhub
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: HARD
==: MVSpawnSettings
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
==: MVEntryFee
amount: '0.0'
hunger: 'true'
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: -32270.5
y: 67.0
z: -8198.5
pitch: 20.6998
yaw: -1.3500259
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '1923020019'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ worlds:
generator: PlotSquared
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: flatworld
alias: worldhub
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'true'
allowWeather: 'false'
difficulty: HARD
==: MVSpawnSettings
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ worlds:
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'true'
spawn: 'false'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
@ -217,20 +217,20 @@ worlds:
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: -256.0
x: 162.5
y: 4.0
z: -96.0
z: -95.5
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '4622440486943241231'
seed: '-5692829584426207714'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
@ -281,16 +281,16 @@ worlds:
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'
==: MVWorld
hidden: 'false'
alias: worldhub
alias: flatworld
color: WHITE
style: NORMAL
pvp: 'true'
scale: '1.0'
respawnWorld: ''
allowWeather: 'false'
allowWeather: 'true'
difficulty: HARD
==: MVSpawnSettings
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ worlds:
exceptions: []
==: MVSpawnSubSettings
spawn: 'false'
spawn: 'true'
spawnrate: '-1'
exceptions: []
@ -311,20 +311,20 @@ worlds:
autoHeal: 'true'
adjustSpawn: 'true'
portalForm: ALL
gameMode: SURVIVAL
keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
==: MVSpawnLocation
x: 162.5
x: -256.0
y: 4.0
z: -95.5
z: -96.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
autoLoad: 'true'
bedRespawn: 'true'
worldBlacklist: []
environment: NORMAL
seed: '-5692829584426207714'
seed: '4622440486943241231'
generator: 'null'
playerLimit: '-1'
allowFlight: 'true'

Server/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
sudo screen -dmS v5
sudo screen -dmS v4
sudo screen -dmS dev
sudo screen -dmS bungee
# Too lazy to make a loop in bash
sudo screen -S v5 -p 0 -X multiuser on
sudo screen -S v5 -p 0 -X acladd norbipeti
sudo screen -S v5 -p 0 -X acladd ghostise
sudo screen -S v5 -p 0 -X acladd iie
sudo screen -S v5 -p 0 -X acladd gryph667
sudo screen -S v5 -p 0 -X stuff "cd /minecraft/v5^M"
sudo screen -S v4 -p 0 -X multiuser on
sudo screen -S v4 -p 0 -X acladd norbipeti
sudo screen -S v4 -p 0 -X acladd ghostise
sudo screen -S v4 -p 0 -X acladd iie
sudo screen -S v4 -p 0 -X acladd gryph667
sudo screen -S v4 -p 0 -X stuff "cd /minecraft/v4^M"
sudo screen -S dev -p 0 -X multiuser on
sudo screen -S dev -p 0 -X acladd norbipeti
sudo screen -S dev -p 0 -X acladd ghostise
sudo screen -S dev -p 0 -X acladd iie
sudo screen -S dev -p 0 -X acladd gryph667
sudo screen -S dev -p 0 -X stuff "cd /minecraft/dev^M"
sudo screen -S bungee -p 0 -X multiuser on
sudo screen -S bungee -p 0 -X acladd norbipeti
sudo screen -S bungee -p 0 -X acladd ghostise
sudo screen -S bungee -p 0 -X acladd iie
sudo screen -S bungee -p 0 -X acladd gryph667
sudo screen -S bungee -p 0 -X stuff "cd /minecraft/bungee^M"

Server/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
while true; do
echo "-- Starting server (paper.jar)"
java -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=80 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=10 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=50 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -Xms2G -Xmx5G -jar paper.jar
if [ -f "/tmp/RestartMCServerv5" ]; then
rm /tmp/RestartMCServerv5
echo -- Restarting server
echo -- Stopping server

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Minecraft server properties
#Fri Jul 24 12:02:17 UTC 2020
#Sat Jul 25 12:01:28 UTC 2020
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ spawn-animals=true
motd=Chromacraft v5
motd=Chromacraft v5

Server/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
echo This script is used to signal a restart, use ./
touch /tmp/RestartMCServerv5

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# This is the current version of Towny. Please do not edit.
# This is for showing the changelog on updates. Please do not edit.
# The language file you wish to use
language: english.yml
@ -224,11 +224,17 @@ town:
# Maximum number of towns allowed on the server.
town_limit: '3000'
# If true, the below settings: min_plot_distance_from_town_plot and min_distance_from_town_homeblock
# will be ignored for towns that are in the same nation. Setting to false will keep all towns separated the same.
min_distances_ignored_for_towns_in_same_nation: 'true'
# Minimum number of plots any towns plot must be from the next town's own plots.
# Does not affect towns which are in the same nation.
# This will prevent town encasement to a certain degree.
min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '4'
# Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town.
# Does not affect towns which are in the same nation.
# This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep
min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '20'
@ -392,8 +398,14 @@ global_town_settings:
is_nation_ally_spawning_requiring_public_status: 'true'
# If non zero it delays any spawn request by x seconds.
teleport_warmup_time: '60'
# When set to true, if players are currently in a spawn warmup, moving will cancel their spawn.
movement_cancels_spawn_warmup: 'false'
# When set to true, if players are damaged in any way while in a spawn warmup, their spawning will be cancelled.
damage_cancels_spawn_warmup: 'false'
# Number of seconds that must pass before a player can use /t spawn or /res spawn.
spawn_cooldown_time: '30'
# Decides whether confirmations should appear if you spawn to an area with an associated cost.
spawn_warnings: 'true'
# Number of seconds that must pass before pvp can be toggled by a town.
# Applies to residents of the town using /res toggle pvp, as well as
# plots having their PVP toggled using /plot toggle pvp.
@ -408,6 +420,10 @@ global_town_settings:
# Enables the [~Home] message.
# If false it will make it harder for enemies to find the home block during a war
show_town_notifications: 'true'
# When set above zero this is the largest number of residents a town can support before they join/create a nation.
# Do not set this value to an amount less than the required_number_residents_join_nation below.
# Do not set this value to an amount less than the required_number_residents_create_nation below.
maximum_number_residents_without_nation: '0'
# The required number of residents in a town to join a nation
# If the number is 0, towns will not require a certain amount of residents to join a nation
required_number_residents_join_nation: '0'
@ -433,6 +449,7 @@ global_town_settings:
# When active this feature can cause a bit of lag when the /t toggle pvp command is used, depending on how many players are online.
outsiders_prevent_pvp_toggle: 'false'
# If set to true, when a world has forcepvp set to true, homeblocks of towns will not be affected and have PVP set to off.
# Does not have any effect when Event War is active.
homeblocks_prevent_forcepvp: 'false'
# The amount of residents a town needs to claim an outpost,
# Setting this value to 0, means a town can claim outposts no matter how many residents
@ -511,6 +528,9 @@ global_nation_settings:
public: 'false'
# If set to true, any newly made nation will have open status and any town may join without an invite.
open: 'false'
# This setting determines the list of allowed nation map colors.
# The color codes are in hex format.
allowed_map_colors: aqua:00ffff, azure:f0ffff, beige:f5f5dc, black:000000, blue:0000ff, brown:a52a2a, cyan:00ffff, darkblue:00008b, darkcyan:008b8b, darkgrey:a9a9a9, darkgreen:006400, darkkhaki:bdb76b, darkmagenta:8b008b, darkolivegreen:556b2f, darkorange:ff8c00, darkorchid:9932cc, darkred:8b0000, darksalmon:e9967a, darkviolet:9400d3, fuchsia:ff00ff, gold:ffd700, green:008000, indigo:4b0082, khaki:f0e68c, lightblue:add8e6, lightcyan:e0ffff, lightgreen:90ee90, lightgrey:d3d3d3, lightpink:ffb6c1, lightyellow:ffffe0, lime:00ff00, magenta:ff00ff, maroon:800000, navy:000080, olive:808000, orange:ffa500, pink:ffc0cb, purple:800080, violet:800080, red:ff0000, silver:c0c0c0, white:ffffff, yellow:ffff00
@ -565,6 +585,8 @@ plugin:
# The time each "day", when taxes will be collected.
# MUST be less than day_interval. Default is 12h (midday).
new_day_time: 12h
# Whether towns with no claimed townblocks should be deleted when the new day is run.
delete_0_plot_towns: 'false'
# Lots of messages to tell you what's going on in the server with time taken for events.
debug_mode: 'false'
@ -640,12 +662,12 @@ protection:
# 368 - ender pearl
# 374 - glass bottle
# 385 - fire charge
# Items which can be blocked or enabled via town/plot flags
# 25 - noteblock
# 54 - chest ...etc
# permitted entities
# Animals, Chicken, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Flying, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig,
@ -939,13 +961,13 @@ economy:
nation_rename_cost: '0'
# Cost to use /town spawn
# Cost to use /town spawn.
price_town_spawn_travel: '0.0'
# Cost to use '/town spawn [town]' to another town in your nation.
price_town_nation_spawn_travel: '5.0'
# Cost to use '/town spawn [town]' to another town in a nation that is allied with your nation.
price_town_ally_spawn_travel: '10.0'
# Cost to use /town spawn [town]
# Maximum cost to use /town spawn [town] that mayors can set using /t set spawncost.
# This is paid to the town you goto.
price_town_public_spawn_travel: '10.0'
# When set to true, any cost paid by a player to use any variant of '/town spawn' will be paid to the town bank.
@ -1020,10 +1042,16 @@ economy:
# if a resident can't pay his town tax then he is kicked from the town.
# if a town or nation fails to pay it's upkeep it is deleted.
enabled: 'true'
# Maximum tax amount allowed when using flat taxes
max_tax_amount: '1000.0'
# maximum tax percentage allowed when taxing by percentages
max_tax_percent: '25'
# Maximum tax amount allowed for townblocks sold to players.
max_plot_tax_amount: '1000.0'
# Maximum tax amount allowed for towns when using flat taxes.
max_town_tax_amount: '1000.0'
# Maximum tax amount allowed for nations when using flat taxes.
max_nation_tax_amount: '1000.0'
# Maximum tax percentage allowed when taxing by percentages for towns.
max_town_tax_percent: '25'
# The maximum amount of money that can be taken from a balance when using a percent tax, this is the default for all new towns.
max_town_tax_percent_amount: '10000'
# The server's daily charge on each nation. If a nation fails to pay this upkeep
# all of it's member town are kicked and the Nation is removed.
price_nation_upkeep: '250.0'
@ -1181,6 +1209,7 @@ war:
firework_on_attacked: 'true'
# If true and the monarch/king dies the nation is removed from the war.
# Also removes a town from the war event when the mayor dies.
remove_on_monarch_death: 'false'
# If enabled players will be able to break/place any blocks in enemy plots during a war.
# This setting SHOULD NOT BE USED unless you want the most chaotic war possible.